Zhan Long

Chapter 1094: Blood wolf flag

The Assassin's ring is of course given to Lin Biaoer, and our beauty deputy ally seems to be very fond of this disguise ring. I have been playing for a long time and said to me: "The next BOSS will be given to me if it is not the main BOSS. Kill it, I want to make a book!"

"it is good."

It is not necessary to have the owner kill the target in order to make the shape of the illustration, and with this ring, the nephew is about to perform some reconnaissance and deceptive tasks. Not only that, the two-star artifact ring itself is very powerful, even if it is not a disguise this stunt is also a top ring, which is very helpful for the assassin player's attribute improvement.


Look again, in addition to bursting out three pieces of equipment, BOSS also blasted some fortified stones. I asked for a 7-level attacking gems, which increased the level of reinforcement of the slashing sword to 7, and added 35% of the weapon's attack power. In this way, the lethality of using the sword to the blade to spin the blade is naturally more reinforced.

Going forward, the mission is not over yet.

With four MMs walking between the mountains, the middle of the blood-colored mountains, where there is a deep red, and there is a mark, that should be the boss of my overlord's knees, and no accident, it should be this BOSS guarded Lan Nai's prison. I thought that Lan Nasir was imprisoned and I couldn't get rid of it. If I didn't recommend that she lead a different army to sweep the city, it wouldn't be blamed on her. Right?

No matter what, anyway, blood is not a good thing, save Lan Nasir, it is not bad to make her work for the cold dragon city, Lanna Sear has crossed the Owen, but the nature should not be too Bad……

Going forward, a towering flagpole was erected on both sides of the hill. Two lantern-like things were hung on both sides of the flagpole, swaying slowly in the wind.

"Oh, is there a lantern to snuggle to welcome us?" asked Lishui.

Lin Xiaoyan squinted and the archer’s vision was stronger. She said, “I’m afraid it’s not a lantern?”

My nephew looked at me: "Look at the pig's head."


I slowly flew up with my sword and flew around the nearest flagpole, only to find out where the lanterns were, but they were all dead, and they were all in the middle and the middle. The head of the general, one of whom I even knew, was a one-star **** who was commanded by me in the city of Mochizuki. At this time, he had been decapitated, his head was rotten, and when I approached, black smoke flew around the skull. In fact, it is not smoke, but a group of dense flies.

Wrinkled, I glanced up and down. A total of 24 heads were hung on a flagpole, and more than 10 flagpoles were hung between the mountains. About the senior generals of Ranaser’s former subordinates had been killed. Is it light?

I should be glad that I didn’t see Rana Seir in these people, or the mission has already failed in advance.


When I flew back to the ground, I simply said, "It’s a human head. Don’t look at it, it will affect your appetite. Let’s go quickly. If you don’t hurry, I suspect that Lana Searle will also be killed.”

The nephew wrinkled his eyebrows and said, "Lannaser is one of the kings of the demon. What do you think of this embarrassment? Is this a self-defeating arm?"

I said, "Lannaser has helped me to watch the Moon City, about because of this!"

Lin Xiaowu stunned: "This looks like a tyrant!"

Dongcheng Yue has some concerns: "It seems that if you take the initiative to lead the different demons to attack the Scorpio Empire, the pressure on our Scorpio City will be too great. Such a tyrant has a myriad of 8 under the hand. Different demons, I am afraid that when the player camp is going to be alive, it’s miserable..."

I pouted: "Don't pity the sentient beings here, let's go, speed up our pace, quickly break through the blockade of the demon, and go to the depths of the Scarlet Mountains to find Rana Seir. As long as we rescue Rana Seir, we have certain Grasping, this unscrupulous deal with Lan Nasir shows that he is still more jealous of this elf queen, the value of Lanna Sear is still very large."



Along the way, I cleaned up some of the 8th-level demon. When we fought for nearly 10 hours in the Scarlet Mountains, we finally passed through the valley of the garrison, and then went forward, but stood up between the mountains. The high city wall spans between the two mountains. It is extremely cliff-like and cannot be climbed. The walls are full of densely guarded demon guards. There are 7 steps, and there are also 8 orders of magic, but at the center. It is a black castle.

I frowned, and the architecture of the demon has always been at the level of the Stone Age. Why does this city look at least to the level of the Empire?

After a careful look, the city Guo was just built, and many craftsmen were busy outside the city. There were all kinds of artisans around the guards, obviously craftsmen who were slaved from the human continent, oh, this It's a bit tricky, and the alien army knows the hands of fake human artisans to improve their defense capabilities.

We stood between the jungles and looked at the busy scene in the distance. Lin Biao couldn't help but be speechless and said, "How can we go? There is a city plug on the ground, and there are many wings and swordsmen in the sky..."

Me: "Don't worry, think about it."

Lin Xiaowu said: "Forcible breakthrough is not feasible. You see, there are cavalrymen with different devils under the city. The speed of movement must exceed us. When we want to escape, we can't escape."

Dongcheng Yuetou looked at the mountains on both sides and said: "There are also many different evil army on the mountain. This is difficult."

I laughed: "This is not necessarily the case."

Dongcheng Yue smiled and looked at me: "Do you have a solution?"

"Yeah." I confidently pointed to the front and said, "Look, these human craftsmen are all important resources for the 'devil', but they are not skinny, but they don't die too much. Explain that the different devils value their abilities very much. We only need one passer-by to pretend to be a craftsman to enter the city and go out from the other side."

"Who is the passer-by?" The nephew looked at me.

"Hey, have you forgotten the pretender ring you just got?"

"Oh, yes... hey, I understand!"

I looked around and said, "We hide, wait until they send out the scout cavalry, come out and kill one, and see which scout captain has the highest rank, and what the nephew pretends to be, and then take us a few."



In less than 10 minutes, a row of cavalry flew in, most of them were savage wolves of the 7th-level demon, but the one who took the lead but held a blood-red battle flag, is a level 8 demon, called "blood "Women's flag", as they approached, I already shared the attributes of the blood wolf's flag in the team channel, and the attributes were indeed super high -

[Blood Wolf Flag] (8th level)

Rating: 205

Attack: 28900-34500

Defense: 27000

Qi and blood: 4400000

Skills: [Wars and Spears] [War tramples] [killing the air]

Features: Hand-held blood wolf flag, increase the attack power of 40% of nearby magic units within 40 yards

Introduction: Blood Wolf Qiwei, a kind of purgatory iron rider riding a wolf, holding a blood wolf flag, is a kind of high-ranking arms, blood wolf flag guards are the best among the infernal warriors, and they are good in the army. The sound of the waves, and the blood wolf flag in their hands is a symbol of the power of purgatory, these blood wolf flag guards are **** guards, the status is extremely high


“It’s really tricky.” Lin Xiaowu shook Huang Zhongzhu and hid it behind the dense leaf. He smiled: “The effect of the blood wolf flag is really IMBA, which increases the attack power of the surrounding units by 40%, and the attack power of the barbarian wolf is not enough. High?"

I said, "Let's get rid of this blood wolf flagguard first, let the scorpion come to kill, and then clean up the dozens of barbarian wolves in the back, don't let them lose one."


We have all been hiding in the trees. When the squadrons flew past the trees, the seven-star arrow of Lin Xiaowu has already flown out, and "啪" hit the wolf of the blood wolf. The wolf was dizzy, and with a **** wing, a flip-flop fell on the grass. Hey, the dragon's first archer was really smart.

I jumped down, the double sword wrapped in the hurricane of the hurricane, and fell on the shoulders of the blood wolf's flag, and several other MMs jumped one by one. The attributes of the blood wolf flagguard are still quite good. But after all, there are only a few million blood, and each of my swords has at least 10W of blood, and he can withstand such a fat, three or two residual blood, Lin Shuer a set of skills to kill!

Then quickly get rid of a group of 7-level aliens and get the scout team.

"Do you need to make a book?" Lin Yuer looked at the body of the blood wolf flag on the ground.

I opened his body and looked at the rank of the army belonging to the alien army on the collar. There were two silver skull marks on it, so I shook my head: "This is not good, it is just a long time."

"Wow..." Dongcheng Yue looked at me with a confused look: "Happy brothers are so good, even the ranks of different demons can be recognized?"

I smiled and said: "Don't forget, I was also the commander of the 200W different demon army when I attacked Wangyuecheng. This detail will definitely be noticed, and maybe it will come in handy later."

"Then wait for something else?" Lin Biao asked.



Waiting for a while, this time I came out with a team of people, a total of 100 people, including three blood wolves, but we used a little trick, using Yinlong Xiaobai to open a batch, then kill It took three minutes to clear the three blood wolves, and it took 10 minutes to clear 100 barbarian wolves and get the scout team.

The scout team of more than 100 people is definitely the elite of the scouts.

Lin Yier opened the body of one of the blood wolf's flag guards and said, "This is still a long, two silver skulls."

Dongcheng Yue also opened one, and took a small nose: "This is also."

Lin Xiaowu overthrew the third body and stunned and said: "Hey, this is the rank of three golden gimmicks. What does this mean?"

I was pleasantly surprised: "Yes, three golden cymbals represent the centurion, and you can make this a map!"



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