Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver

Chapter 914: New Civilization Established

In this way, as time went by, this world was built.

Everything in this world retains the original things of Blue Star. Of course, the reason for doing so is more likely to be for remembrance.

First of all, the total population of this world is 13 billion, and the number of normal humans played by all the bugs is only more than 30,000.

Of course, this is not important. After all, this number will slowly increase after these people grow up.

Then we can come up with some policies such as second and third children, so why worry that the number of people will not increase fast enough.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that for this world, Jiang Yao has always kept some of the original things of Blue Star, which can be traced back to around 2000 on Blue Star.

Your background is almost the same as that timeline. Of course, except for the development of games, other things are basically the same, including some ways of communication and so on.

The reason for doing this is mainly to give these people more room for choice, because most people are bugs now, and they can only interpret their own scripts according to some things they have set.

Because they are not human beings at all and cannot experience many things of human beings, many things are pretended by them, so they must develop the number of human beings at the fastest speed.

At the same time, they also need to plan some values ​​for them. The current bugs are indeed competent, but if the timeline is pushed too far ahead, after all kinds of messy new technologies come out, more or less some problems will be found.

The possibility of this is very low, but the newly created world absolutely does not allow such a possibility to exist.

So he is very cautious about this. Now he can understand that most of the humans here are divided into many areas. Each area may have a few people and a bunch of bugs responsible for cooperating and taking care of more people. It feels like a world of going out.

It’s just that Truman’s world is a scene where the protagonist grows up slowly in a fake environment and finally escapes after learning the truth, but in this world, the protagonist cannot know the truth, and they will not be trapped in such a small place after growing up.

They can go to many other places, understand this world by themselves, and explore this world. There is an essential difference between the two.

But because of this setting, it is very important for the early development, especially when the early stage is played by insects, the possibility of exposure must be reduced as much as possible, otherwise the new world created by oneself will also have problems.

It doesn't matter, a thousand-mile dam collapses because of an ant hole. Although it seems that nothing will happen for a while, as time goes by, this problem will become bigger and bigger, and eventually destroy the building from the foundation. He is also very clear about this.

Now is the time to lay the foundation. It is necessary to ensure that the foundation is strong enough to deal with a series of problems that may occur in the future.

In this way, as time goes by, more than 20 years have passed quickly.

Chengfeng is an ordinary college graduate from Blue Star.

Compared with others, he has always been very ordinary.

That's right, his true identity is a human who grew up in this world from childhood to adulthood. He has a harmonious family and his own job.

After graduation, he found a job with a decent income. His family was very satisfied with his job and told him every day to work hard and get married soon. This was a headache for her. After all, at this age, it was normal to be urged to get married.

Just like usual, he came to the company early in the morning and started to work hard. But when he was busy, he suddenly saw his supervisor with a sweet-looking woman.

The moment he saw the person in front of him, he couldn't help but be surprised. It was the first time he saw such a beautiful woman.

But soon he lowered his head shyly and continued to work hard, but his eyes would look at the new colleague from time to time.

And under the arrangement of the boss, the new colleague sat next to him.

This made him unconsciously feel a little excited.

As time went by, the relationship between the two became closer and closer. There were many times when the boss would send them out together to please them, asking them to guide new colleagues and let them summarize more experience. In short, various operations brought the two together, and they did not find anything wrong.

After all, the bugs did everything very logically, without deliberately doing anything. The relationship between the two was cultivated by themselves, and the bugs did not interfere.

Except for some work matters that would be arranged for the two to do together, there was nothing else. Of course, this was also planned by Jiang Yao at the beginning, to ensure that it would be done as much as possible, rather than deliberately doing something.

At this time, in the command center specifically responsible for this matter.

"The two humans in area 1 have successfully come together. The plan for this area has been successful. The next step is to cultivate their next generation and continue to arrange."

At the same time, the situation in other areas is not bad, not only in this area.

All areas have a group of bugs dedicated to serving these humans, and the purpose is naturally to combine them as quickly as possible.

Of course, all of this is uniformly coordinated by the command center.

"Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, a total of 735 areas have completed the task so far, and the subsequent cultivation needs to continue the same. All bugs, remember your appearance, and you must not retire according to time, and gradually change."

"Everything must be carried out according to the normal development trajectory of things on Blue Star."

In this way, 30 years have passed quickly. The original 30,000 humans have now reached 500,000 under the various promotions of the bugs.

The development in the early stage is mainly based on stability. Only in the later stage will they increase the number. After all, there are only tens of thousands of people in the early stage. If it is unstable, there will be many subsequent problems. Now it is different. Now there are 500,000 people, and this base number will grow very fast.

All of this is carried out steadily with the efforts of all parties. More bugs are replaced, and more bugs have withdrawn from the stage of actors.

Whenever a bug withdraws, it means that the number of humans has made a leap.

Soon, nearly half of the bugs in this world have announced their withdrawal from the stage of history. Similarly, the number of humans has exceeded 6 billion, and the entire civilization can start to operate normally.

Nature refers to humans as the leading force, not bugs. As this generation of bugs retreats again, the number of people has reached a very considerable number, and the whole process takes 500 years.

When the time came to the 600th year, the last actor bug also announced his withdrawal.

At this time, the only ones left in this world are some high-level bugs. Apart from this, all the bugs have left, and the world has been completely handed over to humans for them to develop.

In the past 600 years, the degree of technological progress is not particularly high. The current technological progress has only reached the level of Blue Star in 2030.

Of course, this is also the result of deliberate suppression.

After all, if the level of technology advances too fast, the subsequent operation will be very complicated. In order to be able to operate smoothly in the future, he also deliberately lowered the route of technological development.

Of course, in order to ensure complete suppression, a lot of protons were arranged here to interfere when some people came up with some fantastic ideas and put them into action and might succeed, although this would eventually reduce some geniuses to ordinary people.

But there is no way around it, because this civilization does not need to develop technology, does not need him to have strong technology, only needs them to be able to play games well as players, and other things are not that important.

Of course, he can't be too extreme here and let everyone fail, which is too fake. He just lets some people fail, so that he can suppress the progress of technological development to the maximum extent. In addition, there are games as an influence, which also greatly restrains the development of civilization.

After all, games account for a very large proportion in this world. In this case, it will definitely hinder the development of technology to a certain extent. Playing games can easily gain status and wealth, while studying technology will only be quite difficult.

In this way, under his deliberate arrangement, the development speed of this civilization is very slow, even abnormally slow, but for them, it is very normal, because they don't know what a technological explosion is, and have not experienced the invasion of other civilizations.

Jiang Yao thrived in the hotbed of civilization that they specially built.

"Have you heard that Tianmu Game Company seems to be recruiting players again?"

At this time, a large number of graduates gathered in a hall. Many graduates would come to this hall to register their information as soon as they graduated, and this is also an area where Tianmu Game Company recruits players.

Tianmu Game Company is naturally the company founded by Jiang Yao for his own game.

This company has a dominant position in this world.

The system of this company is to recruit a group of people to become players every year and let them enter the game.

It is an opportunity for everyone, so many fresh graduates will come here to register their information as usual, just in case they are lucky one day and will be selected. As for the so-called large-scale recruitment later, it is mainly because they can use players, but the number of players is not enough, so Jiang Yao will start to let the company recruit a large number of talents.

The reason why this happened is naturally that he is preparing to attack the two civilizations again.

After all, since the end of the last war, he has almost recovered. The most important thing is that he has also developed some new routines to target those two people, so now he needs a large number of people to cooperate with him. At this time, he naturally starts to recruit these players.

And at this time on Blue Star.

When the Zhiliao company was recruiting a large number of players again, everyone was a little excited, because compared with the previous time, the company actually prepared hundreds more places.

Let more people have opportunities. The company currently has a total of nearly 5 million players. This number is very small if it is replaced by the population base of the entire planet. However, the players currently attracted are basically elite players, so the small number is normal.

After all, some people do not have the talent of players. It does not mean that everyone is suitable for playing games. Others have other talents, so they are arranged in other positions to stabilize the development of civilization. Those who have the talent for playing games will naturally be recruited first.

This is probably the model.

Compared with the past, anyone can become a player. This new world has changed a lot. Players are also very cautious in their choices and are no longer as casual as before.

In short, everything here has changed a lot compared to the past, but there is not much change. At least the status of players has always been guaranteed.

Of course, for Jiang Yao, this is just an insignificant thing.

But just when he thought so, he suddenly found something wrong, because he found that the situation of one person in the crowd seemed to be different from that of most other people.

In fact, he didn't care much about this matter at the beginning, because even if he cared, he was just an ordinary person, how much impact could it have, but soon he discovered that this person was different.

There was something wrong with his soul. You must know that this civilization is completely under his strict monitoring.

So any clues naturally could not escape his inquiry. In fact, he didn't notice this matter at the beginning. If he hadn't paid too much attention to this civilization at that time, he would never have found any clues.

Because this person's soul has only a small change, this change is difficult to detect, and in a civilization with such a large population base, such things are even more difficult to detect.

After discovering the abnormality at this time, he also began to pay attention to this person.

When the abnormality is discovered, it is natural to understand what the abnormality is at the first time, and then make a decision.

At this time, he naturally did so.

Because he didn't know why this person suddenly changed like this, at first he thought that some things he arranged on this planet would more or less affect some people and make them change, but now it seems that things are not as simple as he imagined.

In this way, he has been keeping an eye on this person. This person did not show anything special and his situation was similar to that of the others.

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