According to memory, since Ye Wuyao recovered from a serious illness, he had colluded with a group of mysterious people.

And Ye An accidentally obtained spiritual power to become a low-level spirit master through the reverse contract with the demon beast, which allowed Li Jiu's spiritual power soul search to be used.

The plan that Ye Wuyao said just now was: first use his cronies to unite with the men and horses of the Fulu Sect outside the city to launch a surprise attack on the forces that left the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce and returned home, and all forces that encountered enemies outside the city would definitely ask for support from the defenders of Jianlong City at the first time, and then when the defense of the defenders was the weakest, the monsters lurking in the city could wantonly destroy and devour a large number of humans.

Outside the city were the people of the Fulu Sect, who figured out the wealth and treasures in the hands of the major families.

And the demon beasts lurking in the city do not know which organization they belong to, and the detailed purpose of their capture of Jianlong City is unknown.

Ye Wuyao did all this just to complete the agreement with the 'king'

, Li Jiu initially speculated that the people in the city were the new souls, because the truck loaded with human skins was under the new soul, and this group of people should be specially responsible for providing human skins in the disguise of Warcraft!

Thinking of this, Li Jiu completely understood why the previous fall of Kanglong City without warning, like a meteorite hitting the earth, had no basis, it turned out that these monsters had infiltrated human society through various means.

It's just that what their ultimate goal is, it's still unknown.

But what does all this have to do with me being handsome?

Just when Li Jiu was thinking about whether he should escape from Jianlong City first or disguise himself as Ye An and wait for the opportunity to assassinate Ye Wuyao, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open.

A lazy male voice came in from outside: "Ye An, are you still satisfied with this gift from this Holy Son?"

Li Jiuyi turned around and nodded slightly: "Thank you Lord Saint Son for the reward, the little one does not dare to touch the prey in the eyes of the Holy Son."

Ye Wuyao slowly walked to Wen Yue, and nodded with satisfaction after seeing that her clothes were neat and tidy, not like passive: "Yes, this Holy Son just sees that you are smart, if you dare to eat outside my order..."

Ye Wuyao just wanted to reach out and touch his warmed body, and sighed as if remembering something.

Li Jiu tentatively asked, "Lord Holy Son, what's wrong with you?"

"Hey.... The beauty is right in front of me, but I can't move. "Ye Wuyao naturally won't say that he has been troubled by Li Jiuzhi's lower body, this is the dignity of a man!

Today's Ye Wuyao must rely on aphrodisiac drugs to stand up and be a man, but that kind of tiger and wolf medicine is overdrawn vitality after all.... What Ye Wuyao lacks is lifespan.

"The awakening ceremony, that is, before I get the holy girl, I can't easily practice with other women, which may lead to the failure of the awakening ceremony." Ye Wuyao casually found an excuse.

Li Jiu naturally didn't know about this, and he believed it: "So it is."

"By the way, Ye An, did you sign a reverse contract with her?"

Li Jiu panicked in his heart, "Not yet, before Lord Saint Son eats, how can I start in advance?"

Ye Wuyao's expression softened a little: "It's okay, these are small things, since you are so self-controlled, I will leave her to you with confidence."

"Obey the command of the Son."

"Go, take her, and we'll go out of town." Ye Wuyao suddenly slapped the table, as if remembering something.

Seeing this, Li Jiu could only hug Wen who was in a coma, and quickly followed behind Ye Wuyao.

If such a cute cat lady was spoiled by Ye Wuyao, it would be a pity...

Li Jiu came to the hall of the temple and found that An Keer didn't know when she would return, and she followed Ye Wuyao without saying a word, as if she was waiting for something.

"Hurry up, don't grind, you still don't have the strength to hold a girl?" Ye Wuyao waved his hand at Li Jiu.

It turned out to be waiting for Ye An?

An Keer sniffed twice and asked Ye Wuyao, "Lord Holy Son is looking for a woman again?" Who is it again this time?

Ye Wuyao smiled: "An ordinary cultivation furnace, my heart is in the saint girl." "


No more nonsense, let's go." Ye Wuyao seemed to have become the true leader of the Holy Court, and his words were full of irresistible power.

As soon as the group left the temple, they saw a white-robed priestess running over in a panic, "Report: Lord Holy Son, Li Jiu has mysteriously disappeared! At the entrance of the hotel, as well as the guards of the passages in various places in Dragon City, there was no trace of him, just like when he came, there was no trace!

Ye Wuyao's brows furrowed after hearing this: "There is such a thing?" Did you check carefully?

The priestess nodded quickly: "Check carefully, after he left the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce venue, he went to the mushroom shop to buy things and met Miss Wen, in the dessert shop... Li Jiu mysteriously disappeared. "

What?" Ye Wuyao looked at Wen in a coma in disbelief.

He didn't expect that the woman he fancy had already been boarded by Li Jiujiu?

Ye Wuyao clenched his fists: "So, you want to tell me that Li Jiu suddenly evaporated in Jianlong City, right?"

"Yes... In this way, there is no trace of him anywhere. The priestess said fearfully.


Ye Wuyao never expected that Li Jiu would disappear mysteriously, and without the teeth of Yemen, it would be difficult to win An Keer's heart.

"Saint, sorry.... Li Jiu Na Jiu...,"

An Keer shook her head indifferently: "It's okay, that Yemeng Tooth doesn't have much effect, maybe he fled long ago with the help of a superior person, right?"

Ye Wuyao said to himself ruthlessly: "Even if you kid runs fast, but the next time I see you, I will tear you to pieces with my own hands." "

Li Jiu: Ye is behind you, can't you think of it?

In this way, Li Jiu followed the people of the Holy Court of Light to the station of Jianlong City, and the scheduled spiritual power train slowly drove to the station.

Anker tilted his head and asked, "Holy Son, where are we going?"

Ye Wuyao stared at An Keer and said, "Since Li Jiu has escaped, let others deal with it here, let's hurry to the ancient god ruins." An

Keer's heart suddenly felt an inexplicable panic, although she had already expected all this, but this ominous sign...

Ankel, who returned to the temple, heard a message from the guards that a papal envoy had come here to wait for her.

She rushed back to her room but found it empty, and then Ye Wuyao asked her to leave Jianlong City with her and go to the ancient god site to awaken.

Listening to Ye Wuyao's tone, he didn't seem to know the existence of the 'Pope's Special Envoy', so he said.... Where did Li Jiu run?

Could it be that Li Jiu had already been killed by Ye Wuyao?

Could it be that Ye Wuyao already knew his whole plan, and he was teasing himself?

Li Jiu's bizarre disappearance made An Keer a little weak-hearted, relying on her meager strength, can she successfully kill the gods?

The price of failure... Anker may not be able to afford it at all, but now she has no turning back.

"Holy Daughter, what's wrong with you?" Ye Wuyao asked with concern.

"It's okay... Yesterday I didn't rest well.

Ye Wuyao stood in front of An Keer with the appearance of a big husband, "Holy girl, don't worry.... After tonight's ceremony, no one in the world can threaten us, and don't be afraid of me. "

The spiritual train runs smoothly on the track, and the end of this train is Panlong City, the hometown of the Holy Court of Light.

Along the way, An Keer and Ye Wuyao didn't say much, and the atmosphere in the carriage was a little depressing, like the eve of a storm that was breathless.

Li Jiu hugged Wen and sat on the side seat.

Outside the car, the sky also gradually darkened.

Suddenly, a deafening loud noise lifted the sleepy Li Jiu, and sky-like flames rose from the sky in Jianlong City.... Has it already started there?

Ye Wuyao held his chin and ate the apple, he looked out the window and muttered, "It should start, right?" So boring.

The warmth of his gaze swept to Li Jiu's arms and gradually changed into Li Jiu's familiar look, which was Yan Wan's gaze to him every time she was 'hungry'.

"Ye An, bring her here, Ben Shengzi wants." Ye Wuyao threw the unfinished apple on the table, snorted coldly, stood up and walked to the lounge next to him.

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