At the same time, it is also to ensure that people here can get started as soon as possible, so they adopted this method.

Forced indoctrination in this way will definitely cause some mental damage, but it is not a big problem for them, after all, they have carried out genetic reorganization on themselves a long time ago.

They are completely immune to the harm caused by this method, and Jiang Yao also found that the individuals here are completely different from the individuals he knew in the past.

They have some special abilities.

In the words of Blue Star, these abilities are superpowers.

Of course, Jiang Yao knew very well that this was the result of their biology.

It is also for this reason that people here have a long lifespan, and their lifespan is usually measured in tens of thousands of years.

Over such a long period of time, each of them has been able to master very terrifying skills, and they have also done a good job in the inheritance of skills, which makes the entire civilization have very powerful fighting capabilities.

Of course, their technological level is also very advanced.

All in all, this civilization is the only civilization that Jiang Yao has seen that is close to perfection. Whether it is a single battle or a technological level, it has developed very well.

But at their level, it is not surprising that they have developed like this. After all, they have reached a certain bottleneck in the development of civilization, and if they cannot break through for a long time, then they will move to other fields for research.

Sometimes after researching in other fields to a certain extent, the problems in another field they encountered before are solved, and it is also because of this reason that their development is relatively diversified.

And Jiang Yao also knows that the area of ​​the group they created is about the size of 10 solar systems, which can be said to be very huge.

At the same time, after getting to know Jiang Yao, he also knows that if the universe wants to maintain normal operation, it needs to consume a lot of energy, and this energy is obtained by devouring the planet.

In the big universe, they have launched many warships called planet devourers, and the main purpose of these warships is to devour planets one by one and transport them back to this universe.

From Jiang Yao's arrival in this world to the present, he has been studying the composition of the universe and how this civilization develops. After sorting out the materials during this period, he also knows a general idea. Of course, Jiang Yao is very clear. He will learn more in the coming days.

Because he is about to carry out the first knowledge instillation, and after the first knowledge instillation, he can enter the academy to study.

After he has experienced three times of indoctrination and mastered the knowledge, he can officially become a glorious migrant worker.

As a worker, he will continue to study in that field and learn more things, so as to get in touch with the more core things of this civilization.

Time came so quickly, and it was the next day.

Accompanied by parents, they will come to the test area of ​​the college and start testing their talents. Because in this article, everyone will be assigned a different job according to their talents, and will study for this job, so the results of today's test are very important to Jiang Yao. very important.

He knows that this kind of talent test is to change the final judgment through a comprehensive judgment of various things. The result is also very simple, that is, to do corresponding things in different periods to guide the final result.

To achieve this, it is not difficult with the current computing power of the Zerg.

In doing so, he can place himself in the field he wants to enter.

But this wave of Jiang Yao did not do so, because he knew that although such an arrangement allowed him to enter the place he wanted to go, it was very risky.

Knowing that the technology of this civilization is highly developed, their computing power is very terrifying. Although I will definitely not be discovered in the short term if I do this, I will wait until I enter their core in the future. Before entering the core, They study their own past experiences, and they are bound to find the tricks in it.

If you deliberately guide yourself, no matter how profitable you are, there will always be clues, and these clues are easy to find out. After all, if you want to enter the core position, you must ensure your safety.

So for this civilization, one of his routes, what Jiang Yao pays attention to is to follow the fate.

Answer according to what you think in your heart, and only in this way will you not be discovered when you finally enter the core position.

Jiang Yao also gave such an order to Cerebral Worm.

In this way, accompanied by his parents, Jiang Yao came to a huge instrument.

Then he entered the instrument and began to test. The content of the test is very large, starting from the most basic question answering, to the later simulation scene and so on.

It is very complicated, and of course it is very normal. After all, this is related to the future direction of ordinary people in this civilization.

The entire test process lasted for a whole day, and Jiang Yao's occupation was also determined after the test was over.

war commander.

This result is actually not surprising to Jiang Yao, after all, he has experienced countless battles from his development to the present.

These war experiences have long been deeply engraved into his mind, so during the test, his performance was considered by the system as possessing this aspect, talent and talent.

Although this matter is insignificant to him, it is different to other people in the civilization, because there are not many people with the talent of war command in this civilization.

After all, most people in this world are still ordinary people, and such things are no exception in this civilization.

When you learned that Jiang Yao had this day, his parents were also very overjoyed.

After all, both his parents are the most ordinary workers in civilization.

The company's work is also relatively basic. Although some work has been done, it is very advanced in other civilizations, but it is very simple in this case.

They actually don't get much remuneration for this kind of work, and now seeing that Jiang Yao has such a talent, it is undoubtedly a great thing for them.

In this way, the whole family was overjoyed, and because of this incident, they specially bought a small amount of transportation for Jiang Yao, because Jiang Yao will officially start his study career from tomorrow.

In fact, I feel very delicate about the future of my parents. After all, since I came to this world until now, he has been getting along with two people. If you say that he has no feelings for them at all, this is a lie.

But he is also very clear that his feelings for the two can only last until he commands the Zerg to attack here.

This time passed quickly. During this year, Jiang Yao studied in the academy, and he also made many friends.

The learning atmosphere is basically the same as that of Blue Star's school.

Students communicate with each other, compete with each other, and make progress together.

In fact, Jiang Yao was surprised by this learning method at the beginning. After all, in his cognition, a civilization of this level should have a brand-new education method, but he did not expect that this civilization still adopts such an ancient education method. way, but then he let it go.

Everything he has experienced keeps telling him that many times some things are very simple, but people tend to habitually think of things as complicated and make many complicated processes for this matter.

This is just like a TV. At the beginning, it was very simple to turn on and off the TV with a few buttons, but there are always some people who think that with the passage of time and the advancement of technology, the TV should be It needs to be more functional or more complex.

So the later TV was used.

Also known as the TV of the new era, various functions have been added, making the original simple TV page complicated.

The most critical thing at present is that it can be solved with one button in the past. Turning on and off now requires a complicated operation process to solve it. At the same time, the programs that can be watched by turning on the TV in the past now need to hold various options with the remote control.

Such a change, in the final analysis, is superfluous. What was originally a simple thing, only needs to be brought to the extreme, and then it will be fine.

Later, the same thing, the general function remains the same, but the operation is dozens of times, or even hundreds of times more complicated than before.

Perhaps one day in the future, enlightened people will return everything to the original point, just because of this civilization.

They made a lot of changes in many things, and finally found that their behavior was just superfluous. In the end, they returned to the original point and made everything easier.

It was Jiang who had stayed in this civilization for so long, and Yao had a clearer understanding of these advanced civilizations. He discovered that the strongest weapons in this civilization were not those planet-sized warships.

But some tiny robots.

The strength of some robots made Jiang Yao feel a little surprised.

The size of each robot is only about two meters in height, and according to Jiang Yao's estimation, such a robot can at least compete with the eighth or even ninth-level corrupters.

There are at least hundreds of millions of such robots in this civilization.

This is a very scary number.

This number of robots can easily overwhelm all civilizations.

Knowing this situation, Jiang Yao couldn't help sweating a few times for the previous homework. If they had sent this kind of robot directly at that time, I'm afraid she would have been too cold to be cold anymore, but after getting to know Jiang Yao, she also knew why. This civilization doesn't care much about its own side.

And for their own side, it's not that they don't care, but that the current situation doesn't allow them to care.

Now this civilization is fighting other civilizations.

Jiang Yao also felt a little surprised by this news.

Logically speaking, those who have reached this level of civilization should have no opponents, but he never thought that this civilization would have opponents, and he would still be at a disadvantage when fighting against his opponents.

It also made Jiang Yao a little surprised, but after understanding it later, he also knew the general reason.

They are not the only super civilizations in this universe.

Apart from them, there are 13 super civilizations in this universe on the bright side, but these 13 super civilizations are united. Although their union is not strong, they will work together when facing other super civilizations. Take a shot, and the enemy of his own civilization is those 13 super civilizations.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that after research they found that there are actually many powerful civilizations hidden in this universe. It's just that the technological level of these civilizations has reached a very exaggerated height, and it is very difficult for them to detect civilizations that have reached this level.

It is even said that even after so many years of development of their civilization, they only found traces of those hidden civilizations swept away.

Although they don't know why those civilizations hide themselves. After all, no one should be able to threaten them at that point, but they still choose to hide. They don't know much about this civilization. Of course, they are also studying What is the reason for the other party to do so.

It may be difficult for other people to obtain this important information, but because of the special nature of Jiang Yao's profession, he came into contact with this information easily.

And after understanding these things, Jiang Yao's understanding of this universe has become more profound. He originally thought that some civilizations on the bright side should be the end of this universe, but he didn't think of the dark place outside, and there are so many hidden super civilization.

And just recently their civilization has brought up those old antiques that were tens of billions of years ago. The civilization may still exist, but they hide it deeper.

"I have to say that the water in this universe is really deep enough."

"Fortunately, we have mastered the technology of soul technology. Otherwise, if we want to dig out these secrets with our own ability, I don't know that it will be the year of the monkey."

And thinking of this, Jiang Yao became more determined to study soul technology in depth. He couldn't find a direction in his research on technology before, so he was like a headless chicken.

But now it is different, now it has a specific direction, and now he is still trying another one, maybe that is to integrate the soul technology with the Zerg, so that the bugs have this ability.

The relevant gene sequence Jiang Yao is also asking the cerebrum to find a way to conduct research. All in all, now that he knows the general situation of the universe, Jiang Yao has put all his investment on soul technology.

Now he only has this technology, which can compete with other civilizations.

And in the past few years that Jiang Yao has been working here, the players have flourished outside.

They collected resource cleaning one after another, and merged these resources together, and during this period of time, because the players had more time, the cerebrums also began to ask Jiang Yao a long time ago. research on a theory.

That's the theory about departure.

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