Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver

Chapter 653 Chapter 638: Discovery of monsters

"Although it's a pity that we didn't encounter any monsters, I can't say that the environment in this world is quite good."

At this time, the players on the road were chatting while rushing.

There was no danger along the way.

But this is normal. Ordinary people in this world basically make a living by hunting, so they often compete with wild beasts in the mountains and forests.

Because they have the tools, it is usually the ordinary people who win.

Over time, humans also have an instinctive fear of most beasts.

Therefore, these beasts usually do not take the initiative to attack players. After all, they are afraid of the large number of players they bring with them. If they act rashly, they may be injured.

In the wild, when a wild animal is injured, it is basically cool.

For example, some carnivorous beasts may starve to death once they are injured and it affects their ability to hunt. After all, they are not like humans who can rest in peace if they are injured.

So when they saw so many people, these beasts naturally did not dare to attack rashly.

Although these beasts did not dare to attack rashly, the players were still more careful. Soon, the day passed and the players did not encounter anything.

Because various supplies were relatively sufficient, the players had to travel at least dozens of miles today.

"Brothers, something is wrong." After finding a new foothold, the players set up camp and communicated.

"What's wrong?"

"We spend at least three or four hours every day building thatched huts, so our journey will be delayed a lot."

"If there hadn't been enough food in the past two days, I would have spent more time hunting. After all, we have at least four or five hours a day spent on these meaningless things."

Hearing what this player said, the other people were also a little helpless.

"We also know what you said, but there is nothing we can do about it. This is our current situation. We have to find all the resources we have."

"Brothers, do you think we can get some wood or something and build a wooden house?"

And as these words fell, everyone looked at this player with a very strange look. They all heard that a thatched house is troublesome enough, and you came here to build a wooden house. Aren't you looking for trouble?

Seeing everyone's gaze at this time, the player naturally guessed what they were thinking, so he quickly explained.

"Brothers, you don't understand what I mean. What I mean is that we can make these wood into various parts in advance, just like doing a puzzle, and when needed, put the parts out and it can be formed directly."

"Not only is this safe at night, it is much safer than a thatched house. It also doesn't take long to build. If the modules are fully prepared, the house can be easily put together in half an hour."

When they heard what the player said, everyone looked at each other and nodded, thinking that this method was indeed credible.

"This method works."

"But what about the weight issue of carrying these parts?"

After hearing what this player said, everyone reacted immediately.

In the final analysis, they are stronger than ordinary people now, but it's not like the Zerg carrying a little weight will affect their schedule.

"This is indeed a troublesome thing. If we don't solve the problem of load-bearing, everything will be in vain. After all, a wooden house where more than a dozen people live will not be too small no matter how crowded it is."

After hearing everyone's discussion, one player thought for a while and then said.

"Brothers, I have an idea about this."

"First of all, we build a wooden house. It doesn't actually need to look good, it just needs to be able to shelter us from wind and rain, so usually I think our wooden house only needs to be as simple as a fire box."

"At the same time, the underground side is completely unnecessary. We can just lay thatch or something when the time comes."

"In addition, the thickness does not need to be too thick. You only need to assemble the other surfaces and then grab some dry branches, leaves or thatch to spread on them. This way it does not take much time."

"If you are doing this upstairs, we might as well make a simple tent like that. I think that thing is simpler."

"Get some bamboo strips or something, and weave the frame of the tent. We hunt a lot of prey during this period. If we add these animal skins, we can use it as a simple tent."

“This kind of tent doesn’t take long to put up and the materials can be easily replaced if they break.”

"A tent can accommodate at least 30 people. In this case, we only need 45 tents. And the most important thing is that for the tent, we can divide it into one person holding the tent frame and another person holding the animal skin. This way The burden on each person would not be too high."

After some discussion, the players decided to stay here for another day early tomorrow morning. This day was mainly to prepare tent materials and prey.

The players who had discussed it immediately started to act. A few players who knew some simple trap arrangements began to set up traps around the tent.

Of course, they also set up many of these traps in distant places, basically to catch some small mammals.

These small animals are also food for the players. After all, no one can say for sure about hunting. It is possible that the prey may not be found a day earlier. Therefore, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat, and no opportunity can be missed.

During this period of time, in order to adapt to the life here, this group of players have used all kinds of methods. Every time they go offline, they will cram in survival knowledge and watch some survival programs.

Anyway, they have learned a lot about various methods, so now they are relatively familiar with the operation.

At this time, while several players were still operating, one player had already found suitable wood.

This is a plant that is very similar to bamboo, but its hardness and toughness are much higher than bamboo.

After finding this kind of thing, the player immediately took action, got up, picked up the stone knife, and collected all these things. After collecting them, he took these things and returned to the gathering point, starting own operations.

Of course, apart from him, other players are also performing their respective duties. All in all, during this period of time, the players have experienced the feeling of surviving in the wild.

A few days passed like this. At this time, the players were carrying various things in large and small bags and continuing to move forward in the forest.

They are now much richer than when they first came here. First of all, they have bows and arrows. Now each of them has one.

Apart from the workpieces, there are only some substantial long hairs. They now also have a handful of them, and each of them also carries an animal skin backpack.

Various supplies were stored in the backpack, which they obtained during this period.

The players took a total of two days of rest this time. On the first day, they took care of the tents, and on the second day, they mainly focused their time and energy on hunting. With these two days of preparation, the players, It can be considered that all kinds of supplies are relatively well prepared.

"The last place where our brothers settled was considered rich in resources, but there are many areas in the forest that are lacking in resources, so we have to use our supplies sparingly before we find the next place to stay."

At this time, the players were communicating and observing the surrounding situation on the road.

Of course, the players are not making a big deal out of being so cautious, because through this period of survival, they have also gained a certain understanding of various situations in the forest.

First, let’s take resources as an example. Although the forest is rich in resources, this is only on the surface. There are many areas where you cannot see prey, and there are many areas where you cannot catch prey at all.

Whether the first area is a foothold or not, it must meet several conditions. The first is that there are rich types of prey here, and the second is that prey can be caught.

Whether you can catch prey depends on the types of prey. Whether there are any that are easy to catch is the top priority.

Players passed by an area before. There were relatively few four-horned beasts there, and most of them could fly. It was difficult to hunt in these areas, but some areas had more beasts like deer or some other beasts. Players We only need to hide for a while to find opportunities, or to lay traps, and maybe there will be unexpected gains.

However, some areas do not have these creatures at all. It is naturally much more difficult to hunt at this time.

Of course, in addition to these basic knowledge, players are also learning to distinguish whether some animals and plants are poisonous. After all, they do not know most of the plants in this world.

So usually they don't take it rashly. Usually they just look at the plants that animals eat to make a judgment.

But today is destined to be an extraordinary day compared to the past.

As usual, the players packed their luggage and set off early this morning.

After staying in the forest for so many days, they desperately want to leave this ghost place, but things often backfire.

Today was the same as usual, the players were on their way, but when passing through a canyon, a player suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Look at that flower over there. Is it glowing?"

At this time, the player just took a glance and discovered that there was a glowing flower in the canyon covered with various vegetation.

Following the direction he pointed, several players also looked over there, and soon they also saw the small flower emitting green light.

Although this kind of light does not look eye-catching in the daytime, it was still noticed by the players. When they discovered this thing, the players immediately thought of something.

"Brothers, do you think this could be fairy grass?"

After all, this is the world of cultivating immortals, so it is not surprising to think of this thing.

"Old fellows, why don't we take it off for him and take a look?"

"I think there can be one. If it is really jelly grass, wouldn't it increase our strength if we drink it?"

"I don't think it's of much use if we eat it. We might as well find a way to take this thing out and sell it."

"What are you thinking about? Even if we sell this thing, we won't be able to get the money. As the saying goes, no one is innocent but only has his treasure. When you encounter such a good thing in a world like this, even if others don't want to take advantage of it, but they see our After gaining strength, I guess they will still be moved."

"Currently we pick and eat it ourselves. I think it's better. It would be best if we could improve our strength, because as long as our strength improves, we can sell it when we encounter the same thing in the future. After all, our mission is Occupy an area and there will be many places where money will be needed in the future.”

"Okay, can you guys please stop talking? Let's get the things down first."

"Those upstairs, don't be impulsive. We don't know whether this flower will wither if left there, or how it should be preserved."

"So it's best not to pick it before you determine its later use."

Hearing what this player said at this time, the previous player thought about it for a while and felt that it was the same. But just when he was about to say something, he suddenly saw a red giant python moving at extremely fast speeds. Climbing towards the flower at a fast speed.

"Brothers, look, that thing should be a monster." At this time, the player who noticed the situation over there shouted subconsciously, and when he heard his voice, even if he tried to look for reputation, he could only see a length of About 10 meters long, a giant python with a fiery red body appeared in front of everyone.

Although the giant python looks very bulky, its speed makes the players' hands explode. According to their visual inspection, they may not be able to outrun this snake with all their strength.

With such a fast speed and weird appearance, the players were immediately sure that this was definitely the monster they had longed for before.

This is a creature that transcends limits, and the same is true of the strength he displayed at this time.

"It went towards the flower. I guess it must have wanted to swallow that flower."

"Brothers, what are you still doing? Hurry up and stop it."

"How to stop him? You guys are very fast on that thing, and now that we are still so far away from him, even if it passes, we don't even mention whether we can save Hua. I guess we are just giving up when we fight him. "

"Are you just going to watch him swallow that flower?"

However, while the players were still talking, a sudden change occurred. The next moment, not far from the flower, another giant green python suddenly appeared, and it seemed to be even bigger than this one. Bigger.

When the two giant pythons came out, they didn't say much and the two sides fought together.

The next moment, the attacking giant python was the first to spit out a fireball, and the other giant python appeared one after another, surrounded by lightning, and then the lightning shot towards that giant python.

At this time, several players who saw this scene were also shocked.

"Oh my god, these are really monsters, and they can actually unleash this kind of attack."

"It's simply outrageous. I didn't expect this monster to be so powerful."

"Although there is a fairy grass here, it is unlikely that two monster beasts will suddenly appear. You must know that we have not seen even one monster beast during this period."

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