Zhan Long

Chapter 1067: Tears of the goddess

"Yes, the book city is the root of our dragon, our home!"

I looked at the **** sea in front of me. The players in Wangyuecheng were in a **** battle. The scenes in front of me were not the same. Wangyuecheng was their home. How could they bear to watch the home being occupied by different demons, and they died again and again. Repeated rebirth again and again, do not want to succumb to the feet of strong enemies, but what can be done, war is like this, conquest means that one party wins, while the other is a prisoner.

Thinking of this, I didn’t think much more. I rushed into the crowd with a long sword, continued to slash, and earned some national war points. Although I didn’t take too long in the battle time of Fanshucheng and Wangyuecheng, the total points were However, it is among the best in the war that affects the seven main cities. Even the total score of Fang Gejun is still under me, and the scores of players in the US and Russia servers are not low. The whole battlefield is still a situation of hegemony. -

1. Freedom (China) National Warfare Points: 372200

2, Sky Rose (United States) National Warfare Points: 353180

3, Fang Geyu (China) National Warfare Points: 342100

4, brown scorpion (Russia) national war points: 297710

5, Fenglin Drunk (India) National Warfare Points: 287640

6, Magic Mountain (Germany) National Warfare Points: 277710

7, 7K-SAN (Netherlands) National Warfare Points: 264600

8, Cangyue (China) National Warfare Points: 255200

9, Mu Wei (China) National Warfare Points: 245000

10, for the pursuit of love (Portugal) national war points: 221120


It seems that I still killed too many people when I was in the town of Fanshu. I also killed a lot of people when I attacked Wangyuecheng, and no one grabbed me with me, so that the points would be so exaggerated, and the whole country The ranking of the battle is that Chinese players accounted for 4 seats in the top ten. I and Fang Song are in the top three. Dongcheng Yue and Mu Yu are also in the top ten in the total list because of the relationship between the city and the book city. The United States and Russia are fighting for the city. Relationship, only two people are present, the first person in India, Fenglin is in the fifth place. These points must have been captured by the tactics of the Tianfu government players. The other three are the multinational server players of Jiuyicheng. The server does have a lot of talent, and the counterattack in Jiuyi City is going on, and their points will continue to rise.

Looking at such a standings list, I can't help but sigh. From the beginning of the war, this is a time of blasphemy and gods. It depends on who is more courageous and who is stronger.


Turning on the conversation with Lin Biaoer, she smiled slightly: "I am defending the city in Linhai City, what's the matter?"

I have some pains and said: "Wang Yuecheng is a Chinese player who is here to guard. Every book city is attacked urgently. I am not good at mobilizing troops. What should I do? Wang Yuecheng always has someone to guard, and Lanna Sail forms with me. For a short-lived alliance, I still can't fully trust her for the time being, but after all, it is empty talk to rely on the evil spirits to defend the city. When they are happy, they may give the city of Wang Yue to the massacre."

"Well, I know." She smiled faintly and said, "Dear, don't worry, I asked you for help ten minutes ago. There is a place where I don't know if you are willing to go once."


"In the south of Wangyue City, there is an NPC exclusive city in the area of ​​Rose Forest, called 'Tear of Goddess'. This NPC merchant of the city is not open to players. It is a pure NPC city, and there are no players to settle in, but the population of the city. Quite a lot."

"Oh?" I have some helplessness: "You tell me what is the use of this..."

"Don't worry about it..." Lin Biao yelled and continued: "This goddess tears is a city that trades slaves. The resident population exceeds 100W, of which more than 80% are slaves, and the rest are free people and slave owners. The slave army's army is not even 10W. Wangyue City is less than half an hour away from the tears of the goddess. Perhaps you can move on the city of tears of the goddess before the smile and the hand of Waterloo return to Wangyuecheng. Brains."

"You mean?"

In my heart, I smiled and said: "Let me use the power of the alien army to liberate this city called the tears of the goddess, and then take the slave soldiers to the moon city to defend the city? This ... slaves are generally used to work With the waiter, I am afraid I can't keep the city?"

Lin Biaoer smirked: "Big stupid, one person defending the city, or calling 80W slaves to guard the city with you, you choose it yourself! I only have 50W NPC army in Linhai City, and I can't travel long distances to reinforce you. You are looking at it. Now there are people in the three major war sites in China. The people who are singing and asking for swords are self-sufficient. They can only rely on themselves. Come on, you are free, you can!"



Holding a **** butterfly sword, the killing will temporarily stop, anyway, my points have already led, riding the gods and dragons rushing to the city between the corpses, and the thousands of wings are flying on the city, gently falling At the side of a MM, this is not someone else. It is Lan Nasir, who is far away from the city. The cloud of long clouds in her hand is still shining, and the killing is hidden.

"What are your plans for the future?" I asked.

Lan Nasir seems to be surprised why I asked this question and smiled. "What can I do? The recovery of the adults is something that cannot be contained. I can only do the same with Yin Ge and Xi Fu. Allegiance, swear to die for the hegemony of the demon territory, including life."

I sighed and said, "Hey, at the expense of your life force, is this the reason why you are loyal to him? Is it worth it for such a person?"

Lan Nasir’s eyes passed a trace of fear and said, “How about that, if we betray, we must not escape his palm, I can feel his power, that is the power that is absolutely above the king. Even if your goddess of frost is not an opponent, I think her heart should be clearer than me."

I said, "Then have been killing like this, and revenge is going on and on?"

Lannasel sighed: "I don't want to be like this. Since the resurrection, my temperament has completely changed, I became bloodthirsty and I am easily angered. I can't control myself, though..."

She smiled and said: "Although I also dreamed of going back to the depths of the Elven Forest, touching the wrinkles of the old tree again, listening to the voice of the jungle again, but all this has been gone, I am Llanathel. I belong to Rana Seir, the land of the demon. My hands are covered with blood. I killed too many people, even the emperor Owen died under my arrow."

I smiled and said: "These mistakes are not unforgivable, you can make up!"

"How to make up?" She looked at me with ridicule and said, "How many people have I killed, even I can't remember it. Outside of Owen, I also killed two dukes, four marquis, Wang Yuecheng, Several commanding generals of the Iron Cranial City are also dead under my shackles. You said... How can someone like me get human pardon?"

I smiled a little: "It is also true that the rulers of Tianzhu City, Iron Cranial City, and Zeyuan City will not let you go."

"Yeah..." She smiled and smiled very easily.

I turned my head and said, "But if the powers of the seven main cities are your friends, it is not impossible to forgive your crimes, isn't it?"

"You... what do you mean by that?" Her face flashed a horror.

I smiled and smiled, holding an iron fist, and the words said: "One day, I will sit in the seven main cities, let everyone surrender to my feet, as long as you help me, Lanna Sear, you can be wide Hey all your crimes and let you return to the Elf Forest!"

There were countless horror in Ranaser’s nephew. After a long while, I smiled a little: "You are a good lobbyist. I was almost tempted by you... Let me, what do you want me to do?" You can say directly, I owe you and the love of the frost, the Queen Shu, this situation must be returned."

I nodded and said: "There is a city in the south of Wangyue City called the tears of the goddess. It is a city of slave trade. I need you to give me 20W troops. I want to conquer this city and let the 80W slaves in the tears of the goddess I use it."

"Oh?" Ranaser smiled. "Well, borrow your 20W ghoul?"

"Don't." I categorically refused and said, "I need some arms that look a bit like humans, not sly ghouls, or those slaves will not treat me as human."

"That..." Lanna Sel said: "If you ride the mask, they will pull the mask up and not reveal the face, just like the human cavalry."

"Well, let these magic halls ride outside the South Gate, I will immediately lead the troops."



Returning to the palace hall, I picked up the tokens of the generals in a pile of corpses, and then found a golden token under the broken clothes of the old king, engraved with the word "御", um, this token is about Is my big goth token almost the same? No matter what, after using it, the slave owner may not know, the cognition can be cut off, and the dead can not speak.

Out of the city, the 20W magic hall ride listened to me one person order, quickly rushed to the south, into the rose forest, and soon after, there was a city surrounded by water on three sides, it is the tears of the goddess, the distribution of the city is in the shape of a crescent moon. It does look like a tear, maybe the tears of the goddess are named.

The city is not strong, it can be said that it is not very strong, the wall is less than 5 meters high, a ladder can go up, even a stronger soldier can stand on the wall, and the city wall is painted with gorgeous patterns, this Sure enough, it is a trading city, and it is flashy.



Pulling out the butterfly sword with blood, I pointed to the tears of the goddess and shouted loudly: "Put down your mask until you leave. Kill all slave owners and their army, don't kill any slave, go!"

This group of magical temple rides was ordered by Lan Nasir. This special obedient, quickly broke through the wall, and the slave army’s army would be the opponent of the 7th-level demon, and was slain all the way. This is called the pearl. The tears of the goddess are almost instantly razed to the ground.

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