Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver

Chapter 454 The Cosmic Wandering Squad

In fact, Jiang Yao did not expect such a result in this battle. From the very beginning, he did not have much hope for this battle.

The reason for this is also very simple. Although the players' military strength is strong enough, it is still not enough to compete with the war fortress of the Crossel civilization.

Although the fortress was severely damaged, even if it was severely damaged, the players could not defeat it.

Although Jiang Yao still recognized the players' routines, especially when they managed to invade the inside of the War Fortress later on, Jiang Yao felt that this strategy was still very good.

However, Jiang Yao couldn't comment on their follow-up operation, because the players at that time actually wanted to destroy it from the inside out. If this thing was really so easy to be destroyed, it wouldn't be called a war fortress.

Fortunately, the end result is good.

As for why the players found that area, Jiang Yao later learned about the general situation through inquiry. It turned out that the player was in the eye worm team before, and later joined the battle team because he killed the eye worm. .

But before his eye worm died, he experienced that battle, which was the battle between the empire and the Crossel civilization.

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to the destruction of that area. After all, many war fortresses were destroyed, and the destruction of that special area was not so conspicuous.

And the most important thing is that he doesn't even know the specific situation of that area. The reason why he let the players go to that area at the end is purely because he feels that Xianyu and the others will probably fail.

Because in the previous battle, as an observer, he knew very well how thick the armor of this thing was.

So in the end, when Salted Fish and the others were desperately trying to destroy it, he was thinking of other strategies. First, he thought of starting from the destroyed area of ​​the war fortress.

Because it didn't take long to experience that battle, even if the Crossel civilization repaired a lot of areas of the war fortress, the defensive power of this hasty repair is definitely not as good as before.

So he was wondering if he could attack from a place with relatively weak defense.

So he immediately began to recall the previous situation, and soon the scene when the war fortress was destroyed that day flashed through his mind. It was also at this time that he suddenly thought that that area seemed to be damaged deeper than other areas.

This is undoubtedly good news for him, and then he brought the members of the guild to that area based on his memory, and then began to destroy. With the banelings thrown into the area, the area was destroyed as he thought. Part of it exploded.

When he got the news, he immediately told the players outside who were cooperating with Xianyu and the others, but those players naturally didn't come over immediately after receiving the news.

After all, they are still more willing to believe in the point of internal and external cooperation than the new point of destruction.

But after he explained the situation of the War Fortress he had observed to the players, after discussion, everyone decided to send the Baneling over for a wave of experiments.

If the effect is not good then they still continue to deal with this point.

Then when the players sent Banelings over, after destroying them, they found that this area was much more brittle than other areas, so they immediately moved their positions and began to destroy here.

Immediately afterwards, the final result did not disappoint him. Xianyu's plan failed, but his sabotage plan succeeded.

Of course, his success this time also has too much luck, because the wave of the war fortress was too damaged, and the Crossel civilization was in short supply when repairing, so they had no choice but to use stronger Lower material for repair.

Of course, the reason why the players were able to enter so smoothly, apart from the materials, was that Salted Fish and the others had attracted all the attention of the Crossel civilization.

Otherwise, their plan would not have gone so smoothly.

Because the destroyed area is actually not that big, the entire route can support at most a dozen Corruptors entering at the same time, if they don't attract the attention of the Crossel civilization.

Then even if they destroy it, there is a high probability that they will not be able to rush in.

After all, with such a small hole, the garrison fleet over there only needs to aim and shoot to be able to guard against it.

But because they all went to fight the salted fish, they gave the players a chance to rush out, and it was also for this reason that the Crossel civilization eventually failed.

After knowing the general situation, Jiang Yao didn't know how to evaluate the final result of this battle for a while.

The final victory in this battle was the result of various coincidences and luck. Regarding this point, Jiang Yao also had to admit that the luck of the players was really good.

In fact, for Jiang Yao, there are two ways to go in this war fortress.

First of all, the first way is to incorporate the entire war fortress, which is the one he has chosen now. Of course, there is another way to go besides this one.

The second way is even simpler, that is to dismantle the war fortress, and the materials used in the war fortress can also convert a lot of energy.

And the most important thing is that this war fortress is so big and it uses such high-value materials, so just the conversion can make Jiang Yao drink a pot.

And with the resources inside the war fortress, Jiang Yao estimated that there would be no big problem with his worm nest evolution.

But in the end Jiang Yao gave up on this plan.

The main reason for this is that the combat of this thing is really too strong, as long as it is repaired and finally combined with bugs, it is an invincible combination.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that my own development route has always been two-line development of technology and evolution.

Although in terms of technology, I now have a star ring, but no matter how the star ring is played, the technological level is here. Compared with this civilization's war fortress, the star ring is like an egg shell that will break when touched.

Although in terms of size alone, this war fortress may not even be considered a small shrimp in front of Xinghuan, but the strength of strength is never judged by size.

This war fortress can easily crush the star ring, and the star ring is extremely inconvenient to move because of technology. The most important thing is that the star ring has no jumping technology, which means that if the distance is too far, it cannot be carried at all. on it.

Although Jiang Yao thought about slowly cultivating the star ring to upgrade it long ago, but this will be a very long cycle, and the consumption of resources is also massive.

So now that there is a better choice, Jiang Yao is naturally going to give priority to this war fortress as his first choice.

Compared with the more well-equipped war fortress, the star ring is not so important in Jiang Yao's eyes now.

After much deliberation, he decided to use Xinghuan as his second base, but now his first base has become a war fortress.

And because of the end of this battle, many of the players have died and returned. They bought new units and with their participation, Jiang Yao will have a lot easier in the subsequent harvest of civilization.

At present, the players are divided into three groups. The first group is responsible for guarding the safety of the war fortress. Of course, apart from the so-called security, they also collect materials to repair the war fortress, because some areas of the war fortress are made of counterfeit and shoddy materials.

It is naturally impossible for Jiang Yao to allow such things to exist, so Jiang Yao is going to replace all these materials with better quality materials.

Because the resources of this galaxy could not meet the repair needs, Jiang Yao asked that group of players to send some of them to search in other galaxies to see if they could find the materials they needed.

Except for the players on my own side and the players on the War Fortress, the remaining troops after a wave of fighting with the War Fortress continued to wander in the universe.

And now the entire insect swarm can be tracked by the starry sky behemoth is only the small army of 3,000 people.

At this time, the gang is gathering to go to their newly found planet.

They discovered this planet by accident. Although the level of civilization and technology in this planet has reached the mid-universe level, civilizations at this stage can only deliver food to these 3,000 people.

Because although these thousands of people are remnants of the last wave of battles, the rest are some extremely high-attribute units, including a large number of Corruptors above Tier 3, and five Thunder Beasts, including the salty The one with the fish was also among them.

In addition, cockroaches in the fourth stage accounted for more than half of them. Of course, this is also very normal. After all, among the players' arms, except for the Thunder Beast, this thing is more powerful, so there are so many cockroaches left. No surprise now.

And this elite formation is destructive to any mid-term or mid-to-late civilization.

"Brothers, we made money this time."

"Yes, we never thought that in such a war, we would actually lose our lives."

"That wave has already allowed us to return our capital, and made a lot of money, and now we have found another big family. If we count them, wouldn't we have made a lot of money in this wave?"

"Yes, it would be great if such good things happen more times, but I've been wondering when that starry sky behemoth will come to us."

"Of course, the later the better, anyway, the later it finds us, the more residual value our armies will have."

In this way, the players launched an attack on this civilization while discussing, and the moment the players appeared at this time, it naturally aroused the vigilance of this civilization.

This civilization is no better than those in the greenhouse. They also understand the cruelty of the universe very clearly, so after seeing the players coming towards them, they immediately began to organize a counterattack force.

There are a total of nearly 100,000 warships on their side. This number is already considered strong for an intermediate civilization in the universe.

Perhaps in the past, when players saw such a large number of warships, they would most likely be very cautious, but now it is different.

Now their arms are too strong, so when they see these warships, their first reaction is that this civilization probably has a lot of savings in their hands, and they can make a lot of money again.

And as the battle between the two sides began, the players naturally advanced all the way in a crushing posture. The attacks of these warships hit the players like tickling.

In contrast to the players' attacks, each wave can take away a lot of warships, especially the Thunder Beast assault force headed by Xianyu. There is nothing else that can be done.

At this time, this civilization looked at this group of powerful behemoths with unprecedented despair.

Their steel torrent composed of warships was beaten helplessly in front of this group of creatures. Although their own troops were thirty-four times stronger than the enemy's, they were useless.

They have lost nearly 30,000 warships so far in the battle, while the enemy's battle damage is zero.

Seeing this scene, even the most determined commanders could not bear such a blow. You must know that these warships are the spiritual pillar of their civilization and the guarantee of their civilization security.

But now this so-called security is so vulnerable.

"How can it be...."

"How could there be such a powerful creature in this world."

"It's over, our civilization is over."

"Why, why are these evil creatures attacking us..."

"Our warships were completely wiped out, killing the enemy... 100..."

"It's over, our civilization is over."

"The strength gap is too great."

. . . . . .

At this time, with the passage of time, the entire civilization of the defeated fleet fell into unprecedented despair. At this time, how much they hoped that a certain righteous civilization in the universe could save them, but it is obvious that such a hope is doomed to be impossible. .

In this way, they watched their civilization go to destruction step by step.

And at this moment, some people behind them suddenly reached out with an evil idea.

The development of this civilization can be regarded as relatively bumpy. Shortly after the civilization stepped into the universe, they met another civilization, and then a war broke out between the two civilizations.

However, the technological level of the two civilizations is basically the same, so they fought back and forth in the following time.

In this way, the two civilizations developed while fighting, and this kind of battle has continued until now.

Although there is war as a catalyst to make the technological level of the two civilizations develop rapidly, the same war has also devastated the people of the two civilizations.

In such a situation, although the technological level of this civilization is not bad, their lives are not as beautiful as imagined.

Their people are busy every day, because they know that once they stop, they are very likely to be caught up by the other party.

And if the opponent catches up, what awaits him will be the fate of destruction.

So they are not doing well.

And now, their civilization is about to be destroyed. These people recall the past and throw all problems to the other civilization.

It is because of their existence that I can't get a breath, and I can't enjoy life well.

If it weren't for you, maybe they could enjoy life well, so even if they were destroyed, they wouldn't be unacceptable.

but now. . . .

Some people in this civilization thought about it more and more, and finally they made a decision, which was to send out the coordinates of that planet.

Their purpose of doing this is naturally very simple, that is to drag their enemies into the water together


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