This time, with the guidance of the mysterious map, Li Jiu quickly followed the planned route back to the small house of the Wind Demon Hall.

Yan Yu looked at the dark door in front of him and said nervously, "There won't be any big monsters inside, right?"

"What kind of monster is there?" Yes, it is also a beauty. Li

Jiu took the key and easily opened this door that had been closed for N years, and the "squeaking" gust of yin wind came to his face, blowing Li Jiu's back cold.

Ten thousand years ago, Dai Meng was a famous female emperor on the Holy Spirit Star, even if the flesh was hanging, it was not the kind of monster that decayed into an ugly monster, right?

What comes into view is a deep and mysterious passage, and there seems to be a breathtaking white light at the end of the vision...

"Let's go, let's meet this legendary demon god for a while!" Li Jiu clenched the weapon in his hand, and his heart was still a little apprehensive.

The overall layout here is not much different from the Wind Demon Hall outside, a two-story villa with a very exquisite appearance comes into view, and the bright moonlight falls.


Li Jiu never expected that there were actually wandering Yin Wind Devils here, but these Yin Wind Devils are somewhat different from those outside?

They didn't seem to see Li Jiu, and they kept surrounding this mansion aimlessly, as if they were afraid of something.

"Master, let's kill them." Yuguang raised his arm and was about to take the lead.

Li Jiu raised his hand: "Don't be in a hurry, if they don't attack, let's forget it first, this is inside the cave... How can there be moonshine? Li

Jiu took the feather light to bypass these wandering Yin Wind Devils and entered the mansion, as simple as unbuttoning her underwear.

This is a luxuriously decorated house, full of intricately carved spirit wood furniture, and there are calligraphy and paintings of unknown age hanging on the walls.

It seems that the owner of the room has a bit of taste.

"The host.... There seems to be something unclean on the second floor. Yuguang's facial expression was tense and hostile.

"Go, go and see."

Li Jiu walked around the first floor and did not find any mechanism, he tiptoed up the stairs.

Many decorations, including the handrails of the stairs, are very feminine, and the owner of the house should be a very good dressed woman... How is it different from the legendary ruthless demon god?

"Knock knock~"

Li Jiu stepped on the last step of the second floor a little nervously, hoping that this dream girl's corpse would be too scary.


A foul smell that can make people spit out breakfast is on his face, Li Jiu tilted his head and looked at the good guy!

In front of you is a pure white transparent screen, behind the screen is a pink big bed, and the source of this stench is the big bed!

Li Jiu subconsciously covered his mouth and nose, this is also too smelly, right?

Yu Guangdai frowned slightly, "Master, that unclean thing is inside!"

Li Jiu stretched out his left arm and poured spiritual power into the light bow, "I'm afraid that Dai Meng's flesh is a moth!" Give her a little ruthless first!

Sakura Ruoxue on her shoulder jumped up: "Honey, I'll send it too, right?"

"Don't, don't blow up the house!"


Yuguang looked indifferent and clasped his hands together, and the light feathers behind him turned into flying blades, with the light feather arrow as the vanguard, the light wings flew closely behind, and the powerful spiritual power attack bombarded the unknown thing on the big bed!

"Bang bang!"

The screen in front of me is just ordinary furniture, which was undoubtedly dried and shredded on the spot.

When the smoke cleared, Li Jiu fixed his eyes.

On the collapsed pink bed lay a black winged banshee, black unknown sticky object exuding a stench, this banshee has been dead for a long time, how terrifying and terrifying it looks.

A shining crystal nucleus shone dazzling in her sunken chest.

"Master, I'll help you get the spirit core..." "Don't

go, I feel something is wrong."

Li Jiu shot two duets at the banshee's corpse, making sure that she was dead before daring to step forward.

[The body of the wind witch banshee]: The banshee of the dove occupying the Magpie's Nest was eventually devoured by the power of the demon god, and her soul was devoured.

Dove occupies the Magpie's Nest....

Wasn't this originally called the Wind Demon Temple?

Is it the name of this wind witch banshee?

The legendary wind witch banshee died in her own home like this?

No wonder the Yin Wind Demon outside did not dare to make a second attempt, it turned out that their master was here, but it was a pity that the mystery of deciphering the death of the banshee should be handed over to Conan, not Li Jiu.

"Master, no other singularities were found." Yuguang toured the entire second floor.

"Strange, it stands to reason that this should be the place where Dai Meng's body is buried? How could it be a banshee that died for many years and almost became a corpse? Li Jiu scratched his head.

"Ruoxue, control the fire a little and burn her.... It's disgusting to watch.


Sakura Ruoxue carefully manipulated her spiritual power to cast a pure flame, and a tiny net flame triggered a small-scale sunset explosion, directly burning the unlucky wind witch banshee to ashes.

The power of Shinra, invincible!

Just as Li Jiu was about to leave here to take a look outside, Ying Ruoxue's pupils changed a little and exclaimed: "Honey, look at it!"

Li Jiu followed the direction of her finger.

This big bed was blown up by the attack of Li Jiu and Yuguang, and the banshee body on it was also burned to ashes by Sakura Ruoxue's Void Flame, but the Flame of Nothingness that was not extinguished burned the delicate-looking floor, and a large black hole was exposed!

Judging from the broken gap, this is a pitch-black coffin with mysterious patterns engraved on it!

"Really?" Li Jiu's heart was shocked. "Dai Meng's real body is hidden in the mezzanine of this two-story villa?"

"Yuguang, blast it!"

Yuguang nodded quickly, and she immediately cast her light wings and flew towards the black coffin.

In the next moment, something strange happened, the light feather hit the floor without moving and could not penetrate half of it, and the light feather that hit the coffin actually bounced towards the feather light at a speed that could not be imagined by common sense!

"Bang bang!"

Yuguang pulled out the aurora blade and took his own light feather attack, but his body still accidentally hit a few moves.

Sakura Ruoxue looked at Li Jiu: "It seems that it will take my flame to break through this floor."

She cautiously rubbed a ball of pure flame and bombarded it towards the cracked floor!

Bang bang!

The already incomparably solid floor shattered...

Li Jiu understood that this should be a specially designed mechanism for Dai Meng, and only a force beyond the mythical level could safely open this floor.

"Bang bang!"

As Ying Ruoxue's pure flame slowly attacked, a mysterious coffin covered in pitch black finally revealed its true face.

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