Zhan Long

Chapter 1017: Hunting alone

I don't think about it: "No, these adventurers are solved by our adventurers. The mission of the Royal Forest Army is to wait for the Fire Lions and the Navy to appear in Linhai City, and then to attack them and continue to keep the scout distance extended."

"Yes, adults."


It was the early morning of the game, the fog rising in the low jungle of the plain ahead, like a layer of gauze around the waist of the jungle trees, the dew falling in the grass, the birds screaming, saying There is no silence, but what is hidden after the silence is the inexhaustible killing. This is an opportunity for the Indian theater. It is impossible to let go of the Qingmo.

In the guild, Lin Biaoer marked the coordinates of a total of 6 million people on the big map, and we did not concentrate on it. The maps of Huize Plain, Tiantian Ice Field and Starry Sky almost all of us. The rest of the guilds in Tianzhu City also appeared on the big maps. Several maps were too big, and the players on both servers did not come out, making the battle really seem like a hunt.

Commanding the Yulin Army and the Dragon City Army to stand by, I will instruct the gods and dragons to leave the Wushen River, and take advantage of this early morning to earn a little bit of the king’s hunting.

More than 70% of the area of ​​the Huize Plain is a vast plain, suitable for cavalry fighting, while the other 30% of the ears are maps of shrubs, jungles, and water. I have grass and naturally choose shrubs and jungle maps as the route of travel. There are a lot of Chinese players on the plains in the distance, and there are also a few Indian players. Both sides are experiencing advancing and retreating. There is no real battle yet.


The horseshoes stepped on the leaves in the jungle and slowly moved forward. I also passively entered the stealth state of the grass. It was not far away. It was convenient to speak before: "There are about 100 China on the hillside. Players, the ranks are between 165-170, not high, we still have the opportunity to destroy them, we have raised 500 people in the 'Fengfeng Ares' guild, can no longer let Qingyi Tumo, Fenglin drunk these people look down Now, this battle must be played with our momentum and style!"

I set aside the leaves in the jungle, but found a group of people gathered here. The person who spoke was a middle-aged Indian with a tomahawk, looking like a cross, looking very fierce, and gathered around him. There are two deputy lords and four elders. More people are waiting in the jungle for the opportunity to fight in the distance. It is a guild affiliated with Linhai City. It is called the 战峰战神, the system queries the information, the level 3 guild, not full, only After receiving 50% of the people, it seems that they are plotting to get rid of a hundred people in the Chinese theater that has entered this area. Well, take this group of people to open the knife!

I carefully summoned the ancient **** tiger, slowly pulled out the town knife and butterfly, confirmed the layout of the players in the surrounding map, quickly made trouble, raised the hand and threw the butterfly, and suddenly the five-star artifact turned into a spiral cyclone straight into the direction. The guild of the other guild, the blade air spins alternately cut three times in a row, this guild lord did not even see where I was killed by the spike, each time hurting 7W, a total of more than 22W blood damage, he can stop the ghost.

"Be careful, someone sneaked!" A **** deputy lord hurriedly shouted.

It’s a pity that it’s already late, my gods and dragons roared and rushed out, the town’s knife slid across, the seven-star shattered Yuelu smashed in the crowd, and at the same time another sword storm, the other seven’s management gathered only An archer who opened the Jinghua effect was still alive, but when he was too lucky, he was taken away by the ancient tiger.

I did not hesitate, holding the sword and rushing forward, hundreds of people are not in the eyes, the thousands of frost wings open, blessing the wall of vindictive, frosty ice armor, the body turns into a spiral storm In the crowd, the use of skills, swords and swords slashed past, the attack speed is fast, the whirlwind sweeping, suddenly behind the body is full of corpses, and the other side can not be prevented from being swept by me, wait until When I was slow, I started shouting to use the seven-star arrow to stun. Unfortunately, my overlord helmet has the effect of heroic heart, not eating dizziness, slowing down, etc., and the damage caused by the opponent’s melee and archers is too Low, only 2000 damage, and only a few hundred or even dozens of damage.

"The wizard, set fire!" a team leader shouted.

At least 50 Wizards players get together, the air eagle screams, and the lightning looms, this is the skill of the Ray Eagle!

I couldn't help but laugh, and stood up. With strong mobility, I flew over the jungle. I went directly to MISS and lost countless hawks. I flew to about 100 meters and swooped down. The seven-star shattered stagflies raged under the butterfly's waving. In the crowd, the Overlord boots "嘭" slammed the two knights almost into a meat mud, and a large group of riding warriors rushed over.

After looking at the stunts, I quickly locked the dance of the ghosts and gods, slamming and slamming, and suddenly the stars around the blood red ghosts and cavalry danced, the players around the violent blood slammed, not waiting for them to retreat, I was another stunt, the champion's blade broke Thunder effect, "嘭" echoed, thunder and lightning raging around, a whole piece of damage even more than 10W flying up, dozens of riders quickly fell off the horse, where can withstand the stunts of me The boots are walking in the void, I quickly retreat, the butterfly swept to kill a **** assassin, and at the same time poured a Lanling flower carving wine, restored 100 points of anger, turned and opened a hand to hold a wizard in the dragon In the hands, the butterfly sent, "噗嗤" with the Gathering Shield pierced together, spike!

In a blink of an eye, this peak of the God of War guild quickly reduced the number of people from 500 to only 200, one by one stunned, a long-handed team with a long gun, pale, voice trembled and said: "It is free and easy... is on The MVP of the Second National War is the killing of the Chinese region... How can he be here? Brothers, don’t be nervous, go together, he has only one person, I don’t believe that he is iron, can’t kill, rush !"

They have gathered at least 100 people in the triathlon team, plus assassins, archers, etc. to launch a charge to me, I am afraid that someone else really wants to escape.

"Oh..." The ancient gods around me made a low roar and seemed to be demonstrating to this group of people.

I take a deep breath and try it!


After the butterfly was sheathed, the right hand slammed up, the invisible field condensed around, and the surrounding jungle began to tremble, and behind me was a bush, shrubs filled with finely divided stones, in the power of the heavens. Under the traction, these stones are separated from the gravity of the earth, slowly rising up, mixed with some thorn bushes, and even a wild boar is also "squatting" by me to raise the power of the Royal, the next moment, I Suddenly waved his arm forward, the power burst instantly, and suddenly the stones, thorns, and wild boars blasted out like a shell!


If the fast-moving stone is shrapnel, and the group of Indian players in front can withstand such a bang, many people are directly killed, and the wild boar is killing two assassins alive for a few seconds. After that, the 200 people they tried to gather directly collapsed, and they died halfway. There are still 100 people left. You look at me. I look at you and turn around and escape. One face is full of horror: " This person is not a person, hurry to escape!"

I did not chase, seeing this group of people who lost their fighting courage escaped from the jungle, in fact, I am too lazy to chase them, there is no sense of accomplishment! However, it solved nearly 400 people in a short period of time, but it made my king's hunting points quickly rush to the first place. This is a bit too simple...

Moving on, moving along the jungle to stealth, all the way to see the Indian players will be solved, no one can threaten me for a long time, until more than an hour later, the jungle edge ahead There was a scout team of the Fire Lions, about 100 people. This was nothing terrible, but with this group of NPCs there were about 300 members of the World Association, and the world was the first in the Indian theater. The guild, the overall strength is still above the guild of Qingmoo Tumo, the strength of this group of people can not be underestimated, and even a few of them have 178 grades, just on the edge of the seven turns, the equipment looks very good, most The strong archer named "Baibu Bow" ranks 14th on the IBN Battle.net, and the attack is full. My defense may not be able to stop, or it is better to stay better.

So, I slowly marched along the grass, and they were getting closer and closer. Suddenly, the screaming of the gods and dragons, the beast clips appeared under the feet, and it was the archer’s Beast trap skill, because the trap is invisible, and my true vision ability is far less than the assassin and archer, naturally caught!


There was a shout in the jungle. The enemy’s apparent quality was much higher. The cold arrows on the trees were smashing. I was rushing to sneak out the wings, but I still had two arrows in my shoulders. Spicy pain, 7000 damage per injury, hey, this archer's longbow at least 40% of the defensive defense, otherwise it will not beat me so much blood.


A slipper appeared on the grass. I hurriedly judged the position of the three archers. Raising the hand was a wilderness. The prelude of the 19th skill swelled in the jungle, and the next time I heard the archer The tragic fell from the canopy, and was completely robbed of the 9W blood by the floodland!

Another archer also quickly locked me, the light above the bow is great, is the skill of the bow god!


There was another arrow in the shoulder, and I couldn’t help but shake it. I lost 1.2W of blood. The attacking power of this group of archers is really not covered. This group of people must have been the elite of Fenglin’s drunken hands. The team is over.

After the arrow, I turned and left, and at the same time, I waved out the butterfly. The five-star artifact went through the air, and the fallen leaves fell. The blade swayed out in the canopy, and another archer was killed. Another bow and arrow The hand didn't have time to escape. On another trajectory, it was killed by a butterfly piercing the chest. But after killing three squad archers, my situation was not good. There were players outside the jungle rushing in, and those of the fire lions. NPC soldiers also quickly rushed into the jungle, the fire lion army centurion held up a long squat, his face full of pride, haha ​​smiled: "It is the command of the celestial city Guardian army, no matter who, as long as If you drop him, you can at least be promoted to a third-grade rank!"

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