"If this concept really exists, then the void should be above other systems."

"Compare the whole world to a huge box, then the space outside this box is called the void."

Thinking of this, his thoughts gradually deepened.

According to the current thinking, everything is feasible.

It is like the concepts of several spaces known to most civilizations now, whether it is dimension, universe, or hyperspace, these are what they know.

In the conventional universe, it is difficult to discover dimensions, so many people will regard dimensions as a special space and then leave the conventional universe to enter the hyperspace and discover a new space, and then have new feelings.

But everyone's thinking is bound by this kind of space that can be discovered.

And these spaces that can be discovered are like a cover that has been released, hiding deeper things.

"If that's the case, then there will be more discoveries along this line of thought."

"If the void is outside this box, then the energy and rules it contains are definitely not something I can understand now."

"It's also not something I can touch now, but where to find the void is the key."

At this time, Jiang Yao had a feeling that this void might be a taboo for the entire world. Once this taboo is touched, it will definitely have a very big impact on the world.

This is something independent of the entire world.

If this thing that is independent of the world has no effect, then this world will not be trapped in a cage. The civilization inside also protects the civilization inside, and everything is relative.

This means that if his guess is correct, then what needs to be considered later is how to find this void.

After all, he is now a creature in the box, how to affect the outside of the box?

Moreover, its existence in the box can be described as a speck of dust. If it wants to touch the things outside the box, it must at least become strong enough to destroy the box or poke a hole in the box. Only in this way can it touch it.

"And there is only one way to improve yourself, that is to improve your technology as much as possible. If my technology level reaches the 9th stage, then I should be able to do this."

There is no reason for this speculation. After all, breaking the rules of this world and breaking the barriers of this world ultimately requires more powerful technology. This is why the special existence of this world will limit the development of technology, because he is also worried that one day when a civilization's technology really develops to this point, the problem will be big.

In fact, if you do this, from a certain perspective, it may have a great impact on the entire world, from the hyperspace to the countless cosmic bubbles, and then the countless civilizations inside may eventually usher in destruction because of your behavior.

If this void is really something that cannot be touched, once you release it, and then you can't clean up the mess, such a thing may really happen.

But for Jiang Yao, even if it is so, what can he do?

The development of civilization will always lead to extinction, and the universe will always lead to the end of life.

Nothing is fair in this universe, and nothing is taken for granted. Take this one thing for example.

One's own behavior will indeed bring great disasters, but one can also pursue higher and see higher scenery.

When civilization develops to this point, what is pursued has changed a lot.

What he needs to pursue is no longer some seemingly meaningless territory or other things. In fact, when civilization reaches this level, it is more about spiritual things.

From the initial pursuit of reality to the pursuit of spiritual level, this is a kind of transformation, and such a transformation will be thought about when it reaches his level of civilization.

These things seem meaningless in some low-level civilizations, but for a civilization like him, they are more spiritual, because there is no pursuit of material things. If there is nothing else on the spiritual level, then this civilization will only gradually move towards destruction.

In short, no matter who it is, this is a very complicated problem. If you think about this problem from different angles, the final answer will be different.

"It's like a universe that is about to go violent. For the civilizations born at this stage, this is unfair. From the moment they were born, the universe entered the final stage of the stone. It can even be said that when they just started to develop a little civilization, the universe was heading for destruction."

"Is the universe wrong to behave like this? Obviously it is not wrong. This is the law that the universe pursues. No matter how it develops, it will eventually repeat itself. Pursuing these things by yourself is like the essence of the universe. The only difference is that you can change the goal you pursue, instead of everything being defined at the moment the universe appears."

"For the civilization that was born at the end of the life of this universe, everything is unfair to them. They don't even know what happened, and they just followed the universe to destruction in such a daze. For some advanced civilizations, it is even said that they have a chance to escape the destruction of the universe. Is this fair to the two civilizations? "

"There is no so-called fairness in anything, at least in the universe. Every action of each civilization will cause great damage to other civilizations. It is just the size of the damage. It is like two super The aftermath of the war between civilizations can easily destroy surrounding civilizations."

He knows very well that his actions may indeed destroy many universes, but in fact the essential things will not change, because to him, these civilizations are actually like ants on the roadside. When I walk, I don't pay attention to whether I have stepped on ants.

But this is something that really happened, and a normal person wouldn't know this, so he would carefully look at the ground to see if there are any ants on the ground every time he walks, so that he can avoid them in advance.

After a long while he took a deep breath.

"Every civilization has its pursuits, and I am no exception."

"Although sometimes things are a little outrageous, it is undeniable that everything just depends on whose perspective you stand on."

While thinking about it, he couldn't help but have a lot of thoughts.

"My civilization can only keep moving forward. Only in this way will it not eventually be destroyed due to some reasons."

"Whether it is the consciousness of the universe or the consciousness of this world, from a certain perspective, they are restricting the development of civilization. Although this is a kind of protection for low-level civilizations, for high-level civilizations, this is a restriction."

"Every civilization is a vested interest, and every civilization is a victim."

"And what I can do is to continue to develop, continue to pass, and use various methods to take the final step, break the cage of this world, and understand the truth of this world. Maybe in the future I will regret my behavior today."

"But now all I need to do is keep going."

He couldn't help but have a lot of thoughts for a while. To be honest, he hadn't had such an experience for a long time. In the past, he might have been sentimental, but now he has no such thoughts at all.

Because sentimentality doesn’t actually mean much. What he needs to do is already clear. Perhaps in the future, in order to make up for today’s mistakes, he may choose to create some universes to allow them to develop freely and reproduce their own civilization until it reaches the end. .

This can be regarded as oneself, and it may have huge consequences when studying the void in the future. A kind of compensation, but he knew very well that it was not just a kind of psychological comfort.

In fact, according to normal circumstances, people like him do not need to have such feelings. It is even said that many advanced civilizations are destroyed in this way. You have nothing to do with me. Even many civilizations that are still struggling within the scope of the universe are destroyed. Understand the truth.

But Jiang Yao didn't want to do this. He felt that if he really became like this and lost all emotions, then he might not be himself anymore.

So he will still retain some emotions.

This is why for a long time, he has liked to enter different civilizations as an ordinary person to observe them. On the one hand, it is to learn from others and see if he can find something useful to himself. On the other hand, it is naturally to experience this kind of feeling and experience the feeling he had when the civilization was weak.

After all, after so many years, I have to have something that I must insist on keeping. It is impossible to abandon all emotions and turn myself into a machine. This is too meaningless.

If he is sincere, he can imagine that when civilization is destroyed, his emotions will remain unchanged.

If one day his plan really succeeds, and he finds the void and gains strength, and at the same time masters the method of surviving in the void, or in other words sees the truth of the entire world, there will be no joy on his face at that moment. All that's left is numbness.

This was something he didn't want to see. He didn't like this feeling at all.

"It seems that there is no use thinking about it now. After all, I haven't even started researching yet, and I'm starting to think about this success speech. This is a bit outrageous."

"All in all, this road will be difficult, but I have to go."

After a long time, he couldn't help but sigh, so he began to study related things, and this needed to be conducted in absolute secrecy, and even the researcher himself was not involved in this research. Knows what he's doing.

And that's the point of the point.

After all, God knows whether the meaning is what he thinks. If it is really as difficult as he thinks, even the slightest flaw may cause him to be directly targeted to death, so this matter is only He is the only one who knows.

From the rough outline of this plan to the subsequent execution and other operations, all can only be completed by him alone. Perhaps these bugs of his can assist in some related space research or some barriers that need to be broken, but the whole plan can only be known by himself.

He will gradually piece together the things studied by his men, and finally implement this. Only in this way can it be guaranteed to be foolproof. Thinking of this, he can't help but feel that it is a fantasy.

What kind of things need to be studied in the whole plan, even he himself doesn't know how to organize the needs. The route to break through the difficulties of these messy things studied.

For all of this, he knows nothing

So now all he can do is to let the bugs under his hands study what he thinks is useful.

As for whether these things are useful, it's really hard to say. Maybe they will be really useful in the future, or maybe they will have no effect at all. In short, there are very few things he can do now.

With this mentality, he began to make the brainworms move vigorously, and he himself was thinking about where to contact the void every day. At least with the civilizations he introduced so far and various relics, he had never seen any civilization that really touched this thing.

He had seen related concepts before, but the final result was that these were just concepts. The civilization that proposed this concept went through some research and finally found that it did not exist at all.

He did not feel any surprise about this, after all, those who could propose such a concept were basically still in a low-level civilization. At that level, all kinds of wild ideas emerged in civilization.

It was not a big deal for such things to appear occasionally, and the most important thing was that even if such things appeared at this stage, there was no way to support related research, even at their stage. The entire civilization's research on dimensional technology was only in a theoretical state, and adding a new thing was not strange.

Fortunately, there was no civilization of his level to study these things, otherwise his plan would have failed before it even started.

In this way, as time went by, he began to try various ways to contact the void.

But no matter what method he used, the final result was that he was messing around and actually had no effect.

He tried all kinds of methods, such as opening up space and connecting channels, but found that they were all useless.

But after thinking about it carefully, he was relieved. It would be strange if it was useful. It was strange that if it was really so easy to contact, it would not have been so many years. Among the super civilizations, no civilization took this route.

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