Over time, the dazzling glow emitted by the surface of the plume body became more and more dim.

The spiritual power in Jello's body has been completely divided between Li Yu and the two.

[Holy Wing Blazing Angel]

Grade: Mythical Level

: 47

Sync Value: 92

Li Jiu looked at himself again.

Host: Li Jiu

Physical Strength: Level 38

Spiritual Power: Level 49

"Not bad, worthy of the power of angels, only a little bit can break through to level 50."

Li Jiu did not ban the mighty spiritual power in his body.

With the increase in the level of spiritual power and the power of divine chess, Li Jiu could already clearly perceive the pure white picture scroll in the depths of the sea of knowledge.

If Li Jiu could only vaguely feel this object before, then now he could clearly see several pure white spiritual chains emerging from the scroll, and it was these chains that linked his soul to various spiritual pets.

The sealed [Gluttony] [Rage] in the scroll had turned into two ineffable black chaos at this time, and the two shining white light divine chess pieces were firmly established on the chessboard, but the sons of [Shi] among them did not seem to be completely integrated.

Li Jiu had a hunch that as long as he reached level 50, all the mysteries in his body might come to light!

"Honey, we're almost there.... However, Xiaoying'er's breath seems to be very weak... She wouldn't be hurt, would she? Ying Ruoxue's anxious voice came in.

Li Jiu clenched his fists, and his muscles burst out: "I feel it.... Long-lost anger. "

Ying Ruoxue's speed can be described as fast, and it only took three hours to take Li Jiu from the outskirts of Jianlong City to this little-known ancient god site.

The vision ahead became wider and wider, and after passing through the jungle, a slightly dilapidated ruins appeared in front of Li Jiu's eyes.

"Ruoxue, there is a door in that direction!" Yuguang hurriedly reminded loudly.

"I know!"

Li Jiu on the fox's back took out the hook-lock gun and aimed it at the tree trunk next to him: "Ruoxue, you go back and rest for a while, and I'll leave the rest to me."

"Honey... You have to be careful. Ying Ruoxue nodded and returned to the spirit pet space to recover her strength.

The rapid running of up to three hours is not something that all mount spiritualists can endure.

"It's my turn, Master Se." The black light flashed, and the beautiful woman in the black robe shone out.

"Let's go on."

The three hurriedly passed through the gate of this ruin, and just after Li Jiu came out, he found that a large hole had appeared in the wall on the right hand side.

And Xiaoying's petite body was half-kneeling there to recover its state.

"The host is so weird here.... Wrong. Yuguang

immediately discovered Hua Point: the outside world was pitch black, but there was a golden sun in the sky in the center of the ruins, and it was like afternoon.

"Sky Shadow!" Li Jiu, who loved his pet, exclaimed, and rushed over to check Xiaoying's injuries.

Xiaoying quickly raised his head after hearing the voice, and a pair of starry eyes were full of panic, "Brother, you leave here first!" Don't come near me! Li

Jiu: "....,"

the words did not fall, Li Jiu felt like a mouse being targeted by a cat, and his back had been pierced by a complete coolness!

At this moment, Yuguang exerted spiritual loyalty.

Her body disappeared like a dazzling light, and then a shield of pure white wings defused the attack on Li Jiu's back.

"Bang bang!"

The deafening sound of collision echoed continuously in the ruins square.

Seeing this, Yan Yu did not waste the protection time of Yuguang, and she used the spirit whip to rush to Xiaoying's side as quickly as possible and healed Xiaoying's body with the wind of revival.

Xiaoying nodded: "Thank you, Sister Yu'er." The

shield of the wings slowly collapsed, and the light feathers in the sky turned into streamers and reformed the light wings and returned to the back of the feather light.

"Oh? I didn't expect to miss my first attack after waking up. A voice that sounded like a man and not a woman, sounded like an old man and a baby.

Li Jiu took a few steps back and looked at the enemy in front of him, even if he had never seen such a 'monster'.

This is an angel nearly ten meters tall, with 4 wings on its back, and a two-headed person?

On his left is a handsome silver-haired man, and on his right is a charming black-haired witch, each muscle on his cyan body is angular, and his four arms are firmly locked by a pair of pitch-black iron shackles.

His weapons are two-handed greatswords, each of which seems to carry enough power to break the moon of meteorites.

His name is...

【Ancient God Soldier-Lerner】

Grade: ???

Level: Level 55

Introduction: A humanoid weapon created by Cami using his few divine powers before his fall, and his strength can only be described as terrifying.


: God Servant: Strong body Born to fight regardless of weak control effects

: Lerner's combat talent is very terrifying

Ten Directions Fall: Use manic double swords to destroy everything around

Divine Flame Scatter: Fire sprays from the eyes for a wide range of group attacks

Liberation: Liberation of all-out

trash fish skills: ......

??? level's panel.

A synopsis of the horror of origin.

The dense battle techniques show that the ancient divine weapons in front of you are very tricky enemies.

The ancient god soldier looked down at the slightly petite Yuguang: "Huh? Your wings....... Could it be that you are the legendary perfect creation of God? The

ancient divine soldier originally planned to casually kill the humble human in front of him, but he suddenly had other ideas the moment he saw Yuguang.

Yuguang calmly pulled out his weapon and slowly flew into the air, "Sneak attack on my lord, you must die." The

male face of the ancient god soldier smiled, and his hands were put in the sword to the ground: "Do you know what you are doing?" We are all creations of God, we are all beings serving Lord Cami, why would you give yourself to a lowly human being?

A rare anger flashed in Yuguang's eyes, and she pointed her sword at the ancient divine soldier and said, "I'm different from you.

"What's different?"

"We are all dolls created by God, and obeying God's commands is the meaning of our existence."

"And you... As a perfect creation of God, but secretly disobeyed Lord Cami's order to escape from heaven, the name of the twelve winged angels may only be known to me, but I am curious... How did the spiritual core that you faded recover? Facing

the words of the ancient god soldier, there was no confusion in Yuguang's eyes, on the contrary, there was a trace of disgust.

She raised her weapon, and the endless holy light filled the double blade with momentum like a rainbow: "I don't know what you're talking about..... There will always be only one God in my heart, and that is the Master! When

the ancient god soldier heard this, his face changed wildly, and the woman's face broke on the spot and cursed: "Rubbish! Damn it! Bedbug! "

It's scary how quickly it changes faces.

"The angel who is Lord Camille thinks of devouring the Lord, be damned!"

"Nonsense few, let's fight!"

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