After hearing what this player said, Xianyu shook his head.

"The possibility of this is very low, because when you went in, we tested this layer of shield, and I found that even my attack could not shake this layer of shield."

"Their environment determines that their material understanding has basically been locked. If this problem cannot be solved, then their technology will never be able to enter the next level."

While everyone was still discussing, they received a new task reminder from Jiang Yao.

"Trigger the hidden mission and help the leader to bring this planet into the fortress of war." As he said that, Xianyu's eyes lit up.

"Damn, this will trigger the hidden mission, our luck is simply amazing."

"And the reward for this task is not low. After completing this task, you can get five unlimited evolution volumes."

"There are only 5 cards, how do we divide this thing?"

"It's not easy. After completing this task, put these evolution rolls up for auction, and the one with the highest price will get it."

"Brothers, let's not discuss the evolution volume. What we need to discuss now is how to complete the prerequisites for this task."

"Let this planet be included in the war fortress. Judging from the technological level of that war fortress, it is easy to accept it, but this task also mentioned that we need to clean up the black bugs inside."

Listening to what this player said, everyone couldn't help but feel troubled.

"This is indeed a troublesome matter."

"That's right, now our attack can't destroy this shield at all, and even viruses can't pass through this shield. In this case, it is basically unrealistic for us to kill those black bugs."

"This matter is not easy to deal with. Now our top priority is to find a way to break through this shield, otherwise this task will be in vain."

"Didn't Xianyu try it just now? His attack is not painful to this passport, let alone ours."

"Otherwise, let's try and gather all the attacks to one point to see the effect."

In this way, while discussing with the players, trying various methods,

But obviously, these methods are futile. Although their attacks are relatively powerful in this universe, they have no effect on this layer of shield.

"Damn, this is a bit outrageous."

At this time, after many attempts, everyone who ended in failure couldn't help but make trouble.

"Yes, the hardness of this layer of tortoise shell is too exaggerated. There is no effect for so many of our elite arms to exert force at the same time. It seems that it is basically unrealistic to destroy it from the outside."

"You said whether this thing will react with some special substances in the universe, or some special substances can pass through this shield."

"I think there's a possibility."

"But what kind of matter is the key? There are so many kinds of matter in the universe, and we don't have the ability to take them all out and try them one by one."

"Yes, if we take them one by one and try them one by one, let alone a few years, I guess we won't be able to try them again in hundreds of years."

While everyone was still discussing, a player suddenly remembered something and said.

"Brothers, I suddenly had a good idea. I wonder if you still remember the strategy No. 1 adopted when attacking the Starlink civilization?"

Hearing what this player said, everyone immediately recalled the scene where they were in the shabby room with the star ring civilization, and their eyes lit up when they recalled this place.

"Yeah, why did we forget about this? Since we can't disintegrate it from the outside, why can't we solve the problem from the inside?"

Speaking of which, everyone began to plan.

This time they are going to adopt the previous method of No. 1 controlling the star ring civilization, and perhaps disintegrate the black bug civilization from within.

Let them kill themselves.

However, it is still difficult to use such a routine. After all, the technological development of the black worm civilization is not low, and the awareness of the entire black worm group is also very high.

Under such circumstances, it is basically unrealistic to try to solve the problem through some special means.

Take the most conventional way of cleaning up, that is to provoke wars between different forces, and achieve the purpose of rapid downsizing through wars.

This method is very feasible for some first-level civilizations, but it is basically unrealistic for some advanced civilizations.

Because most of the high-level civilizations have already achieved a small conflict between the various regions that have achieved unity, but they can be properly resolved in the end.

And in this level of civilization, ordinary people usually have a lot of cognitive information, and their views on war gradually change. They are no longer like low-level civilizations. Rush to start a war.

Such a civilization will be in a very embarrassing situation. Even if they have the ability to provoke conflicts above, the people below are not stupid. They will never start a war.

As long as they are unwilling to do anything, the people above will have no effect no matter how they play, and even the ones above will replace the people below.

After all, with such mentally retarded leaders, these people are a very big hidden danger to the public black bugs.

For the stable development of their civilization, they may eliminate these hidden dangers, so this plan was rejected by the players not long after it was proposed.

There is another method other than war, and that is to create and spread viruses.

After communicating with the players through this method, it is found that the feasibility is also very low, because this level of civilization has reached the extreme in the use and understanding of the materials inside the planet.

Under such circumstances, no matter how the players play, no matter how fierce the virus is, it won't take long for the opponent to solve it, unless the players get the infected out, but this is obviously unrealistic.

These two more reliable methods are not practical in this civilization, let alone some other unreliable methods, and when everyone was still struggling with this, a player suddenly thought of a good way.

And this method has been communicated by the players, and they found that this is undoubtedly the best method to use at present.

In this way, it didn't take long for a few black bugs to appear on the planet for no reason.

After these black worms entered this planet, they first tried to obtain an identity, and then they immediately started to develop in various fields.

What the players didn't know at this time was that they also took a lot of risk in controlling the replica to enter Jiang Yao.

But for Jiang Yao, this risk is worth taking.

Although this risk is unusually calm compared to previous wars, it is not as grand as those wars.

But for Jiang Yao, the threat brought by this risk may be greater than those facing life-and-death wars, even many times greater.

This matter also starts with the first Euglena player who entered the interior of the planet.

At that time, he felt that after he entered the interior of the planet, the consciousness body that originally controlled the eye worm was suddenly transferred to the clone. This incident seemed to be nothing on the surface, but in fact it was not.

Because the system issued a prompt at that moment, what the player felt was not a feeling, but reality.

His consciousness was indeed pulled into that world, and he was forced into it. This is a very bizarre thing. You must know that what Jiang Yao asked the players to do was to control the Zerg through the helmet.

The connection and consciousness between them have nothing to do with it, but they were forcibly pulled in, but because of this pull, they touched the mechanism of the system.

So this player came back later, and his return did not mean that its phagocytosis was exhausted, but that the system dragged him back.

At the moment when he exhausted his energy consumption, his consciousness would also dissipate with the dissipation of the clone. Just when Jiang Yao thought the player was finished, the system took action and forcibly pulled his consciousness back. .

Because the players control the Zerg, there is also a part of the system's functions, so the situation at that time can be understood as this strange energy directly confronting the system.

What is this concept?

You know it's a system.

And this energy actually has the capital to directly play against the system, which means that this energy is extraordinary. Although the system won in the end, Jiang Yao has never encountered such a thing in the universe for so long.

The civilizations he has experienced, no matter how powerful they are, are not qualified for the system to compete with it.

But that energy was different.

So when the players decided to use the clone to enter the planet again, Jiang Yao planned to stop it, because he knew that this energy is not simple, and this energy may involve many follow-up problems, but in the end he still did not to stop.

Because he knew very well how much it would help him if he could use this energy. After all, this was an existence that could directly compete with the system.

In the past, he was still thinking about how to use the function of this energy, that is, to enter the interior and develop himself quickly through the time difference, but now he does not want to think about this issue, what he wants to think about now is how to Use or absorb positive energy itself.

He had a hunch that if he mastered how to use this energy and let the insect nest absorb it, then he could be sure that the strength of the insect nest would most likely increase to another level.

And he didn't want to let go of this opportunity, so when the players decided to enter again, he didn't choose to stop it but chose to take risks.

At this time, it was inside the Black Worm Planet.

"Hello, audience friends, I am the singer Xiao Xiaohei! Thank you for your long-term support, here is a song for you all the way."

As the voice fell and the beautiful melody sounded, this black worm also started his performance.

Xiao Xiaohei is a star who has recently become popular on the planet of Heiworm. He was just a little singer who was not popular at first, but one day he suddenly released a song, and this song caused a great sensation on the planet of Heiworm. So far he has officially entered the public's field of vision.

And just when everyone thought it was his blind cat meeting a dead mouse and creating a good song.

What he did next slapped everyone in the face.

Because after that, he seemed to be hanging out, every time he released a song, it would cause an explosion on the black worm planet.

So far, an 18-line starlet, Hei Bug, has turned into a top-notch player.

Not only that, this top streamer is different from other black bug top streamers. This top streamer is not only keen on his own song creation, but also engages in many public welfare undertakings.

It is also because of his actions that he has gained a very good reputation in the entire civilization, and he has a lot of supporters.

Naturally, this black bug is the player, and the song he uses is naturally Blue Star's.

And the main reason why he wanted to do this was because according to their discussions, the players thought of the simplest and rudest way to deal with these black bugs.

And this trick is called culture invasion.

Although on the surface these four words do not seem to be a big deal, but in fact they are not.

It seems that he is not aggressive, but when he successfully invades, he is more lethal than any weapon, and this kind of lethality has no way of defense.

Because for any intelligent life, after meeting the most basic survival needs, he will consider more spiritual pursuits.

This is also the biggest difference between higher organisms and lower organisms. The life of lower organisms is only survival and reproduction.

It is normal for them to sleep when they are full and hunt when they wake up.

No need for spiritual sustenance, no need for all kinds of entertainment.

But advanced creatures are different. If you ask a person to go to work every day except for meals, not to watch videos or watch mobile phones, or even gossip with friends, this kind of operation may not take long before this person may go crazy.

This is the difference, for low-level creatures, this is their normal state, but for high-level creatures, this is an unacceptable way of life for them.

And black worms are no exception, because they have evolved to such a degree that they no longer need to worry about their material needs. After reaching this stage, they are more concerned with pursuing spiritual satisfaction.

So this civilized entertainment industry is highly developed.

The players also took a fancy to this and chose to start.

Starting from these aspects, entering the vision of the black worms, and then gradually changing their thinking, this is the plan of the players.

Although this plan takes a lot of time to operate, the most important thing for players here is time.

Of course, apart from this one player, there are some players who have also made great achievements in other fields.

Of course, the reason why they can achieve such high achievements is mainly because of the differences between the two civilizations.

Take songs as an example, it’s like you listen to some assembly line songs every day, and then one day you suddenly hear a song made with your heart, then your eyes will definitely shine.

The same is true for the differences between the two civilizations in this regard. When the people of the Black Worm civilization got used to their creations and their style, another style suddenly appeared.

Moreover, the cultural connotation of this style is not low, so they will naturally be attracted to it under such circumstances.

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