Zhan Long

Chapter 1086: The power of yang


Time passes by, and the scheduled execution time of the mission is getting closer and closer.

But I am sure that they will definitely do it. This group of mad beasts never seem to know what it means to be timid. Moreover, as long as they dare to do it, they will once again prove that the technology is not a domestic crime, but involves international Premeditated turmoil, the situation is indeed getting worse as Shen Bing said.


I looked up at the sky. As a JC, what I can do is to use life to protect the safety of the people, and that is what we are doing now.

"Group B pays attention to alert."

The commands in the command center came from the miniature earphones. We just faced the road here. Once attacked, it is also the most vulnerable place to endure firepower.

Soon, 4:17 has arrived, but there is still no movement around.

"What happened?" Xing Lie couldn't stand it anymore.

I whispered: "Stay calm, continue to wait."

This is also the most crowded moment of the crowd. There is no news at the command center, just to inform us to strengthen our alert.

In a few minutes, at 4:25, a group of people who were carrying a pole and wrapped in a snakeskin bag came in the distance. It looked like a migrant worker from the countryside. There were men and women, but I Quickly sensed that this group of people had suffocating suffocation, that kind of suffocation could not be concealed, and it was easy to capture it with my cultivation for so many years.

"Be careful with the group of people, they are disguised." I whispered.

Xing Lie turned around and smiled slightly: "It looks like a group of migrant workers, nothing..."

His voice just fell, not far from the man with a shackle and a face of honesty, but he has changed his face, his face is full of hatred like the color of the sea, yelling and throwing away the pole, taking at least one from the basket. The 40-centimeter fruit knife, the mother holding the child on the side, cut it, and there were words in the mouth that I could not understand.

Still hesitating?

Almost instantly I made a decision, raising my hand and pulling out the pistol at the fastest speed!


The gunshot sounded, and the nano-bullet penetrated his forehead, exploding directly in the hindbrain, and the plasma splashed together with the **.

"Ah?" Xing Lie was shocked.

Not far away, about 20 people pulled out the knife almost together and rushed to the innocent crowd who escaped and exclaimed. The axe held the handle and said: "This group of people...not a colonizer, just an ordinary person, what should I do? ?"

Five meters away, a middle-aged woman wearing "simple" clothes raised her knife and chased a little girl about 7 or 8 years old. The little girl was so scared that she cried and ran, crying, I no longer wait for anything. A rushing forward, the fist is sent straight!


A dull punch, almost smashed the cervical vertebra of this middle-aged woman, her body circling a few laps in the air and landing heavily, on the spot!

As the captain of the Hangzhou squad, I whispered and said: "Don't hesitate, what kind of pity do you have for the children? Give me a hand, the above order does not require to catch the living, all kill on the spot, this kind of person does not Need a trial!"

Xing Lie no longer said anything more. He pulled out his pistol and aimed it down.

The axe and other people are also good murderers, quickly clearing the 20W people here, and we have no casualties, even the civilians are not hurt by our lightning attack.


The ground of the square is covered with blood, but they are all of them. Xing Lie, holding a smoking pistol, frowned and said: "The little girl was killed almost..."

I nodded, the little girl was shivering under the huge inflatable decoration in the center of the square. I stepped forward and took the gun and touched her head. She said, "Children, don't cry, what about your mother?" ”

"Mom went to buy a cold drink..." She cried and said, looking up at me, apparently frightened, and asked: "Uncle, you are... Are you a police uncle?"

I smiled softly: "Yeah, I am a police uncle, don't be afraid, the police uncle will protect you."

"Yeah." She nodded hard.

At this moment, suddenly Wang Xin’s voice came from the earphones: “No, the Southern District is in danger, Li Xiaoyao, immediately took the players to the Southern District to reinforce! The colonists appeared!”

Oh shit!

I immediately reached out and looked at the salesperson behind a glass in a GUUCI store. "Come on and help protect this little girl."

The clerk of the clerk MM was also big, ran out to take the little girl's hand and entered the store, and then closed.

I took a look at the head and pointed out to everyone: "Start, continue to perform the mission!"


All the way to the southern part of the mall, when we arrived, it was already like a big gun battle, a few black Buick business parked on the side of the road, a group of black men in the rear are shooting in front, and the front is responsible for the square It is safe to be a member of the Shanghai Guardian Squad. Three members fell to the ground and bleed.


A low roar, a gunman's arm was shot and immediately entered the state of animalization, and the body grew thick green hair, and the wound penetrated by the bullet quickly healed.

Xing Lie whispered: "Good healing ability."

As soon as I saw it, there was hardly any good shading point. I had to bite my teeth: "Go to the elevator to seek cover, and Xing Lie went upstairs to find the best attack point!"


I have a long butterfly behind me. Xing Lie is carrying a sniper rifle behind him. The only person in the Hangzhou team who can compete with me is his sniper rifle.

After finding the shadow point, I discovered that there were more than a dozen civilian bodies lying on the square. It seems that the group of people who have been assembled have succeeded. No matter what the result, the purpose of creating chaos is achieved.



A dull gunshot, Xing Lie opened fire at some point upstairs. A colony who was hiding behind the car suddenly fell down, and the neck was shot, but it was not dead, but constantly Kneeling, twisted, the nails of the hands became sharp, and the suit and shirt were torn under the scuff, revealing the chest full of cyan scales.

Class B colonizer!

I bite my teeth and said in the earphones: "The brain is still their central organization, Xiaolie, aiming at their head shots, and they will probably kill them when they hit the brain!"

Xing Lie: "Well, understand!"

Then there was another shot. This time, it was accurate. A C-level colonizer was directly headshot, and the body was flowing, and the body did not move.

Finally, the people in the colony seemed to be unable to hold back. The low-pitched gun in the neck slammed up and rushed to the Shanghai team. As a result, the shots with countless nano-bombs only slammed forward, like the foot. The death squad also made the Shanghai team's people move.

I couldn’t help but lifted my hand and pulled out the butterfly behind me. The cold edge of the butterfly suddenly made the axe on the side could not help but admire: "Hey, good sword!"

However, the voice of the Shanghai team captain Tang Lin came from the earphones: "Li Xiaoyao, without your help, I can get it!"

Said, Tang Lin has already rushed out, and the black gloves in his hand were instantly crushed by anger. He is a master of internal boxing. I have judged Tang Lin that it is a medium-level strength. Yes, kill the B-class colonizer, barely, after all, this colony has been injured.

Tang Lin roared and screamed with the colonized person. The iron fist slammed into the other's chest, with the sound of a bone bursting, followed by a knee impact, taking the army knife tied to the leg and smearing it. There was another wound in the neck of the person, but it did not pierce the neck. The other party had already condensed the scales.


The maddening colony was very horrible, and the two claws fluttered. He left a wound on the back of Tang Lin directly. The blood was berthing and he was already injured.

"Oh shit!"

Tang Lin was so angry that he was angry and screamed, and regardless of his own suffering, he was punched on the neck of the colonizer, and then he pulled out the pistol and twisted the body of the colonizer into his mouth. "Beep", blood splattered from the back of the brain, this B-class colony is finally reimbursed.

When he waited for Tang Lin to breathe, there was another roar behind him. Another B-level colonizer slid his claws across his back. He was terrible, and Tang Lin fell forward, but he was also an iron man, a saber. Was swaying and smashing the **** of the cultivator, and at the same time, a damage was drawn from the chest.

"Get out!"

Tang Lin lifted his feet and pulled out. The strength of the practitioners should not be underestimated. It is as strong as the colonizers are still slammed back more than ten meters.

But at this time, with a sharp squeak, a man with a red scale on his face and neck suddenly flung on the roof of the car, almost crushing the whole car, his eyes were already bloody. The pupil is infinitely magnified, just like a wild beast roaring. The target points directly to Tang Lin, and the hands and feet are used to rush over!

A-level colonizer, full body!


"Come on, beast!"

Tang Lin’s army knife in the hand smashed the breath on the saber, and it was a blow to the A-level colonizer!

Surprisingly, the A-level colonizer actually smiled, and the mouth slanted upwards. It looked a little strange but a little bit sloppy. He raised his hand and sent out the fist full of thick red scales!


A heavy blow, the naked knife visible to the naked eye is turned into a powder, and Tang Lin's palm is a very obvious deformation, a tragic retreat, the hand bone is about broken.

Sure enough, the middle class is not the opponent of the A-class colony.


Xing Lie once again slammed, but the nano-bombs in this face are covered in the scales of the colonizer to the earthquake, just lost half of the scales!

I raised my hand and aimed at the colonized person's eyes, but he actually raised his arm to block, IQ is still there.



He looked up at me, and his eyes were full of provocation. He extended his tongue at least 30 centimeters long and licked the blood of Tang Lin on the scales of his fist. He smiled and said: "You practitioners are all waste! Your attacks It is simply giving us the dragon blood warrior scratching it!"

Dragon Blood Warrior?

I almost laughed, this group of idiots think that they have these variant scales even if they are dragon blood soldiers?

"Protect Tanglin!"

A low drink, I have already rushed over with the butterfly, and I raised the breath of the whole person to the extreme with my fastest speed. The butterfly was instantly wrapped in the flame of Yang Yan and burned into a red-red sword, one foot. Stepping on the ground, I went down with my strongest blow, and sneered in the air: "Then you are a dragon blood warrior to block the attack of my practitioner!"

His eyes glimpsed a trace of sorrow, but still raised the arms full of deep red scales to block!


Jianguang swept past and landed with a red **** arm. At the same time, the butterfly's sharp sword was cut from his neck and pulled out from his waist.

split into two!

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