Zhan Long

Chapter 1029: a wolf in the wind

At dawn, a morning sun pierced the clouds, and the lands fell on the three peaks.

Three-blade mountain, it is here!


The dawn in the game is 5:45 in Beijing time, and it is 3:15 in Delhi time. At this moment, the Indian player should have been sleeping, but the song is determined to be a fight. Fatigue warfare, we have too many people gathered, not 400W people are tight-lipped, so the news of siege of Tianpingshan is sure that Qingmoo Tumo and others have long known, then it is clear that they will start fighting when they are most exhausted. I am very much in favor of Fang Gezhen, and the real war should be all-encompassing.


The speed of the melting of the iron ride is very fast, Li Mu, Wang Hao quickly slashed several scout players in front of the road, we are on the west side of the mountain, and the sun rises from the east, so the mountain on our side is still dark, but faint Seeing some fires, plus the position of the foot of the mountain, you can already see the defensive array of the players. The Indian archers holding the longbows everywhere on the trees and stones are waiting for us to attack the mountains!

Asked the sword to pull the reins to stop the warhorse, look up at the mountain, take a deep breath: "Really high... How can they not use the dragon crystal cannon to entertain us?"

I smiled and said: "About our crowd is not enough, they are worried about wasting shells."

"Oh, this is..."


Soon after, the follow-up teams came one after another. When the party songs, the paintings on the paper, the mousse and other people arrived, the attack on the mountain attack officially began. Ye Lai, Jian Feng Han, Hua Gun, a pot of wine, Yan Zhao Unparalleled and other people each led their own team to attack the mountain from several sides, and the main battlefield, also the direction of the fire lion army garrison by the melting of the iron ride, Baiyuan ride, Shenfeng ride together attack, this head array we can not hide.


Suddenly pull out the sharp edge, I look at the time, said: "There are still 7 hours of the king will hunter is over, we have not much time, riding the battle in front, remote, supply immediately to catch up, follow us on , rushing to the mountainside!"

The dragons all nodded.

In the direction of mythology, Fang Geyu also stepped on the mountain road with the flame-filled fan step by step, and went along with the riders. The commander of the theater even personally went on, what else to say, desperate!


The sacred dragon horse screamed and rushed to the forefront of the queue. The ancient gods and tigers followed me, not only me, but all of them summoned pets, one more pet and one more power, so the cloth at the foot of the Three-Edge Mountain Full of all kinds of creatures, wielding arms, screaming poisonous bees, sly sly wolves, and sly water snakes, like walking into the zoo.

At this time, the Dragon Crystal Gun of the Fire Lion Army was finally used!


The roar of the roaring sounds, four mushroom clouds bloomed behind me, and the melting gods riding by the shock wave are not a few, but this is not a big deal. Everyone hits the present, and they have long been "sincerely obedient and disobedient."

Right in front, the first blockade line, the total number of people is about 20W, is composed of small and medium-sized guilds, surrounded by shields, a group of Indian players with a "dead" look on the face, looking at us, and I In the course of the march, several arrows were successively in the same shape, and the same shape was scratched. The next moment, they reached the shield array. The ghosts and spirits of the ghosts and spirits broke through the storm. Not far from the side, Li Mu opened the enemy’s effect on the edge of the crowd. The outbreak of anger is not the attacking skill of Zhoushan. It is too embarrassing to hit a group of cavalry with a shield and retire for dozens of meters.

The melting of the iron ride, like the autumn wind sweeping leaves.

However, when we rushed to the second blockade position, it was not so simple. A group of NPC troops of the Fire Lions were set up here. They arranged a row of brakes and a steel arrow like a thumb. "A shot, immediately shot the front row of the melting iron ride to kill nearly 100 people, plus the bombs of the fire and rock cannons, and instantly let us break the eyes."

Not only that, the defensive players here are awesome to fight the fire of the world, the fierce skills are constantly burning around the enemy players, the rear archers, the spirits full output, but also make the first wave of rushing In addition to Li Mu, Wang Hao and others, the iron rider almost fell to the ground and fell to the ground.


A dragon crystal cannon broke out directly on Mengyao's female stone shield, and she blasted her to take a few steps, and the blood dropped 9W. Her pretty face was even stained with a few black. Ashes, couldn't help but look up at me and said: "Brother, this is not alright!"

I carried a butterfly sword and slashed dozens of fire elephants in a row. A 19-level god-level skill took advantage of the wind and broke a gap. However, the Star Blade took a group of melting gods to ride the gap. At that time, it was shot and killed by a fire-rock cannon and a dense arrow. It is true that without such defense, attack, and blood-sucking, it is really difficult to survive in this environment.

This time, we not only attacked from the bottom up, but also greeted each other's heavy artillery, car baptism, and the place is not on our side. The only thing that can be relied on is the number!

The effect of blooming the frosty wings behind me, I continued to move forward with the sword, and at the same time released the Zhenyue Warsong stunt of Zhenyuedao, and shouted: "It must be broken, together, at all costs!"

The Fushen Iron Rider is almost in a piece of film under the gunfire, but there is no objection to everyone, and continue to attack the mountain at the expense of blood.

The situation of Xiaolong is still so bad that the situation of myths and heroes can only be worse. From a distance to the past, the painting on the paper charms the water gods and rushes on the front line, bringing out a slap in the face. The surrounding players in the world will be killed in pieces, but the battle of the Shenfeng ride will be faster. At least a dozen people will die in a single shot, and nearly 100 people will lose their blood. The heroes are not much better. At least thousands of Baiyuan rides down the mountain road, and the first three guilds of the Guild City of the Tianzhu City paved the way for the attack with blood!


The battle was very fierce. It was completely a war of attrition. We were dragged in the second position for more than 2 hours. We hang up a lot of people, and there are many Indian players. The players who fought in the world almost died. Absolutely, but quickly came a guild to fill the position, relying on heavy guns and brakes to continue to delay our offensive.

When I was released for the first time by the wind to kill the enemy, finally, the road ahead was emptied!

Li Mu was bathed in blood, blood around his eyes, and he rushed forward with a fire-sword. He whispered: "Destroy the fire cannon and the car, go up!"

A group of half-blooded melting gods rushed over the horse, tore the car into pieces, and then used Hellfire to cut off the steel barrel of the fire rock cannon, and the NPC of the heavy artillery battalion of the fire lion army was all killed, so we The gap with the Indian area has also slowly opened. Killing an NPC is equivalent to killing 50 players. This is why we attacked the mountain.

At this time, I finally have time to stop and look at the fierce battlefield on the mountainside. There are corpses of the melting gods, the gods riding, and the Baiyuan riding. This battle has at least lost more than half of our three arms, but The price that Indians have to pay is at least 3-5 times that of ours. Moreover, they have to admire the perseverance of the players in the world. Their shells of fire and guns and dragon crystal cannons are all smashed. All of them have been shot, which has allowed us to break through the line of defense, otherwise it will take at least an extra hour to collapse!


It’s less than 3 hours before the end of the hunt!

I will point the butterfly sword full of blood and say: "Continue to attack, don't give them a chance to breathe!"


Many Rongshen iron rides regrouped and once again rushed toward the mountain with me at full speed. Unfortunately, the terrain is not conducive to our display. The speed of the crushing iron ride is always less than 50%. Otherwise, if there is a double effect of flying and galloping, I am afraid that early. Just broke the line of defense.

Going up, it is close to the peak of the Three-Edge Mountain. The above is a more intensive player and NPC team. This time, I finally saw the leader. Fenglin drunk on a rock and directed the defensive battle. Beside him, there are several Wanshichangs of the Fire Lions. NND is a group of PCs, gambling, and fights. The Fire Lions were originally fire servants, a group of rogue soldiers, who are now taken over by the Empire. Quickly betrayed, I really should have unloaded all of them!

The last blockade was even more cruel. The mountain road was extremely steep. Even most of it was straight. It needed to be climbed along the ropes. There were traces of heavy artillery on several small roads, but it was blown up in the middle. Maple The intention of the drunkenness is so obvious that our heavy cavalry has no use!

"How do you rush up?" Looking at the steep road, Li Mu gritted his teeth. "NND, it’s despicable. It attracted us here and actually broke the mountain road!"

Fang Ge is also awkward, but his face is still calm, said: "Since we are not allowed to ride on horses, then we will dismount the battle, the wind is riding, all are dismounting, ready to climb the attack! The wind elf flies up, the fire covers the cover! ”

I nodded: "The horse is a cavalry, the next step is the infantry, and the melting iron rides are all down, ready to storm!"


Waiting for our storm, the top has already started to launch heavy artillery. Fortunately, the number of heavy artillery is very rare, and it seems that Fenglin is also worried about the collapse of the entire hill, so I dare not order the dragon crystal cannon to do its best, and, that few The lions of the Fire Lions are arrogant, and in fact should not be under the command of Fenglin. If there is no accident, it is an agreement between the Qing dynasty and the clouds and the bonfire. Otherwise, the Fire lion can not play with the players. Going forward together.

They love the life of freedom, just like the bonfire.

That kind of chic, like that, like a wolf in the wind.

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