Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver

Chapter 958 The decisive battle between two civilizations

"If you hadn't let out those so-called gods, this place would definitely not be like this now."

At this time, everyone started arguing. An emperor of the empire couldn't help but said to the Church.

"Please be careful with your words. As a believer of God, you should give God enough respect."

Hearing this, the man almost laughed out loud.

"Do the gods respect them as gods?"

"Can't you see how much disaster their appearance has brought to the world? If it weren't for them, would our world be like this now?"

Faced with this person's question, everyone in the Church shook their heads.

"Not all people can walk with the gods."

"Isn't it normal for these unqualified people to have such a situation?"

Hearing this, the man almost laughed out loud.

"Do you want to listen to what you are saying? The disaster they have brought to this world has completely exceeded any war in history. They have almost wiped out all the people in the world."

As he spoke, he pointed in a certain direction and continued to speak.

"Go and have a look at those polluted people. What have they become? They have become a bunch of walking corpses without consciousness and only instinct."

"And they are the result of the gods you mentioned."

Because the gods came, this world has undergone a very big change. Most people died of pollution. Of course, they did not die completely after death, but became a group of walking corpses without consciousness and only knew how to act according to instinct.

After becoming walking corpses, they began to wander. Once they found any living creatures, they would launch a crazy attack at the first time.

It is also because of this reason that the whole world has suffered an unprecedented blow not only to humans, but also to animals in this world.

In short, for the people in this world, this is a disaster, a great disaster.

Now all people can only gather in a city, and they gather here naturally to be able to resist the enemy together. They no longer exist as they did before.

They simply do not have the ability to be in groups.

If it were not for now, they could still gather together, perhaps they would have been broken by these creatures long ago.

The main reason why they can still hold on now is that they are now gathered together and facing it together.

Otherwise, they might have perished long ago.

But even so, their situation here is not much better now.

According to the current situation, it won't be long before they can't hold on here. Not to mention other things, they can't solve the problem of food alone.

Now all their food depends on those reserves.

As for other things, they are gone long ago.

Whether it is farmland or other things, they have been destroyed long ago.

Because of the advent of the gods, even plants have been greatly affected. In short, this is a disaster, a huge and terrible disaster.

Plants have also been infected. It is no exaggeration to say that they are now in a state of lingering.

So at this time, facing this group of churches, everyone is in a state of hatred.

"The world is already filthy."

"The coming of God will cleanse the world, and when the world recovers again, it will be a different scene."

Obviously, as a true believer, the Church naturally doesn't care much about these things, but they don't know that this wave of their behavior has completely angered everyone.

In fact, the current situation is that many people want to do everything they can to persist, so that their civilization can continue and their side will not be destroyed.

But the reality is the current situation. It is basically impossible to do this, but they still have the last hope.

So with this mentality, they sit here and continue to discuss this matter. As a result, who would have thought that the culprit is still like this now. Who can bear it? Maybe at the beginning, when the situation on their side was barely acceptable, they would only turn a blind eye to this matter.

After all, at least when resisting some monsters inside, this group of people also made efforts, but the current situation is that everyone can't bear it anymore and is in a shaky state. It is completely inappropriate for you to come and say these words at this time, which naturally aroused their anger.

"Well, if you hadn't released those demons, we would be like this now."

"The whole world is paying for your stupid behavior, but you can point fingers here and talk about the coming of gods."

As if the representative didn't hear the angry call of this group of people, he continued.

"Even if the gods didn't come, do you think that group of demons would let us go?"

"At least before the so-called false gods came, that group of people only captured a small part of us, and this part of people is not even as many as the number of innocent people you try your best to label as pagans and get rid of every year."

"You just saw that your ore was being mined, and you were worried that you would not have anything to make weapons to maintain your strength in the future. In order to ensure your status, you chose to summon the gods. Who knew you had opened Pandora's box."

"Although it won't take long before this place will fall to you or me, and we will all die here, but before that I won't make it easy for you."

Obviously, what this man said now has also infected most of the people present. They all know that the situation here is currently in this state.

Basically, it is half-dead, and it is definitely unrealistic to sustain it.

Ever since, after many quarrels, a huge energy wave finally erupted, and the war officially began.

That's right, they went to war.

As for the reason for the war, there is no need to say more. Both sides are really angry this time.

Originally, the Holy See had been very oppressive on their side.

Although it got better later on, the two sides had their own grudges. This time, the whole world was because of them. So when this incident was completely publicized in this city, the war between the two sides came. .

An unparalleled war broke out here among the powerful ninth-level mages, and the people below who were struggling to support them also fell into madness. They launched an attack on the Holy See and others.

In this way, the battle between the two sides began, and it became more and more intense. This created civilization eventually ushered in destruction due to various events.

After all, no one can survive the last pure land of civilization.

But this incident is not a big surprise. After all, for some gods, they do not receive much worship.

Therefore, they are not balanced to begin with, so it is necessary for them to destroy this race. It can be said that these people in the last pure land are more or less tempted by certain gods.

In fact, this was not the case at first.

It is even said that human beings cannot be wiped out so miserably. The main reason is because of the existence of these gods. Some powerful gods who have obtained benefits will deliberately protect these gods in order to ensure that they can continuously obtain benefits. people.

But it's different for those who don't get any benefits. They are truly full of malice.

This is the most contradictory point between the two sides.

The result of these malicious intentions is that most humans are infected. Even if these powerful gods want to stop them, they have no chance because Chen Yao's fleet is staring at them.

The strength of both sides can be considered evenly matched. Powerful technological products and these special creatures with very powerful strength have broken out one war after another.

In a war of this level, no one would care about the life and death of this group of indigenous people on the ground.

But this time on Chen Yao's side.

At this time, his resource consumption was already very serious, but fortunately, with the resources obtained from the gods he killed, his previous reserves were barely enough to fight until now. Compared with what was left at the beginning, The total number of gods adds up to just over 100, but these are all very powerful gods.

"Based on the current pace, the remaining resources should be enough to support the subsequent war."

"However, during this period, while the numbers of these gods seem to be devouring each other and decreasing, the strength of some gods is soaring."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh. The situation was getting more and more complicated now.

These gods also discovered that they wanted to rely on cannon fodder to live their lives, so they chose to devour them to increase their power, and then fight against themselves.

"But if you do this, you will also be harmed during the devouring process."

"It is absolutely impossible for you to achieve complete victory in subsequent wars."

After learning about the actions of the gods through the detector, Chen Yao had a bold idea.

The principle is very simple. Since you are so good at killing each other now, should you consider taking advantage of others' danger? After all, after you have devoured and become stronger, and then recovered from your injuries, I am sorry for you. It's really difficult to come.

Thinking of this, he immediately issued an order to the players, asking them to take the initiative to attack. It just so happened that these people were injured now, so this was a good opportunity.

Ever since, a large number of mechas flew towards the current gathering place of the gods. The same gods were devouring each other. Ever since, a large number of mechas flew towards the current gathering place of the gods. The same The gods who were devouring each other also found out.

Ever since, the real chaos has completely begun. Standing in the role of gods, they don't care whether they speak more straightforwardly along the way. When the devouring of each other begins, the weak gods will know what they are like now. The situation, of course, cannot be said to be true. They are willing to pay for this ethnic group. They can't wait to drag some water that can swallow them or is swallowing them.

As a result, the scene became chaotic for a while. Under such circumstances, many powerful gods were forcibly dragged to the battlefield by the gods he devoured, and were eventually destroyed together with the gods devoured by him.

As time went by, you could see mechas constantly attacking some gods on the battlefield, and you could also see a large number of mechas being shot down. But once a mecha was destroyed, it wouldn't take long before new mechas would join the battlefield.

This was a continuous battle.

One side relied on its own strong strength, while the other side relied on its own physical advantages.

No matter from which angle you look at this wave, the losses were very large, and the same was true for both sides.

After rounds of transformation, the mechas were venting their firepower crazily.

The gods also relied on their own strength to resist these horn attacks. The consequences of the battle between the two sides were very serious, but now the last piece of pure land on this continent was finally destroyed because of the civil strife.

So now the whole world is in chaos.

And as the war gradually escalated, the world's territory soon began to disappear.

When the war reached the end, there were only a dozen gods left, and the total amount of resources in Chen Yao's hands was less than 5%.

Both sides calmed down immediately. It was obvious that if they continued like this, neither side would be able to bear it. These gods saw the strength of this foreign tribe, and Chen Yao had to admire it. After all, it was a creature similar to the star beast. Its strength was indeed very strong.

'Brothers have been fighting for so long. At present, they still have more than 10 groups left, and our support is about to run out. I am sure that if they know about this, I am afraid they will come to kill regardless of everything. '

At this time, everyone on the players' side was discussing one thing.

Indeed, this is probably the situation at present. The battle between the two sides has reached the final stage. Everyone is keeping their troops still and preparing for the final confrontation.

Everyone knows that the next battle will determine the fate of the two civilizations, and everyone is making full preparations.

This battle is destined to be extraordinary.

"According to the current situation, both sides may launch the final attack when necessary, and we will invest all our resources in this battle, and the opponent should be defeated."

""Up to now, everyone must be very clear about the basic situation. In terms of strength, the two sides are similar, so if we continue to fight, the final result will be a battle of who has sufficient reserves. ""

"And we don't have many resources left, so how to fight this battle that is related to our survival is the key."

They all know that it is definitely not possible to rush in directly, and they must think of a tactic that can eliminate part of the opponent in the fastest time. In this way, they will have a lot of room for operation later.

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