Knock knock -

"Please come in." An

old voice came from inside the teaching office, and Ye Yiyi pushed open the door and entered.

"Hello teacher, I am Ye Yiyi, from the Ye family in Liancang City, and I want to join the Shenlong Academy, this is a letter given to me by my father.

Ye Yiyi walked into the teaching office and took a look at the interior of the room, facing the door was a large desk, on the left was a huge bookcase, on the right was a display case, where all kinds of cherished parts of war pets were placed, and on the top was a layer with all kinds of tea.

Behind the desk was an old man with a pale face, although he was old, he could feel the strong vitality exuded by the old man, and the sense of oppression that Ye Yiyi brought was no worse than that brought by his father Ye Qingtian.

Walking to the desk, Ye Yi respectfully held the envelope with both hands and handed it to the old man.


the old man put down the book in his hand, took the envelope and looked at it, and after seeing the school emblem of the Shenlong Academy on the envelope and the personal mark on the fire paint, he looked up at Ye Yiyi.

"One letter, huh?"


Ye Yiyi nodded respectfully.

"Hmm.... I see, you can take this admission invitation to the student dormitory to report. The

old man took out an admission invitation letter from the drawer, filled in Ye Yiyi's name, stamped it and handed it to Ye Yiyi, and along with the admission invitation letter, he handed Ye Yiyi a student handbook.

"Thank you, teacher.

Ye Yi thanked him and left the teaching office and gently closed the door.

"Sent by Qi Boy's friend?"

the old man shook his head, picked up the communicator on the table and sent a text message.

"Qi boy, your old friend sent a student and a letter, you can pick up the letter from me. Then he

put down the communicator and continued to concentrate on studying the book.


Following the map of Shenlong Academy in the student handbook, Ye Yiyi found the student dormitory.

A fifteen-story dormitory building, Ye Yiyi walked to the dormitory management room and knocked on the small window.

"Uncle, I'm a freshman who came to report. "


the window opened, revealing the face of an old man in his fifties or sixties who looked very energetic.

"Freshman who came to report, show me your admission invitation, and I'll register you. The

old man took the admission invitation letter handed by Ye Yi, and tapped something at a strange artifact in front of him that he had never seen.

After a while

, "Alright, bedroom 713 on the seventh floor." The

old man handed the admission invitation back to Ye Yiyi and said a room number.

"There is an elevator on the right side of the stairway. The

old man shouted at Ye Yiyi's departing back.

"Okay, thank you, uncle!"

"Elevator? What kind of novelty is this, is it because I can't keep up with the trend of

the times?" Ye Yiyi muttered as he walked, feeling that after coming to the Imperial City, he seemed to have derailed from the times, and had seen too many things that he had never seen in Liancang City.

These should all be the derivatives of some 'mechanical war pet' researched by those old pedants, right?

Ye Yiyi entered the right side of the corridor and saw a 'chic' room door with a button that said 'Open'.

Ye Yi pressed it tentatively.


'The door' opened, Ye Yiyi went in, and saw a row of buttons near the door, with buttons from '1' to '15'.

"This should be the floor I'm going to, right?"

Ye Yiyi roughly figured out this magical elevator and pressed the '7' button.

Buzz –

The elevator starts and starts to rise.

"This room called 'elevator' is not bad.

Ye Yiyi thought that although with the blessing of the beast master's physique, it is not difficult to climb the stairs, but it is also a lot more convenient to have an elevator, and it is quite fast.

Ding -

About five breaths, the elevator stops and the elevator door opens.

"It's pretty fast. Ye Yiyi muttered to himself.

Walking out of the elevator, Ye Yiyi found the 713 bedroom.

"Yo, yes, it's still a one-person bed.

Ye Yiyi took out the key and opened the door, and said in surprise.

The dormitory is about seventy or eighty square meters, with bedrooms, kitchens, toilets, living rooms, and cultivation rooms.


" "Look at the student

handbook and sleep...."Ye Yiyi howled wolf, threw himself on the soft big bed, opened the student handbook given to him by the director of the teaching office, and checked it.

If you want to mix well in the academy, you must first familiarize yourself with the rules of the academy.

Our Ye Yiyi had just come to the Divine Dragon Academy, and he had already started thinking about how to do things.

Why don't you summon Chunjun and Baihua? Chunjun's

size, Ye Yiyi is afraid that the dormitory will collapse.

Moreover, the space environment of the war pet is very good, which is suitable for the war pet to sleep and cultivate in it, and the cultivation speed is much faster than in the outside world, and it can also speed up the recovery of injuries.

The higher the level of the Beast Master, the higher the level of the battle pet space, and the better the cultivation speed and injury recovery effect of the battle pet.

All Beast Masters will leave the Pet in the Pet space for the most part.

At the same time, because the summoning and retrieval of war pets will require the consumption of soul power, the control of soul power during battle is also extremely important, and because Ye Yiyi devoured the soul of that strange dragon Aotian, his soul power reserve is twice as high as that of the same level beast master, which is a huge advantage.

Ye Yiyi was thinking about whether there would be any entrance exams for the Divine Dragon Academy, and he was also thinking about what level his fifth-order level of the war general level was among the freshmen.

Not to mention the top, it has to be the upstream echelon, right?

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