Zhan Long

Chapter 1155: Pure in progress

In my sleep, my chest seemed to be burning in blazing fire. I saw the nightmare. I saw a lot of past events in my mind. The temperature is getting higher and higher, and the body seems to be melting. But my thinking is incomparable. Clear, I know that this night was besieged by five "Dragon Blood Warriors", and it is a good thing to survive.



Suddenly awakened, I bowed up and half-sitting, opened my eyes and looked around. The gentle sunlight fell on my face, and there was a faint medicinal smell in my nose. This is a very spacious hospital care ward. The plants on the windowsill are swaying in the breeze. Swaying, on the side, came a familiar voice: "Stinky boy, finally woke up."

This is... the voice of the old man?

Turning around, I saw that the old guy was wearing a dark blue Tang suit sitting on the side, although his face was full of wrinkles, but it still looked like a spirit, although the old man has been practicing for many years, it is only the peak of the temperament, but... he is repairing In this respect, my heart has to be much stronger than me. I have seen some clues from his successful "get rid of" in my many cultivations.

"Old man?" I looked at him with surprise.

The old man has a brow: "Is there a big, stinky boy, do you call me that?"

I swept my eyes, but I was surprised to find that Lin Tiannan, Wang Xin, and Shen Bing were all there, and said with a smile: "Master."

"This is almost the same."

The old man looked at me again and said, "Your rib is interrupted in the battle, the injury is so heavy... It is also a shame to say it. As a strong Yang, you are the most shameful... ”

I feel awkward and say: "The speed and strength of the A-level colonists are too strong, and every time you want to break through the scales of their surface, you need to pay more."

"This is not the reason for your failure." He looked at me and continued: "Fortunately, a little life is going back, or I am afraid there are a lot of little girls who want to cry for you? Hey, the progress of cultivation is so slow. But it’s so cute to the little girl. I think your kid is a peach blossom. It’s too slow to practice. Listen to me. Recently, I talked with Shaolin Temple and I often talked about it. I recommend it to you. You are a monk at Shaolin Temple. Mindfulness, no more than 10 years, maybe you can break through Yangyan and become the first person to enter the realm in the millennium."

I sat silently on the bed.

The old man stunned: "Why, don't you?"

I stared at him: "I am not interested in going out to be a monk."

Lin Tiannan couldn't help but smile.

The old man looked back at Lin Tiannan and said, "Old boy, what are you laughing at, how, worrying about your son-in-law being a monk?"

Lin Tiannan touched his nose and smiled. "I don't worry if he is a monk. I am just distressed. She will be very upset, so I will talk about it later. Don't worry too much."

"Wang team, how was the situation later, did the Japanese warrior die?" I began to talk about business.

Wang channel: "No, although it is almost equal to being crippled, but once he gets angry, he will derive dragon scales on his body. So our expert team has already felt the base of the Hangzhou Guardian squad and began to extract the human gene to live. Detection of DNA mutation processes in this cross-species technique."

Shen Bing smiled: "Overall, you can leave this living, it is still very useful, the people at the interrogation office have been busy, hoping to dig out from this Japanese samurai mouth, his identity has been confirmed One of the descendants of the Japanese swordsmanship school, we have already called the Japanese side, but their attitude is not friendly, but they are still tough to ask for people."

Wang channel: "Li Xiaozi, what do you think?"

I raised my mouth and smiled. "If you really give this person back to Japan, I will immediately withdraw from the base."

"Ha, naturally, no, how can it be so cheap, it is estimated that this person can only spend in the underground cell in this life, you can rest assured."

"Well, try to dig deeper. This must be related to Wang Zecheng. He can find such a person from Japan to conduct cross-species experiments, indicating that he is very connected in Japan."

Lin Tiannan sighed: "When Wang Zecheng returned to China, I thought he was still the child who was purely motivated, but he did not expect that things would be wrong after so many years. He is no longer so simple. Far, I can't look back."

I moved my arm and felt that the injury has been healed. In fact, my body's resilience is really not comparable to that of ordinary people. The ability to repair itself is not generally strong, and it is not much worse than those of the senior colonists. go with.


The old man stood up and said, "That's it."

I am ashamed: "What do you decide? Don't make decisions for me."

"Hey." He looked at me and said: "It seems that there have been too many comfortable lives in these years. Your kid is too unsuccessful. Your body has recovered almost, clean up, afternoon I flew to Henan to meet a person."

"Who see, so urgent?" I asked.

"See a man with a peak of yang." He smiled and said, "An older, undead guy."

"The people of Beichen?"

"Hah, your kid is very clear, but looking at the world, people who can point you out seem to have only him."

I thought about it and said, "Don't worry too much. It's too late to start tomorrow. I have something to do tonight."

"Alright, I will wait for you at the base tomorrow morning."

"it is good!"


As for what is going on, it’s very simple. After the revenge version of the campaign, the dragon’s heart that I got is still useless. I have always been a dragon rider in the cold dragon city, but even a real one. There are no dragons in the sense of the horse. It is too ridiculous to say that it is going out. You must rely on this dragon's heart to get a dragon and mount it!

When the old man opened the door of the ward room, the outside horse uploaded the voice of Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue, and not only the two of them, Song Han, Yi, Fox, Xuerou, Yan Mo, Zhao Feifei and so on also came soon. After a trip, Wang Xin, Lin Tiannan and others laughed and went out to drink and have a meal, and gave it to the young people.

“A lot better?”

Lin Biaoer sat on the edge of the bed and stroked the bandage on my chest.

I felt it. The broken ribs had healed nearly half, and I laughed: "It’s basically okay."

Dongchengyue eyes red on the other side and said, "I blame me. If I didn't lose my phone carelessly, you won't be hurt this time. I blame me..."

I couldn't help but laugh, patted the back of her hand and said, "You don't have to blame yourself. This injury is not necessarily a bad thing. At least I can almost confirm who is the real enemy."

Lin Biaoer said: "Is it really the hand of Wang Zecheng?"

"Besides he will not have anyone else." I smiled coldly and said: "Using Dongcheng's mobile phone as a bait, lured me to hook. If I didn't go, I am afraid that Tang Qi will be killed last night."

"What?" Lin Biaoer was shocked: "Will these mad people kill Tang Qi?"

I nodded: "Tang Qi is a strong man, and he has always been with you and Dongcheng. It is always a nail for them. I am afraid that except for me, Tang Qi is their primary goal."

Song Han was on the sidelines: "Happy brother... Is the colony really strong?"

I am eager to say: "Well, even the most well-trained special forces are not their opponents. The DNA of the colonizer has changed. The speed of power is not comparable to that of ordinary people, but you don't have to worry, Wang Zecheng. It is impossible for you to do it. He will only move those who block the road."

Xue said murmur: "Is that boss the one who stopped them?"

I can't help but smile: "Yeah, I took the special police to Buster last time and almost copied Wang Zecheng's family. How could he not hate me..."

Xuerou screamed and said, "If you don't want to be a boss, don't be a special policeman... We don't want you to have something."

I closed my eyes and smiled and said: "Some things have to be done by some people. Besides, we have brothers who have died in this group of idiots. I must revenge and get rid of them by roots!"

Dongcheng Yuelu looked at me, and he stopped talking.


At noon, I went through the discharge procedure. The nurse did not agree, but Wang Xin had to agree with one sentence. At noon, I smashed a meal in the restaurant near the hospital. I was treated by the wounded without any reason. It’s all the people who eat together, so I don’t feel too distressed.

In the afternoon, I watched everyone go back, and I went back to my house with my nephew and Dongcheng.

Eat enough, go online!


Appeared in the city of Tianzhu, immediately repair the equipment, then transfer the eight deserted city, go straight to the cold dragon city!


The cold dragon city is still in the sky, when I landed in the snow in the city, Lan Nasir, who was not far away, turned his long bow and said, "I know you will come, and the frost says she is looking at it. Waiting for you on the stage."

"Well, thank you!"

I flew up and went straight to the observatory. Sure enough, the frost was standing in the snow, and the thin body in the snow made people involuntarily give birth to a little pity, that is, this looks thin and beautiful. The woman defended the cold dragon city with her own power, even if she faced the demon level demon, she did not retreat.

"Are you coming?" She smiled at me.

"Well, my revenge, the cold dragon city is all right?"

"It's okay, we have enough weapons and weeds, and the spiritual worms and the gods and bones in those areas can't break the Dragon City."

"That's good."

Even so, I still see a dense artisan braving heavy snow on the edge of the Dragon City. There are deep pits there, obviously a masterpiece of the spiritual insects. Even the cold dragon city cannot fully immune to this suicide bombing. The attack of the worm!

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