Zhan Long

Chapter 1061: Xu Yan died

"Get up when you are not dead, continue fighting!" I swept Han Yuan.

He quickly stood up with a squid and smiled: "General, the damage of the city has been extremely serious!"

"I saw it, hurry to kill this frost giant, don't let him continue to destroy the city wall."


Han Yuan looked back at a group of Yulinjun and said: "Come, give me a long knife!"

In the crowd, a thousand captain quickly threw a long knife with light flashing. Han Yuan held it in one hand and looked at the blade. He smiled and said: "Clean and cold, good knife!"


In the city, the archers of the Royal Forest Army shot the arrows. The dark moon spirits led by Jurassic were extremely high. With the shooting of the flames on the arrowhead behind them, the eyes of the Frost Giants were filled with arrows. It’s impossible to close your eyes, but this giant is like a wounded beast, a beastly animal, a wielding war axe, and a deep ditch on the wall. Trace, continue to let him play like this, the city wall south wall must be removed in the second national war day!

Fortunately, Han Yuan and other NPC generals output is strong enough, coupled with the long-distance output of the dragon players, the Frost Giant's sharp plunging, the blink of an eye has reached below 10%.

However, during this time, our attention has been attracted to the past, but the Russian players in Zeyuan City took the opportunity to push dozens of buildings to the edge of the city, and the stairs inside the car continued to roll, which will be inside. The warriors of Zeyuan City dumped on the wall, and the fierce and fierce ones who had killed thousands of knives began to kill everywhere.

More terrible is that the short-term defeat of the Royal Wall Army of the city wall also led to countless players climbing up the ladder. For a time, Chinese players on the South Wall wall and Russian players are close to five or five points!


Li Mu took a long sword and suddenly pulled the reins. He said: "The melting iron ride, rushing with me, clearing it up, let the people in the city come up to help, the south wall is almost impossible to keep!"

One second of heroes, Li Mengyao, Yue Yaoyan and other sacred irons riding on the horse followed Li Mu and rushed to the past. At this time, I am afraid that the South Wall will no longer be ours.

In a terrible mourning, the Frost Giant fell down the city, and at the same time it seemed to burst out some equipment. I immediately flew down and flew up the trophy that the Frost Giant burst out, and handed it directly to the moon. The vice-presidents came to distribute, and the luck was good. There was a one-star artifact and two Xianlin devices. The artifact was a leather armor and gave an assassin. The lininger also decided to belong.


Looking at the east wall of the whole city of Fanshu, it has been a bit horrible. A section of the city wall was directly smeared. There are a large number of NPC soldiers and players from Zeyuan City who climbed up the ladder and there is another huge battle on the wall. The axe cut, cut the corridor up to 5 meters, can't pass things.

"Dragon!" I looked at the city with a long sword.

Long Hao is gathering the strength of the Yulin Army and looks up at me: "General, what?"

“Hurry up and adjust the craftsman to temporarily repair the wall corridor!”


I and Lin Xiaowu, Dongchengyue and other dragon players struggled to keep the wall gap. A group of craftsmen quickly climbed the wall and threw the stone into the gap to fill it. The rough wall was repaired by the giant's broken gap. Han Yuan dispatched soldiers to carry a few dragon crystal cannons to the city wall defense, and in the distance, nearly half an hour of hard work, Li Mu, Wang Hao led the Fushen iron ride also regained the South City Wall.

There are dense bodies everywhere on the wall. Our battle against the city is very big, but the opponent must be twice as much as us. The two sides are almost in exchange with the player's life.

Walking on the wall, watching the dense Zeyuan City players crawling on the outer wall like a worm, can't help but feel some hair, and the heavy artillery of the Imperial Army on the city is constantly raging in the distance, a flame The scorching mushroom cloud erupted on the plain, and it was a deep pit, but it could not contain the offensive of the opponent's impact on the city.

It seems that the brown scorpion has become angry and angry. I don't want to be stuck in a small city like the Book City for too long. The following ambitions must be overcome in a short time.

As I marched, the butterfly had already flown out, and the blade swayed in the air, like a scalp, sweeping the players off the wall. Li Mengyao, Yue Yaoyan and others also carried the sword shield on the edge of the wall. Keeping it, Dongcheng Yue carrying the Elsa scepter, has already been full of points, and there are so many people who killed her in this battle.

All the way forward, I walked past the South City Wall, followed by Xia Ye and a group of Yulin Army heavy cavalry guarding me, and came to the West Wall, but found that it is better than the South City Wall, the wall is full of players and mad Lei The body of the corpse, a military commander on the edge of the squadron is fighting, the sword is pulled out from the enemy's chest, and the blood is dyed with red blood, but also a few steps back, three arrows are inserted in the shoulders, and the feathers tremble from the feathers. .

"General Ou Yejun!" Xia Ye exclaimed.

Yes, this person is the leader of the mad thunder army, Ou Yezhen, he is just a ghostly BOSS, even the strength of the gods is not, the possibility of being killed in this battlefield is too great, after all, not every The BOSS of the Legion has the strength and grades of Han Yuan, Xiao Li and others. Ou Yezhen gasps fiercely, but his mouth rises and he climbs up from the ground and holds the fist: "The end will see Li Shuai!"

I looked at him and looked at the bodies of the mad thunder soldiers around me and said, "For the city of books, you have suffered!"

Ou Yezhen’s eyes are full of insistence, saying: "The Duke of Dingfan’s heroic guardian city pool, where the book city never falls, I can wait for the defending of the city to defend the city, this is our glory as a soldier!"

"Good!" Xia Ye stepped forward and patted his shoulder: "Good brother!"

At this time, Ou Yezhen looked at one of the people in the middle of the corpse and reached out and said: "Li Shuai...General Xu Yan is his...he is already dead!"

I gave a slight glimpse: "Xu Yan is dead?"


I hurried forward, but I saw Xu Yan squatting in the city wall, an arm was cut off, the blood had become black, and a total of 7 arrows were inserted in the body. The fatal part was a neck. The commander of the mad thunder army, but was downgraded to a long time because of the cloud fluttering event, this time he seems to be the best destination for death.

In this life, people will inevitably make mistakes, but they can be forgiven if they can return to their own path.

I sighed and said: "After the war, if the empire did not fall, bury Xu Yan with the ceremonies of the imperial rule. He died with glory for the empire, and it is worth doing."

Ou Yezhen passed a tribute in his eyes and said: "Yes, Li Shuai!"


After patrolling the four walls, I also secretly chilled in the bottom of my heart. The attack on the three main cities is too fierce. At this moment, the book city is already scarred. Fortunately, there are enough players in the city to defend the battle. Going up a batch, and the players who died in the first level did not go offline. Most of them have already gathered in Tianzhu City, waiting for the order to go in from outside the city. They will also go from Tianzhu City to Fanshu City for an hour, but The players in the three main cities hang up but it takes at least 10 hours to come back. Even Valeria crystals, but the things are too rare, there is not much, and there is no war in this national war level. In the meantime, the transmission of thousands of people does not count.

Check that the total number of mad thunder and fire axe troops in the city has dropped to 50%, the battle damage is very serious, and the Yulin army has at least damaged more than 30%, so that the three main cities can not attack for a long time.

Now, the only thing I hope for is that Fang Songyu, Wen Jian and others can quickly decide whether to win or lose in the Eastern battlefield. If they win or lose, and then more people, we will be able to go out into the city and hit the top three. The strength of the main city, and only the total number of players in the city that does not exceed 500W, going out is only about to die.


After a full-scale attack for 7 hours, the number of people in the Book City is also changing dramatically -

Tianzhu City: 4718821 people

Wang Yuecheng: 3,122,839 people

Iron Cranial City: 19,283,737 people

Zeyuan City: 4,718,232 people


There are too many people in the three main cities, and there are still a lot of reinforcements. We lose 800W people, but at least 2-3 times more people than us. The players in the Iron Cranial City are directly Killing more than 1000W people, but this does not seem to affect the overall situation, where the book city is still surrounded by the city, and their next wave of offensive will be even more fierce.

At this time, there was a battle report from afar.

[17:02] Jiuyi City: The team of Tianzefu led by Fang Geyu began to attack Jiuyi City. Yanzhao Wushuang led Prague to intercept the Jiucheng City in the jungle outside Jiuyi City and kill more than 200W.

[17:44] Linhai City: Fenglin is drunk and gathers more than 2000W people to reach the border of Jiuyi City and Linhai City, ready to attack Jiuyi City.

[16:01] Huoyuncheng: Lin Biaoer sent troops. More than 500W troops arrived in the southwest of Linhai City, and they could be surrounded by the city at any time.


The situation is getting worse and worse for us. It’s just like every step of the book. No one knows where our road will go next, and no one knows how long it will last.

According to the news from the city of Tianzhu, this time the party songs are hard to beat the Jiuyi City, and most of the players who have resurrected in the city of Tianzhu are summoned to go outside the city of Jiuyi to continue the battle. The original words of Yu are: "No matter how many times the players in Jiuyi City are resurrected, they must quickly break the city and win the throne!"

Magic Mountain has had an agreement with me, but after being destroyed by this, the agreement has become a piece of paper, and the war between Jiuyi City and Tianzhu City has been opened.

However, there are questions about swords, Yan Zhao's unparalleled, Jianfeng cold, simple and simple, etc. People listen to the dispatch, Fang Gezhen really can possibly capture Jiuyi City in the three national war days, if you really win the Jiuyi City, that side The status of singing in China will be further enhanced, and the real **** should do what others can't.

However, what puzzles me is that I have been playing until now, why the Purple Bells Association does not use the 20W ancient magic soldiers, if used, at least let the players of the Tianfu government have a headache for a while!

Forget it, don't think about it, what I should think is how to hold the Book City!


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