Zhan Long

Chapter 1122: Dragon Flame Thieves

"Where?" I was excited.

The frost reached out to the southwest direction and said: "On the ice fire plain, where the book city is 15 degrees south west, about 200 kilometers, there is a response to the tyrant's breath, but my thoughts go through the space to see, there It should be a city, you better bring more people, and those who have the soul fragments will certainly not be too weak."

I was ecstatic, smiled and nodded: "OK, I understand!"


Say goodbye to the frost, immediately summon the city pool panel, go directly to my old nest Fancheng! The Overlord suit is too important for me. After all, for this set of equipment, even the demon kings are killed, and the sword is collecting 190-level two-star artifact Tenglong suit, Jianfeng Han is collecting 190-level two-star artifact fire soul suit, I must not fall behind. Before the equipment and rank of Matcha, the three of us competed for the throne of the first melee system in the Chinese theater.


Appeared in the city of Fanshu, the towering dragon nest in the distance came up with a burst of dragons. It seems to be the sound of hatching the dragon. Although the mount of the rock dragon ride is not a real dragon, it can definitely be classified into the ranks of low-order dragons. Otherwise, the property will not be so strong, and the Yan Ying on the eagle's nest also breeds a lot. Every book city is in the stage of rest and rest, and the strength is rapidly rising.

Look at the time, it is already more than 4 o'clock in the middle of the night, no matter, first collect the first piece and then say, I have not wanted to wait.

Directly flying to the Vulcan Mountains, under the mountains, a group of barracks are connected in groups. This is the place where the Yulin Army is located. After the national war, I arranged Han Yuan, Xiao Li and others to lead the Yulin Army here, not stationed. Fanshu City also reduced the economic pressure of Fanshu City to a certain extent, and vacated some resources to recruit Yanying Rider and Rock Dragon Iron Rider.

"General, are you coming back?"

A commander saw me, very excited and laughed. I thought that it was my regime who had not been back to Yulin’s camp for too long, so that he would be so excited. He nodded and said, “Small, I will go to the Chinese military account to inform Han. Yuan, Xiao Li and other generals go!"

I shook my head: "No, I go by myself!"



Flying low at low altitude, landing in front of the Chinese army, reaching out to open the curtain of the camp, suddenly sitting there to drink and eat meat, Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Yu, Xia Ye and other generals are a glimpse, then Han Yuan grin "General, how come you don't know, we are a few brothers... ah, haha..."

I am speechless: "There is no drinking in the military camp. This rule seems to have been established for a long time?"

Han Yuandao: "This is not the end of the big battle. Tianzhu City can have a rest period for a long time, otherwise our brothers will not dare to make it!"

I raised my eyebrows: "The military order is the military order. The military camp is not allowed to drink alcohol. This is the rule of steel! Come here, all the generals involved in drinking here are fined for three months, write down!"

Xiao Li stood up and respectfully said: "Yes, I must remember!"

Long Yu and Xia Ye are also awe-inspiring, standing up: "General, this time is not just to punish me for waiting for you?"

I haven’t had a hard time seeing them at the lowest one and one star-level BOSS. “Sit down, go to Fanshu City next time to drink, and the pub in the bookstore is so big. The pub inside. The maid is also beautiful, why bother in the military camp."

Han Yuan smiled and said: "Yes, general, general, you must have an order to us when you come to the Guardian Army station?"


He was excited: "I haven't performed the task for too long, and my sword is about to rust. Haha, this time I can finally get it again!"

Han Yuan is a war madman, I have long been eccentric, and went to the front of the sand table and asked: "Where the book city is 15 degrees south to the south, about 200 kilometers or so, there is a city, what city is it?"

Long Yuyi said: "Ah? Isn't there a field of ice fire wasteland? There is a wilderness everywhere, where is there a city?"

Xia Ye looked blank and stood up and said, "How can an adult know that there is a city there?"

"What city is it, General Xia Ye?"

Xia Ye’s face passed a smile and said: “The city is called 'Tucheng'. The defense of the city is very weak. It is a place to rest in the middle of the business trip. There is an oasis next to it. The food and water are abundant. The Dragon Flame Thieves Group’s tricks have been taken over. The Dragon Flame Thieves Group is said to have a total of 7,000 troops. It is one of the strongest thieves in the vicinity of Tianzhu City, Wangyue City and Zeyuan City, in order to rob the Moon Valley. Where the people in the border areas such as Book City and Zeyuan City make a living, the villages and towns in the western territory of Tianzhu City have not been harassed frequently, but we have no way. The road is too far away, and the empire has not issued a collection order. Once we If we fail to launch a private attack, this responsibility can be afforded by several of us."

Han Yuan screamed and said: "Hey, I have already said that I have to attack the Tucheng. I have repeatedly blocked the fire plowing army in the west. I also said that there is no emperor’s handcuffs. I am absolutely not at ease, hey, I Seeing that the kid is clearly afraid of being beaten by us and attacking and playing the Tucheng, it is really mean!"

Shao Shiyang has always had a prejudice against me and the Yulin Army. I know this too, but there is no way. The Yulin Army is now in the sky, and it is no match for the rest of the legion. It is normal for them to hate, but the commander of the Yulin Army is me. It is the empire big and the ruin, so no one dares to say anything.

I asked: "General Xia Ye, who is the head of the Dragon Flame Thieves Regiment, is it strong?"

Xia Ye nodded: "Yes, the head of the Dragon Flame Thieves Group is called "Yu Tai Yan". It is a warrior with deep martial arts skills. It used to work for Wangyue City, but when the general led the different magic army to capture the Moon City. The squadrons that were stationed outside were late for help. Later, they were blamed by the prince of Wang Yuecheng. They were exempted from military power, so they fell to Tucheng. They became the masters of Tucheng with a strong strength and gathered 7,000 thieves. To occupy one side, but the past business travel must pass through Tucheng, charge 20% of the toll fee, otherwise it will kill, but if the former female business traveler is beautiful, it will be won by Yantai."

I am ashamed: "Well, this Taiwanese flame seems to have only the domineering spirit of Xiang Yu, but lacks the speciality of Xiang Yu..."

"Hey, what is the adult talking about?"

"It's nothing."

I stood up and asked, "How many troops do we need to take to get Tucheng?"

Xia Ye sighed and laughed: "The 10,000 heavy cavalry can be, but because Tucheng is very close to the Lion City, the Lion City is now occupied by the 13th son of the original Huoyuncheng Emperor, which is occupied by about 10W troops, so we go It is enough to attack the Tucheng with a maximum of some troops and 30,000 Yulin Army heavy cavalry."


I nodded, but in my mind, there was a bright shadow of Qingmoo Tumo. Presumably, the prince in the Lion City was held by Qingyi Tuo Mo. After losing Huoyun City and Linhai City, thousands of Indian players. It’s really not easy for people to make a living everywhere. It’s just that I’ve seen the Lion City. The defensive power is not as good as a sub-primary city. It’s definitely not to be able to take care of the Tumo and Fenglin. Destined to find a new foothold.


After the order was passed, the outsiders of the camp yelled at the horse. In less than half an hour, the 30,000 Yulin army heavy cavalry was ready to stop. The cavalry went ahead, the grain and grass were heavy, and the 200-run ran no more than one day in the game. In reality, it was three hours. Left and right, plus Xia Ye led 10,000 infantry to transport grain and dragon crystal cannons and then reinforcements, even if it is clear, we are not afraid.

Summon the sacred dragon horse, and I and Han Yuan, Xiao Li, and Long Yao led the heavy cavalry to raid in front.

The sound of horseshoes shook the earth, and the 3W Yulin army heavy cavalry raised the dust. This sudden attack was handled by me. This is not to be held accountable by Tianzhu City. After all, I am a big man, arbitrarily mobilizing any one in the empire. The army is my privilege, and I am only mobilizing the Yulin Army, which is even more incomprehensible.

Acting needs to be cautious everywhere, I wish the sea, Shaoyang and others can wait for mistakes to pull me down from the throne of the Marshal of the Tianzhu City!


After a hundred miles, the sky was splendid. Before Xuyang rose, we had already arrived at the outer periphery of Tucheng. As a result, the alert was very loose. Several scouts were shot and killed by the squad shooter of the Guardian Army. Blocking, far away, under the starlight, a wall composed of an adobe wall appeared in front of us, and it really is Tucheng, and there is almost no defense of the city!

There are still some business trips on the official road. Xiao Li is galloping in front, holding the flag of the Imperial Army in his hand, and shouting loudly: "The Tianlin Imperial Imperial Army is ordered to collect thieves, and idle people give way!"

Those business trips are only for the sake of making money. Who dares to stop the road, and let them go, the heavy cavalry goes all the way.

"Sure enough, it is a group of ugly people..." Han Yuan said with a long knife and some emotions.

I also nodded: "A quick fix, don't hurt an innocent businessman."



When the first heavy cavalry arrived at the Tucheng wall, a Xuyang finally broke through the darkness and brought the light to the trade city that fell into the hands of the thieves.

"Be careful, there is an enemy!"

The thieves on the wall finally noticed, and hurriedly rang the gongs on the side. The sound of "Dangdangdang" sounded, although he was then taken out by the dragon owl and carved behind the bow, the thieves fell down, but the warning was still passed. out.

We bullied in front of us, saw thieves directly slashing, and few people who joined the thieves group did not have blood on their hands, so naturally there is no need to show mercy, not to mention that this was originally a world of weak meat, no power. Joining the thieves group, it is already on the verge of death.

"Block them!"

A group of thieves and archers straddle the street in front, pulling the longbow is a shot.

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