Li Jiu opened his eyes again.

All around was a black press, and in front of it was a sturdy humanoid cyan bull about 7 meters tall standing with its back to him, its hands and feet tied to dark and heavy iron chains.

"Boom~" The sound of chain dragging gradually came.

The huge cyan bull turned around, its appearance .... It's an ordinary minotaur!

"Roar~~ I don't know how many years, there are still humans who can stand in front of me as they are? It's really strange. The minotaur spat out.

Li Jiu glanced at its attributes.

[Rage Sin]

Grade: Mythical Level:

??? Level

Introduction: Seven Sin Devil's

Rage Skills: Fist of Rage Angry Thrashing Frustration Roar Endless Rage Savage Collision Sinful Demon Body.......

"You are the legendary rage?" Li Jiu asked while reminiscing.

In Yan Wan's memory, the Rage Sin Demon was originally a dead man in the gladiatorial arena, just a flat-looking muscular man.

The cyan giant bull did not attack Li Jiu but sat on the ground: "Interesting, there are actually humans who know my name?"

"I know a lot, and I also know that you were once a human, but you were possessed by powerful demons."

The cyan giant bull's eyes seemed to burn with flames, and it raised its right fist and slammed it not far in front of Li Jiu, and the strong blue flame rolled towards Li Jiu like a rolling wave.

"If you don't agree with a word, you are worthy of it!" Li Jiu hurriedly took a step back.

The feather light next to him flashed in front of Li Jiu, summoning a golden holy shield to block the large-scale group attack of fury.

"Huh? Angel? Fury stood up and looked down at Li Jiu, "I don't know where you learned about my past... But you really are not an ordinary person.

"And I, furious and angry, am here on the orders of the demon god, comer.... There is no amnesty for killing! "


With a furious roar to the sky, the surrounding chaotic darkness was shaken apart to reveal its true face!

This is a giant gladiatorial arena with medieval design, three floors inside and three floors outside, proving its former prosperity.

It's just that there are no people in the seats now, and dark and blood red are the main colors in this space.

Facing an enemy of unknown level strength, Li Jiu unleashed a mouth attack: "Wait, big brother, I just came to take away the power of fury, not to fight you."

"Take away the power of fury? Oh? Hehe, this is one of the biggest jokes I've ever heard in my life.... It's funnier than that woman's joke. The cyan bull looked down on Li Jiu as he wandered around the gladiatorial arena.

It strode forward and walked to Li Jiu's eyes, two pairs of round bull's eyes stared at the black-haired young man in front of him and pointed at Li Jiu: "Do you know how many years I have been thinking about it?"

"I've thought about it for years, and I haven't thought of a way to get out of here!" Fury slammed a punch on Li Jiu's side, so the trick was repeated.

"Do you know how much I wanted to kill her?"

"Do you know how much I hate my incompetence?"

"You said you can take it if you want? Hum! Rage

didn't want to slap Li Jiu to death, but looked as excited as if he had found something lost and recovered, but the damage caused by its excesses was too terrifying.

Three consecutive five-meter-high cyan flames emanated outward from its center like a tidal wave!

Li Jiu did not dare to resist, he immediately entered the advent mode and urged the demon wings and feathers behind his body to fly high, and he was able to dodge these three punches.

"The twelve-winged angel that has never been seen.... Wings with demonic power... Who are you? No way... Impossible! How can demonic power and angel power coexist? "

Rage is also a survivor of the Angel Demon War, and he didn't care too much when he saw the angels with many wings, maybe it was a new product of heaven.

But the pair of bat-like wings behind the mysterious human in front of him... Let its corrupted heart be struck by lightning.

"It can't be..." Furious squatted on the ground and covered his head in pain.

Li Jiu did not take the initiative to attack the fury in front of him, he continued to try to obtain information: "You used to be a human, now you have become a demon, and I can also become a demon for a short time, we are all the same kind of people, can't we sit down and talk calmly?" "

How boring is it to fight and kill all day?"

Li Jiu flew upside down on the pillar next to the gladiatorial arena, "These two forces, you should be familiar with them, right?" I have a way to absorb the demonic power in your body and help you liberate.

"Help me get free? What a big talk! You with such low strength ..... Why help me get free?

"My anger is not something you smelly little fart can bear!"

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