Zhan Long

Chapter 1079: Pursue for love

When the players in the two main cities of Hanyancheng and Yucheng City launched the expedition, they have already determined that the players in Tianzhu City will definitely try their best to hold the first main city, but they will never think that Chinese players will send troops from Huoyuncheng to attack us. The old nest, even more unexpectedly, the strength of the fire cloud city is the most elite dragon heavy cavalry in the Chinese theater players camp, so many unpredictable, has already allowed Lin Biaoer to have at least 50% chance of winning.


Continue to attack and attack around the four walls of Tianzhu City, but things do not seem to be controlled by us. The four walls are constantly falling under the attack of powerful forces. Sky Rose, Seven Feathers, Dreams, Rainy Rhythm, Summer Fruit, etc. The famous players in the theater have once again rushed to the battlefield, leading the Iron Crest City to attack the Tianzhu City!


A loud noise, the East Gate of Tianzhu City was finally blown open, the heavy iron gate crashed to the ground, the front was full of craters, and the densely stamped arrows filled the arrows for 24 hours. God knows how many devastating doors have experienced. ......

"I can't keep it!"

The painting on the paper carries the water god, while piercing the blade of the long scorpion into the chest of a Vietnamese player, while loudly saying: "Retreat, enter the second wall to guard, don't entangle here, people will only The more you die, the more you die!"

There are very few Chinese players around, and many people have been killed 3-4 times. It can be understood without going online. However, more players are already below 150, but they still wave their swords to their opponents. Distressed, the five-star red flag on the top of the Scorpio City player seems to be reddish with blood, so rushed to a stronger opponent, one by one, but one after another.

The scene was almost close to the slaughter, and it lasted for nearly 2 hours until the main force retreated into the second wall. The price was that the bodies of millions of players were lying in the first wall, and the blood was stained with King’s Road. .


I plucked and retraced, and my original landing point suddenly slammed countless arrows and shelling light. In front of it was the Iron Crest City. Many people were players of the War Blade Association, and it was this group of people who promoted it. The fastest, and as an old opponent, they also take extra care of me, but when I am within their attack range, naturally how many attacks, repair equipment less than 8 hours, my 弑 **** once again only 34% The durability is up.


On the second wall, Fang Song held the flow cloud fan and stood there, loudly: "Come on, the sky rose and the seven feathers come over, don't be killed by the city!"

I nodded, and rose up to the wall, gently falling on the side of the square song, the big mouth of gasping, a whole piece of blood flowing along the butterfly sword on the white stone wall tiles.

"You also feel that power is not enough?" Fang Ge looked at me, and a pair of voices revealed understanding.

My shortness of breath, my mood is not calm, said: "The Americans' firepower is too fierce, and they are less graded, almost an offensive attack, overall equipment, level, we are not as good as them."

Fang Ge nodded and said: "But it doesn't matter. As long as we hold Scorpio City, the recovery will be very large after the war. The lost level system can at least compensate about 70%. The premise is to be able to hold the Scorpio City. You think... Can we hold the city of Tianzhu?"

I looked at him and couldn't help laughing. He said, "The outcome is good, we should have done it, and then we will look at God."

Fang Ge smiled and said: "Yes."

Aside, the painting on the paper asks: "Happy, your goddess of heaven has led the dragon players to attack the fishing city. Do you know this thing?"

"Well, I know, what?"

"The players in the Philippines have already begun to retreat. The 400W people have retreated from the south of Tianzhu City. If there is a chance, how good it is to hit the ambush of this group of people!" She looked intoxicated, and there is still a little bit of myth. The look of a female war god.

I raised my mouth and said, "Don't, don't ambush."

“Why?” The painting on the paper is fascinating.

Her grasp of the war strategy is really inferior to her sister's little demon. If it is a little demon, she will definitely not ask why, so I will answer it calmly and say: "When the dragon is attacking the fishing city, you kill them. They directly resurrected back to the city, which is equivalent to increasing the siege pressure of the dragon. Therefore, it is the best strategy to contain them in Tianzhu City. When they return to the fishing city, they have already cooked rice and cooked rice. Back to heaven is powerless!"

"Halo..." She smiled and said: "A good guy, no wonder the sister praises you as a war wizard."

“Well?” I was shocked: “When did she praise me?”

The painting on the paper is also a glimpse. Then he vomited his tongue and smiled. "I accidentally said that I shouldn’t say it. Just when I didn’t say anything, just cheer up and hold the second wall!"

I look behind him, in front of the palace, a group of fine NPC heavy cavalry is already ready to go, the front is a knight wearing a gold armor, take a closer look, it is the emperor Luo shallow forest, his waist is the king of the sword The blade, this stinky boy is guilty again! However, I didn't bother to stop it, and I couldn't stop it. Luo Shaolin was originally a martial artist. When his own city is about to be leveled, he can't fight hard. This is equivalent to his life.

However, it is inevitable that the emperor will not be allowed to go to the battlefield in person at the last moment.

The second wall of Scorpio City is not as tall and strong as the first one, but it is definitely stronger than the wall of the sub-main city. It also casts the white iron. The other side cannot push the dragon crystal cannon into the complicated city. Internal bombardment, then you must kill the second city with flesh and blood, hey, there are so many Chinese theater masters, no one will allow them to enter the palace, even if the assistance costs more!


At this moment, the world's destiny server players are focusing on two cities, Tianzhu City, China's theater defense, attackers are the United States, Russia, Britain and France, Japan and South Korea, the Philippines and other main cities, another focus is the sea In the city, the temporary city is in the hands of Qingyin Tuo Mo, but the 7K, Dong Dong and other guilds in Jiuyi City are storming.

There is also a focus, a small focus, is the fishing city of the Philippines, Xiaolong is attacking the city.

Just thinking, suddenly a ring of bells drifting through the air, Lin Biao's strategy was successful!


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Cangwu] (China) successfully destroying the throne of [Yucheng] (Philippines) and choosing the occupation mode to transfer the sovereignty of this second-level main city to the name of the Chinese theater, and, This time the fishing city captures the points too low, all the rewards have been converted into experience points to the corresponding players!


For a moment and a half, even if the Filipinos rushed back, they couldn’t attack more. The premise was that Lin Biaoer was willing to put heavy troops on the city. However, from the chat in the guild channel, our beautiful lady did not intend to stay in the fishing city, but only stayed. Less than 30% of the troops defended the city, and the rest continued to rush from the fishing city and hit the cold flame city of Vietnam.

In the war of strategy games, the most feared is the opponent of Lin Biaoer, who uses the high maneuver to directly attack the opponent's weaknesses, and can't catch it, constantly tactically to contain, let the opponent be led by himself. In the end, the victory was achieved, and the tactics of clearing up the ink were so. Lin Biao’s tactics were also the same. In this game, the IQ of female-level female players is very scary.



Taking the Nth outbreak of the wind, a player riding a giant was blasted to the neck of the giant, and then struggling, the volley stunned the giant to retreat to the ground, and pressed the chariot of an iron skull city. It became a powder, and the players of the war blade under the wall suddenly bite their teeth. In the distance, the sky rose is a pair of eyes with a chill. Her hand presses the hilt and seems to attack at any time.

But she did not move, just watching the player attack.

"Why doesn't the sky rose take the initiative to attack?" Jianfeng frowned.

The Tianfu government's big festival screamed and sighed, and smiled proudly: "Is it probably not dare? I know that it may be spiked by our top Chinese masters!"

Shuiyue Dongtian beauty co-owner sneered aloud and said: "The sky rose does not seem so weak? And you don't forget the big festival, we are at a disadvantage, being crushed by others, the sky rose is not afraid of our reason."

Aside, Fang Geyan took a deep breath: "Yes, Sky Rose is not afraid of us. I am afraid that the reason why she did not personally attack is because she is afraid of one of us?"

I simply looked at me and smiled. "The person who really plays the most is the happy person. It’s also true. The happy dragon and the wind are too strong for her deterrence, and there are so many CBN battles on the wall. Net master, if I am she will also measure how much blood defense I have and decide whether or not to do it!"

I acquiesced, admittedly, as long as I succeeded in the dragon, the sky rose will inevitably be hit by the wind, simple and simple, the fire of the group, plus the firepower of the song above, it is not a problem to kill her in an instant.

Forget it, keep waiting!


In a blink of an eye, it was more than two hours. The news came from the distant city of Hanyan. The moon was shallow and I asked for help. The city gate of Hanyancheng was very strong. Our pure cavalry could not be broken in a short time, and the loss was slightly heavy. Let me Go to reinforcements!

I spoke to Fang Geyu, and immediately the thousand-winged wing flew to the city of Hanyan.

Between Tianzhu City and Hanyan City, there is just a sea-facing city, and it is good to see how the battle in Linhai City is.


As a result, when I saw the outline of Linhai City, I exploded in the distance. Even I could see a city gate flying, I went. What is the situation?

Soon, a ringing tone swayed in the air -


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [for the pursuit of love] (Portugal) successfully destroyed the throne of [Linhai City] (India), and chose the occupation mode to transfer the sovereignty of this first-level main city to the name of the Portuguese theater, and This time, Linhai City's attacking points are too low, and all rewards have been converted into experience points for the corresponding players!


When I flew over the city, I found that countless Indian players were besieged in the city. Outside, there were endless players in the city, and there was a trick in the clearing of the ink, and they were surrounded by the city, and not only It is 7K. This time, even the top three guilds such as the Magic Mountain and the Predator have also come to reinforce the battle for Linhai City, and this has changed and lost.


The speed of the south gate of Linhai City, the gate has been blown up, surrounded by corpses and smoke, when I landed, a beautiful figure set foot on the wall, the title of "for love" With a sparkling light, the dark blue cloak fluttered in the wind, a familiar face looked at me, her mouth swelled, and she smiled and said something that made me happy and frustrated -

"Boss, you are late, Linhai City is mine!"

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