The nun who left the small room of the temple did not follow Li Jiu according to Anker's instructions, she bypassed the hall outside that was blessing passers-by and trotted out along the backyard of the temple.

The nun who was too in a hurry did not notice a pure white figure behind her.

"Xiaomei, I'm sorry."


The nun twisted and turned in the dimly lit alley, as if trying to throw off the people following behind her.

The nun, who fought with the shadow, looked behind her back and patted the slightly fertile land: "Huhu, scare me, I thought I was being followed." "

The nun changed her appearance and dressed up as a female teacher, and walked cat steps to a 'red romance' KTV.

The black suits guarding the door of the KTV nodded after seeing the dress of the woman in front of them and let her in.

The nun meets her true master, the successor of the Holy Court of Light, Saint Son Ye Wuyao in the basement of this KTV.

At this time, Ye Wuyao had changed his appearance of being sick a few days ago, and he was sitting in a dimly lit private room enjoying the service of the two enchanting women beside him.

If Li Jiu looked here, he would find that Ye Wuyao's spiritual power level had skyrocketed again, and the spiritual power in his body was majestic, faintly attached to a trace of divinity, which made ordinary people fearful and couldn't help but kneel and worship.

As for those strange branding, it has long disappeared.

The handsome face with common indignation smiled warmly after seeing the comer: "My little beauty, you are here?"

Xiaomei immediately opened her eyes after seeing her master, and her originally dark pupils bloomed with dazzling golden light.

"Master, I miss you so much!" Xiaomei hurriedly pounced.

Ye Wuyao threw away the enchanting woman on his body, and backhanded Xiao Meilou in his arms: "Beauty, what about the task I issued for you?" Done or not? What is the relationship between An Keer and Li Jiu? How did she retrieve the Ancient God Armor? Was it Enker's poison to me?

Xiaomei did not dare to look directly into Ye Wuyao's eyes, and tilted her head a little shyly: "Master.... I have completed the task you have given. The Holy Lady really called me as a messenger.

Ye Wuyao pinched Xiaomei's face and said seriously: "Say the result!!"

Xiaomei had never seen Ye Wuyao's crazy look, and quickly nodded: "The saint girl and Li Jiu are friends, this is what she admitted with her own mouth, please believe me!"

"Don't you dare lie to me. And what? Ye

Wuyao's expression eased a lot, An Keer had always been regarded as his own forbidden neck, how could he allow others to interfere?

Xiaomei continued, "As for how the Holy Daughter retrieved the Ancient God Armor from Li Jiu, I don't know.... The saint never mentioned it, but I don't see much friendship between the two in private.

"How do you know they don't have a relationship?"

Xiaomei smiled slightly, and hugged Ye Wuyao with some flattery: "Master... They had a fight just now, so I'm sure they didn't have much relationship.

Ye Wuyao said with a serious expression, "What did they say?"

Xiaomei said the situation in the room in a colorful voice, and even the details of Li Jiu's cup did not fall.

Ye Wuyao thought for a long time after listening to it: "That is to say.... Li Jiu, this guy doesn't know where he heard about the inheritance of the blood of the ancient light god?

"Yes, master."

"Good! Very good! Ye Wuyao ate a handful of delicious grapes beside him, and took another glass of fine wine: "Li Jiu... This guy used to beat me and make me suffer too much, but now I really want to thank him! Without him .... There is no me now! Now I pinching him to death is like pinching an ant!

"False Light God Inheritance, Fake Angel Inheritance..... How could mortals understand the true power of the Ancient Light God?

"What the master said is true!" Xiaomei covered her mouth and did not dare to speak, and her body trembled slightly.

"As a thank you... The beautiful angel beside him.... How does it taste like to enjoy it? Pagans posing as gods .... Must be punished by God!

Ye Wuyao scolded angrily: "But before this, I want to tame this stinky bitch of Ankeer, she actually dares to disobey my will!?" Would you rather blind your eyes than guard against me?

Xiaomei raised her head and said vaguely: "Master......... I'm your man. Seeing

this, Ye Wuyao burst out from the depths of his heart.

Since God gave me this ability to control women wantonly.

What holy women, angels, all mine!

And..... The beauties in this world are all mine!

They will all be like nuns in front of me...

This world.... Of course, it is also the ancient divine son's!


"Go on." Ye Wuyao pinched the nun's beautiful little face.

"Yes. By the way, the master .... I have never found out where the Holy Daughter's Heaven-given Royal Beast has gone, and I can't find the Holy Daughter's information in the Holy Court.

A trace of doubt flashed in Ye Wuyao's eyes, the woman who had fallen for the divine magic could not disobey his will: "Aren't you her best friend?" How did you not know?

Xiaomei's eyes showed a touch of complexity: "She is very suspicious, if it weren't for my blinding eyes with the method of the Holy Son... Otherwise, her trust would not have been gained.

Ye Wuyao slapped his thighs and showed an obscene light: "Forget it, anyway, it's just an ordinary woman, a woman who has accepted the power of the ancient light god... can all be called saints.

"As long as it hits my power.... She can't escape the palm of my hand! The damned pope doesn't know what he's thinking every day, and still doesn't pass on the throne to me?

Xiaomei fawned hard with the master, and there was a cheerful atmosphere in the basement.


Lijiu left the temple calmly, a warm golden light flashed, and the feather light ran out.

"Master, what should I do? The thread broke again. Yuguang

knew that Li Jiu had been worried about the injured Chu Xinyu, and from the master's standpoint, she did not eat flying jealousy.

Li Jiu rubbed Yuguang's silky little face: "Have you seen Journey to the West?"

"I haven't seen it..." Hako shook his head.

Li Jiu smiled and explained: "Xiaoying must know that An Keer slapped the table so hard and said a lot of mysterious words, it must be related to the nun next to her.

"Master.... Could it be a trap?

Li Jiu confidently looked back at the long dragon in line: "There is a fifty percent possibility." An Keer would rather commit herself to me before and also retrieve Ye Wuyao's arm armor... This shows that she is a rather sane person, and she is too terrible to be deeply acquainted with, and even she can betray herself for the sake of purpose... If she really wants to harm me, there is a possibility that she has been controlled by Ye Wuyao....... But I personally think that this possibility does not exist, and if you want to do it, just now is the perfect opportunity.

"So what do we do?" Yuguang didn't understand human intrigue very well, and she looked up at Li Jiu with some admiration and asked.

"Wait, I'll break into the temple tonight." Li Jiu smiled heartily and said no more.

At one o'clock in the morning, Li Jiu tiptoed to the street where he lined up during the day.

Because the missionary service lasted for a week, many people who wanted to be blessed did not return home in the middle of the night and waited on the street with bunks.

Li Jiu walked swaggering down the street in a white robe and holding a magic staff, and outsiders thought it was a sacrifice of the Holy Court.

"I lean on, the Holy Court has come to clean up again, let's run!"

"They're poisonous, right? Clearance in an hour? When

the surrounding pedestrians saw Li Jiu's dress, they all thought that he was a white-robed sacrifice of the Holy Court of Light, and they were all frightened and ran away.

At this time, the gate of the temple was guarded by two members of the Silver Armor Order.

Just as Li Jiu hesitated to use pick-up tactics to stun a guard to replace entering, or change into a black robe to force into the tall building next to him through physical skills, the closed door slowly opened.

The blond saint walked out slowly with a staff in hand.

"Lord Virgin? Why haven't you rested late at night? The guard at the door was in awe.

An Keer looked indifferent and said in a soft voice: "Two guards, you have worked hard, I see that some people outside have stayed up all night and waited, intending to persuade them to leave here."

"The Holy Lady is really kind-hearted, but I have already advised them, and they will not move their nests one by one."

An Keer smiled and said, "I'll go and tell them personally."

Seeing this, Li Jiu had a bold idea in his heart, and he straightened his throat and stepped forward and shouted loudly: "I am a special priest sent by the Pope, and I have a secret intention to take the Holy Lady on a trip." The

two guards were both part of Ankeer's guards, and they had never heard of any special sacrifices sent by the Pope, and a pair of silver spears pointed at Li Jiu: "Where are the liars?" Dare to impersonate our Lord Pope? Seeing

this, An Keer stopped the guard, and she slowly paced to Li Jiu's body and still didn't see her face under the white robe, but she still smelled a familiar smell.

"So it is, I see." An Keer nodded as if he didn't understand, and then turned around and said, "Two guards, this person is indeed a person under the Pope, and I have seen him once." As

soon as the guards heard that the master had spoken, they naturally did not want to interject much, so they could only nod.

An Keer pointed to the people who fell to the ground not far away, and slept: "I'll go and dismiss those people first..." So

Li Jiu followed closely behind An Keer and walked in, like a little brother.

One of the guards of the Order looked at the distant figure and muttered, "Lord Saint... So beautiful.

"Shhh: You are crazy? When the Holy Son hears this, our heads will be lost!

"Stand guard quickly, don't look blind."


After dispersing the 'refugee' Ankeer at the gate of the temple, he walked down the street with Li Jiutang.

"Lord Envoy: You're pretty smart.

Li Jiu's voice did not reveal any expression: "Hehe, you too."

An Keer smiled gently and slowly led the way in front, "You know what? There may be a lot of Ye Wuyao's eyeliner buried in this city.

"I've killed several."

With Yuguang's perception ability, Li Jiu easily killed the Tailwalker.

"Li Jiu, you can really understand me? I thought that I would face Ye Wuyao alone in the future.

"The saint in my impression is a resolute and resolute strong woman, not a riddler who can't understand words." Li Jiu looked around.

An Keer smiled professionally: "Are you praising me or scolding me?"

"Boast you, where are we going?"

"Of course, it's to the cathedral, do you want to take the saint to the hotel?" Do you have a proclivity for robbing other people's wives? An Keer took Li Jiu to the church set up by the nearby Holy Court of Light.

"As long as it's original, I don't mind." Li Jiu said casually.

An Keer's expression changed, she never expected Li Jiu to say such a thing.

"It's worthy of you, the great genius of the divine dragon who can't see the end."

Li Jiu waved his hand, "Facts aside, why did you take me back to the church again?" That tricky tail won't follow?

Anker said truthfully: "I ordered her to follow you, but she may have followed other men's beds."

"Other men? Ye Wuyao?

"Who else could it be but him?"

The two came to the church to pray to the statue of the ancient light god.

Li Jiu looked at the holy girl beside him.

The roof of the cathedral was transparent, the bright moonlight fell down her silky long hair, and the saint with her hands folded slowly opened her godless eyes, "Am I good-looking?"

Li Jiu touched his chin and analyzed: "It's very good-looking, I see that your popularity value seems to be very high, and you are the dream lover of many men."

An Keer breathed a sigh of relief, and her snow-white little hand patted her chest and whispered, "You know what? How much have I suffered because of this face? The innocence I worked so hard to preserve has been ruined by you.

Li Jiu was not ashamed in the slightest, he clasped his hands together and pretended to worship the statue in front of him, "You mentioned it yourself, I have never coerced you."

An Keer sneered: "I know, I'm stupid, but that's the choice I have to make, if that arm armor can't be taken back... My end will be even worse.

Li Jiu asked, "What the hell is going on?"

An Keer turned around, and a pair of clear but chaotic eyes seemed to look at Li Jiu: "Can you tell me, where did you know about the blood of the Ancient Light God?" The answer to this question involves how much I should reveal to you.

Li Jiu thought for a long time and said slowly: "Well, I lied to you, in fact, I need that blood... It was used to unseal a secret treasure that could save my woman's life, so I needed it so much.

An Keer's expression first changed from surprise to sluggishness, and finally to disbelief.

"Your woman.... Is she that important?

Li Jiu looked at the bright moon in the sky, and thought of Chu Xinyu, who cared about herself, and thought of her handing over Li Daitao Zombie Talisman to herself for herself.

Li Jiu said truthfully: "It's very important, I am willing to do anything for her..... Even if it's death. An

Keer felt that the dim world in front of her seemed to collapse in an instant after listening to it, and she thought that Li Jiu was looking for the message of the ancient light god for her.

Originally, An Keer was extremely shocked when she heard Li Jiu's words today, and even had some long-lost joy.

An Keer thought that this man was looking for a way to fight Ye Wuyao for his own sake.

It turned out to be just wishful thinking.

An Keer's feelings for Li Jiu are very complicated, she can't talk about liking or disgust, plus she has had such an ambiguous experience, except for the last step, she was almost taken advantage of by Li Jiu.

If she had to choose from Ye Wuyao and Li Jiu, she would definitely choose Li Jiu.

Because although this man is lecherous and a little bad, he is not the kind of evil person, let alone play with other people's minds.

If Li Jiu is willing to assist him, An Keer also wants to share his divine power with him after the plan is successful... But in the eyes of this man who is considered to have a bond with her.... but never himself.

Alone.... Is this my life?

Man... Sure enough, it's all big pig's trotters!

An Keer lowered the hand that wanted to grab Li Jiu, and did not dare to raise those hands again.

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