Zhan Long

Chapter 1136: Never forget

When I returned to the company, Dongcheng Yue and Lin Biaoer were still waiting. Tang Qi was also there. When I got off with amy, they obviously could not see the situation of amy.


"What's wrong?" Lin Biaoer asked: "Amy, how are you not so good?"

Amy is silent.

I said, "Nothing, amy, you have to clean up and get off work."


She glanced at me and went to her office.

"What the **** is going on?" Lin Biao looked amy away, whispered to me, Dongcheng Yue also came over and asked: "Yeah, go out for so long, what is going on, happy brother, you will not be so bad to give amy Eat it?"

I blinked: "Even if I want to eat, I won't choose her! Hehe... there is a problem with the people sent by Buster. There is a person who has a little meaning for amy, so she is wronged. This will be the case, when you go to the inspection later, don't let her go to a girl, let me go, or Tang Qi will go."

"Well..." Lin Biaoer held a small fist, and her face was not good-looking. After all, this was a matter of design. In any case, she had an unshirkable responsibility. Looking up at me, she said, "Buster company?" I will make them look good!"

I hurriedly took her hand and said, "Small grandmother, you should never interfere with this matter and hand it over to me. This is not an ordinary rogue event!"

“Ah, why?” Lin Yier and Dongcheng Yue asked at the same time.

I snorted and tried to keep my voice down: "I and the flat-headed person moved and almost forced him to become a ‘Dragon Blood Warrior’...”


Tang Qi is also greatly astonished: "The people of Buster...is the colonizer?"

The incident of the colonizers has long been full of troubles. Even the news organization has appeared on the dense organization of the colonists many times. It can be said that the emergence of the colonizers has made the country uneasy. Tang Qi may not know this. "Evil organization."

I nodded and said, "So, this matter is handed over to the special forces to deal with it. You should never act rashly, Tang Qi. During this time, you should pay more attention to protect your nephew and Dongcheng. I may shift the focus of my work to a large part of the incident handling of Buster. Since Wang Zecheng has shown his feet, I can’t go without it."

Tang Qi looked at me with a worried look: "I heard from my family's father that the body and genes of this colonizer are mutated and strengthened. They are stronger and stronger than the beasts. They are more insightful than the eagle, and even their own surface. With indestructible armor, is there really no problem for you to confront the colonizer?"

"Do not worry, I can handle it."

"That's good!"


Going back to my place of residence, I was ready to go out after taking a shower. When I was changing my clothes, I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door, I found Lin Biaoer standing outside the door.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

"of course……"

I took her hand and pulled her in. Then I closed the door and smiled and asked, "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Biao's gaze swept the special combat suit trousers I wore, and two sabers were inserted in the left and right sides. She turned red and almost cried: "Can't you not go?"

I am ashamed: "Why... why?"

A teardrop slipped down Lin Biao's face. She really cried. She said loudly, "Do you know that every time you travel, I am worried about being afraid. You know that you don't return every night, I will Sleeping all night! Why can't you be someone else, why must you be, can you only go alone?! You tell me why you must be! In case... in case you... what do I do?"

I looked at her silently, after a long while, said: "You forgot how Alei died?"

Lin Biaoer stunned.

My voice was a little trembling, and continued: "He is so trusting, so rely on me, I think I can protect everyone, but in the end I let him down, Alei was killed with disappointment and anger, this is what I have never been able to do in my life. Kan, hey, you are a sensible girl, you understand why it must be me, because, I have to go!"

Lin Biao sobbed and didn't want to look into my eyes.

I looked up and took a deep breath, so that my tears could not fall, and said quietly: "Please believe me, we have not forgotten Alei, Dongcheng woke up and cry in the middle of the night, miss my brother, then we can do it. What is it? I and you are both owed to Dongcheng. She is our two best and best friends. How can I let Dongcheng continue to be disappointed? I don’t care who the colonists are behind them. I will catch them. Living, and finally resorting to the law, this is my mission. For this mission, even if I die one day, I will never regret it."

Lin Biaoer cried even more fiercely. She leaned on the door and wiped her tears. She sat down slowly, holding her knees, crying and shaking.

I squatted silently, kneeling in front of her, and said, "The deaf children are the most embarrassed. From the beginning, we met with each other and we are destined to be together. Isn't it? Don't worry about me, don't cry for me, I am Li Xiaoyao, how can I have something, a little bit, really nothing will happen, I want to completely eradicate the organization of the colony, there will be no second Aley in this world."

Lin Biaoer looked up, the star was full of water mist, quietly nodded: "Well, you must be careful, if you die, I will die with you, don't think it is a joke."

My heart trembled, and there was a feeling of heart-wrenching in the moment, embracing her, deep kiss on her red lips, Lin Biao’s tears slipping down her cheeks, and I could taste the salty salt in her mouth. taste.

The two kissed for a long time and finally separated. Lin Biao stood up and helped me up and said, "Well, I don't cry, you have to come back soon."

"Well, today is just going to report the task, not to perform the task, there will be no danger, rest assured, I will definitely come back on time before 12 o'clock in the evening."

"Ok, I will wait for you."


Lin Yier always sent me downstairs, watched me leave and went back to the room. I sat in the car and looked at her from the rearview mirror, but I also saw the curtains of the room on the upper east side of the city open, she stood there. I almost looked at me like Lin Biaoer silently. In the midst of it, our hearts seemed to be connected together and could feel each other's sadness and joy.

The distance between the three hearts is not far away, isn't it?


At 8 o'clock in the evening, I arrived at the base of the Hangzhou Guardian Squad. After receiving my call, Wang Xin, Shen Bing, Axe, Xing Lie and others have temporarily returned to the base for a meeting, and when I walked into the door, I watched it. I have had several raw faces.

"This is Secretary Ye, he came to cooperate with us to investigate." Wang Xin introduced.

It was a very handsome middle-aged man, a police uniform, and said: "Captain Li, fortunately, I have heard of you for a long time, I did not expect to meet up tonight."

I nodded and smiled: "The leaf bureau is very polite."

"Sit down and discuss it." Wang channel.

After the leaf board sat down, he unscrewed the mineral water bottle and took a sip. He said: "The colonists jumped up and down and made the whole country turn upside down. Central Light opened more than a dozen meetings for the colonists this month. The army has been used, but it is still helpless. When the colonizers are invariant, they are no different from ordinary people. It is hidden in our citizens, which is too tricky."

Wang channel: "Li Xiaoyao, you said that there is absolutely certain news to tell us, this is what I called Ye Bureau to come over and say, what is it?"

I took a deep breath and said, "I saw another Class A colonizer this afternoon."


The leaf bureau is almost unable to sit still, saying: "Hangzhou also has A-level colonists?"

"And definitely more than one, maybe more." I faint.

"What is going on?" Wang channel.

I briefly said: "I recently worked in a clothing design company. When I went to deliver in the afternoon, I had a conflict with a staff member on the demand side. When I started, he turned around 20%, and his neck and shoulders were already Obviously produced red scales, like giant lizards, that is the primary form of 'Dragon Blood Warrior'."

"What is that person?" Shen Bing asked.

I calmly said: "Bust, a bodyguard around Wang Zecheng."

"What?!" Ye Bureau suddenly took the case and shocked: "Captain Li, you will not make a mistake? Buster's Wang is really related to this matter? He... he only followed a few days ago. I have had tea together..."

I smiled a little: "The leaf bureau, don't worry, this is very accurate. Don't you think it is strange? The colonization of human toxins by the experts of our National Security Agency has been only half-solved for nearly half a year, but the other party has completely resolved How much of the technological gap can be imagined, and looking at China, in addition to the multinational group of Buster, who else has the technical strength of this biological cross-species research?"

Shen Bing faintly said: "So to say... Buster is sure to get rid of it, and Buster’s headquarters is in the United States. Technology can be continuously delivered to China, and as far as I know, in the United States is If there is no colonizer, do you know what it means?"

The king’s confidence was cold at the end, and he took a sigh of relief. His fists fell heavily on the table: “Is this group of bastards, and we regard China as a laboratory for their colonization technology?”

I nod. "Yes, we are all the experimental targets of others."

The leaf bureau gnashed his teeth and angered: "The money is unforgivable! Immediately issue an arrest warrant and arrest Wang Zecheng!"

"No." Wang Xin waved his hand.

"Why not, Wang team?" asked Ye Bureau.

Wang channel: "First of all, you can't be a stunned snake. This thing is definitely alert. Buddy is also very secretive. The probability that we can send people in the past will never exceed 10%. Instead, it will let We are going to the best opportunity."

Shen Bing asked: "What do you think of the Wang team?"

Wang Xin smiled coldly: "The dispatched commissioner began to infiltrate into Buster, focusing on them, and after destroying enough evidence, they will destroy this multinational group!"

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