Zhan Long

Chapter 1107: Each magical power

Above the plains, the grass is burning under the wildfire, the smoke is everywhere, the whole plain seems to be burning with flames everywhere, and even the boots can feel the heat in the depths of the earth.

"Be careful, there are monsters over there." Lin Yier looked at a pair of bright eyes.

The East City month carries Elsa's scepter, and the tip of the staff wraps around the frost energy. She smiles slightly: "Nothing, there are 30 tanks of death squads to die, we don't have to worry."

Lin Biaoer also laughed: "Yes..."


The players in the front row listened especially to the taste. Meng Yao took the female rock and marched slowly. I also summoned the sacred dragon horse and went forward with the sister. The matcha around me held the cold iron sword and the corner of the mouth. With a touch of seemingly no smile, and the sword is cold, the ball is not stupid, goodbye is also tears and their own slow horses sneak, Ye Lai holding the battle axe, seems to have been unable to bear, all along the way When you walk, there is not much chance of killing monsters, and you will be ruined.

However, the opportunity is finally here.

As night falls, there are a pair of red and red dots in the darkness. When you look closely, you know that those are the eyes of the beasts. It seems that the blood is knowing that we are coming, and we have set a small obstacle for us. About 1,000 beasts are coming in the darkness. It is a kind of earthworm with three horns on its forehead. The eyes are red and the flames are shining.

"Good guy..."

Jianfeng’s cold eyes sank and said: “The 8th level of the demon, the triangle flame dragon, the number of 1200, this time some kill, it seems... We have attracted the hatred of this group of monsters?”

I shook my head: "No, someone sent them to kill us."

Meng Yao carries the female stone shield and said: "Do these triangle flame dragons actively attack us?"

"Yes, it will be."

I immediately turned to look at the crowd and said: "Shrink the formation, release their pets, set up a circle of barrels, protect the remote system and the treatment system in the middle, ready to meet the charge of the triangle flame dragon!"

There is no better way than this. The number of these monsters is far more than us. Once we are dispersed, we have no chance, and we all understand the sharpness of the 8th level.

Fang Geyu is far from sharing the attributes of a triangle flame dragon in the team channel, attracting many people to secretly swear -

[Triangle Flame Dragon] (8th level magic)

Rating: 205

Attack: 25700-35500

Defense: 27000

Qi and blood: 3500000

Skills: [flame shield] [corner cone kill] [slamming a hit]

Introduction: The triangle flame dragons, these earth dragons were originally a peaceful race, they are born to be the holder of the fire element, but under the influence of the evil spirits in the Devil's Well, these triangle flame dragons become mad, cruel and addictive After the blood and **** recovery, the triangle flame dragon group was built into one of the evil spirits. The number of triangle flame dragons in the triangle has become the guardian of the Shura, the assault gorge, the demon of the gods and so on. One of the important forces


"Hey, more than a million triangle flame dragons?" The ball was not stupid and summoned a red scorpion to help the battle, while exclaiming: "How many triangle flame dragons are waiting for us in this demon's well?" The basic attack of 35,000, I am afraid we can't stand the continuous impact, this is not very good..."

The square song is a smile and comfort: "Don't worry too much, hold a piece of land in front of you. I have checked it. The size of the triangle flame dragon is about 2-5 times that of the player. We form an iron barrel array, which means Each person can withstand up to 2-3 triangle flame dragons. If the treatment is strong enough, it will not die."

I said: "The premise is that it can stop the pyramid from killing this skill. If there is no accident, this skill has a rushing effect. If our formation is crushed and deformed, it may be broken."

Ye Lai deep believes: "Yes!"

Lin Yier has released Yinlong Xiaobai to heaven, holding a dagger and smiling: "So everyone is bound to retreat, and your mistakes may lead to the failure of the whole team."

Six beautiful women smiled and said: "Reassure, we are all responsible for the honor of the entire guild, there will not be too many mistakes."

"Yeah." I looked into the distance and said, "Be careful, the triangle flame dragon will start the charge, and the people facing the north will be hit by the first wave, and must bear it!"

The gun and a pot of wine hold the shield and the spear, and they don’t talk when they smile. But when he is standing there, he gives a feeling of awkward Yuelu. The general’s wind is stunned, and the temperament of the mountain is aside. Many players are envious, even Fang Song, Jian Feng Han, Ye Lai and others are very polite to the guns. After all, these big league lords hope to be able to pull the peak-level knight of the gun into the guild, but unfortunately, the gun The pot of wine has a perseverance in his heart. Once he joins the Longxiang Guild, he will not think about the transfer. Even if he is unfair, even if this trip has dragged his own pace, he will not leave.

Such a person, one can increase the soul of the guild by one point, not only me, but also the main players such as Fang Ge, Jian Feng Han, Ye Lai, Yan Zhao Wu Shuang, etc. are also clear.

At this time, the paper painted the charm of Nunu mouth, said: "I asked for a change of position, the pressure in the direction of the north is great, I am a weak swordsman with a little help!"

Matcha can't help but laugh: "A Jing, don't be so good!"

"Sister, I am afraid of being killed by the second!" The painting on the paper is actually a little spoiled.

Matcha has no choice but to look at me: "Boss, or do you change position with Ajing?"


Seeing that the triangle flame dragon has started to charge, I rushed to the paper and changed the position on the paper, standing next to Jianfeng cold, and the sword crossed the chest, ready to meet the impact of the triangle flame dragon.

Jianfeng looked at me with a slanting look and smiled. "You are free, you don't have to be spiked!"

I also laughed: "Reassure, if you are killed twice, I will not be second!"

This is not to say big words, with my defensive strength, plus the double dragon effect, it is indeed like this, even if the sword front cold is spiked twice, it may not be able to kill me.


A few seconds later, the triangle flame dragon madly shocked, I and Jian Feng cold, the ball is not stupid, goodbye is also tears, Li Mu and other people heading north, to bear the biggest impact!

At the forefront, a triangular flame dragon screams, and the heavy body is like a small tank that hits the shield that is not stupid!


A heavy blow, the ball is not stupid, half a step back, and support.

Jianfeng Han was a lot smarter. The blade swept forward in advance, and directly shocked the impact of the dragon with a single stroke. The result almost completely blocked the impact of the monster, blocking the first wave, and using it as a shield. The impact at the rear is not enough.

I forcibly launched the 20-level combo skill, and attacked for 6 consecutive times, successfully triggering the effect of the champion's blade, the strength of the three forces, the strength is higher than the earth dragon, not only shocked it back, but even dizzy for 1 second.

However, not far from the resilience, but the two consecutive shocks and some can not support, the hurriedly fast and seven-star arrow dizzy off a dragon, but the other dragon is roaring, facing the ground is once The slamming, the earth trembles, is the effect of slamming the ground, the energy breaks out of the ground, and the resilience will be thrown away!


Lei Li was in the air and was shocked: "It's over!"

Fang Geying looked in his eyes and calmly said: "Xuanyuan Maple!"

Xuanyuan Feng held the spear and held it to the left, but gently palmed the palm of his hand. The left hand ring was covered with silver light, and a shield was added to the resolute. It was a protective stunt. When the resolutely landed, the blood had recovered. %, barely escaped.

The triangle flame dragon quickly surrounded us with a small iron barrel array, three layers outside and three layers, and the edge of the flame flame dragon began to use a slamming blow to try to break our formation, the situation became dangerous, Mengyao Look at me right away: "Brother?"

Meng Yao immediately decisively slammed the female stone shield down, and the shield turned into a huge aura. The "嘭" sounded a shock, and the shock wave swayed, and all the surrounding teammates blessed a shield guarded by the son-in-law. The value is equivalent to the sum of Meng Yao's attack defense, which can be imagined sharply.

After the singer of death, carrying the sword of the town, after slashing a knife, he quickly launched the skills of Zhenyue war songs, greatly improving the attacking power of the surrounding players. In the distance, there were still endless flames of the triangle flames, and the different demon kings gave us a meeting. It’s a big gift, and there’s no need to keep the skills.

Even in the distance, there were some small spots in the air. They were swordsmen and predators, and they had already sent air units.

"Be careful." Fang Ge looked into the air and said, "Cang Yanmei, look at your silver dragon, don't be spiked!"

Lin Biaoer nodded: "Know."


When I saw a sword and a sword, when the head of the sword spirit cavalry appeared in the air, I couldn’t bear it anymore. The ring of the king quickly reversed and launched the stunt—the king’s field. In an instant, the image of the king’s blade fell from the sky. Falling on each of us's heads condenses into a BUFF image, boosting 150% attack and defense, resistance, and recovering 10% of blood every second for 10 minutes, at least no one can die in this 10 minutes.

The ball is not stupid and can not help but marvel: "Scratch, good IMBA stunt, cool!"

Lin Xiaowu also launched the special effects of Huang Zhongzhu to improve the remote output.

The mythical people are not behind, and Lu Chunyang suddenly jumps up and slams the blade into the earth. The surrounding rumbling sounds, the attack effect of the mountain image spurs the surrounding monsters, and is a large-scale attack skill. Feng Han is a sword, sweeping a group, a golden shock wave sweeping the monster group, the triangle flame dragon within at least 100 meters distance has been subjected to three general attacks.


It’s too scary. For a long time, there is no civil war. No one knows how many killing stunts and skills are cherished between each other. This adventure is completely the opportunity for the main players of the major guilds to “pay the bottom”.

Fang Ge couldn't help but smile: "It seems... no one is hiding."

Ye Laha laughed and slammed the tomahawk. An axe turned into a heavenly form. It actually took out a canyon effect on the plain. Not only the triangular flame dragon on the ground, but also the sword spirit cavalry in the air was also hurt.

I am not hiding, activate the stunt of the overlord and the lap of the knee - Longteng nine days!



In the crowd of dense monsters in front, they quickly swayed, and the image of the dragons broke out and went straight to the sky. With golden luster and thunder, the number of damages exceeding 20W flew at a time, and everyone was stunned. .

There is almost no interval. After the completion of the 7-second dragon's nine days, I am still a thunder for nine days and continue to wreak havoc!

In the eyes of Jianfeng Han, Baili Ruofeng, Fang Geyu and others, there is a hint of coolness. It seems that everyone feels that they are enemies with such opponents, and some are too reluctant.

On the evening of 8.1, that is, at 7:00 on Friday night, lock YY channel 29216, the leaves begin to match the first day of the diary, and the friends who want to play together will come and see, we will have water friends every week, with Let the leaves hang into the sea and smash it!

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