Zhan Long

Chapter 1100: Goddess corset

"Oh la la..."

Luo Ming’s body suddenly burst open and dropped a bunch of equipment, and I have already seen the special luster of the set parts on Luo Ming’s body, so I am also looking forward to it. This four-star God-level BOSS will give us another point. what?


Jinguang plunged all over the body, rose to the 195 level, stepped forward, came to the edge of Luo Ming's body, looked at the equipment he burst out, not much, a total of three, a pair of armor knee pads, a pale gold ring, There is also a light red leather corset, the three equipment looks like the outer aura is colored, it should be all artifact level.

Reaching out of the ring, holding it in the palm of your hand, the property of the ring floats in the night sky in front of you -

[The Ring of Heaven] (Artifact ★★★)

Spirituality: 500

Physical strength: 492

Agile: 490

Strength: 440

Additional: Increases the user's 120% spell damage

Additional: Increases the user's 25% defensive resistance

Additional: Increase the user's 17,000 points of blood limit

Special effects: Lingquan, restores 40% of the mana cost consumed each time you cast a spell.

Requires level: 192

Need charm: 1000


A fairly violent wizard's ring, 120% of the spirit attack attack does not say, there is actually 25% of the spiritual penetration effect, which is equivalent to weakening the opponent's quarter resistance against attack, hit out The damage is a completely different effect. In our team, the French attack of Dongchengyue is already one of the best in China. With this Samsung artifact ring, it is definitely more violent.

Holding the ring of the heavens in the palm of my hand, I said, "Dongcheng, only you are a spiritual master, this ring is yours."

Dongcheng Yuexiu laughed and put the ring on the equipment, and couldn’t put it down.

Continue to look, the next is the light red leather corset, which can only cover 30% of the upper body, in fact, wrapped in the chest, and more than 50% of the wrapped chest and waist. It is made of light red metal, the defense is certainly not too bad, and more importantly, it is a special leather armor for female players -

[神神胸衣] (artifact ★★★★)

Type: Leather

Defense: 4200

Agility: 520

Physical strength: 515

Power: 520

Spirituality: 510

Additional: Increases user's 100% defense and 150% resistance

Additional: Increases the user's armor damage by 30%

Additional: Increase user's melee attack power by 70%

Additional: Increase the user's 30000 point blood limit

Special effects: Iron wall, increase its own defense by 70%, and have a 30% chance to gain 50% damage.

Stunt: God's Shield, provides a powerful shield for all friendly players within 200 yards, increasing its 100% defense and 50% suffocation limit for 10 minutes, consuming 120 anger, cooling for 6 hours

Requires level: 192

Need charm: 1000

Need gender: female


I looked at my nephew, she also looked at me and secretly sent me a message: "ROLL!"

It seems that she does not intend to take this breastplate as her own, at least not intending to rely on the relationship, but intends to rely on luck to compete for this valuable four-star artifact breastplate.

I said, "Little dance and nephew can be used, ROLL."

I didn’t want Lin Xiaowu to give up the power of ROLL and said, “I have already taken the flame goddess corset, and this goddess corset is a 70% melee attack. I took it too wasteful. Oh, I am not the insatiable Lord."

I also handed the gods corset to Lin Biao, and said: "Look, the little dance is too lazy to fight this bra."

Lin Yier hesitated and picked up this breastplate. She also knows that if the value is worth, this goddess bra is definitely at least 50% more than the flame goddess corset. After all, it has group stunts, and the shield of the gods can increase the defense for the companions. And qi and blood, this is a skill that can be reversed in the group battle. Everyone is not a rookie, and the interests of it are naturally known at a glance.

The next moment, the goddess corset appeared on the little girlfriend, it is a perfect match, the design style of the goddess corset is the noble and elegant route, and Lin Biaoer is the little princess of the Tianzhu Group, the temperament cultivated since childhood Enthusiastic, this breastplate is really suitable for her, and, with the goddess corset replaced by the stepper, she is also willing to change, so that can provide the team with a super powerful life-saving skills, but also for I have improved a lot of resistance and attack power.

The last piece of equipment, which I value the most, holds this pair of black knee pads in my hand, and the heart is full of turbulence. This is the fifth piece of the Overlord suit. If you can get one piece, you can get a 6-piece set!


[Overlord's knees] (secondary artifact)

Type: Heavy

Defense: 5050

Power: 520

Physical strength: 515

Agility: 512

Spirituality: 500

Additional: Increases user's spell resistance by 135% and 70% of the

Additional: Increase user's 32000 health limit

Additional: Increase user's attack power by 40% and base damage of 2000 points

Special effects: no level limit

Special effects: Increase anger and increase user's 100% anger limit

Stunt: Copy, can copy an attribute of the equipment in the same position

Special effects: Overlord, the **** of the feathers, the ages, the power of the overlord to enhance the user's 3000 points of strength

Set parts: Overlord suit? Kneepad

Introduction: In the ancient times, a king who trembled the earth swept across the mainland. His bravery was unparalleled in the world, and he was admired by the descendants. Ten thousand years later, the gods of the later generations collected the spiritual power of the ancient emperor. The coffin is cast in a set of rare treasures, this is the overlord armor suit, the legendary set of the tyrants suit can get the power of the command world, get one of the overlord suits, there is a chance to trigger the explosion when killing high-level monsters Out of the rest of the parts, this set of equipment is unique

Requires level: 200

Need charm: 1000


When I saw the attributes of the overlord's knees, several MMs had some emotions. Dongcheng Yue said directly: "Hey, what is this defensive power and additional attributes like an artifact? I don't think it is too much to be a five-star artifact. Is it?"

I am a little embarrassed to touch the nose and say: "There is still a little difference from the five-star artifact. It is about the property of the four-star artifact. It is indeed much stronger than the equipment of the artifact. Perhaps this is the exclusive effect of the suit. ?"

Lin Biao couldn't help but smile: "Do you have a total of 200 points of anger now?"

"Well, basically there aren't any big stunts that I can't use."

"With the drink, basically there is no problem with the routine of the wine sword flow?"

I laughed, holding the cadre and the butterfly, confidently said: "To be honest, the entire Chinese theater, only my routine is closest to the wine sword flow."

Dongcheng Moon glared at me: "You have 20% bloodsucking, 30,000 defenses, isn't it true? You learned so many tricks from Matcha, except for Matcha, who else? Is the flow more familiar than you?"

It’s a bit guilty for me to say this, yeah, I seem to learn a lot of genre!

The shui shui is eating and laughing, saying: "The lord is so good, the collection of the hundred is longer than one, and the skills are not overwhelming!"

I gave a thumbs up: "Or a beautiful woman can talk!"

Lin Biaoer said: "That... your overlord knee pads also have a copy effect. What attributes are you going to copy, or what stunts, the original gods will be knees, do you want to copy the ghost dance stunts?"

I nod. "Well, the dance of ghosts and gods can greatly increase the attack output, and copying it is no problem."

Lin Biaoer’s eyebrows are scornful and said: “Dear, but I feel that you have enough output. Let’s keep this copying effect. When you find the right stunt equipment and copy it, I will help you find it in the guild. ""


In fact, I also think that my group killing skills are too many, stepping through the thunder, the sword and the storm, the seven-star broken Yuelu, the thunder of nine days, etc., keep this position to find a more IMBA control, resume stunts to learn, it seems This is also a good choice.


So directly put the overlord's knees on the equipment first, suddenly a set of gold flashes in the interface, the fourth set of attributes appeared, although the addition is hidden, but the battle is definitely very effective -

5 pieces: Special effects "breaking the boat", the more blood loss, the higher the hidden attack power, the attack increased to 500% when the blood is below 10%.


In the guild channel, Lin Yier has issued a notice: "Looking for legging equipment with JP stunts, stunts must be strong, there is no requirement for equipment attributes, high price purchase, everyone will help me spread it!"

Li Mu immediately smiled: "It seems that the overlord's leg guards are out."

Lin Xiaoer laughed: "Yes, help me more."


We were chatting, and suddenly there was a faint voice coming from the side: "If... If you have finished talking, can you help me, let me down first?"


I actually forgot to hang "Lannaser over the blood pool," her power is being sucked away by the blood pool, about to the bloody, flying, thousands of frost The wing support was successful, and the butterfly and the dry will “brush” continuously to get rid of those tough vines. When the last one was cut, Lanna Thiel fell and was caught by my hand.

Holding the once-descriptive singularly demon king, I can’t help but feel guilty. Lanna Sear is also one of the best in the Northland, and now I’m being tossed like this. It’s really nothing to pity the jade.

"Let's go, we should go back." I whispered: "Go back."

“Yeah.” Lin Biaoer glanced at Lanna Thiel and said, “What should she do?”

I summoned the sacred dragon horse and said, "I am taking Lanna Searle, whoever has extra cloak equipment, give me one, and help Lanna Sear."

"I have it here." Lin Biaoer took out the equipment in the parcel, which we got all the way to kill the monster, a leather corset, a armor leggings, a pair of boots, plus a large black cloak, Lan Nasir's BOSS There is no limit to wearing equipment, and everything can be put on, so I help her with one piece.


She closed her eyes and lay naked in the body to let me dress for it. Fortunately, the cloak was wide enough to cover her entire body. Pulling the hood down, no one knows who she is.

Turning over the horse, Lin Xiaowu helped put Lan Nasir on the horse. She didn't even have the strength to hold me. I could only take out the dragon's hook, pull the dragon out and tie her to my back. A total of seven weights.

"let's go!"

A group of people walked between the mountains and returned.

At 7:00 pm on the 5th of this week, which is 8.1 Tanabata, the "Leaf Pit Matching Diary" activity began in the first phase. On the YY channel 29216, the live broadcast of the leaves and the small partners began the pit-and-match match of the telecommunications 7th district. Our slogan is "If you can lose, don't win. After all, everyone will watch the live broadcast on the weekend to find a fun!", when everyone comes, the next time you will choose the next issue from the YY's friends with the leaves. Little friend~~

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