
mutilated body of the Heavenly Sting Demon Beast emitted a burst of emerald green light, and then its body gradually decomposed into thousands of Spirit Devouring Beasts.

They fall into the group of spiritual masters from top to bottom like a flood!

In the end, only a few arms holding the head of resentment remained.... The only remaining eyeball glowed mysteriously red.

Elder Wang narrowed his eyes, "You guys retreat quickly!" "Through the fight just now, Elder Wang has already sensed that the level of the Heavenly Demon Beast is much lower than his own thunder dragon, and he doesn't think that this Heavenly Demon Beast can pose much threat to himself!

"Fairies, this is the last petrification!" Lao Chu immediately warned Shui Qingxin to launch a defensive formation.

"Senior sister, let's run!"

With the collapse of the head of resentment, the last petrified laser shot out.

The unlucky eggs who had not yet distanced themselves from the Heavenly Demon Beast turned into a mass of gray stone statues, and all kinds of spiritual pets in the sky lost their balance and fell into the endless insect swarm below.

"Bang bang!"

The head of resentment turned into the core of a bomb, sucking the surrounding space into it, and the air was visibly distorted from a distance!

Elder Wang's face turned cold, and a sense of foreboding suddenly struck!

Is this right?

At this time, the titan stone giant stood up sharply, and a stone and earth barrier rose up on the ground, protecting most of the spiritual masters present.

"Everyone, please open the enchantment and defense skills together."

Under the call of Elder Wang, the spirit masters, including Liu Zhenhan, summoned their own defensive spirit pets one after another, and the large, small, blue and white spiritual power shields were unfolded, and one barrier after another was protected on that layer of stone and earth barriers!

In just five breaths, everyone had just unfolded their defensive skills.

Hula la!

The sound of the ground being destroyed came, and a group of spirit devouring beasts and mysterious black beetles erupted like underground fountains!

It's hell of dense-phobia!



Just for a moment.

Will only attack humans, the mysterious black beetle with agile hands frantically burrowed into the body of the weak spirit master, and the faces of the people who were recruited changed from frightened to sluggish, after all, no matter how strong the spirit pet is, there is not much to do with the spirit master itself!


"Whoosh! Ahhh! Finally

, under the extremely frightened eyes of the people around him, the unfortunate spirit master's body gradually twisted, and the originally tall and strong body was impressively twisted and shrunk... It turned into a spirit devouring beast?

"Not good, this bug!"

The explosion in the outside world and the sneak attack of the monster that did not know the way inside the protective wall turned the spirit master troops into ants on a hot pot.

When you are unlucky, drink cold water and plug your teeth.

With the death of many spirit masters, the defensive spiritual techniques on the stone and earth barrier became less and less, and green golden needles with extremely penetrating power flew in from outside the stone and earth barrier!

"This is caused by the self-explosion of the octopus monster?"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Come on, everyone! If the shield barrier is broken, we will all die!

A yin and yang strange voice came from behind: "Everyone doesn't have to struggle, let's die together!" As

soon as the words fell, at least 7-8 high-level spirit pet mixed joint attacks were like a ball of colorful marshmallows shooting towards Elder Wang's slightly thin back!

"Dead old man, it's time for you to hit the road!" Lin Jiang smiled and waved his hand, and several men in black suddenly appeared in the crowd of spirit masters and jumped together.

Their spiritual power level.... There are actually about 50 levels!

Everyone gasped: so deeply hidden!

Boss Wang waved his hand, and the furious thunder technique protected his body and flew off the long-planned sneak attack, and he turned around and his eyes emitted a chill that made people turn into ice cubes, "Who are you?" Miscellaneous of new souls?

"Hmph, the old dog of the Lei family really lives up to his name..... However, today is your time to die! Lin Jiang's eyes did not have any fear, and there was still 7 points of arrogance, and the swelling of 2 points of victory.

Wang Lao's face was cold and he did not speak.

At this moment, his strongest thunder dragon has no way to exert its full strength in this narrow enchantment, the second pet titan stone giant is maintaining this shield enchantment, and his three pets and four pets are not around.... The remaining spirit pets cannot be singled out.

Where did this Lin Jiang know his intelligence?

The opposite side should come prepared....

"Dead old man, everything is in our plan, if you want to blame, blame yourself for being blind, hahaha!" Lin Jiang laughed wildly: "Unless you lift the shield enchantment, you will definitely die today!"

"As a senior cadre of the Spirit Master Association, I want to see which is more valuable, the lives of a group of people or your old life?"

Wang Laoyi bit his lips: "It's too much to deceive..... Traitor to humanity, to die!! "

Dazzling golden rays exploded at the shield barrier!


Li Jiu, who was fleeing for his life, naturally also discovered the strange appearance of this heavenly demon beast, he knew that this mysterious demon beast from outside the domain was very dangerous, and Liu Zhenhan's old dog could be killed by self-explosion.

I don't use any super invincible life-saving skills now, and it is still important to run.

"The owner is not good, it is too dangerous!" There was an exclamation from the feather light in his ears.

"Swish!" What seems to be flying out of the air at high speed?

"Yuguang, come back!" Yuguang returned to the spirit pet space very obediently.

Li Jiu also believed in Yuguang very much, he didn't have time to look back to see what it was... He didn't dare to slacken and quickly crushed the mysterious teleportation stone in his right hand.

The moment his right arm was forced, Li Jiu felt that he was surrounded by a stream of black honey spiritual power.

At this moment, Li Jiu was like a bystander outside this world, and he seemed to have been... Feathered flying fairy?

Then, with Li Jiu's body as the center of the circle, black spiral storms quietly rose, and everything in Li Jiu's vision turned into pieces like a broken mirror!

Before his consciousness sank, he seemed to see a green glowing ghost core not far away, presumably the spirit core of the Heavenly Demon Beast that exploded and flew away.

Unfortunately, Li Jiu is now unable to control his body, and his body seems to be temporarily fixed.

Although Li Jiu, who is about to teleport, is invincible, his movement speed is quite slow.

"Nope! Treasures that are close at hand, don't you take them or people? Li Jiu gritted his teeth and turned on Advent mode again.

My body, move!

Li Jiu has a little control of his body... But it was still too far away from the core of the Majin about ten meters away.

Real body! Wings!

Li Jiu opened the second stage of transformation, he felt that his body that seemed to be poured with lead could finally move a little, and he used the speed and obsession of running to the Internet café to open the machine after school in his previous life to rush towards the spirit core ten meters away!

The demon wings behind seemed to respond to the master's request, and Li Jiu finally grabbed something round at the moment when his vision was swallowed by darkness.

Then, he couldn't see anything in front of his eyes.

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