Zerg Swinger

Chapter 21: Leave

At night, it was not too late.

The action movie played for fifteen minutes and hadn't reached the point. Not surprisingly, Xi Tian fell asleep.

In the dim night, ambiguous breathing, goblins fighting, the scene was intense.

Ellis didn't dare to look any further, he was afraid that he could not help but wake Xi Tian up next.

The idea of ​​waking up the male lord was rejected after two rounds in his mind.

He closed the movie page and carried the hero wrapped in the blanket back to the bedroom.

The inflatable sofa in the study, I think I can watch a thriller he likes together tomorrow night.

After all, after spending a month at home, he hasn't watched a movie on the big screen.

The hero will definitely not refuse.

Ellis thought happily.

The next day, it was another peaceful morning.

Xi Tian returned from a morning run around the community, carrying the breakfast from the breakfast shop in his hand.

Back home, walked into the hallway, called "Ellis", but no one answered.

Xi Tian felt strange, so he put it on the table earlier.

There are many differences between Ellis and his living habits. Xi Tian's work and rest is the traditional regular work and rest that has always been respected by the brain. He goes to bed early and wakes up early to maintain exercise.

Ellis is a night owl. He loves to wander around forums frequently when he has nothing to do at night. The terminal shows that the average time to fall asleep is around the early morning. When Xitian wakes up in the morning, Alice wakes up when he feels light, lack of sleep, and upper and lower eyelid fights.

At first, Xi Tian still found it interesting and teased him a few times, but he was born in the army, and his physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary females. The muscles of the whole body were not decorations. Alice rolled himself into the quilt to play tricks, and Xi Tianla couldn't pull it, and sighed. go out. When he came back, Alice apologized nervously after falling asleep and finally waking up.

Xi Tian felt that it was innocuous, so he let it go.

However, now the room is silent.

Xi Tian walked around in the house, and he didn't even have a personal picture.

He walked to the dining table and sat down and checked the terminal. There was no information.

Maybe something is going on, Xi Tian said so, eating his own breakfast.

It's a pity, he even bought sugar cake specially.

Timed broadcast of morning news:

"It is 7:30 in the morning. We have just received a communication from the resident reporter from Colonial Star H612, Hull Chaynes: At 6:22 in the morning, the troops under the jurisdiction of Tatar Star are in our H612 galaxy, Taibei. An attack was launched in the energy mining area, resulting in 17 deaths, 52 injuries and 2 missing.

According to an urgent decision by the high-level government, the Chongxing Siming Military Region Independent Group will be sent to colony H612 to protect the residents of the colony. "

Afterwards, play an impassioned military music.

Xi Tian turned on the screencast video, and the soldiers and women of the army were neatly and uniformly displayed on the screen, ready to go.

Zerg Star is the origin galaxy of the Zerg tribe. It is called the mother star by the Zerg people. There are 52 legions of military units on the mother star, which belong to 34 states and 4 municipalities directly under the Central Government. The names of the corps are arranged in sequence, and the number of each army is 40,000 to 50,000. The Siming Military District, which belongs to the capital, is also known as the Fourth Army, which is the army where Ellis served.

Therefore, Ellis returned to the army.

They are still in the engagement stage and are not a legally recognized marriage. As long as the female is not bound to the male, their autonomy is still in their own hands, and even the male cannot interfere.

Xi Tian thought silently.

Put Alice's share aside early, and if he comes back, leave it to him. If you don't come back before this afternoon, you will throw it into the trash can.

Before being thrown on his aircraft by Owen, Ellis was in a daze, completely unaware of what happened.

He sat in the passenger seat and squinted for a while, then realized that something was wrong and struggled to wake up.

Outside the tempered glass, the building landscape recedes rapidly.

"How is this going?"

Alice made no secret of surprise, he only remembered that he was still in bed just now, and now he was sitting on other people's aircraft.

"Don't mention it," Irving patted the steering wheel in annoyance. "There is something wrong with the resource star. Now we need to rush to the battlefield."

"But, I have already asked for leave, and all the leave slips have been approved." Ellis said, "God, I didn't even wash."

"Don't worry about that. I asked Major Amaud. The major said that it means the above. "Anyone who can return to the team will be returned to me. As long as you are not married and the male child has not signed the notice of discharge, you must have a lot of them. Participate in this event.'

I also specifically explained your situation to the major. The major said that if you meet the above conditions, you must go back to participate.

Don't worry about your washing problem. There is mouthwash in the box on the right. You can use it first. Let's set off at 7:30. "

Ellis took out the mouthwash, glanced at the time, at 07:02, sighed, "It's so bad."

"Didn't you always complain about not being on the battlefield before, why are you still complaining now?"

Irving switched to the autopilot mode and confirmed that they could arrive before the stipulated time, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"This time I was too in a hurry. I didn't have any mental preparation." Ellis spit out the mouthwash. "Besides, I wanted to save for a free single life. I will get married in less than a month. Please leave the leave. At this time, you tell me, "You can accumulate military merit." Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?"

"That's what I said." Irving nodded in agreement, "However, I heard that this mission was deliberately won by our colonel. The war with Tatar is not one time or two. The mission is difficult, and the military merits are not lost at all. The most important thing is. The thing is, I can finally stay away from the small place Siming, so I can go out and have a look."

"Tatar, it's the hapless opponent of Tatar." Ellis rolled his eyes. "The mother star and Tatar have not fought a battle in three years and they are itchy. They have been fighting each other for almost 500 years."

"It's no way, who made us all alone." Owen shrugged.

Five hundred years ago, the last pure-blood heir of the royal family died suddenly, and two distant bloodlines became the last heirs.

At that time, there was a change. The internal forces were divided into constitutional and royal factions, and the two heirs stood on the other side and quarreled with each other for three years and no one could say who. The last two sides are divided by the Daming River in the south. To the south of the Daming River, one of the heirs and his supporters established the capital of Tatar in Tuodaming City, which later became known as the State of Tatar.

It was not until three hundred years ago that Tatar took the lead in science and technology and took the lead in immigrating to the Gemini of Worm Star and named Tatar. Only then did the insect stars formally unified into a complete galaxy.

Tatar and Chongxing can be said to be a hostile relationship of historical origin. The two sides maintained a high degree of mutual conflict. In the end, the two sides had a tacit understanding. From time to time, they set the lights on, and then sent diplomats to speak in the air. Pulling out troops to fight, the two sides have a tacit understanding of sending only recruits with no battlefield experience, which can safely train recruits, maintain the positions of both sides, and allow inexperienced children to earn military merit. It is simply three birds with one stone.

The last time the two sides fought in the summer three years ago, Ellis had missed the last experience perfectly before graduating.

Well, in the army, the battle with Tatar is called experience.

As a result, he and his teammates stayed in the army for three years and worked desperately, only to be promoted to the current captain.

Thinking of the one hundred people under his hand, Ellis felt a headache.

"Is the person under my hand okay with you?"

"It's okay. It's really not in vain to say that one term is not as good as one. There are two or three in the recruits who stabbed me in private with small tricks. I thought there could be any tricks. The result is still us. Play the rest of the year."

"Yes, when the three of us were recruits, let the captain call in the office to teach."

Ellis couldn't help laughing when he thought of the scene when he had just been assigned to the Fourth Army.

At that time, he refused to obey the discipline, Owen was very mobile, An Ji was quiet and had a bad stomach, and the three of them were in a panic and embarrassed, which really added a lot of trouble to the low-level officers.

In the end, I didn't know who to let the captain stabbed in front of the captain. The captain suffered from no evidence, so he had to sit in a platoon with a gloomy face and triple the amount of training. The teammates complained endlessly.


Time is fast.

Thinking of the cold face of his superior, Ellis's fond memories were instantly poked into a sieve.

When he goes back, he has to obediently take up the task of the superior, listen to the training situation reported by the lieutenant below, and deploy the plan according to the training situation and the field environment.

Ellis has experienced several holographic actual combat exercises. The stimulus is stimulus, but requires a high degree of concentration. He is often sweaty, sticky and greasy at the moment. When he touches it, it is salt crystals. Ellis was very uncomfortable.

Sleeping in the arms of the male lord, clean and relaxed days are really nostalgic.

Ellis quietly regretted.

Before the troops stopped at the airport, Owen glanced at the terminal and told Ellis that Angie had packed his luggage for him and handed it to his lieutenant.

Ellis let out a cry, faintly feeling as if he had forgotten something.

As soon as he landed on the airport, Ellis was hurriedly pulled away by the lieutenant's deputy who had been waiting for him for a long time.

In such a tight time, An Ji came here too.

Ellis glanced at his friends as he was busy, and Angie seemed to have not seen Owen for a long time, until Ellis couldn't see them, and they were still hugging.

It's kind of weird.

But it didn't take long for him to cheer up and stand in front of his superiors to listen to his advice.

Then, board the airship and listen to his four ensigns reporting on the recruits.

When he really sat in his lounge, the task thoughts in his mind began to give way to the emotional part, and he remembered.

He even forgot, remembered, told, complained, male, master.

Ellis slapped his face.


His terminal showed that he had received two unread messages, one of which was told by Owen to prepare him, and the other was from his host, with a four-character question mark: Where did you go?

Ellis quickly poked a large reply explanation and clicked send.

As a result, the send button was directly grayed out, and the airship's internal broadcast sounded:

"Please note! The airship is passing through the atmosphere and will be severely disturbed by radio waves. The optical brain will force the terminal to activate the flight mode."

He should send a message to his hero as soon as he goes out!

It's really bad.

The author has something to say:

Chatting with friends, when it comes to the position of Alice, Alice’s current position is a company commander, with a hundred or so people under his hand. Compared with the young and promising receivers of the Chongxing traditional marshal major generals, it is my family. The ratio is almost down to the mound.

I'm just talking about things in the army. Based on my brain waste, it is very rare for a 29-year-old captain in a peaceful era to write it.

The relationship between Worm Star and Tatar Star is quite a bug.

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