An Keer walked back to the temple slowly, and the two guards at the door quickly nodded and said with a smile when they saw this: "Lord Saint, you are back?" Lord Son has been waiting for you in the temple for a long time!

"Well, I already knew."

"I'll show you the way." The two guards carefully opened the gate, not daring to look directly at the saint.

An Keer looks as stable as an old dog on the outside, but inside she is actually panicked: Ye Wuyao should be highly toxic now, right? Although I already knew that he was seeing Dragon City, how did he return to the temple so quickly?

In the hall of the temple, An Keer saw the man with an unusual appearance again.

"Virgin? You're back? The flat voice revealed an irresistible majesty, at this time, Ye Wuyao had already changed into a golden holy son costume, and his eyes like stars in the sky were staring at the prey in front of him, "I miss you so much, the ritual of the gods has been fully prepared, you.... There's no reason to refuse me, right? The time for the one-year covenant you speak of is almost up.

An Keer's body shook slightly, and she felt bitter in her heart, and she could only pretend to be happy: "Congratulations to the Holy Son on his physical recovery."

The corner of Ye Wuyao's mouth chuckled, and then he turned around and sat on the golden chair, the dazzling power of light and his temperament perfectly fused.

"Holy Daughter, it's so late outside..... Where did you go? The cold and silent voice echoed in the empty hall.

An Keer covered the pair of soul-grabbing elegance and holiness with her hand, and smiled slightly: "Lord Holy Son, I just dismissed the people who wandered at the door, and by the way, I went to the church to pray."

"Who was that white-robed man just now?" Ye Wuyao said coldly.

"The Pope's cronies, if you don't believe it, you can ask the Pope."

Ye Wuyao knew that An Keer was lying, because his eyeliner buried in Jianlong City had disappeared several times without realizing it.

Seeing through without saying broken is a basic operation.

"So that's the case, are you going to pray to Lord Light God for my body?"

An Ke'er wrinkled her eyebrows and said a little speechless in her heart: "Yes, Lord Holy Son, it seems that Lord Light God has been secretly blessing you." "

I'll be well prepared for the awakening ceremony, just these days... It is the menstrual period, please ask the Son to delay for a few days.

Ye Wuyao's eyes stared at An Keer's face and looked sharply, how to say that this holy girl finally relented, sooner or later she is her own woman, and there is no need to rush to run the red light and fight bloody.

"Good, then I'll wait a few days."

An Keer slowly raised her head and asked the doubts in her heart, it stands to reason that Ye Wuyao shouldn't be tortured by poison?

How did he detoxify?


"Did Lord Holy Son encounter something against the heavens? Who was the divine cure for that strange disease?

Ye Wuyao smiled and stood up and wanted to hug the girl in front of him, but An Keer seemed to have eyes and hurriedly dodged with a weak foot, and Ye Wuyao pounced.

"Holy Son, there is no hurry, Lord Pope, you and I must not be too intimate before the ceremony, lest there be mistakes in the ceremony."

Ye Wuyao's hands were slightly embarrassed in the air, and his face changed from embarrassment to a sneer, "I forgot about this, the Pope did say such a thing."

Then Ye Wuyao remembered the hateful Master Pu in his mind, clenched his fists and said angrily: "What shit Liu Family Master? He said that as long as he took that unpalatable medicine, he could completely get rid of the branding! Unexpectedly, the next day I cried in bed in pain, and finally I couldn't stand it, and the power of the ancient gods in my body was stimulated to awaken, which healed those yin poisons......... If this revenge is not rewarded, I Ye Wuyao is also a vain!

An Keer used great perseverance to hold back the mouth that wanted to laugh, and came to a knowingly asked: "Poison? What is that?

"That bastard master said that it was a lifelong poison of a supreme sea beast, and it would not die after being contaminated, but I didn't believe it, he must have secretly poisoned me again." Ye Wuyao gritted his teeth.

An Keer was shocked in her heart after hearing this, and she was full of emotion in her heart: There are people outside the people, there is a sky outside the sky, but I didn't expect that the true origin of the poison was known?

In fact, this poison is the poison that Anker found someone to put in ten (3).

An Keer knew that Ye Wuyao would definitely use his spiritual power to restore the God King armor that had been destroyed by Li Jiu.

She took advantage of her weakness to find a beautiful woman to take the poison sac, and the lecherous Ye Wuyao would definitely be hit.

And this poison actually tortured Ye Wuyao for a few days at most, and it definitely didn't kill his dog.

Because An Keer used this poison with the original intention of delaying time and reducing Ye Wuyao's spiritual power level.

But looking at Ye Wuyao's current appearance, he was obviously stimulated by severe pain, causing an accidental awakening of the divine power in his body and removing these deadly toxins at the cost of consuming his life.

An Keer's heart had a bad premonition, because the dose she left for Ye Wuyao could only torture and torture the flesh and skin and could not make him mentally collapse, if Ye Wuyao successfully awakened his divine power, he could sense the land of the ancient gods, and if he successfully obtained the inheritance of the ancient light god, all his efforts would be in vain.

So An Keer has been delaying time, waiting for a suitable time to assassinate Ye Wuyao.

But people are not as good as heavenly calculations, she would never have thought that Li Jiu after transfiguration would use purification to temporarily remove the soldering poison, and the scorching poison that broke out the next day completely exceeded the amount set by An Keer, which caused Ye Wuyao to awaken the power of the ancient light god in advance, and his plan was on the verge of bankruptcy.

"Northwest Willow family... This revenge, I must repay! A hint of madness flashed in Ye Wuyao's eyes.

An Keer lost her previous calm, and took the initiative to take the risk: "Lord Holy Son, what are you going to do next?"

Ye Wuyao looked out the window and said, "Originally, I planned to go to the Ancient Light God Site after receiving your holy daughter's blessing, but you have something inconvenient now, and it just so happens that the anniversary of the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce will be held in Dragon City immediately..." "

Lord Holy Son plans to go to the auction house?"

Ye Wuyao raised his hands behind his back, and his voice was full of majesty, making it impossible to resist: "That's right! Speaking of this.... I heard that Li Jiu came here today to participate in the blessing ceremony.... Did you give him a ceremony?

An Keer's expression was as if the 10,000-year-old Xuan Ice was completely frozen without the slightest fluctuation: "No, because some unpleasant little things can't be done." Ye

Wuyao looked at the beauty in front of him, although her heart was itchy, but she was her most delicious tonic and could not be easily spoiled, and aren't these women who will resist more tasteful?

"I believe in the Holy Daughter, it's not early, rest early, tomorrow you will accompany me to the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce."

"Hmm." Anke nodded and strolled back to her room.

This sucks.... How do I notify Li Jiu's plans to change?

Ye Wuyao looked at her departing back and licked his lips with satisfaction.

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