Zhan Long

Chapter 1026: Break the sea

Outside the port, the sacred singer led nearly 2,000 Rongshen iron rides to the left and right, and further away, the hooves were as heavy and dense as the rolling shovel. The main team of Qingyin Tumo finally came, at least nearly 10,000. Lei riding, a purple thunder light illuminates the jungle at night, and the speed is rushing toward us.

"I am staying behind the temple!" said the **** of death, carrying a spear.

I immediately vetoed: "Without the temple, go together, go to the north shore of Longhu, the melting of the iron riding speed of 500%, the running speed of the ray riding 470%, our speed is faster!"

"it is good!"


Benlei rides fast, and the melting iron rides faster. The distance is farther and farther away. Only the hundreds of melting irons that are stuck in the back can't get away. The main force is gone, and the flames of the dragon lake are shining. Qing also commanded Yan Ying to ride the shooter to retreat, and the battle was damaged a lot, but our raid was already a heavy blow to the Qing dynasty, especially the killing of the iron boots, exploding him. The equipment of the big part of the body, this news must be violently thundered.

As a result, the performance of Qinghao Tuo Mo is far more calm than I thought. In exchange for others, it will definitely kill us directly with more than 4W main force of the beautiful life guild, but Qing Mo Tuo Mo came to the middle of Longhu and ordered to stop. After chasing, I seem to realize that it is definitely a bad thing to chase after it. After all, on the north shore of Longhu Lake, the 12W Yulin Army and more than one thousand heavy artillery are waiting for them.


The ascent of Xuyang pierced the clouds, and it was dawn. I counted the number of people. The 15,000 people who fought on the iron gods attacked and damaged 1,700 people. Now there are only about 1W people, which is worth saving.

The players of Xiaolong are still chasing the escaped players in the nearby Starry Forest. At the same time, I will look at the hunting interface. The gap between us and the Indians is slightly larger.

Chinese Theater: 29327012 Points

Indian Theater: 27023838 points


According to this efficiency, the winner should still be us.

Going on, not far away, Han Yuan came to the horse, turned over and rolled down, carrying a long knife, respectfully said: "General, Tianzhu City sent a fine craftsman, we used nearly 10,000 craftsmen, in three days Longhu has built seven warships, and the dragon crystal cannon and fire rock cannon have been erected!"

I am overjoyed: "Okay, good!"

In this way, together with the two robbed by Death, we have a total of 9 warships. The original 50 ships of the Qing dynasty in the Navy’s warships have been burned, and now they are 20 The way it is, it is almost a battle.

The Dark Moon Spirit captain, Luo Luo, carrying a longbow, walked in grace and smiled and said: "Adult, please send us the Dark Moon Spirit to board the ship to fight?"

When I thought about it, I smiled and said: "The Dark Moon Spirit is enough to hold the camp. The water war is still coming from the Yulin Army!"

绫 撅撅 : : : " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

I patted her on the shoulder and smiled: "Do not worry, there will be opportunities for you to play."


At 10 o'clock in the morning, the battle report was sent again from afar. The Rising Sun Blood Association had an encounter with the World of Stars and the World of War. Both sides used the NPC army. Fenglin drunk the nearly 7W Fire Lions main force, and Wang Zecheng Then the squadron of the squadron commanded Luo Wei to mobilize the 4W army to fight, close to the 80% of the fire axe, in fact, it is to ask the 1W people under the swordsman did not obey the order.

But in this battle, Tianzhu City was defeated. The 4W people of the Fire Axe Army were killed and defeated. The Rising Sun was also defeated by the blood. After the disastrous damage, the score gap between the two servers quickly got closer and made me More convinced that killing NPCs earns more points than killing players, at least a few times higher!

However, our strength is limited, we can't control the battle of the starry sky. We have our own battlefield. Myths and trials have already been used to reinforce the forest of the stars. Our battlefield is in Longhu, and our opponent is Qingyin Tuo.

Stepping on the bridge board and embarking on a warship, the news of the fiasco of the fire axe army, I did not bring too many Yulin army, just let Han Yuan lead 500 people in a warship, the remaining 8 warships are all Players, equipped with NPC gunners and helmsmans, ten minutes later, nine warships slowly advanced towards the depths of Longhu.

The mission of this trip was very simple. I found the rest of the Navy's water army and completely destroyed the power of them in the Longhu.



In the distance, the sound of the drums and drums came, and there was a ship on the horizon of the lake. The warship of the Navy appeared. As you approached, you can see a royal sister standing on the main battleship. The clearing of the ink, she carried a long bow, a pretty face with no expression, very calm look.

"Do they want to choose the heart of the lake as a battle place?" Lin Biaoer said with a sigh of relief, "I will not be unsure of my understanding of Qingmo's extension of ink."

"Is there any trick in this lake?" Li Mu asked.

Wang Weidao: "I don't know..."

The moon squinted and blinked: "I can't find any trouble in the lake of Longhu in the database."

I slowly pulled out the butterfly and said, "No matter what the tricks, try to fight!"



The warships of both sides are getting closer and closer, and Han Yuan has raised his arms and shouted: "Aiming at their warships, they will shoot directly once they reach the range!"

At the next moment, the warships began to turn around the bow. The rows of muzzles were facing the distance. In a few minutes, the sound of the guns suddenly slammed and the two sides began to enter the naval mode.


There was a blast, and the Navy’s warship had already had two dragon crystal cannons in the middle of the river and collapsed into two pieces. However, the gunfire of the Navy seems to be inaccurate and has been falling around our warships. , the launch is very dense.

“What happened?” I frowned. “The accuracy of the artillery of Linhai City’s artillery should not be so low?”

Han Yuan looked at me on another warship. A pair of tigers were surprised and said: "The generals will feel that the situation is a bit wrong. They are not intended to bomb our warships..."

"What is that?" Li Mu stunned.

A few minutes later, the Navy Navy poured at least hundreds of dragon crystal cannons around us, which also caused the temperature around the Royal Forest Warship to rise sharply. The invisible airflow was swirling in the whistling, and the airborne smoke and smoke formed a It’s not dark, it doesn’t seem to be formed by smoke.

"Not good!"

Lin Biaoer suddenly shuddered and said: "It is airflow!"

I also sinken my heart and said: "The temperature rise has caused an updraft on the lake, and then...and then brought back the water around it? This is a bit complicated..."

Dongcheng Yue looked at me with a pair of eyes and said, "What is the geographical environment of Longhu?"

At this time, the surrounding water began to become anxious. Sure enough, this Long Lake was a bit greasy, and a huge recirculating vortex formed around it. The warships of the Imperial Army were almost impossible to control, and they were going to follow the whirlpool in our Not far away, a huge vortex has formed in the heart of the lake. God knows how this tornado storm was formed. There is only one reason. Qingyi Tuo Mo has experienced things we have not experienced in the heart of Longhu Lake.

"Full sail, rush out!" I hurriedly loudly.

Han Yuan also whispered: "Strongly paddling!"


However, it seems to be too late, the huge whirlpool spins our nine warships, and the power provided by our full sails and sailors is not enough to provide enough centrifugal force.

At this time, even more terrible things happened. Qingyi Tumo ordered the 17 warships that she had left to move slowly, and started the precision dragon crystal shots about 200 meters away from us!


The fire was soaring, the nearest Yulin army warship was fragmented, and the 500 dragon players on the battleship were all caught in the flood, and it must have been impossible.

"Mom!" Wang anger is unstoppable: "This despicable woman, we are in her way again, really mean, it is too mean!"

"What a terrible opponent..." A second hero supported the ship's side and watched the distant clearing ink in the distance.


I took a deep breath and looked at Wang Hao and said, "Do you remember your long sword stunt?"

Wang Hao looked down at the broken sea sword in his hand, and there was a smile on his face: "A broken sea sword?"


"But I have been spinning on the battleship, my head is dizzy, I am afraid that I am not sure!"

"Reassured, I will bring you to heaven."

"Well, let's go, let's get off for everyone!"



Zhang Zhang grabbed Wang Hao from the battleship, and the effect of opening the thousand-winged wings behind me quickly swung away. In the midair, Wang Hao’s broken sea sword shines, it is a prelude to the stunt, he looks up Me: "Happy brother, steady shape, I am looking for an angle!"


The tornado storm has already formed. My cloak is blown to hunt, but it is still stubbornly blinking to stabilize the figure. Wang Hao is a top-notch and operational master. He smiles and smiles when he looks at the time: "Now, let They have a good pot!"


Broken sea swords rushed into the sky, the broken sea stunts started, and suddenly roared away, suddenly an invisible airflow opened the lake, a sword went down, almost completely broke the water in the lake, and a central navy The warship, the warship is nothing, but the water carrying the warship was instantly evacuated, and the volcano fell to the bottom of the lake.

Everyone was shocked. No one thought that Wang Hao’s attack would have such an earth-shattering power. The Broken Sea Sword is really the king on the water!

The separate water waves quickly gathered, but formed a huge tide, and the three naval naval ships were once again overturned, and I looked at the angle and suddenly slammed the arm to throw Wang Hao to a distant Yulin army ship. "嘭" this little son fell on the deck, quickly opened his hand and hooked the deck to draw out, the posture is extremely heroic.

"Happy brother, what are you doing?" Wang Hao looked up at me.

I didn't talk, but I put the sword away, suddenly opened my arms, almost exhausted the power of every Sanctuary in my body to bless the Yutian skills, and my goal for Yutian is nothing else. It is this liquid Lake water, Qingyi extension ink chooses the lake heart as the battlefield, she thought of the environment of the lake heart weather, but did not think of my Royal Heaven skills!


"Brushing brush..."

The water column was pulled out of the water in the field of absolute field, like a twisted water dragon, as many as hundreds!

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