Zhan Long

Chapter 1159: Fire armor

I was hit hard. Is my Yang Yanjia a noisy card? However, Beichenguan may also be right. Yang Yanjia was originally a shield formed by pure energy. As long as the energy is pure enough, it is really invulnerable. Even the claws of the A-class colonists can never break through. The defense of Yang Yanjia.


"Predecessors, how can I practice?" I asked.

Beichen Guanxiao said: "Through, running, you can very slowly quench your strength, you only need to close your eyes, the heart is running without your debris, your yang power, condensed in the palm of your hand, forming a yang Hey, don't stop, keep on continually breathing and running until you exhaust all the power of your body."

I nodded and continued to sit on the ground, close my eyes, and open my right hand. "哗" a flame flew up and condensed into a small Yang Yan on the fingertips.

Beichen Guandao: "Look at your upper left, it is an infrared thermometer. You can see the temperature of your Yang Yanjia. The higher the purity, the higher the temperature, but you must control the power, don't let Yang Yanli has no restraint, otherwise my little wooden building will be burned by you."

I turned to look at it, and sure enough there is a thermometer, infrared remote thermometer, which shows the temperature of my current Yang Yanjia, 4711 degrees, but I have indeed suppressed the heat, otherwise it is small The high temperature is enough to make this tower become a sea of ​​fire. In fact, the compulsory course of Yang Yanqiang is to control the heat and control the temperature within 1 cm around Yang Yanjia.


Beichenguan no longer speaks, just closes his eyes, and I slowly close my eyes, slowly breathing and breathing, constantly condensing new Yangyan force to continue the purity of Yangyanjia, I have tried such cultivation, but never I have not tried to exhaust my strength to continue to vomit. Sure enough, as Beichenguan said, the temperature of Yangyanjia is getting higher and higher, and it has already exceeded 5000 degrees soon, and it is still climbing.

I don't know how long it took, the strength of the whole body seemed to be taken out, the clothes were soaked, and the whole person had a strong sense of disengagement.

"Continue, don't give up until you can't support Yang Yanpower at all," he continued.


I focus on it and continue to support it.

I don't know how long it has been, my body has begun to tremble, and my fingers have a burning sensation. My body is about to support the ability of Yang Yan.


The yang fire on the fingertips is flashing and it will be extinguished.

Finally, I was sullen and fell to the ground. Yang Tian said: "Predecessors, my internal forces seem to be hollowed out."

Beichen Guan chuckled: "This is right. The human body is like a pool. If you want to accommodate more water, you need to take all the water, mine the soil, and rebuild the pool. What you are doing now is this process. How many degrees does the thermometer measure?"

"6122 degrees."

"Yes, eat the food behind you, rest for half an hour, and continue."


I don’t know how long I have practiced for a long time. My stomach has long been screaming, and I turned around and saw that, behind the small door behind me, I don’t know when I was put a bucket of rice, plus a few side dishes, although there was no light in the cultivation room. But as soon as I use my heart, I can see everything immediately, and I can even see what dishes... braised chicken nuggets, fish-flavored pork and two side dishes, all of which are ready for dinner, so I will start eating immediately!

After eating 7 bowls of rice in a row, I almost finished eating the whole barrel. Even I was shocked. When was my meal so mad?

He was full, lying on the wall behind him, taking a short break and being ordered by Beichenguan to continue to sit up and practice.

In fact, in half an hour, my strength has recovered by about 25%. My father is a bit like a fisherman, but I can also feel that my power limit seems to have really begun to break through. This is my practice in the recent period. There has never been a feeling in the body, the power passage between the body and the veins is more spacious, and there is a feeling of being beaten up by the governor.

It didn't take long for the power to be consumed again.

The old man of Beichenguan gave me a period of time to restore 25% of strength, continue to practice, still consumes.

However, I also found that the temperature of my Yang Yanjia on the thermometer is indeed getting higher and higher, has climbed from 4000 degrees to 9000 degrees, until it breaks through 10,000 degrees, so I only think that the fingertips are small. A small piece of hot armor is simply a small nuclear reactor, and thanks to the fact that I form a shield on the surface of this layer of power, otherwise it would be such a small piece to burn a house of 100 meters nearby!

The whole body was soaked and re-soaked, and then soaked. The process of cultivation seemed to be endless, but the father was very kind, at least so far.


But very quickly, I saw the "violent" side of the old man.


When I rested for nearly three hours and recovered seven or eighty percent of strength, the old man suddenly stood up and floated in the air. He walked with a flame and looked at me with a smile: "Li Xiaoyao, Yang Yan middle class most What is the strong ability, you know?"

"Yangyan Huayu?" I asked.

"No, a small part of the degeneration is useless. Real masters always have an insight into your weaknesses. The real strongest defense is the impeccable whole body defense. Therefore, the highest state of yang yang is like this..."

As he said, he sipped low and suddenly the flames lingered around the body, forming a piece of Yang Yanjia with a radius of about 10 centimeters. The dense combination of the roads protected all of his body, and the fire rose brightly. Inside the tower, Beichenguan squatted around the flowing flames, like a god, smiling slightly: "This is the highest state of yang yang, and is called by the practitioners of the Song Dynasty - fire armor!"

I am silent, this Song Dynasty person must be the predecessor of the game developer, otherwise how is this name like a skill name...


Beichen Guan continued: "I know that your mission needs to deal with various dangers, so what you need most is this fire armor ability, and you can't do it now, so this time you come, I want you to Here you will understand the fire armor, otherwise you will not want to get out of this Taoist temple!"

I gave a slight glimpse: "Predecessors, is this a bit too reluctant?"

"Not reluctant."

Beichen’s mouth was raised, and finally revealed the most brutal side. He said: “I will continue to use the power of Yangyan to attack you. You must keep concentrating Yangyanjia to protect yourself. Remember, I will not The more you condense the more yang, the more secure you will be, until you can finish 100% defense, and your armor will be trained."

I took a deep breath, stood up, kicked the tableware next to me, walked a few steps forward, and said, "Then... there are seniors!"


Bei Chenguan smiled a little, did not speak, and did not even have any movements, but the flames derived from him quickly condensed a flame blade to fly to me, the power is not too strong, but the speed is absolutely first-class!

I didn't have time to dodge. Beichenguan didn't intend to let me dodge. I only had time to gather a piece of flame armor with a length of about 20 cm on my chest!


Bei Chenguan controlled the power. This time, Yang Yang’s attack quickly spread on my Yang Yanjia. He smiled slightly: “It’s okay, but... my attack will be more and more, you have to be careful! I also heard that a girl that our family likes is called Lin Biaoer. You took Lin Biaoer from his side and took it away. Is there such a thing? I am a father, and it’s not good to do nothing. wrong?"

I am going, does this old guy want to kill me?

Next, the behavior of Beichenguan is no different from the killing. The three flame blades of the "brushing brush" flew in, and I quickly condense three Yangyanjia to defend, while controlling the running track of Yangyanjia. Blocking his attack, three hits and three attacks, and is divided into three other angles, extremely smashing, the speed is lightning fast, unable to move the body to escape.


The two Yang Yanjia condensed under the rush to resist two attacks, but the third attack slammed on my shoulder and suddenly my coat and shirt were crushed. Fortunately, the power of Beichenguan is not strong, it only hurts!

"Come back, boy!"


In the small Taoist temple, the flames of the meteor are constantly swirling, and I stand in the same place, constantly condensing Yang Yanjia to defend, the body is "destroyed repeatedly", but also understand some of the subtle, condensed sun. The speed of A is getting faster and faster, and it is more and more accurate. It can be controlled by conscious thinking to control 3-4 pieces of Yang Yanjia, but more and more, even more than 9 pieces.

But where is the limit of a person, I am afraid that he will not even know himself.

The Beichen view in front of me is the one who knows my limits for me!

Time passed by, even I don’t know how long I have been here.



A series of flame meteors bombarded me around, but none of them caused any harm to me. Although I was so embarrassed at the moment, the whole body clothes were about to become piles of debris, but now I am surrounded by the flames of my body. Already dense, and each of the wrecks meets my thinking, controlled by me, it seems... I have trained into the legendary fire armor?

"Hah, am I successful?"

I was so weak that I was still full of joy.

The flames of Beichenguan stunned, and once again sat quietly on the futon, faintly said: "Children, you are the most talented practitioner I have ever seen. After that, I will treasure myself. Lin Cheng, the old boy. I have already done what I have done, you can go out."

"Thank you for your seniors!"

A fist, a knee on the ground, the body of Yang Yanjia also slowly dissipated, but at the moment when Yang Yanjin scattered, the whole person seems to be vain, even when going out the door are half crawling out, when When I came outside, it was a morning. Outside, Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue looked at me with surprise.

"How... how do you make this look?" Lin Biaoer helped me with surprise.

I hugged Lin Biao, and my tears almost came out. This cultivation process was so sad that it was a process of being painfully flattened!

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