Zhan Long

Chapter 1168: Give you a way to live!

It was night, and the cold dragon city had a new move. It went to the wild dragon territory to steal the dragon egg, but the scale was relatively large. The frost decided to lead 5,000 people to the wild dragon territory, including 100 dragon knights. In addition, I and Lin Shuer and Dongcheng Yue also accepted this SSS level main task together.

In fact, our size is not as simple as stealing a dragon egg. It is simply to grab the dragon egg.


Before putting it on, the so-called dragon of the silver dragon, the first dragon known as the "great dragon", we almost got the little life in order to steal a dragon egg, but now it is completely different, with With the continuous improvement of the flow of frost, Zishu, and Otilia, even if it encounters Yin Ge, it can kill him without damage. This also directly leads Yin Ge to almost blindly shut the dragon egg. One eye, it is completely impossible to do anything.

Gradually, the still-lived dragons will soon be divided into two, one is the wild dragons of the Yin Ge, and the other is the bright dragons led by Zi Shu. The dragons of the wild dragons mainly originate from the fighting. In its own lineage, the power of the Dragon Dragon Dragons comes from the fusion with the dragon knight blood, and the explosive power is stronger and the skill is higher.

After breaking the seal and awakening, it seems that the recovery of power is still rising, and there has been no movement in the Devil's Well. This is also a good opportunity for us to strengthen ourselves. Yin Ge may not be in the wild dragon territory at all. In this way, we will be more convenient. Zishu has been cultivated to become a god-class dragon. The ordinary dragon is not an opponent at all.

The sneak attack time is set at 11 o'clock in the evening, so we three are destined to sleep on time tonight, but for the Dragon Knight of the Dragon, endure!


After dinner, sitting on the floor beside the bed, according to the previous cultivation method, the power is transferred in the body again and again, the heat flow of the stock flows between the meridians but does not burn yourself, and I can feel it. In fact, my body is so eager for this burning power that it is endless.


Outside, there was a knock on the door. Lin Biaoer said outside: "Big stupid, I and Dongcheng want to go out to the street and come back to do the task. Do you want to go together?"

This is naturally going to go, if Lin Tiannan and Dongcheng Feng know that I let the baby daughter go shopping alone, do not kill me to blame.

Quickly dressed and went out, the two MMs are extremely feminine, and the young and intellectual is a little more playful and beautiful. I said, "Call on Tang Qi?"

Dongcheng Yue shook his head: "No, you can protect us two by yourself. Why do you call Tang Qi? Then, one more person has more chopsticks. When you eat snacks, you spend more."

I am deeply convinced: "It is also, let's go quickly, 8 o'clock."



The goal is directed at the nearby pedestrian street. In fact, it is too long to go out and go shopping. Both MMs are going to be boring.

The pedestrian street in the evening is full of lights.

I didn’t go far, Dongcheng’s hand was full of food, shrimp skewers, fish balls, roasted broccoli, while eating and not forgetting to pull my sleeves, while Lin Biaoer took my hand and looked at both sides. Entertainment projects, shooting, shooting, laps, etc., many adults with children here to play.

"Hey, hello, look over there, there is a shot!"

Dongcheng Yueshou did not wipe it clean and pulled me and said: "We used to play!"

"What gun?" I am a little depressed.

She immediately said pitifully: "There are jailbreak rabbits in the prize. I like the animation the most, but the jailbreak rabbit balloon is so small, I am sure I can't hit it. Happy brother helps me!"

Lin Biaoer sighed and smiled: "Well, you will help her. Dongcheng looks like a prisoner. I have a lot of hands and dolls in the room." This type, she has not yet collected it. ”

"That's okay..." I have some helplessness.

Lin Biaoer’s interest also came, and walked with me.

The gun-for-balloon-for-reward booth was placed by an uncle who was about 40 years old. When he saw two super-developed and super-faced crushes coming over, he immediately got stuck in his eyes and smiled and said: "Ten Three shots, who wants to play?"

"You have to play!" Lin Yier took out a 100-speed, showing the local temperament.

Uncle took the money and gave us three guns. In fact, this is an air gun. The bullets are all plastic. The ballistics during the shooting are very unstable, and now there is wind on the pedestrian street, and the wind speed is not low. Therefore, this kind of trajectory is very difficult to judge. It is not where you can actually hit wherever you go. Even if you hit it, you may use my plastic bullets to make it impossible to break the balloon. Many people who pose this kind of booth rely on it. This kind of money to make money, or a shot and one must lose big hair.

Dongcheng month wiped his hands cleanly, and with the gun, he was "squeaky" open there. Unfortunately, the bullets flew and one could not hit. This girl was not a sharpshooter.

Lin Biaoer is very serious, and her posture is also very standard. She learned the shooting method with Lin Tiannan. This basic skill is almost the same as that of the professional. The uncle who was watching the booth was immediately shocked when he saw Lin’s posture. Then the eyes could no longer move around the chest of others.

Unfortunately, the difficulty of controlling the plastic bullets made Lin Biaoer helpless, and three consecutive shots were lost.

The boss laughed and laughed: "Come on, little girl."

I was a little upset. I raised my hand and raised the air gun in my hand. Dongcheng Yue looked at me and smiled. "Happy brother, it is said that you are a sharpshooter. Let me see how good the sharpshooter is!"


The first shot fell through.

The boss sneered, about to say which is the sharpshooter, Dongcheng Yue comforted: "It doesn't matter, keep on cheering!"

The second shot was still lost, and the boss’s face was distorted.

The third shot was still lost.

This time, even Dongcheng Yue is speechless: "Ah, Happy Brother, you are a bragging king, not a sharpshooter at all."

I laughed happily: "Don't worry, let's see you again!"

Lin Biaoer also stopped shooting and looked at me with interest.


The fourth shot, directly exploding a yellow balloon, the prize is a small Winnie the Pooh.

I didn't stop, I fired two more shots in a row, and the balloon exploded. I fired the small balloons in the first row from left to right, then continued to fill the plastic bullets, then raised my hands, a very standard shooting position.嘭嘭嘭 ” three consecutive sounds, special prizes for better balloons, and from left to right, which one to play which, no longer left any shot.

Hey, this kind of trick, the aim of each gun is actually not accurate, and my first three shots are all lost. It is just to let me confirm the angle and distance between the aim and the real calibration, and also confirm the wind speed on the plastic. The impact of the bullet's angle is much, and after confirming this, I am indeed a real sharpshooter. On the gunfare, Hangzhou is probably better than me. Xiao Lie is one, it is hard to say anything else.

"The jailbreak rabbit balloon in the top right corner!" Dongcheng Yue happy holding my arm and said: "That blue balloon, happy brother to help me down!"

I raised my hand and the balloon blew, and Dongcheng Yue was happy to go to the puppet of the jailbreak rabbit.

The uncle's face is almost green. In the twinkling of an eye, many of his prizes have been put into plastic bags by Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue, especially the jailbreak rabbit. The workmanship is very fine, at least hundreds of dollars. So he blows the balloon of the jailbreak rabbit very small, only to be as big as a fist, hey, but still can't escape my hundred steps to wear Yang.

"Okay, don't fight, you won't be able to move." I put down my air gun.

Lin Yier and Dongcheng Yue nodded happily.

Uncle is also relieved, I am laughing at the bottom of my heart, leaving you a way of life, otherwise you will not let your business die tonight! About the uncle, this kind of businessman is also the most afraid of encountering such a professional, and basically it is only a loss.


Next, I took two MMs to shoot, and I didn’t know if I had any technical content. But in the end, I was defeated by the metal hand-cranked game console. I invested 50 yuan. A hair was not caught, and it was a long time since the two MMs made fun of it.

When I was playing until 11 o'clock, I was finally willing to return. When we arrived at the villa, the time was almost the same. Go online and prepare for the sneak attack mission tonight!


The characters appeared in the cold dragon city, Lin Biaoer, Dongchengyue also came online, I immediately summoned the raspberry, the little dragon girl roared out, when I was ready to ride the dragon back, this guy quickly turned into a humanoid fluttering into the Shushu Going in the arms, I am in the air, hanging over there, but in desperation to launch a thousand frost wings, the ice wing open standing in the wind, it can be considered a recovery face.

After getting tired enough, Raspberry finally allowed me to ride. At this time, there were also a lot of iron hooves coming from the city. The 5,000 dragon city iron rides had already been assembled, and the sword was waved and ordered to start.


When the dawn dawned, the mighty crowd rushed out of the snowy sea, bathed in the warm morning light, and washed away the cold.

The first section of the road that passed through was the city of the empire empire. Unfortunately, when Luo Lin died, it became a ruin. It was no wonder that soldiers from the cold dragon city were transporting bricks from here to the direction of the Dragon City. No wonder The barriers to the new building on the ice ridge mountain were originally taken from the material of the Luolin Empire.

When passing through the ruins of the Awesome Empire, the frosty and somewhat fascinating look around, Luo Lin was killed by her hand, but killing the former best friend, after all, still left the shadow of the frosty heart.

I rode on a low-altitude raspberry and said to the bottom: "Let it pass in the past."

A grateful nod: "Well!"

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