Zhan Long

Chapter 1144: The first dark dragon knight


The swords of the double swords are clearer and clearer, and each shot can bring out a powerful force to retreat, so that the wings of the wings that surround me are swept out by the flies, followed by the feet. Twisting a flame of stone, that is the attack effect of Dongcheng Yue, Lin Xiaowu also clasped Huang Zhongzhu to launch the group attack skills.

"Blood wolf flag is coming, shield!"

In the air, Lin Biaoer sat on the back of the white, waving the dagger to bring out a nearly ten-meter-long edge to kill in the two-winged monster group, while loudly saying: "Don't let the blood wolf flag guard break through the formation!"


On the ground, the Fushen Iron Riders have "smashed" a shield to land, defending against the attack of the blood wolf flagguard. Fortunately, the Purgatory Warrior Warrior has almost been killed, so we only need to deal with the blood wolf flag. Wei and the two-winged demon can do it. The team of about 1,000 people formed a square matrix, surrounded by monsters, and it was dark and stunned at one time.

Everyone is very hard. After many people hang up, they immediately ask the people in the team to come back to life. Anyway, this is not a national war, only one level is lost.

The battle lasted for 2 hours, and the drums sounded again in the distant sea. The fourth wave came!

A black warship was docked, and the low roar was heard at the moment when the ship was lowered. Then a giant beak jumped from the boat. It was an old acquaintance, a triangular flame dragon. This triangular flame dragon is good at group. Attack, and the defense is super thick, let our peak hundred people group suffer in the periphery of the Devil's Well, but... today's triangular flame dragons are more and more, and soon formed dense on the coast. One piece, stepping on the forefoot, watching me hostilely, until the condensed more than 100,000 heads, finally willing to launch the charge! !


A sword flies to the head of a blood wolf's flag guard. At this time, the blood wolf flag guards of several major guild defense areas have been killed almost cleanly. The beach is stained with blood, monsters, and players.

"It’s coming." The moon held a ruthless dagger and smiled slightly: "The fourth wave, it seems that our ability to withstand has exceeded our own imagination."

I look at the ranks of the people. We are at least 1.5 people per person who lost nearly 1.5W. Many people even hang up 2-3 times, but for the honor of the guild, no one is willing to retreat. What is necessary is this kind of courage. What is the level of equipment, people must first have the bones to stimulate the strongest explosive power!



The triangle flame dragon came, and the dragon launched the impact on us on the beach. At the same time, it also blessed the flame shield, greatly enhanced the defense, and burned the enemy units around. I swung the butterfly in my hand. Sword, loudly: "The archer remembers to give the triangle flames a broken armor, stacking 5 times, otherwise our people can hardly beat their armor!"

Severe armor, archer 80 skills, can break through 5 times in a row, superimposed together can reduce the target's defense by 15%, if the player's equipment has gain, then it can reach more than 20% of the armor, like It’s our little dragon dance, and her broken armor skill stack can reduce the target's defense by 36%, and it's absolutely broken armor!


A cold arrow flew out to the ear, and the nail of "啪啪啪" hit the head of the triangle flame dragon in the running. The pattern of the armor 1, the armor 2 appeared on the head of the flame dragon to gain The highest player's armor effect is correct. Basically, every triangle flame dragon that hits our position is quickly marked with armor. The front row of the melting iron riders have raised their spears, swords and tomahawks to start the battle.

The impact of the "嘭嘭嘭" is constant, and the impact of the triangle flame dragon can be imagined. A whole row of the melting iron rider is hit back two or three meters. When the support is barely, the triangle flame dragon immediately launches a blow. Suddenly, the sacred iron rider of the three or three will be shaken up, and the formation will be completely absent. The flame dragon will invade the enemy and put the sharp corner into the chest of the archer and the gunner, forming a spike effect.

Maybe before, we still have this kind of cumbersome level 8 different devils, but there is no one who dares to look down on the triangle flame dragon after a face-to-face. This is a low-end dragon that can destroy us!

"Kill the front row!"

Li Mu and Wang Hao have waved long swords and slashed them on the front line. He and others have also launched their own unique skills. For the super-violent monsters of the triangle flame dragon, it is necessary to use violence, and I am carrying the ancient tigers forward. Rushing, starting to stay away from the square, attracting a large number of triangle flame dragons to attack around, and I myself broke through the thunder, the sword and the storm, the seven-star broken Yuelu and other group killing skills thrown out, in the blink of an eye, with a fine equipment is hard Killing the body surrounded by the triangular flame dragon, but also greatly decompression for the dragon's position, otherwise the triangle flame dragon is more and more, may be out of control.


The fourth wave of monsters only lasted for less than 30 minutes. The seven guilds, including Long Xiang, began to collapse. The guns and a pot of wine began to lead the players of Longxiang to retreat after telling us that many people even used the returning city scroll directly. Looking back at the moon city.

In another 30 minutes, the Scarlet Contract and the soldiers retreated under the city.

After a while, the two major associations of the Judgment and Appearance Association finally could not hold back and demanded a retreat.

The allies went away one by one, and the result was that the dragon was supporting, but it was also qualified. When countless triangle flames turned into experience and equipment fell in front of our dragon position, it turned out that everyone’s insistence was It is worthwhile, the version of the monster experience value exceeds, basically the player who lost the level can put the level back on the spot, as for the version points obtained is white.


It has been insisted until the end of two hours. The fourth wave of the triangular flame dragon is like a flood. It is cut off by tens of thousands of people from the dragon guild. It flows along the sides of us to Wangyue City. It can be seen from the shared vision system. Around the city of Wangyue City, it has been surrounded by the triangle flame dragon and the blood wolf flag guard, forming a sea of ​​8 levels of magic. Fortunately, after the Moon City was conquered, the Scorpio Empire sent artisans to repair and reinforce the city. In a short time, Will not be broken, and then the monarch of the defending city is Fiona, the dark queen of the dark moon, the dark moon spirit that is good at archery under the hand, countless, standing on the wall with a high degree of superiority to shoot the monster is like abusing Like the dish, the only worry is that the security of the city gate is worrying. Can it really withstand the constant battle axe of the blood wolf? I am afraid not, we will still have to go back after all.

The drums came and the fifth wave of the demon army finally came.

The black-pressed warships appeared on the sea level. After landing, they quickly illuminated the night sky of the coast. The warships were all a purgatory fire. In the Devil's Well, we have already seen the power of the Inferno fire. The memory is still fresh, and even the three-shot of the fencing gas bursting into flames is a classic, and few people can bear it all the way!

Lin Biaoer quickly shared the purgatory illustrations in the Plenary Channel and said, "Be careful, the three skills of this infernal fire are all attacking, and they can be instant combo, but in the sword. There is a delay of about 1 second between the dawn and the fire, and all the hanging pots remember, keep your instant big treatment, and give the front row of companions a second treatment. To deal with this monster, you must insert Second treatment, otherwise it is definitely not supportive."

Everyone nodded.

The next moment, the Inferno Fire has already rushed, and what we can do is that the soldiers will stop. When I waved the swords and rushed out, countless fires passed me and hit the crowd behind me, accompanied by them. The fierce snoring has already been smashed into a group with the melting **** iron ride. The body of the sharp blade spins through the fire and hovering in the air. The output skills of the melting **** iron riders are quite a lot, plus the sword breaking, the tomahawk Other skills, all of them are attack tanks.

However, after all, the fire is a fire, and the troops that are personally released will be worse. Each of them will be surrounded by Huaguang. It is the prelude of the 20-level skills release, combos, swords breaking, heart fire. Explosion and so on immediately became a piece, although the dragon's hanging pots can be inserted into the second treatment, there is a melting iron iron riding at the same time with 2-3 infernal fire attacks, can not stop, was instantly spiked Hundreds of people, a whole array of precarious.

I no longer hesitate to launch the stunt of the king's ring with one hand - the king's field!

After greatly improving the defense and attack power, the Fushen Iron Riders were finally not so brittle, and began to beat each other with the fire.

However, the good times are not long. With the sound of drums and drums, there are countless different magic warships landing. This time it is even more horrible. Not only is there a fire from the warship, but also a heavy cavalry with horseshoes and thunder and lightning. It is a beautiful life. The guild's running thunder ride, NND, really clear, the extension of the ink actually brought people in the fifth wave!


"Scratch, I haven't seen it yet?" He looked at the distance and was shocked.

I nod. "No mistakes, the Indians have joined the squad system of the demon. Now we are monsters in their eyes. We can have the experience to kill us. Of course, we have the same experience to kill them!"

There are thousands of people on the Benlei riding, and there are some archers, wizards, etc. They are not in a hurry to attack, just waiting to gather on the beach, the name is blood red, exactly the same name as the demon.

In fact, when I first drove Qingmo Tuo Mo and Feng Lin drunk away from the map of Dongjing, I thought that there would be this day, but there is nothing to regret. Since they dare to join the camp, they should also think of it. At the cost of bearing, we have the main city behind us as a solid backing. The level and equipment will definitely open them for a distance. The most unfortunate thing is to brush them as monsters.


Finally, when there were at least 20W people on the coast, a familiar figure appeared in the crowd, Fenglin was finally drunk, and this time, Fenglin drunk riding a dark bone dragon, good guy, the real meaning of the player The first dragon knight?

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