Zhan Long

Chapter 1048: Waiting for the rabbit

Players in the Indian theater have settled in Linhai City for more than a month, and various resources are lacking. The size of Linhai City is less than 50% of that of Huoyuncheng, and naturally it is impossible to provide them with abundant leveling resources, which is so much so that Ink's guild average player level is 2.7 points lower than Xiaolong. At this time, the gap can be seen. The beautiful life situation is not comparable to us. The gap between the small and medium guilds is even greater. The game is about a level. The level is poor, the hidden attributes are suppressed, and the attack is easy to MISS, naturally it can't be played.


After more than an hour, Ye came to the reinforcements with the judges. Soon after, the sword asked the 4W people who led the heroes to reinforce the battlefield here. The painting on the paper also came, with the 1W mythical riding team. The war continued until 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. Finally, the players in the Indian theater were seriously shrunk, and the clearing of the ink could not turn the tide.

However, the 400W army that defeated Qingmo Tuomo also caused us to suffer heavy losses.

In the jungle, a pile of bonfires are burning. The ground is full of players and NPC bodies. I checked the strength of the book city's strength interface. I couldn't help but feel the pain. The rock dragon iron ride lost 51%. Yan Ying riding the shooter. With 67% loss, the battle damage has already passed halfway, and how long will it take to get so many troops?

But it doesn't matter, all sacrifices must be worthwhile.

Look at the players of the guilds, trials and other guilds, the battle damage is as big as the death, each guild has at least 50% damage, we have nearly 200W people to fight, but now only 70W people are not, and the result is The body of more than 350W players in the Indian theater is lying here, and Qingmoo Tuo Mo is also fighting, but he did not expect to fight. The beautiful life guild has less than 1W, and she is led by her to evacuate to Linhaicheng. Li Mu To lead the melting **** iron horse to chase and kill, I was stopped.

Look at the time, there are still 13 hours from the end of the battle for the ancient city.

Ye Lai, Li Mu, Mu Yu, Gone with the Clouds, and Wen Jian all supported the sneak peek from the southwest corner, and then began to compete for the ancient city, and this premise is that someone will guard the entrance here, this task will soon fall. On the body of the Scarlet Contract, Han Beiyi was recommended by me and asked Jian and Ye as the leader of the defending army. He was helpless and said: "As long as the Qingtou extension ink comes again, the first knife will definitely be cut on my face. This is a lot of tragedy. Do you want to leave more people to me?"

As a result, Ye Lai, the ethereal cloud smoke can be regarded as a derogatory, leaving at least 20W troops to give a **** contract, let the cold monuments take people here to guard the entrance.

However, Qingyi Tuo Mo re-convenes at least a million people, and Fenglin has already retired. The number of the two parties can be more than 200W, although it is said to be the main battlefield. It’s not too big, but it’s enough to make the Chinese theater very uncomfortable.


At night, I was with Lin Biaoer and the moon, and surrounded by a bonfire. There were dozens of people in the vicinity of the sacred iron ride. We did not participate in the battle against the ancient city. The battle there was given to Li Mu and Wang Wei. Responsible, Xiaolong can get this ancient city to see how hard they fight, as for us, there are more important things.

The moon was shallow and the dagger was carefully swaying the firewood under the bonfire. He smiled and said: "Happy brother, we don't go to the ancient city, but why stay here?"

I said, "You will know soon after you save it."

The moon squinted and blinked, saying: "Is the happy brother wanting to use the NPC army to intercept the next round of offensives?"


I looked at her with approval and smiled. "But not all of them are guessed."

"Ah?" The moon was shallow and Zhang Zhang's mouth was shallow. He smiled lightly: "The happy brother is too bad. He must have thought about something worse. He is ready to entertain Qingluo Tuo, isn't he?"

I can't help but laugh: "No, I am so bad? Then again, along the way, Qingyi Tuo Mo people kill people in China. How many people are there..."

Lin Biaoer caressed the huge head of the little white beggar and said, "If I didn't guess wrong, the pig head would not want to win the ancient city, but is it?"

I nodded, leaning on the tree behind me, sitting on the butterfly sword, looking at the starry sky, laughing: "Yes, what can an ancient imperial city change? Linhai City has been taken back by the Indians, antiquity The second round of national war broke out in the 72 hours after the battle of the Imperial City. The swords, the rumors, the rumors, and the hundred miles of the wind were all desperately trying to win the ancient city, but they were captured. In the next round of national war, how can we resist the attack from both sides?"

Having said that, I feel bitter and say: "The three major war zones of Wangyue City, Zeyuan City and Iron Cranial City will never let us go. The second round of national war may just be opened when the Wushen River will suffer. The great threat, the rumored Tiancai government has completely offended the city of Jiuyi. This is good. If we can't let Qingyi Tuo lost the trump card in hand before, we don't have to play the second round. The national war."

Lin Biao's beautiful nephew passed a trace of surprise: "Do you think?"


I looked at her and smiled a little: "This time I really want to be ruthless. Qingyi Tuo Mo is too smart, the organs are exhausted, and the second round of national war is bound to be the first attack on Huoyuncheng. In order to keep the Huoyuncheng, I have to let The NPC army in Linhai City completely lost its fighting power before the national war, and this battle of the ancient city is a good opportunity."

The moon is shallow and stunned: "Happy brother, do you want to?"

I smiled and laughed. There were no other people around me. I didn’t have to worry about the secrets of the two beautiful women’s alliances. I said, “It doesn’t matter if you take the ancient city, but the Qingmoo Tumo and Fenglin’s drunks don’t want to let go of the ancient city. The 20W ancient warrior, so Qingyi Tuo Mo will definitely make a comeback in the next 10 hours, and her chip is to use the 500,000 NPC army in Linhai City, using heavy artillery to obtain the suppression effect, in the last moment Before the attack on the ancient city."

Lin Biaoer said: "What about your thoughts?"

I took a long sword and smiled. "My thoughts are very simple. After the battle of the ancient city, the map will drive the players and the NPC to leave. The player can go back to the city reel, but the NPC army will not work. I am already big. The identity of the singer has all the NPC troops of the Scorpio City over 110W gathered in the south of the Troll Bamboo Forest. As long as the Qing dynasty Tuoba dares to let the 50W Fire Lions and the Navy Navy send troops to the ancient Imperial City, I will let them all be different. I want to go back alive!"

The moon was shallow and the mouth was wide, and the eyes were surprised and loved. He smiled and said: "Well, follow the happy brother, and always feel safe and secure."

I nodded and smiled: "So let's wait here for the news, let the ancient city of the ancient city let them fight."



Late at night, I decided to go to sleep. I met Lin Biaoer and the moon was shallow at 9:00 am. At that time, there were still 3 hours from the end of the event. It was enough. I don’t care who the ancient city belongs to. I care if I can Before the national war, Linhai City lost its fighting power.

This night is a good night's sleep. When I woke up, it was already more than eight o'clock the next day. I immediately got up and went online after eating breakfast!


It still appears on the edge of Luming Woods. It is about 30 minutes from the ancient Imperial City. It is not far from near, and the big map on the far side is blood red, which means that there is a very fierce battle, and then look at the Chinese theater. In the official forum, the battle report continued, and when we were not there, the battle of the ancient city was too fierce -

[Battle Report 1:04]: The first person of the Jiuyi City led the main members of the Quake of the Quake, and a total of 7,000 people entered the path of the intestines, killing 3,000 people from the famous family.

[Report 2:27]: The square song screamed eastward, intercepting the Jiuyi City forces on the small intestine path, killing 7000 people led by Moshan uo with 2W people's superior strength, and the Magic Mountain led 200 people to escape into the mountains.

[Report 3:41]: Qingyi Tuo Mo and Feng Lin drunk led the 240W Linhai City players to send troops, defeated the Chinese team led by the Scarlet Contract at the southwest entrance, and advanced with the 500,000 NPC army and 100 heavy artillery.

[Report 3:12]: Fang Gejun led a 1W person to enter the ancient city of the ancient city, and entered the imperial city hall, temporarily obtaining the ownership of the ancient city.

[Report 5:41]: Qingyi Tuo Mo bombarded the ancient imperial city with heavy artillery, and sent cavalry to attack and kill the 2WNPC army in Jiuyi City, forcing Fang Ge to evacuate the ancient city.

[Report 7:22]: The Tianfu government's big festival rumors gathered 300W Chinese theater forces, completely defeating the Jiuyi City people outside the valley, the Magic Mountain defeated, the 7K guild seven kings were killed 4 people, the Chinese theater won a total victory.

[Battle 8:30]: A fierce battle took place on the intestines. Players such as Li Mu and Mu Xi, who were led by players such as Li Mu and Mu Xi, intercepted the players in the Indian theater. The two sides suffered heavy losses. The first beauty of the Portuguese theater in Jiuyi City was purple. The bagpipe led a 20W person to climb the mountain and succeeded in the attack. The Indian players such as Qingmo Tumo and Fenglin drunk were driven out of the ancient imperial city and temporarily occupied the ownership of the hall.


This battle is far more violent than we think.

By the time of 11 o'clock in the morning, Li Mu, Mu Yu, Ye Lai and others had already withdrawn from the ancient Imperial City area because of the loss of too much, and the northeast direction ushered in the reversal of the 200W Jiuyi City people. People such as Fang Gejun and Jian Fenghan have been exhausted by fatigue, and the Magic Mountain has brought a full 20W NPC army and 250 dragon crystal cannons, which directly led to the defeat of the Tianzefu army led by rumors. Retired to the direction of the Eight Deserts.

At this point, the war in the Chinese theater for the ancient city of the ancient city officially ended in defeat, but the rumored personality will not be so easy to yield, but the time left for the Chinese theater is not much, less than three hours, think It is almost impossible to reverse the situation.


Until 1 pm, the battle for the ancient city was still very fierce, and it became the battle between the Indian theater and the Kowloon City. I was almost watching during this time, and the 110W of China’s Tianzhu City. The army was all spread out on the maps of Luming Woods and Sanjianshan, waiting for the battle to end.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, finally, a ring of bells echoed above the sky, and the Chinese theater and the Indian theater failed to touch the ancient city.


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Purple Bagpipe] (Portugal) successfully occupied the ancient city until the end of the event, the ancient city of the ancient city officially became the residence of the "winter" guild, the player purple bagpipes obtained the ruling power of the 20W ancient magic soldiers, and because of this The player belongs to Jiuyi City, the area of ​​the ancient city is classified into the map of Jiuyi City, the map is refreshing, please all players withdraw from the map, and the player [Qingyi Tumo] becomes the MVP player of this event, and the rest of the players are about to Get the rewards!


My points are ranked seventh, so I don't have to think about any rewards.

Outside the canyon, there was a silence. A group of Guardsmen ambushed all over the jungle. A dragon-shaped crystal cannon was covered under thick vegetation, and the shells had already entered.

"General, when will they come?" Han Yuan asked.

I wiped the butterfly and smiled confidently: "Don't worry, it's coming sooner or later."


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