Li Jiu strolled back to the auction hall and returned to the VIP seats in the first row, where Ye Wuyao's seat was occupied by two women.

It was Sister Xin and the woman in the yellow dress.

Li Jiu didn't care about them, sitting in his place.

"Didn't I give you money? Why did you follow again? Sister Xin said with some dissatisfied yin and yang strange qi.

Li Jiu pointed to himself: "Are you talking to me?"

"Who else could that be?"

"Oh... I've been sitting here since the morning. Li Jiu spread his hands with an innocent look.

A trace of fluctuation finally appeared on Sister Xin's disdainful face: "What? "

This time, Li Jiu was too lazy to take care of her.

Sister Xin's eyes rolled around: The people who can sit in the position of the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce are all big people with heads and faces, but how come I have never seen his information?

Could it be that the information is wrong?

Sister Xin's demeanor made a 180-degree turn: "I'm sorry, just now there was a problem with my attitude, I solemnly apologize to you, what is your name?"

Li Jiu sighed comfortably: "Li Jiu."

"What? You are Li Jiu? The woman in the yellow dress looked at Li Jiu with some excitement.

The woman in the yellow dress had actually been secretly looking at Li Jiu just now, she was curious about how this human walked without sound?

Otherwise, she would not have collided with Li Jiu.

Although Li Jiu's current appearance has not reached the level of letting women immediately throw themselves into arms when they see it.... But it is still easy to make a girl in the flower season feel good about it.

Because Li Jiu often uses the true body mode, the power of demons is gradually absorbed, and he has an evil power that is easy for women to fall.

Sister Xin immediately stopped the girl in the yellow dress and whispered: "Small, you have a better choice."

"Thank you for the compliment." Li Jiu relaxed his body and leaned back in the chair, he didn't mind the two women's words: "Who are you?" Why didn't I see you guys at noon?

This time, Sister Xin didn't speak again, and Li Jiu didn't bother to deal with him.

A few minutes passed.

Ling Yue turned her waist and walked to the front desk: "The lunch break is almost over, and the next step is the special guest of our Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce - it's time for the performance to be warm!" "

What!?" The originally confused guests jumped up!

"Wow? It seems to really be? "

It's up! I love you!

"I'm not dreaming, am I? The Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce even invited it when it was warm? "

The originally quiet atmosphere in the venue exploded again!

Li Jiu was fiddling with his phone to pass the time.

It's warm... Something familiar?

Could it be the girl in the yellow dress who stepped on her foot just now?

Li Jiu tilted his head and found that the two women beside him had disappeared without a trace.

He looked back at the stands, on which stood a beautiful girl wearing a pale yellow dress and a cat on her head.

Wen Yue's appearance is very special, the flash on the stage is dark and bright, and the beautiful background of the real environment slowly appears.

It's just that all this beauty is set off by the girl who looks like an elf in front of him, and Li Jiu, who is used to beautiful women, is a little lost in thought.

The shouts beside him burst out at this moment, and even some high-level spiritual masters frantically picked up glow sticks and called, which made Li Jiu wonder if he was crazy?

But it's no wonder they fell into madness.

Wen perfectly interpreted what is beautiful and cute, blue-gray hair draped over her shoulders, beautiful starry eyes, vermilion lips slightly opened, sweet smile showing white teeth, her smile seems to be able to infect people's hearts, not the kind of deliberate contrived can be practiced, even Li Jiu felt a strange warmth from this sweet smile.

A pair of eyes like amber gemstones are as clear as water, and anyone who sees these eyes has only one adjective in their hearts: simple!

Li Jiu's brows frowned slightly, and he leaned back and asked Shui Ruoxi: "Water fairy, who is this woman?"

Shui Ruoxi just nodded: "It's warm."

"So who is it when you're warm?" Is it famous? How did I not know? A

middle-aged man on Li Jiu's right was already wearing a white headband with the word 'up' engraved on it, and he looked at Li Jiu with disdain: "Li Jiu, you haven't even heard of our family being young?" Are you an alien?

"Nope. I don't pay much attention to that. Li Jiu shook his head.

Li Jiu's personal time really doesn't have much, every day is either cultivating or accompanying Yan Wan to cultivate, his free time is either brushing monsters in the wild or sleeping, and he doesn't pay attention to things in the entertainment industry at all.

Wen on the stage secretly glanced at Li Jiu, and she felt a pang of loss after hearing Li Jiu's inquiry.

I didn't expect that there were really people who didn't know their names?

The middle-aged man was completely speechless, he couldn't see if Li Jiu in front of him was pretending, but in Hualong Country now, besides the fool who didn't understand things, who didn't know Wen's name?

Even a babbling baby will hum two sentences?

But Li Jiu is a young talent of the younger generation, not like a fool?

"Wen up, the current first female singer of the Hualong Kingdom, her singing voice will conquer the entire Shenlong Continent sooner or later!"

"It turned out to be a singer, no wonder he spoke so well." Li Jiu said to himself.

Wen on the stage was a little complacent after hearing Li Jiu's praise, and she smiled slightly: "Thank you for your support of me, I am here today to bring you a song that I have newly learned." The

warm voice was very infectious, and the fan group that was originally noisy immediately became speechless after hearing it, and shut up like a good student.

"This song [You and I Have No Chance] to everyone!"

Fate is destined, but part waits for the day after tomorrow.

The mountains have wood, and the wood has branches, and the heart is happy and the king does not know.

Naiho Bridge did not forget the water....

Li Jiu did not speak, but quietly enjoyed the warmed song, and finally applauded.

Wen Wen on the stage slowly shifted his gaze and finally fell to Li Jiu's side, and she showed a natural smile.

At this time, the crowd behind Li Jiu exploded: "Lying groove, the smile of the goddess!" "

The fart of the nm, it's laughing at me!"

"It's over, it's mine... Hey. "

In the box of the Holy Court of Light ——————————

, Ankeer is not in the room.

Sister Xin sat opposite Ye Wuyao and said with some pride: "Lord Holy Son, how did you see this girl?" Can I be a bed warmer?

Ye Wuyao looked at the warmth on the stage through the glass of the box, and the possessiveness in his heart was unprecedentedly expanded.

"Very good, very nice woman.... If it were a human being, I would definitely take it. The

calmness on Sister Xin's face slowly disappeared, and she became restrained: "Lord Holy Son, her bloodline is very pure, she is still a virgin and has never been touched by any male felines, she is quite clean."

Ye Wuyao shook the red wine glass in his hand and walked back, he looked at Sister Xin triumphantly and said, "Although the beauty is good.... But she's not human.

After hearing this, Sister Xin quickly shook her head and said, "Lord Holy Son, our Fulu Sect also wants to eat, you can't open your mouth wide."

Ye Wuyao said very domineeringly: "If you are willing to give Wen to me.... I don't mind if I contract to be my exclusive slave. Sister

Xin said: "It's our cash cow, I can't give her all to you, at most.... You can find someone you can trust as a servant, no more. "

The woman I fancy ..... Nothing has escaped my palm yet... I am very satisfied with this gift of yours, even a little unexpected! I wanted to get this woman a long time ago, but I didn't expect her to be your person. Ye Wuyao laughed.

Sister Xin asked tentatively, "Then Lord Holy Son... You agreed?

Ye Wuyao clapped his hands and laughed: "Of course I agreed, you are the person brought by 'him', I must trust 'him', I am very satisfied with this cooperation!" Sister

Xin also nodded happily: "We also believe in 'him' and Lord Holy Son!" Well, just tonight I will bring you this charming girl to enjoy, as long as you do not forcibly contract her, everything is fine.

Ye Wuyao nodded approvingly: "I'm the most trustworthy person, you go back and talk to 'him', bring more people, I will slaughter someone." "

Which guy who doesn't have long eyes offended Lord Son?"

"Li Jiu..... He must die tonight. A trace of fierceness flashed in Ye Wuyao's eyes.

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