Because they were not completely pulled into this dimension, this means that they still have a lot of room for maneuver.

If they were completely pulled in, all their attacks would be in vain, but if they were not completely pulled in, it would not be impossible for them to get out of the current state.

"Increase the output power of the weapons in the base dimension."

Soon they issued relevant instructions. In fact, the principle is also very simple. Since the current effect is achieved in a certain way, it is only necessary to destroy the connection or the things that meet this condition.

Although most of the attacks here will be diluted by the blockade, as long as the attack reaches a certain level, no matter how serious the dilution is, it will cause serious damage to some things.

"It seems that they are doing a relatively fine job here. At least if we didn't see some problems, we would not have thought of this at all."

As they took action, Jiang Yao also immediately realized that something was wrong.

Because the opponent's large-scale attack did cause problems in some of his connections.

"Not good, it seems that some clues on my side have been discovered by them."

"Using this method to directly cover the use of the law, the weapon can indeed interrupt the connection."

While speaking, he also paid attention to the connection, and at this time, no abnormalities were found on the connection side.

"Although these facilities can still withstand it now, when the power reaches a certain level, it may still be unable to withstand it."

Now he can only pray that the power opened by the other side is not enough to cause damage to these facilities, otherwise he will have to force the facilities to close.

It is impossible to ignore his own facilities and let them be destroyed just to extend the time. This is something he absolutely does not want to see.

With such a mood, he also quietly paid attention to the energy output power of the other side.

At this time, inside the No. 1 document.

"The power has reached 10%, and there is no change around."

"Continue to increase the output power of the law weapon."

"It has reached 20%, and there has been no change in the surrounding universe."

"It has reached 30%, and the surrounding universe is shaking."

With the appearance of this channel, everyone couldn't help but show joy on their faces. It is obvious that their ideas are correct.

However, the energy consumed by the Law Weapon at full power of 30% is also astronomical. The number is not important to them. Then, with an order, the Law Weapon was quickly adjusted to 60%. After reaching this stage, some of the conditions in this area became very clear, and the vibration of the entire universe became more obvious.

"It should be at 60% that they have reached a critical point that they can persist, and then adjust it up by 10%."

"It should be around 70%, their special equipment will collapse, so we can leave directly, but if they don't sweep, it should be lifted now, otherwise, if the equipment really collapses, there is a civilization eyeing them, and they may have no way out."

At this time, the commander of Civilization No. 1 calmly analyzed the situation in front of him.

Sure enough, as he thought, after the power was maintained at 60% for a period of time, the universe began to shrink slowly, and the universe of the tenth dimension was gradually disappearing.

When everything was over, their base appeared in hyperspace again, and not far away from them was a huge universe. Staying here, but the universe has shrunk by nearly 1% compared to before, and there is also a huge base not far away.

It seems that the three are in a three-legged situation, but compared to the Zerg and Civilization No. 1. At this time, Civilization No. 2 looked at the two civilizations that had already finished fighting and frowned.

Obviously, they did not expect things to develop like this. Originally, in their cognition, no matter how powerful the Zerg were, they should not have much impact on Civilization No. 1, but now when the universe's package is over, they found that the surface of Civilization No. 1 has been riddled with holes.

Although it is not particularly fatal, it also conveys a meaning, that is, the other party has the ability to cause harm to them.

At the same time, there is another very critical point, that is, they suddenly detected a huge energy fluctuation just now. According to this huge energy fluctuation, at least the other party's law power has been opened to more than 60%.

The special power of the law is usually used at a rate of 10%~20% when used normally. Once it exceeds this limit, it is overclocked and the damage to the instrument is very high, and the energy consumption is also very huge, especially for large-scale use.

According to this frequency of use, they estimated that just a short while ago, at least a hundred years of energy accumulation of this civilization was consumed.

This is the energy consumed by the large-scale use of the power of the law.

This is naturally very terrifying for them, so he was also very bad. He never thought that this group of insects would have such great patience to force Civilization No. 1 to use such a thing.

Compared to Civilization No. 2, the commander of Civilization No. 1 also started to discuss various issues, because the best situation at the moment was that they and Civilization No. 2 would join forces to deal with the bugs first, and the situation of Civilization No. 2 was also the same.

However, they were also somewhat hesitant at this time. After all, the other party must have seen the situation of their law weapons just now. In this case, as long as the other party was not stupid, it would not be possible for them to take action immediately.

And if the other party took action, whether they should take action or not was also something that needed to be considered.

After all, their current state was definitely not as good as Civilization No. 2. In this case, if they took action themselves, it would be fine if the bugs ran over to find Civilization No. 2, but if they came back to find themselves, it would always be a troublesome matter. When their state continued to decline, Civilization No. 2 might attack them at any time.

As for the bugs, although they might eventually perish if they did so, they at least dragged themselves into the water before they perished, and they could not foolishly run over and perish with the bugs.

"So what should we do next?"

"It is basically impossible to fight now. We don't trust Civilization No. 2, and Civilization No. 2 doesn't trust us either. If there is a chance, Civilization No. 2 will definitely destroy us in the first place. The current situation is also very clear. Once we launch an attack, as long as the bugs are not stupid, they will definitely attack us again. This time it will be a fight to the death."

"In the end, we can definitely destroy this group of bugs, but the price we pay will definitely not be small. At this time, we are intact. If Civilization No. 2 suddenly attacks us, then we will definitely not be able to resist, which means that the final winner of this battle will be Civilization No. 2."

"Although letting this circle of bugs go will bring us more trouble in the future, it is basically certain that the other party's conventional technology does not belong to us at all. As for their special dimensional technology, we already know it here. If we want to develop targeted means, we cannot lose this technology. After that, the bugs will have no other technology to harm us."

Soon, the commanders inside Civilization No. 1 analyzed the pros and cons clearly.

At present, there may be only two ways in front of them. The first is to die together with the bugs. As long as they are not fools, they will not do such a thing. After all, in their eyes, their lives are much more precious than the bugs, so they naturally cannot run over to exchange 1 for 1 with the bugs.

After this way is over, the remaining thing is to let the bugs go directly.

And after letting the bugs go, they can still do something. First of all, Civilization No. 2 is not clear about the methods of the bugs. If they fight with the bugs later, they will find a way to make Civilization No. 2 a scapegoat. Who knows, they will be tricked by the bugs again.

At this time, it must be very good to come out and reap the benefits. Moreover, this time, the method of violently breaking the bugs here means that the bugs will definitely be strengthened when they go back. After all, everyone knows the principle of learning from failures. At the same time, after strengthening these things, the price that Civilization No. 2 needs to pay to break through may not be as small as it is now.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that through the previous battles with these bugs inside, they also saw that the bugs obviously did not know much about the situation of their base, and the number of comrades arranged there was not large. Many bugs found that the size of their base was a bit unexpected, and they hatched a lot of them temporarily under the premise that the small number of bugs could not have much effect.

After this slightly failed lesson, they will definitely strengthen this point. It is conceivable that when this group of bugs will prepare a large number of Zerg troops, it will be strange if the No. 2 civilization can bear it when it is pulled in at that time.

When the two civilizations fight again and both lose, it is time for them to reap the benefits. At this time, they are also very optimistic about the success rate of this plan, but what they have not noticed now is that their attitude towards the bugs has changed subtly.

Because they have begun to pay attention to the strength of the Zerg. In the past, they were more dismissive of the Zerg, but now it is different.

They have put the bugs on the same level as them. After all, the strength shown by the bugs is enough to live up to this point. However, the better the bugs perform, the more they are afraid of the bugs and the more they want to kill them.

Because they all know one thing very well. A race that has developed in such a short time and overcome so many difficulties is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

They have endless potential, and this potential even exceeds themselves. You must know that when they were at this time, their strength was a million miles away from theirs.

This shows how terrible the talent of this race is. For a race with such strong talent, either stay away from it. If there is a conflict between the two sides, then you must eliminate it at all costs before the other party surpasses you.

At this time, the three parties were in a three-way confrontation, and finally Civilization No. 1 chose to retreat. Seeing this, Civilization No. 2 was also a little surprised, but in the end they made the same choice. After all, if they stayed here and fought another battle with these bugs, they could not guarantee what the result would be.

Maybe their situation might be worse than that of Civilization No. 1. If they acted rashly before figuring out the means mastered by the bugs, the consequences would be very serious.

In this way, several parties finally chose to withdraw.

This conflict also came to an end.

"Fortunately, everyone restrained themselves in the end, otherwise I'm afraid I would really be finished this time."

At this time, Jiang Yao was relieved after seeing these civilizations retreat. To be honest, what happened today was indeed beyond his expectations.

If he hadn't left enough back-ups, he would have felt that he might really have confessed today.

"During the simulation, no problems were found. Who would have thought that after the actual combat, all kinds of problems would arise."

"It's just as I thought. Without experiencing a few actual combats, you don't know what's wrong with your technology at all."

"I thought there were no problems, but when the fight started, all kinds of problems appeared."

"The next step is to strengthen the problems found, otherwise my thing will be cracked too easily."

At this time, Jiang Yao was also ovulating, and he also began to think about how to strengthen the defense of the universe. The other party mastered this technology. If he didn't force the other party into that space, he was afraid that the other party could easily consume his universe with this special attack method.

"We must find other universes as soon as possible and then go and devour them."

"Only in this way can we obtain resources and increase the volume of my universe in the fastest time. As long as the volume is large enough, I can eliminate them before they completely eliminate my universe."

Thinking about it, Jiang Yao also increased the intensity of external exploration.

Although he has been to many universes so far, and several universes have successfully sent special signals at the edge, the distance of this signal is too far. At least so far, he has not received a signal.

So if he wants to find other universes in the short term, he can only keep wandering in these areas and see if he can meet one by luck.

He is helpless about this, but there is nothing he can do about it. At the same time, after this experience, he has become more cautious.

His own hiding skills must also be strengthened, otherwise he always feels that he has no secrets in front of the other party. (End of this chapter)

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