Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver

Chapter 174 Does the ultimate weapon exist?

But at this moment, the actions of the players are another feeling in the eyes of the cockroaches.

These cockroach people have been stunned by the group of bugs in front of them.

Because from the beginning of the battle to the present, they have made many tactical adjustments, but all ended in failure.

For example, seeing the bugs attacking from the front, they want to double-team from the side, because there are several passages in the base that lead to the side, and when they go to carry out this plan.

As soon as the door of the side passage was opened, the countless spikes shot them into a sieve as soon as they walked out.

It's not over yet. In the early stage of the battle, they wanted to let the scientific staff in the laboratory leave first. After all, the war is about to face such a powerful race.

Every scientific researcher is a very precious asset, especially the scientific researcher at this base, they have been engaged in the research of those two bugs, so they are as important as giant pandas.

But when they were about to leave from the safe passage, it was the same routine as soon as the passage door opened.

A bunch of spikes came and suppressed them. Just as they were about to change their way, a bunch of swift beasts charged over immediately.

They still have troops on the main battlefield above the Conscience of Heaven and Earth to delay them, and they also have troops in other positions.

It stands to reason that all the attention of the bugs should be attracted by these. How did they find such an ugly escape route?

This made them very confused, and they were quite aggrieved from the beginning of the battle to the present.

Every step of their plan was calculated by the enemy and intercepted.

Let them doubt for a while whether there are spies among them.

In this way, from the time of the war to the present, the plans of the cockroach people have been frustrated again and again, and every failure of the plan means that a large number of cockroach people will die.

On the other hand, the players basically have no battle damage.

Some powerful combat units emperor penguins that are a threat to players directly let the long-range troops give priority to killing.

Not only that, all the escape channels of the cockroach people were blocked by the players.

So many helpless cockroaches can only take off from the frontal battlefield, and then try to escape.

But it is very interesting to take off on the frontal battlefield.

This is purely ignoring the Hydralisks on the ground, so when these cockroaches take off.

Only then did they realize what is called cross shooting and what is called all-round fire coverage without dead ends.

As time went by, this base was quickly cleared up by the players.

Of course, the players did not forget their mission.

So after clearing the base, the players rushed to the underground base without stopping.

Because they have to uninstall the computer before the data is destroyed.

The rest of the players are responsible for cleaning the battlefield.

At this moment, the emperor penguin recalled the battle just now, and couldn't help but have a clear understanding of the actual combat effect of the eye worm.

And at this moment, the Emperor Penguin suddenly detected a huge energy response, and looking in that direction, he saw a giant mecha with a height of 80 meters flying towards him.

"Brothers, there is a situation! The enemy has a giant mech coming towards us."

As soon as the emperor penguin's voice fell, the players turned their eyes to the direction the emperor penguin said, and after a while, the figure of the mecha appeared in the players' field of vision.

Immediately afterwards, the mecha directly launched an attack when it was about two kilometers away from the players.

Then the players saw that the mecha launched a laser cage to trap the emperor penguin, and then immediately pulled the emperor penguin to their side.

Obviously, this mecha wanted to capture the emperor penguin back.

Seeing this wave of mech operations, the players were immediately overjoyed.

"The last time you caught worker bees, we endured it. After all, we wanted to collect information on you. Besides, a worker bee is only a 648 and it is not very valuable, so we are not in a hurry to trouble you."

"This time, it's good for you to catch 200,000 walking in front of us."

"It's still when we are all here, how dare you be so blatant at this time."

"It's so pure that it doesn't take us seriously."

"I don't arrange you, I'm really sorry for your attitude of doing whatever you want."

"It's too arrogant, I can't bear it!" At this moment, a few violent ghost Hydralisks were the first to bear it.

I saw that the huge spikes on their backs began to gather. The next moment, several spikes shot out and shot directly into the inside of the mecha, and then the players immediately detonated the spikes.

Then there was a huge explosion.

The giant mecha that the cockroach people were proud of was immediately blown to pieces.

"Let's go, brothers, let's see if those stupid cockroaches who control the mecha are alive or dead."

"Catch him alive and hang him with a hammer."

"Made, by the way, ask them what they think."

"Yeah, because I have a bigger mech, I really feel invincible. If I have nothing to do, I want to catch a bug and go back to study it. Who gave them the courage."

Speaking of which, a group of players rushed towards the wreckage of the giant mecha, and at this moment, two seriously injured cockroaches were supporting them and preparing to leave this place of right and wrong.

The next moment, the Swift Winged Beast swooped down and appeared in front of them, "Aha, I want to run after pretending to be aggressive, how can there be such a good thing."

Speaking of which, this player went up to give the two cockroaches a bang bang bang bang.

After the other players came, they discussed and decided to handcuff the two cockroaches first, to see if they could get some useful information.

And when the cockroaches discovered that the players were able to communicate with them normally, they couldn't help being taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, the players began to ask some questions they wanted to know.

"You bugs should die, we will never disclose any information to you."

"Yes, even if you die, you will never get any information from us."

Facing the players' questioning, the two cockroaches stood firm.

"Hehe, big brother, if you say that, we will be excited."

"Yes, that's what she said when she went to interrogate the empress."

"But then I got honest."

"That's right, suddenly I remembered a very important thing. Before, because the empress was too big, we had a lot of routines that we couldn't use."

Speaking of this, the player looked up and down at the two cockroaches in front of him.

"With your size, it's the perfect material. Brothers, take them back and let's play slowly."

In this way, a group of players grabbed two cockroaches and rushed back.

For a creature with super vitality like Xiaoqiang, players are not afraid of being played to death at all, so these two Xiaoqiang also experienced the darkest days of their cockroach life.

After a lot of torture, the players can be considered to understand some basic conditions of this planet.

First of all, the three major forces on this planet.

The first force is the ordinary cockroaches, the second force is the artificial intelligence, and the other force is the mutant cockroaches.

However, the mutated cockroach doesn't have much intelligence, and only acts according to instinct, so the players classify it as an ordinary wild monster.

The remaining two forces are the main players that players need to target.

And from the mouths of these two good guys, I learned that the two forces have joined forces at present.

It's just that these two people don't know much about the so-called final weapon.

But at this moment, a new discovery was made on the information seized by the players.

"Brothers, this thing is a bit lost."

"We learned from the seized documents that the location of this so-called final weapon is in a city 12,000 kilometers away from us."

"are you sure?"

"I'm sure, but this is also the biggest problem. According to the intelligence of those two idiots, that city is the lair of artificial intelligence."

"And the information we have seized is intentionally or unintentionally referring to the fact that artificial intelligence is the ultimate weapon."

Hearing what this player said, the other players couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Brothers, this information is wrong."

"Think about it, if the ultimate weapon is artificial intelligence, then what is the record in this document that you want to use the ultimate weapon to deal with artificial intelligence?"

At this moment, a player suddenly wanted to understand the principle, "I see, the so-called final weapon, I suspect that it doesn't exist at all."

"Why did we discover such an important secret when we attacked the base twice in a row? I have every reason to suspect that this is a trick deliberately set up by the cockroaches. You must know that if we don't have spies at this stage, if we don't catch those two counselors goods."

"So should we think that these robots belong to them? Then through the second document, we discovered that these robots were made by artificial intelligence, and this artificial intelligence is their ultimate weapon."

"This document also vaguely gives us a direction, and that direction is the lair of artificial intelligence. What do you think these bastards want to do?"

How can the players not understand here.

Obviously, these cockroach artifacts are trying to use them to wipe out the artificial intelligence.

Then the artificial intelligence was wiped out, and they estimated that their own side would suffer heavy losses. Afterwards, they might still be able to play a game of beating the dog in the water.

Thinking of this, players have to admit that the operations of these cockroach people are really dirty.

"However, although the brothers said that the truth has come to light now, I suggest that we can go directly when we encounter monsters in the future, and stop playing with such fancy things."

"It's spies and plans. Does it make sense? With our IQ, we are led by the nose all the way."

"So I think, dear friends, our IQ really can't play with them, and we even didn't notice such a big loophole this time."

"Why did we immediately start mentioning this ultimate weapon in the base where our spies were held when we knew it existed?"

"Obviously it was all planned by them, and these things were left to us on purpose."

"And we didn't see it."

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