Zhan Long

Chapter 1163: Battle island


After the decapitation of the dagger, he said: "It is said that a group of adventurers have already settled in the eastern islands. The strength there may be more reinforced than we think. In the next period of time, you must vigorously supervise the warships. I will issue a recruitment order. , call more adventurers to attack the Eastern Islands with you, and be sure to win these islands in a battle."

I thought about it and said: "The Royal Forest Army is the army of the Scorpio Empire. Therefore, I must ask Luo Shaolin to use the Yulin Army. After the princes are listed, the sovereignty of these islands will be returned to Tianzhu City, but all resources will be supplied to Cold Dragon City, is that okay?"

"Well, this is up to you, get ready soon!"

"it is good!"


The next moment, directly a system ringtone echoed in the air -


System Tip: Players please note that the recruitment order will be issued in the Cold Dragon City map, which will raise a large number of players to participate in the war against the Oriental princes. The ship will be opened on time at 12 noon tomorrow, and players who want to participate in this naval expedition can Go to the Cold Dragon City and talk to any NPC on the Cold Dragon City to get a quota, with a limit of 200,000!


The 20W people, together with the NPC of the Yulin Army, have an expedition of more than 30W people. I don't know if they can overcome the princes.

At this time, the voice of Li Mu came from the guild channel -

"Happy, is this recruitment order triggered by you?"

Me: "Well, what happened?"

Li Mudao: "As far as I know, after the defeat of the players in the Japanese and Korean theaters, some went to the ice fire wasteland, some went to the direction of Wangyue Valley, and some took a merchant ship to the Zhuhou Islands. The number is about 150W. It is distributed on several large islands on the islands of the princes. We are going to fight the islands this time. These people are the ones that must be faced."

"There are so many 150W people..." I groaned and said, "It seems necessary to use the Dragon City troops in the City of Books."

Wang Xiao smiled and said: "Are we going to beat the rhythm of the dog?"

Lin Xiaowu: "Obviously this is the case, and people have nowhere to stand in the final position."

"It's not just that." Li Mengyao said with a smile: "A few hours later, there is still a collection order to be assembled. The task that Fang Gezhen triggered, went to the Haixue who did not return to the sea to kill the sea, recently the Kraken It’s up to the wind to make waves for the evil spirits.”

I said: "In any case, if the people of Xiaolong can participate, they will try to participate in the battle of the princes. The benefits are definitely more than the disadvantages. I will continue to prepare."



Pull back to the city scroll and immediately return to Tianzhu City.

Raspberry pulled my cloak and smiled at me: "Brother, wait for me."

There is a half mount here!

In desperation, I took her into the pet space, and then chatted with her. Within a few minutes, she finally showed a trace of fatigue, and fell asleep in the pet space.

Going straight to the palace, a flight to the palace hall, a moment when I stepped into the hall, I found many important generals and ministers. It seems that there is another meeting. When I arrived, Luo Shulin stood up and smiled: "Li Shi is back!"

I respectfully said, "Your Majesty!"

Luo Shulin smiled slightly: "Li Shi, how are we going to reward the generals who have made great achievements in the last fight against revenge? What do you think?"

I look at the merits table on the Grand Gothic interface and say: "The Yan Longjun commander Yantai Yu and the Tianzhu Army commander Lin Biao are the most outstanding, and they are entitled to their own rewards."

Luo Shaolin nodded, Yang said: "Come, come up to Taiwan, Lin Biao is the general!"

Another two generals, Luo Shulin is really very generous in the aspect of the reward.

I thought about it and added another sentence. He said: "When the Moon City was in the first battle, the performance of the Autumn Harvest Army was also remarkable. The leader of the Liangyin Army was well-rounded, and there should be a reward. I saw that the Ministry of Military Affairs still lacked a minister. It is better to upgrade the Liangyin to the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the return of the autumn army to the deputy commander Zhou Ning, what do you think?"

In fact, it is indisputable that the guns and the soldiers must be stronger than the Liangyin.

Luo Shulin listened to me and nodded. "Well, according to what Li said, he was promoted to be the assistant to the military, and then promoted Zhou Ning as the leader of the autumn harvest and was promoted to the general of the town!"

Liang Yinming rose and fell, but there is nothing to say, the flower gun and a jug of wine are not here, but certainly received news of the promotion of the military, and immediately sent me a message: "Ha, the old man finally has the power to hold, Thank you, happy!"

"You're welcome, you continue to be busy."

"it is good!"


After completing the military power for the gun, I went on to say: "The ice ridges of the mainland, the southern territories that do not return to the sea, the city from the moon to the eight deserts are our sites, but then east, the princes of the East China Sea are never It belongs to us, and even the princes of the islands have surrendered to Zeyuan City, wasting a lot of land and resources, so I want to take the Imperial Forest to expedite the princes of the islands, and put all the land of hundreds of islands into the empire's territory, and then list the food and weapons on the island. Waiting for the cold dragon city, I don’t know if there is any objection under your Majesty?"

Luo Shulin sighed and said: "The terrain of the island is complicated. Li Shi also needs to be more careful. The cold dragon city and our Tianzhu city are dead and cold. It is also reasonable to help them. Li Shi is a big gang. It is all right to do it, there is no objection to the Lone King!"

"Thank you!"

I turned to look at the officials of the Ministry of Industry, a hook, suddenly an old man ran over, a look of charming, smiled: "Da Tango, do not know what enlighten me?"

“How many warships are there on the East China Sea, Luhu and Wushen Rivers in Tianzhu City?” I asked.

He smiled and covered his face with pleats. He said: "The empire has been trying to supervise warships and transport ships in the past few months. There are about 800 ships in total, and more than 200 warships are being cast, which will be completed soon. ”

I smiled a little: "In three days, it must be completed, all sent to the East China Sea port, have you heard it?"

"Yes, Big Tango!"


I also look at the warships owned by the Yulin Army. There are nearly 200 ships in total, and each of them can carry 500 people. The troops of the Royal Forest Army can basically be taken.

As for the players, the ships they carry are used by the Ministry of Industry. This time, almost all the sea boats in the Scorpio empire are used. If you don’t put the Scorpio Empire flag on all the islands, you will never return. And this is a call mode for the version of the task type, in fact, I am not worried about failure.

Unless ... unless the people of Jiuyi City also sent troops to fight from it, but the Magic Mountain should not be so confused.

At night, I went to the Wushen River and ordered the Royal Forest Army to carry enough dragon crystal cannons and artillery shells on each warship. Even on the 10 main battleships, each of them was equipped with a Shenwei gun. With this kind of magic weapon, Not afraid of the islands not surrender, in the middle of the night, the 200 warships of the Imperial Army have already gone to the East Coast, almost all of them participated in the war.

Later in the day, I will return to the cold dragon city, so I can say that I have obtained the right to use 30 dragon knights from the hands of the frost. The dragon riding captain Qingluo led the team and went with me for the 30 dragon knights. The dragons inhabited and prepared 10 warships for them!


Busy to the middle of the night, look at the participants of the call mode, already 20W people, of which more than 5W are the people of Xiaolong, near the water tower first month, many people of Xiaolong are familiar with the cold and dragon city, even on Leveling around Longcheng, the past is too fast, and other guilds are still hesitating to participate, I have already encouraged everyone to participate in this expedition.

In the middle of the night, when a sense of sleepiness came, I called Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue to rest off the line together.


When I woke up, it was close to noon. I didn't set an alarm clock, just to let myself sleep more. I spent three days in Beichenguan, almost exhausting my physical energy.

When I got out of bed, Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue were also there. It reminded me that today is the weekend. They don’t have to go to work, so they can happily go to the islands of the princes.

At noon, have a meal, and go online on time at 11:40!


When our group of people came to the harbor of Tianzhu City and Eight Desert City on the East Coast, there was already a huge crowd. All the players who participated in the recruitment mode had already boarded the ship. A ship full of warships slowly left the harbor, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan and others sat on a warship and had already been a hundred meters offshore. They opened their arms and greeted us, laughing.

Lin Biao's little mouth: "I don't know what they are happy, hehe..."

Dongcheng Yue asked: "Are we also lining up on board?"

"No need to."

I looked at the two of them and said, "You go with me to take the main battleship of the Yulin Army. Three more people definitely have no problem."

"it is good!"

Two MM moments have a feeling of privilege. I went to the port of Yulinjun with me. Han Yuan and Xiao Li have already respectfully waited and greeted Lin Biaoer: "The county owner is good at noon!"

Lin Biaoer smiled slightly: "Okay."

Suddenly, the two generals were very unsuccessful, and they felt that there was light on their faces.

"Go on board, get ready to go."



A few minutes later, we have stood on the main battleship of the Yulin Army, and as the chief commander of this long-distance, there have been a total of 1052 warships and routes on my Grand Canal interface, but there is no All are ready to stop and will be re-arranged when they need to enter the deep sea.

There are more and more players on board, and a warship is densely on the sea. When it is about 12:20, there is a "drop". The big-go-go interface reminds me that the staff is ready, and the air is also There was a sound of dragons, and the green dragon led the 30 dragon knights to hover over the sky to protect our expeditionary forces.

With a cannon, a ship of warships raised the sails and set off!

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