Zhan Long

Chapter 1131: Deterrent

"Oh ah..."

Frey's tragic sounds, the flow of energy between Frost and Frey, like the splendid stream of the Milky Way, and the center has a small core body, that is, the prototype of the epic soul fragments However, it has not completely pulled the power out of the other's body, so it will take some time.


"Chong, kill them, save our NPC uncle from their hands!"

Twelve gods will hold the tomahawk with a pure gold horseshoe, and he will be angry: "What is Frey's idiot thinking? It is actually being lured out of the camp, it is simply looking for death!"

The deputy lord of the eternal waterwheel holds a light blue long sword and bites his teeth: "It is free and easy, the sky and the pursuit of three people for love, not fuel-efficient, etc., do not care about the disparity in numbers, all for me. , kill them, no matter who they are, want to scatter on the site of our city, you must pay the price!"

The hooves were turbulent, and their people officially began to charge quickly.

The majority of the players of the Quake Hammer Association are the Xia Huojun, and now the boss of the Xia Huojun is being tortured by us, so their anger can be imagined, but I don’t regret it at all. , then it must be a battle, and retreat is not my true color.


Behind the thousands of frosted wings, the energy surged, and I suddenly flew out quickly, two meters off the ground, suddenly flying up, and then dive down, equal to a three-dimensional Z-shaped position, double sword with 凛冽 energy print Into the crowd, "嘭嘭嘭" sounds endless, launched a stepping through the thunder stunts, instantly killed more than a dozen people, Jianfeng a pendulum, pointing to the eternal waterwheel!

The Eternal Waterwheel ranks second in the Twelve Gods of the Quake Hammer Guild, second only to Moshan. Its strength is naturally not weak. To kill, take him to work!

The sword will be slightly swayed, but the right hand butterfly will be collected backwards. I am taking the sword of the close-up swept spurs, but the eternal waterwheel is also the master of the sword, but the routine is the Western sword. He looked at my starting hand and sneered: "It’s just too deceiving, so I thought I could kill me?"

At the moment of approaching, he suddenly screamed, and a red shield lingered around him, greatly improving his defensive power. At the same time, his lightning was raging. He was a melee thundering attacking skill. Unfortunately, my helmet did not eat paralysis. The effect, when he waved a combo, I swept a sword directly on the wrist of his sword!


With a soft bang, the damage is not too high, but my purpose has been reached. The attacking rhythm of the eternal waterwheel is instantly disrupted, and my good butterfly sword suddenly turns into a spur of spurs. Through his armor, bring out the 8W damage number, this is just a normal attack, the eternal waterwheel is shocked, the wrist of the wrist is shining, it is a prelude to the invincible stunt!

I will give him this opportunity, and the sword will be swiftly swept over, directly hitting the focus of his horse's right leg. The horse's body is immediately skewed, and the blue word of "breaking success" flies. He is intercepted by me. The pulse has succeeded. At the same time, there is no way to launch the invincible under the effect of delaying delay, and I am taking advantage of the opportunity to ride one thousand times and then make two flat cuts!


The soul shines, the second person of the Twelve Gods has been killed, I am going straight ahead, suddenly speeding up and raising the flying height, doing a sword to slash a tomahawk slashing a pure gold horseshoe, he Hit the hand, and instantly slam in the same place, the skill of the tomahawk is launched, and the pure gold horseshoe is indeed a master. While dancing with one hand, the left fist is banged.

I saw it really. When I reached out, I grabbed the chain of armor between his neck. The body swung MISS off the punch, and the knees lifted and hit him on his right arm. At the same time, the sword was lifted from top to bottom. The shoulder hole of his shoulders spurs down, and when the blood splatters out, the skills of the pure gold horseshoes are completely defeated, and this is a delay of nearly 1 second. During this time, he could hardly do anything, and his skills could not be launched. This is the charm of the cut-off.

I suddenly landed, took the wind and broke, and killed the pure gold horseshoe. At the same time, I cut a group of people behind him into a soul light. The players of the Quake Wars Guild in a group of assaults were stunned and were considering whether to continue to speed up. When I was charging, I raised my hand and launched the Royal Heaven. The size of the broken stone behind the fists flew up. The next moment I quickly shot to the front. A group of riding warriors raised their shields and they were still retreated by the gravel. Some players who have been affected by my previous skills to the blood are directly killed.


Surrounded by corpses, I was volleyed and almost wanted to ask who else, and a group of people in front had stopped charging and looked at the blood that was slowly splashing on my swords. Their inner shock could be imagined. The eternal waterwheel and the pure gold horseshoe ranked 2nd and 4th in the Twelve Gods, but they were killed by the understatement. What other winners are there?

On the other hand, Lin Biaoer riding the silver dragon white, also let the other party not dare to step forward.

At the center, Matcha holds the cold iron sword, rides a melting horse, smiles and looks at the front, she did not start, but so far no one has launched an impact on her, and the Quake lord, the legendary magic The mountain is carrying a spear of fire, and looking at Matcha far away, it seems that there is no meaning at all.

Finally, Matcha first spoke: "Magic Mountain, long time no see, hey, how can these days be good?"

The mouth of the magic mountain twitched. After a few seconds, he said, "Find for love, you... what do you mean, we have not negotiated and do not violate each other?"

"Yeah." Matcha put a hand and said: "But my boss's equipment strengthening task needs to take something on this Frey NPC, so I have to come. If the magic mountain you care about our past friendship, then Let's go and let us go. Otherwise, it would be no good for anyone to tear the face."

Moshan holds a fist and is quite awkward. He said: "This...you ran to the site of our Jiuyi City. What do you mean? You come here, say go and let me go with Jiuyi City. What do the players confess?"

“What do you need to explain?”

I slowly flew up with a **** long sword and said, "We are three people, but there are 50 dragon knights. You are a smart person in Magic Mountain. Can you keep us, are you still unclear?" ”

Magic Mountain looks at me: "Be happy, I know that we have not killed your ability now, but..."

I interrupted him and said, "Moshan, this time we are not coming to discuss with you, but we are here to pick things up. Don't forget, there are quite a lot of Chinese players killed by Jiuyi City. I even intend to counterattack Tianzhu City. If you really treat me and Xuerou as friends, then quietly be the king of your city in Jiuyi City, otherwise we don’t mind letting 7K and Yu Dong take power in Jiuyi City. Please believe me, this sentence, I can say it, I can do it!"

My words are absolutely tough, and this is what Magic Mountain can't think of.

In fact, the strength between Tianzhu City and Jiuyi City was only between the two, but now it is different. Jiuyi City is divided into two. Portugal and the Netherlands have many small servers in Linhai City. The number of Linhai City has already been You can share the autumn with Jiuyi City, plus a Tianzhu City. I have an absolute right to speak here. If Moshan does not want to follow the footsteps of Qingluo Tuo and Fenglin, it must be cautious.

When I think about it, all the agreements before the war are actually a piece of paper. I really have to rely on my fists to talk. Now the fists in China are hard enough. I don’t have to deal with the magic mountain again. I use force to let him surrender. This is the most. Simply call the king!


When my voice fell, Moshan almost gasped away, and immediately swayed and did not fall in the battle. He looked at me with a low look and said, "I am free, are you really sure to leave here to live?"

"I don't believe you can try it." I laughed easily.

Moshan thought for a moment, and finally sighed and said: "Forget it, there is an old saying in China that the arm is not twisted, but I am not a fool. Today, even if it is an ally, since the city of Scorpio and Jiuyi City are already allies, then There is no need to tear the face, but... you must not kill Frey. This is the first NPC of our city. If you kill him, there is absolutely no way for the domestic players to explain it. At that time, you must also tear your face. I am doing it with you."

I laughed happily: "Although we can rest assured that we will never kill Frey, I will return it to you all at once. In fact, it is just that I am doing a task. It is such a big misunderstanding. It is too sorry!"

"Okay, it's fine to say it." The magic mountain held the fire **** spear and said: "Then we are waiting here, waiting for you to release Frey."

"it is good!"


Behind him, Frey's tragic sound is getting smaller and smaller, probably because he has no strength, and the frost is in the stream of light, the palm of the hand pulls a piece of the soul of the soul, this piece has almost completely formed.

In the air, the green radish commanded the dragon knight to protect the law, and several injured dragon riders had already flew away in advance.


The frost whispered and stopped the spell. The shard of the soul also slammed into her hand. Looking at the summer fire army, the magic mountain and other people in the distance, I couldn’t help but smile: "Hey, so many people." Come visit?"

The Magic Mountain almost vomited blood, and said to several NPC soldiers behind him: "Isn't it going to get General Frei back?"


A group of summer firearms watching the dragons in the air, the battle smashed Frey from the hands of the frost, and the magic mountain said: "So, should you also leave the territory of the city?"

"Well, I will." I smiled a little, full of joy, and finally I could re-train the level of the Overlord suit!

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