Therefore, he is always paying attention to the situation of the players, fearing that they may accidentally damage their precious drones with one operation.

At this time, as soon as the players arrived at the control room, Sky Dragon couldn't wait to start experimenting.

"Brothers, this drone is completely different from the simulation we simulated."

"The drones here are much better than the ones we simulated, both in terms of AI and controllability."

As he spoke, Starry Sky Dragon continued to fly the drone and start various operations and experiments.

At this time, several people were standing next to Starry Sky Dragon, quietly watching his operations.

after a long time

Star Dragon drove the drone back to the space station.

"I have figured out the basic situation of my brothers."

"The AI ​​of this drone is very high, so the overall operation will be relatively simple."

"Here, my little script can be optimized."

While talking, Starry Sky Dragon also started to operate.

"At present, I should be able to come up with a small script that can control 40 units."

After hearing what Xingkong Long said, the two of them couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

"If we have forty units, the daily output should be around forty points. This cycle is still very long."

Hearing this, Xingkong Long also nodded.

But at this moment, Sui Feng, who had been silent, thought of a way.

"Brothers, the mining efficiency of mechas and drones are completely different things."

"Based on our current mining efficiency, there is only one way to buy mechas in a short time."

Hearing this, the two of them also looked at him curiously.

"That's us working together."

"A few of us will temporarily cooperate and pool all the earned points together, then the problem will be solved."

“This way our buying cycle should be shortened a lot.”

After hearing what Sui Feng said, the other two people also thought for a while, and then Starry Sky Dragon spoke first.

"Actually, you have all overlooked one issue, and that is the number of drones we have."

"We currently have thirty drones on hand."

"On the first day, we can add three drones to us. On the second day, the output is 33. After buying three units, we have three points left. On the third day, the output is 36 points. After buying the drone, we can still get 36 points." Six points left.”

While talking, Starry Sky Dragon started various calculations.

"Although our number of drones can still grow very quickly according to this calculation, it will take at least ten days and a half to get the number of drones to the number we need."

Saying that, Starry Sky Dragon looked at the two of them.

"This also means that it will take at least half a month for us to start officially collecting points for purchasing mechas."

At this time, the three of them were helpless when they heard what Xingkong Long said.

"I'll go, is this cycle so long?"

Star Dragon nodded to this.

"Actually, it's okay if I have to say it. After all, this is not one of those fast food games."

"The development cycle of games like this is usually very long."

"I probably read it on the official website before. In the later stage, we can form our own fleet and establish a base."

"Games with infrastructure content like this usually take a long time to develop slowly."

The two of them naturally knew what Xingkong Long said.

But looking at whether the mecha could be bought or not, both of them were very itchy.

"Hey, why is it so difficult to get a mecha?" Suifeng thought for a while and then said.

"By the way, actually we can be more cautious. If we can increase the output of a single drone to two points a day, then our output will undoubtedly increase a lot."

After hearing what Sui Feng said, Starry Sky Dragon shook his head.

"This is basically impossible."

"The script can only make it easier for us to control the drone. This thing is not a plug-in that can directly increase production."

Xingkong said that the sky was also helpless.

"That's all we can do for now. Speaking of old guys, why don't we start digging now, so that we can get enough funds to buy mechas earlier."

But just when Tianqiao was about to say something, Starry Sky Dragon interrupted him.

"Speaking of which, old man, don't you keep track of the time?"

At this time, Tianqiong was also stunned when he heard what Starry Sky Dragon said.

Then he looked at the current time.

You don’t know this by looking at it, and you’re shocked when you see it.

"Let me go, we are already more than ten hours late."

After hearing this, Sui Feng was a little surprised, "I feel like we came in not long ago, why has it been so long?"

As he spoke, Suifeng added.

"It seems that mining today is definitely not possible."

"We can only do it tomorrow. Speaking of brothers, why don't we form a small group first, and then we can communicate in there if nothing happens."

They both nodded after hearing Sui Feng's suggestion.

So almost all of them went offline after leaving their contact information.

At this time, Chen Yao, who was looking at the people offline, was also thoughtful.

First of all, the wave of operations performed by the players today really made him want to laugh.

There's no way, their thinking is too clear, what kind of plug-ins are there? Of course there can't be any plug-ins in this game, the so-called plug-ins in this game are completely unusable.

If plug-ins could be used in the real world, this group of people would probably go against the grain.

However, it has to be said that the development capabilities of players are still very strong. At least he has never thought about using scripts.

This also forced Chen Yao to think about another thing, that is, a person's wisdom is always limited.

His own thinking is very limited. If it weren't for the players' sudden ideas, he would never be able to significantly increase production in a short period of time. At least the effect of the players' behavior is to greatly increase his production in a short period of time.

For this reason, he is more eager to recruit more players.

One player can bring him such a big change. If there are 10, 20 or even 100 people, what kind of change will it be.

For the development route of his civilization, although there is a positioning, this positioning is very general and not very useful.

Because he is thinking from a personal perspective, where there will be some flaws in the problem, and which decisions will greatly affect some things in the future, he can't think of it.

Until this moment, he deeply realized what it means that there is strength in numbers, and three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang.

Now the players are showing him this, and he is also lucky because these players are really paying for themselves.

They are indeed thinking for the game, and they are completely on their side. If he hadn't thought of this plan, but recruited some cosmic mercenaries through some channels, he estimated that these people might be thinking about how to solve it now.

This is the gap between the two.

At least when your identity becomes an NPC who can issue tasks, you can absolutely trust the players, and the players will also trust you. No matter how your enemies try to sow discord, they will trust you for free.

No matter how against the sky you do, they will follow your steps unswervingly. There is no way. Only you can issue tasks and only you can reward them. As the saying goes, milk is mother, that's the truth.

In this universe full of trust crisis, he knows very well what it means to have a group of people who can be completely trusted.

Of course, none of this is important. What is important is that he must recruit as many players as possible as quickly as possible.

For the subsequent planning of the players, he also began to think about it.

"First of all, they mentioned the mecha before. It can be seen that they also found that the mining efficiency of a mecha is much higher than that of these drones, so they will definitely give priority to this thing in the future."

"But what about these drones? Otherwise, I think we should find a way to recycle the drones, because these drones can be used by new players in the future."

The resources he has are too scarce now, so he must spend every resource on the blade.

For the arrangement of these resources, he is naturally very cautious.

Thinking of this, he can't help but admire his sudden decision.

"I have to say that my decision is simply too correct."

At this time, Chen Yao couldn't help but sigh how correct his decision to let the players in was.

After sighing again, he seemed to think of something again.

"But there are a few things right now, I can arrange them first."

When the players left just now, they mentioned building a small group, which woke Chen Yao up.

He decided to pull out an official group, so that it would be more convenient for players to communicate in the official group than in the small group.

And the most important thing is that he can also understand the players' situations and needs through their group chats.

After all, as a game planner, he knows very well that if a game wants to operate stably for a long time, the suggestions of the players are very important.

Thinking of this, Chen Yao began to act.

First of all, he needs to build an official group. Of course, the atmosphere of this official group must be active, otherwise it will be embarrassing for players not to speak in it.

As a main channel for collecting players' opinions, the official group is naturally very important. Not only that, there are forums, and even things like live broadcasts need to be considered.

That is to build your own game official website into a multi-faceted platform, and even you can create an app that belongs to your own game.

Of course, he did this not only to collect players' opinions for modification, but also the most important thing, that is, he wants to make money.

That's right, he wants to make money and get a lot of Blue Star Coins through means that will not be discovered.

Although this money is useless to him, it is very useful to the players. With this money, he can make the entire market active. As long as the game market is active, some players who like games but have to give up games because of work will have new choices.

They can make money by playing this game, which means that they have fun playing the game and make money. This is simply a win-win situation.

Yes, it is probably such a situation.

What is a win-win situation? This is a win-win situation. However, if you want to make a market active, you must consider one thing, that is, the bottom line, because as long as this thing exists, some players who are in a mood will not hesitate to consider switching to make money from games.

And this guarantee is what is the lowest ratio of converting game currency into real tickets? This is done by the official, and the bottom line is that the official collects it directly, and if the official collects it, it will naturally cost money.

Therefore, he needs to make himself rich through various channels first, and then consider the players' affairs.

Just like that, he started planning.

What he didn't know at this time was that Jiang Yao was watching his every move in shock.

"I'll go, is this the instinct of the legendary time traveler?"

"It's really too similar."

He couldn't help but feel all kinds of emotions in his heart. He couldn't help it. How could he not feel this? Now isn't the routine used by Chen Yao carved out of the same template as the routine he used at the beginning?

He even wondered if his template had been passed on by someone, but it was obvious that such a thing did not happen, but Chen Yao thought of it from his own perspective.

"Here I go, this is outrageous. I also thought of this at the beginning, so I made such a setting."

"Who would have thought that when the tide turned on him, he would make the same decision as I did."

That's right, for those who want to retain players and ensure that they stay for a long time, this is undoubtedly the best way. As long as the players stay online long enough, the more benefits they can get.

However, it is still difficult to keep players online for a long time. It is not through those stinky and long plots, it is not through those that make people want to sleep after watching them, and it is not through various animations that force players to watch these things. It’s about making players willing to stay online for a long time.

But you must not arouse the rebellious psychology of the players, otherwise nothing will be accomplished.

Obviously, using real money to make players rich is indeed a good way.

This is what he can do now. Otherwise, he would never be able to make players immortal and make them supermen.

"It is true that this idea is feasible, but the problem lies in the follow-up volume. How should you deal with it?"

Jiang Yao is naturally extremely curious about this issue, but he also knows very well that it doesn't seem to have much to do with him. The main thing is to see whether he can detect these things and how to operate them.

Now he knows very well that you are just an observer and it is impossible to influence the thoughts of decision-makers through various channels.

All he has to do is quietly watch the development of this civilization. Even if one day this civilization is ignored by other civilizations, he will not interfere.

I won't interfere with some choices.

At this time, while Jiang Yao was still thinking this, the players who had entered the game before were discussing it in a small group they had created.

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