Zhan Long

Chapter 1091: Daily salary of 50,000

Fortunately, the treatment of the infusion of the water is very timely, otherwise Lin Xiaowu must be directly under the low wall of this different magic wall, this scene is definitely the shame of the first archer of the dragon, if you grab a picture to marry her If you do, the little dance may not be sent for a thousand miles.

However, if the little dance tries to test the water, everyone will not dare to slap these 8 levels of magic. After the version is updated, the devil's territory is no longer the world of Darren, Heve, Yin Ge, and Lan Nasir. It is the world of blood and human beings. It can be seen from the strength of the troops mastered in your hands.

At the same time, I can't help but worry. If I don't go back to the sea and fight again, can the NPC army in Tianzhu City really resist this kind of 8th-level evil? Forget it, it depends on the player. After all, the cooperation between players is more tacit, and it can't kill.


Quickly attract the attack of the three spear warriors, while wielding the double swords to kill, my attack power is too high, plus the effect of the gods, even the 8th level of the devil eats my ordinary sword, at least 14W damage, absorb 20% Converted into qi and blood, a person with three levels of different monsters still do not need to add water and blood, which also makes the little dance sigh "the gods of the melee players are simply too unsolvable."

In fact, the same is true. The defense and attack of the melee players are very horrible. If you have a few rushing skills, the remote players will simply be unable to play. I will only move the blade 5 yards away. Fortunately, the sky rose, the blade of the sword three times to move 25 yards is called horror, it is a nightmare for remote players.

Fangge is the first **** of the Chinese theater. I am still not afraid of it, but I am absolutely afraid of the sky rose. It is because of the three-way movement of the sword, it is simply a natural space-starning.

Throughout the whole server, there are only a handful of people who have continuous rush in melee players. I am probably one. The speed of the thousands of wings is absolutely superior. The whirlwind and barbarian flea are double spurs. The eagle strikes the sword and the darting is also double-jumping. The rest of the Chinese melee players who have the skills of double-jumping are not much, which is why the Master in PK has an advantage.


While thinking about it, I have solved three 8-level monsters, and the explosion rate is very impressive. Just killing three will explode two scorpions. Unfortunately, the properties are very general, and they are all tens of dollars. I was disarmed by the spot on the spot, which made Dongcheng Yue stunned. At the beginning, for the sake of a purple scorpion, the tactics of the celestial sword could kill you. Now, the sword of a scorpio is broken down and broken down. No reason.

There are no traces of blood in the hands of butterflies and dry hands. These purgatory warriors are dead creatures, and they have been dead for a long time. The carrion is eaten by insects, leaving only the skeleton, so they can’t get a trace of blood. . Looking up at the wall, the gate is made up of thorny trees. A large group of purgatory warriors are waiting for us at the rear, plus at least 200 people on the wall. If they come hard, the spears are projected. I am afraid that even I will be spiked.

"What to do?" Lin Biao asked.

I took a deep breath: "Small dances use the range advantage, first lead one by one on the wall, and then think about how to solve this group of guards."


It took ten minutes to solve all the dozens of purgatory warriors and warriors on the wall. The next step was to attack the city gate. A large group of spear warriors looked at us behind the wooden fence door. Once they broke, they must flock and come out desperately.

"How do you play this?" asked Lin Xiaowu.

I don't think about it: "I came to break the door with a purple mine car, then we played a kite, how?"

"Kite flying?" The little dance is puzzled: "The spear projection will make us want to die, you believe it or not..."

I smiled: "I just looked at it carefully. The trigger distance of the spear projection is about 32-33 yards. If you exceed this distance, it will definitely not be locked as a target. The remote attacks of several of us are 40 yards. It may be longer, so we have a distance of 8 yards. If you grasp this distance, you can fly a kite."

Lin Xiaoer nodded and smiled. "Well, the pig's head looks very clear. Every time the spear warrior is ready to shoot with a spear, there is a one-second starter. In this one second, the target will be out of range, and they will After 2-3 seconds of delay, we will continue to chase, so that we can fly kites steadily, and these monsters are not running fast, not much faster than us."

"OK, I am ready to implement the tactics, and I am terrible." I laughed.

Dongcheng and Xiaowu had to be prepared to fight.



The **** soldier flew in the hand, and the next moment flew out to condense into a purple mine car. Because it was a mechanical facility, the spear warrior did not attack. Instead, the purple mine car ignited the thunder, "boom" The wooden fence was made into a ruin, and it was broken and broken!

"Chong, cut down their heads and kill them!"

A group of infernal spear warriors are squatting to kill us, and Dongcheng is naughty with a wand flying back, laughing: "Come, see how you are!"

As I stepped back, I grabbed the distance and threw a cadre, spurring the skills of the blade to kill.

Lin Xiaowu raised his hand to lead the bow, "brushing" to shoot out the wind and arrow rain, the process of retreating, while the monster is chasing, forming a distance difference invisibly, the result of the front row of dozens of purgatory spear warriors one by one The arrow, even more terrible is the spirit of Dongcheng Yue, the flame of the blast in the monster group, the horrible flame damage does not say, she waved Elsa scepter, left an ice on the ground, back a few meters After that, the spell effect is triggered. Suddenly, a icicle peak bursts out among a group of monsters, causing huge damage while slowing down. Hey, this seven-turn skill is also an excellent kite-flying stunt!

Lin Biaoer's long-range damage skills are limited, and can only be attacked with a cone of ice whirlpool, which is not bad.

Therefore, in this dangerous and dangerous place, a heavy armored male warrior with four beautiful women flying a kite, a group of vicious and evil 8th-level demon, the whole valley is the killing and screaming of the spear warrior, a piece of " It’s screaming.

In the last 20 minutes, there are fewer and fewer monsters in the back. In the end, we directly go back to a set of skills to kill all of them. 200 of the 8th-level monsters have become our experience and equipment, and the experience of the 8th level is very rich. With my 192 level, I can still see the experience strip brushing straight down. It takes about 6-9 hours to get one level up. It is a holy place for leveling madman. I should tell the gun that there is such a good place to go back. However, this product is not expected to come, and a person is simply looking for death.


Through this blockade line, continue to move forward, along the way are all set up defense points, usually 10-15 infernal spear warriors march together, but we only have one dead end.

In the twinkling of an eye, we have been swimming between the Scarlet Mountains for six or seven hours. This map is too big, as if we couldn’t walk the head. Fortunately, the monster has a rich experience. I have already risen to 193, Lin Biaoer, Dongcheng Yue and so on. Also one level, making this trip not boring, even if it is not a task, at least the level and experience are earned.

Moreover, the 8th-level magical explosion rate is not low, plus a few of our glamour values ​​are quite a lot, the scorpio and the scorpion scorpion that are bursting out often have some small JP, such as a necklace with 13% blood-sucking effect, 17 % break-proof ring, 75% attack speed boots, because it is a necklace, ring and other parts, so the impact on the attributes such as defense will not be too great, even low-end equipment as long as there are good attributes and special effects are also in the middle The JP equipment that the player pursues, and as far as I know, the 13% blood-sucking necklace can sell at least 5000RMB, and the 17% broken-proof ring is the pursuit equipment of the archer and the assassin. The value is between 3000-4000RMB, just 趁At this stage, most of the players are still fighting around the main city, but we can play some advanced JP equipment here to make a fortune.

At least, the JP equipment installed in my package can at least sell 3-5W, and the daily salary is 5W. I have to serve it!


A few minutes later, the five-person squad climbed a small hill along the winding mountain. When he looked at the front, he was shocked. The small valley was actually a dense barracks. It stretched for ten miles and was full of spears. warrior.


Lin Biaoer's mouth is big and small: "Good... many people!"

Lin Xiaowu was also amazed: "How many people do you have?"

Dongcheng Yuedao: "At least 10W Spear Warrior?"

I shook my head: "Not only, there is still in the west, the red map is red, and at least there are more than a million troops stationed here, and they are all 8 levels of magic, rub, really big!"

"This first BOSS is what I want to do?" Dongcheng Yue blinked.

I chuckled: "What else can you do besides conquering the seven main cities?"

The drowning water spit out the tongue and the breathing was a little short. He said, "What do we do? It’s not easy to kill the past..."

"Nature can't kill the past, it has to be killed in the following year, and it may not be able to kill."

I looked around in the canyon and said, "Let's find out and see if there is any gap in their station that allows us to pass through here. Llanathel is not being held here."

A few MM quietly found, after nearly a minute, Lin Biaoer reached out to the east and said: "There, climbing along the mountains, it seems to be able to avoid their main force."

I also glanced and nodded: "Well, then go from there, go!"


This time I had to avoid the edge. The unmanned squad passed through the jungle and carefully walked through the mountains. Just when we thought that we could completely avoid the main army of the demon, there was a line of thorns on the front side of the mountain. Blocked the line, and there is a temporary camp on the edge, about 100 people in the 8th level.


Pull out the double swords, this time to kill the past.

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