Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver

Chapter 692 The Zergs are dispatched

But that's how it works sometimes.

There are many things that you know are difficult but you still have to do them in the end.

This is what Jiang Yao is like at this time.

This thing may be difficult for him, but he still has to do it.

"Through the attack of the doomsday weapon to increase the resistance of the bugs, I need to consider how to first ensure that the opponent can survive the doomsday weapon."

Indeed, this is very important to him now.

Only by solving this problem can we discuss the follow-up.

Otherwise, everything is in vain.

After thinking about it like this, Jiang Yao decided to go for it.

This time he released many different types of bugs, from worker bees to Leviathans, basically all types.

Only by casting a wide net in this way can we know who finally obtained the corresponding genes.

Once the gene is found, everything will be easy to handle.

So the exciting testing work began.

First of all, the frequency of doomsday weapons is not high, which is the most critical.

The rate is not high, which means that its progress will be delayed indefinitely.

In fact, he had never wanted to do this. Even after having this idea before, he still wanted to give up immediately because it was too difficult and took too much time.

He also felt very helpless for this.

But it’s not okay if you say you don’t want to do this.

Because judging from the current situation on my side, there are some things that I have to do.

It won’t work if you don’t do this.

If you don't increase your attack power and develop abnormally like this, you will suffer a loss sooner or later.

And if your attack level cannot show a level improvement, it is very difficult to directly improve from one span to another.

It's like the evolution of insects this time is the same.

If it weren't for his foundation here, it would be basically impossible for Jiang Yao to adapt to the environment there based on his own situation.

I don’t have such a good foundation. He estimates that even if he invests 10 times and 100 times more resources, he may not be able to accomplish this.

Because of the previous basic blessing and the massive investment of resources this time, he was able to solve this matter in such a short period of time.

Therefore, the attack must be carried out even if it comes again, so Jiang Yao arranged for the experiment to begin.

"Insect swarm attacks the evolution team, the first round of testing begins!"

"Started testing Titan's release of doomsday weapons, successfully released doomsday weapons as group doomsday weapons, and prepared to survive 7,200 from a group of 7.32 million."

"The first round of testing survived. The main bugs were Levit, Ultralisk and other high-health bugs. The rest of the bugs have died."

"Now the remaining fragments of the Zerg have been recovered and no genetic mutations have been detected."

"At the same time, genetic sampling was performed on the surviving insect colonies, and no changes were found in the sampled genes."

In this way, as experiments started one after another, the brainworms recorded the data of each experiment in detail.

Although there is absolutely no possibility of any changes in the previous hundreds or thousands of times, these things still need to be recorded, because many times this information may be important in the future.

This kind of forced evolution is very rigorous, every link must be extremely cautious, and every detail must be recorded.

That's how the plan began.

From the end of the first experiment to preparation for the second and third times.

Every experiment requires the consumption of a large amount of resources and bugs, and these resources and bugs are naturally obtained by plundering the resources of this universe.

And the bugs used to evolve this time cannot be adapted to the environment. The bugs used must be the most basic, because only such bugs have enough plasticity and a high probability of genetic mutation. height of.

Therefore, a huge investment of resources is required every time, but fortunately this universe is enough to maintain it. Although some civilizations in the universe have formed a coalition, these coalitions are not a problem at all for Jiang Yao's insect swarm.

No matter before or now, it is not afraid of these joint civilizations at all. With the evolution of the bugs completed, it naturally recycles the regular fleet and then sends these bugs for actual combat.

It has to be said that the return on his resource investment this time was far beyond his expectations.

On the battlefield, these bugs were seen shuttling between the battlefields like ghosts. The enemy's artillery fire was either absorbed by these bugs, or passed directly through their bodies, as if there was nothing in the area where Chong Zi was.

The players' swarm of insects in the first battle left an indelible impression on these civilizations.

Countless bugs were flying on the battlefield, and countless ammunition and artillery fire passed through without any effect on them. Then these bugs ignored the shield and directly penetrated into the interior of the battleship and began to destroy it from the inside out.

"What on earth are these? Why do our attacks have no effect on them at all?"

"These devils must be devils crawling out of hell."

"Retreat all, retreat. This kind of enemy is simply not something we can defeat."

As the battle began, the entire battlefield was filled with howls. Countless battleships saw the swarms killing the insects in all directions, and after their own side was completely unable to cause any damage to the enemy, they all began to retire.

Perhaps for them, they and the enemy are evenly matched. They can fight against strong enemies and weak ones, but they can also fight without fear of life and death.

Because this is for their future generations, they must fight hard.

However, facing the crowd in front of them, they did not have any desperate thoughts. The gap in strength between the two sides was really too big.

The shields they were proud of could not stop the swarm of insects at all, and these insects easily penetrated their shields and entered their battleships.

Then they began to destroy everything in their battleship. The defense facilities were useless to the swarm, and the swarm easily disintegrated their battleship from the inside.

Sometimes the unknown is the most terrifying thing. Facing these bugs, they seem too weak and helpless.

They didn't know who the enemies of these insects were, and they didn't know what methods they should use to defeat them. Facing this ghost-like existence, they felt exhausted and exhausted for the first time.

With such a situation, anyone with a clear eye could see that continuing to fight would only increase casualties, but they could not retreat.

Because behind them is their civilization, and this is also the cruelty of cosmic war. There is no justice or evil in this battlefield.

They are just trying to survive.

Maybe today you have become the executioner, and tomorrow you will become the universe in the eyes of others. If you want to survive, you can only do whatever it takes to not move forward.

As time goes by, countless battleship wreckages appear in space, but compared to battleships, there are no insect corpses at all in space. This is a battle without any suspense.

A battle made the United Civilization experience what despair is. It was not until this moment that they understood the strength gap between the two sides.

"How could this be possible? How could the gap in strength be so huge?"

"It turns out that they had absolute strength to crush us from the beginning, but they deliberately used those battleships to play games with us."

"They enjoy toying with the enemy in battle. For them, wanting to destroy us is just a matter of whether they want to or not, not whether they can or cannot."

This answer plunged all civilizations into despair.

It was obvious that after such a long game, the other party did not intend to continue playing with them, so they showed their strength and showed a strength that makes all civilizations feel scared.

The gap between the two sides is too obvious.

"How should we make up for this technological gap that is like a divine punishment?"

"There is no way, this is inevitable, we can't even understand their existence form, let alone others."

However, compared to the despair of these civilizations, the super civilizations in the United Civilization have different ideas.

Although the shapes of these bugs are beyond their understanding, even they don't know how to defeat their opponents.

But they believe that at a civilization of their level, they can find corresponding methods when faced with these incomprehensible means.

Although they cannot understand this method, they can understand some of its principles and use these principles to find ways to defeat the enemy.

The United Civilization suffered heavy losses in this battle, but they also collected some useful intelligence for them.

"At present, the enemy's form can basically be determined. They can switch dimensions at will. Maybe when attacking, their dimensions are also constantly switching."

"The dimensions our attacks face are usually only three to four dimensions, and we don't know how to deal with more advanced dimensions."

"Of course to fight them, we don't need to use the power of higher dimensions. We can use the characteristics of two dimensions. This dimension cannot be interfered by any other dimension."

"We just need to make them two-dimensional, and then we can use attacks from the second dimension to finish them off."

Sometimes things are so complicated, but the solutions are very simple.

But if you want to turn the enemy into two, you must first ensure one problem, that is, their own survival dimension must also be reduced to two dimensions. All their attack methods must also be reduced to this dimension.

Switching or transforming between dimensions, or even upgrading the dimension, if you start from three dimensions, then everything is easy to handle.

But once the dimensions are reduced to two dimensions, things become completely different.

It is too difficult to increase this dimension to three dimensions, and all dimension-raising methods must ensure that their base is three dimensions. Once it is lower than this dimension, dimensionality reduction will become irreversible.

So if they want to defeat these bugs, they can only lower the dimension.

Because the speed of these bugs is so fast, they can completely avoid ordinary dimensionality reduction weapons with their own speed.

Once they are avoided, the means they prepared for the bugs will be basically useless, and in order to ensure that they can fight in two dimensions, both the weapons and their own forms must be reduced to this dimensions.

Only after being reduced to this dimension and adapting to this dimension can they have a chance to turn defeat into victory. But once they adapt to this dimension, they will never be able to increase the dimension, and as long as the bugs escape their dimensionality reduction weapons, it means that they will be trapped in two dimensions forever.

And the opponent can also attack them from the third dimension, and then they will only become fish on the chopping board.

This is a suicide attack.

But this is also the only way they can think of to deal with the bugs at the moment.

Why doesn't Jiang Yao know this?

Why should he spend so much energy and time on something that can be solved with a piece of two-way foil?

Two-dimensional, the nemesis of all dimensions, is especially feared by dimensional creatures like him.

But is this really the case?

It's obvious that there is such a huge loophole. Why can't others think of it? So he tried this method at first, but in the end he found that it didn't work at all.

Because of the special nature of this creature, it can continue to switch even to the second dimension.

This is the most outrageous thing.

It can switch freely across the entire 9 dimensions, from the second dimension to the tenth dimension.

For this kind of creature, if it weren't for this kind of creature, Jiang Yao would have estimated that he would have been destroyed long ago.

It is also because he has no wisdom that he has the opportunity to evolve in this area.

"The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. By throwing two-dimensional foil into the battlefield, it is obvious that you have thought of the dimensional means that you think is correct."

"But it's a pity that such methods are ineffective, but I can't let you know about such an important thing right away."

He soon made a decision. Whenever the other party used such weapons, all the bugs would immediately flee.

By misleading these civilizations in this way, making them think that they are really afraid of this thing, then they will put a lot of time and energy into researching this dimensional weapon, and even say that they can make this weapon real-time. and miniaturization.

This kind of technology was of little use to him, so he chose to use this method to let the other party research it for him.

And everything was as he thought. When the other party found out that they encountered this kind of weapon, the bugs immediately started running for their lives. The other party realized that these bugs were also afraid of this kind of weapon.

So the United Civilization here immediately started to gather scientists from the entire civilization together to start research on this two-dimensional weapon.

If they directly throw Erxiang Bo away, the bugs will run away, but they themselves cannot run away. Every time they throw bugs out, nothing will happen, but their own fleet will suffer heavy losses.

Just like before entering the cosmic era, many civilizations are trying this technology for the first time.

Dimensionality reduction weapons are controllable.

It is very difficult to do this, but if you do it, it will be different.

They won't have to worry about using this weapon in the future, resulting in large-scale regional dimensionality reduction.

Then they can use this weapon to strike the opponent accurately and no longer need to worry about this weapon hurting others and themselves.

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