Zerg’s Dress As a Popular Lover

Chapter 37: worst plans

David was taken aback.

His Majesty Noon smiled: "Little David, if you are on the battlefield, your slow mental tentacles will not work."

"If you can't do anything, your majesty, your old man can do it!" President Paul said unhappily, then turned to David and said, "Don't be afraid, use all your strength to attack him, let this old guy feel what it is. The mental power of 2S!"

David was still blushing for his underestimation of His Majesty Noon, and immediately regrouped when he heard this.

In the next second, swish-countless red lights flashed past, and shot at His Majesty Noen.

Among them, there are several red lights, but half a small rose petal is hidden, like a small sharp knife.

His Majesty Norn was very comfortable at the beginning, but after discovering that these attacks were unclear, he quickly activated all-round protection.

However, just when he consciously protected 100%, his nasal cavity hurt, and then a stream of heat gushed out.

"Puff!" President Paul was instantly happy, clapped his legs and laughed, "Your Majesty, you are really amazing, you still have a nosebleed when you are so old! Puff hahaha!"

David, David hurriedly closed his mental tentacles, and glared at some of the small tentacles that had caused the misfortune.

The little tentacles sensed the owner's sight and swayed triumphantly, not so much as showing off, but as asking for praise.

David: "..."

David hurriedly manipulated the sea of ​​spirit, took the little tentacles back, and then carefully looked at His Majesty Noon, intending to admit his mistake first.


Before he could speak, he was slapped on his shoulder, and then His Majesty Noon's hearty laughter sounded: "Haha, little David is very good! Very good! Hahaha... the future of our Zerg is hopeful! Hahahaha..."

His Majesty Norn was still laughing at first, but when he came back, President Paul also laughed.

David, David is still a little confused, he vaguely understands that his 2S mental power makes these two Zerg power peak males feel hope, but he can't help being confused.

Without him, the mental power of males is different from that of females.

The mental power of females can be used in combat, can become a killer by surprise, and can even be used to manipulate mechas.

But the male one does not.

Without him, Article 101 of the Male Insect Law stipulates: The male can not use mental power to critically strike any creature!

The mental power that cannot be used for critical strikes is like a sharp sword that cannot be used. What use is it?

"Knock!" The study door was knocked, and a slightly panicked voice came in.

"Moses, Moses just started the live broadcast, saying, if we disagree with his exchange terms, he! He will live broadcast killing Zhao Luoshui at 12 o'clock one day later!"


"It is impossible for the Tianka tribe to let go of the male worms." The speaker was Pei Yu, who had been sitting on the sofa, with a gentle expression but indifferent tone. Prepared for the worst."

"What is the worst plan? The worst plan includes his live broadcast of killing Zhao Luoshui?"

His Majesty Noen looked bad and looked at the eldest son with dissatisfaction. Fortunately, he was scrupulous about the occasion and did not speak to reprimand. He just turned his eyes and fell on other insects, "In this situation, what are your regulations? "


Damn it!

All the females present have only one idea, which is to roll up their sleeves and do it!

Special female, the Tianka tribe is deceiving too much!

His Majesty Noen swept his eyes, and he almost saw the idea of ​​the insects present, and his heart became even more angry!

This group of females has been like this every time!

This happens every time!

As long as the male worm is involved, except for the desperate charge, everything is forgotten...


His Majesty Noon sighed for a long time and asked, "Is the internet disconnected?"

"His Majesty, the network has been cut off. But... the minister is worried that if the other party will do tricks on the LAN."

In a local area network, only one transmitter is needed to achieve a smooth network in a certain area.

In other words, as long as Moses uses a local area network, the live broadcast can still be carried out. Although this situation will cause the opponent to be discovered faster, the madness of the Tianka tribe is carved in the bones. Who knows if the opponent will fight it? Fate, all the Zerg races that are about to be disturbed are in chaos?

Think about it, if a male is killed by live broadcast, all females of the Zerg race will be mentally unstable.

"Since Moses will come to Capital Star, he must have been prepared." His Majesty Norn said this, rubbing his temple hand, and sneered, "Tianka people are getting shorter and shorter lives, I remember Moses This year is almost a hundred years old, don’t you want to seize an opportunity to fight wildly? Huh!"

These words are not indiscriminate. Since the early death of the Tianka mother emperor 500 years ago, the newly appointed mother emperor has never been over 200 years old, and several of them have died before they are even 100 years old. Not to mention the worm under the mother emperor?

On the contrary, the current mother, Capello, looked as if she was a long-lived. At her early one hundred and thirties, many zergs who secretly looked forward to the other side's belching felt extremely uncomfortable.

After all, the older the mother emperor, the more difficult it is to deal with, not to mention, the more he likes to launch wars and invade the territories of other races. In recent years, the Zergs have supported the star wars of other races. The source of these wars is in Kape. Luo's head.

A crowd of worms were discussing countermeasures in the living room, and in the corner of the living room, David stood quietly and well-behaved, only the little dull hairs on his head swayed from side to side, trying to absorb the information revealed from the mouths of these worms.

For example, the Tianka tribe’s life expectancy is impaired due to the multiplication of close relatives all the year round. Another example is that Moses of the Tianka tribe seemed to be the female of the former Tianka mother. Unfortunately, the Tianka mother was too short-lived. He died prematurely before he broke the shell...

Not only the message from the Tianka tribe, David also vaguely guessed the truth of Zhao Luoshui's being held hostage from the tone and demeanor of these worms.

It turned out that Zhao Luoshui's father was captured by the Tianka tribe.

In the dark planet, Zhao Luoshui's male father naturally had a few love ties with the Tianka clan worms, and Moses was one of them.

But this time, Moses used this dew love as a raft to trick Zhao Luoshui's father into saying that he gave birth to a male worm egg. He couldn't bear to let the male cub live a dark life in the Tianka clan, and wanted to join Zhao Luoshui's father...

Zhao Luoshui's father didn't know if he was fainted or was seduced by the so-called male cub. Anyway, he believed it, and finally didn't know what happened. In the end, Zhao Luoshui was easily held hostage by Moses.

Even if it wasn't the critical moment, Zhao Luoshui sent the distress message to his father, but he was afraid that in the end Zhao Luoshui was taken out of the Capital Star, and Zhao Luoshui's father was still immersed in the joy of having another male cub.

David didn't want to comment on the actions of Uncle Zhao, he just once again deeply felt the Zerg's desire for male cubs, and the thoughts in his heart became more and more determined.

In his previous life, he died of poisoning before he had a chance to emerge in medicine. Now, studying medicine and practicing medicine in the Zerg race should be the most suitable future for him!

Moreover, the most important thing I should overcome is obstetrics and gynecology... No, obstetrics and gynecology!

"David? Little David?"

David subconsciously said "Ah" and raised his small head, but seeing that the insects didn't know why, they were all looking at him without saying anything, and there was a gloomy light in his eyes that chilled his back.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Don't be afraid of little David, Grandpa Paul will arrange someone to protect you, but you have to cooperate with everyone's plan, you know?"

"Uh...oh, okay."

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