Zhan Long

Chapter 1181: Vulnerable covenant

In the moonlight, the face of this female knight is familiar, the ID on her head shines in the moonlight, and I instantly remember who this woman is.

Smoke and rain, Holy Spirit Knight LV-207

Main City: Tianzhu City

Guild: Rising Sun

Position: Obey the flag


Is Zheng Feier, the sixth woman in the beauty list of Shuhua University, she has long been a **** person?

For a moment, Lin Biaoer almost stayed in the air, and the beautiful face was confused and surprised. The dragon's teeth in the hand appeared on the **** red light of the chain, but shivered and did not go, yeah, A real-life friend, even if it is hostile in the game, is not so keen to start, especially a girl who looks like a kind-hearted and kind-hearted girl.

"what happened?"

The gun and a jug of wine hold the iron gun and stunned: "Why is the beauty of the sky not killing the smoke and rain, but it is a **** person, why not kill?"

I put a sword in my hand: "That is a friend in the real world, she can't get it, let's go!"

"it is good!"

The gun and a pot of wine and my soldiers were killed in two ways.

"噗嗤", my sharp-edged spine has already passed through Zheng Fei's back, bringing out the 21W damage number, and then killing her again in two, Zheng Feier is just a vase-style girl, appearance 姣Well, there are C chests and hips underneath, but there are almost no technical and tactical operations. I don’t know how to subconsciously avoid my skills!

However, Zheng Feier looked back at me with a pair of big eyes: "Happy classmates, I have asked for a meal, you still kill me, don't kill each other like this!"

As soon as I saw it, Lin Biaoer also said in the distance: "The pig head, we don't kill the Philippine, wait for her to hand over the treasure chest of the Holy Spirit, let's do it again!"


I hesitated a little, forget it, wait a second, friends really need to cherish, even if Zheng Feier joined the rising sun, but she is still a friend of Lin Biao's reality.

When I received the butterfly and the general, the flower gun rushed over. He was not a friend of Zheng Feier, nor a student of Yanhua University. There is no need to scruple these things. Raising the iron gun is a thousand waves, his judgment. Just right, Zheng Feier will definitely be affected by the thousands of waves, without the second shot of the gun, the seven waves of the waves of the waves will be able to drop Zheng Feier!

However, just as the Melaleuca was about to succeed, the other side of the jungle suddenly rushed out of a beautiful knight. It was a long time that the uncle who had not met was called the Lord. Her speed was extremely fast and she was quickly across Zheng Feier and the gun. Between a pot of wine, the shield mammothed the ground, "嘭" screamed out a myriad of snowflakes, an ice wall about 3 meters high appeared in front, directly blocking the thousand waves!

A sip of a pot of wine: "Scratch..."

His Majesty called the Lord with a provocative face on his face and smiled and said: "Hey, small flower gun, do you want to kill our beautiful women? Come, we have come a lot of people in the sun."


It is true that there have been a group of people in the jungle. The main members of the rising sun are almost all coming. They are carrying a long sword and a sigh of relief. The moon is a singer, and you have a cold, a hegemony, etc. The murderous, I can't wait to fight with a gun and a pot of wine for three hundred rounds at a time, but they saw me and Lin Yier, Dongcheng Yue also, so they did not start.


Under the maple tree, Wang Zecheng rode a horse and slowly came out with a smile on his face: "Since the Holy Spirit treasure chest has already arrived, then retreat according to the established route!"

The hateful thing is that Zheng Feier has always held the treasure chest of the Holy Spirit and did not hand it over to Wang Zecheng.

I have already made up my mind in my heart. Within three minutes, Zheng Feier will not pay the treasure chest, and I will kill her as well. I can't bury the incomparable Holy Spirit treasure chest for one person!


Not far from the jungle, killing sounds, a group of Indian players killed fiercely, they have learned our coordinates from the coordinates of the Holy Spirit treasure chest, hundreds of players carrying Tomahawks and swords to cover up, let me and the gun A pot of wine had to deal with it, and Wang Zecheng was smarter and more despicable. He turned around with his own person and left the mess to four of us.

The gun and a pot of wine with a long gun against the frown, frowning: "This is not so good, directly put the treasure chest of the Holy Spirit to give the sun a bloody?"

Dongcheng Yue sat on the back of Yinlong and smiled. "Reassure, the sky rose has gone looking for suffocation. We don't want to stay here. Let's hurry up on the dragon's back. Let's go to the treasure chest!"


Lin Biaoer jumped on the dragon's back and took a pot of wine and quickly changed the flying mount. I got up and didn't entangle with these Indian players. We didn't have time to waste it.

Just as Dongcheng Yue said, when we were flying over the jungle, we saw that less than 1,000 people in the sun were being chased by the gale, and Sky Rose personally led the team. She mostly wanted to put seven feathers and blue. The enemies that were killed were on Wang Zecheng’s head.

The strength of the rising sun is clear to me. The people on the Lord, leisure, and Su Yan are relatively strong, but they are definitely not the opponents of the War Blades Association. It is a matter of time to be killed. We are here to look for opportunities to get the Holy Spirit. Treasure chest!

Now, the peak players of all major servers are almost gathered in the Seven Mile Forest. Let's not worry, wait until everyone has finished fighting and then start the Holy Spirit treasure chest, which is even safer.


After another ten minutes, Li Mu’s voice came from the guild channel: “The lord, we have arrived in the south of the Seven Mile Forest. What should we do now, immediately kill the past according to the coordinates?”

I said, "The scene is too confusing now, don't come over."

Wang Yuran: "Why are you happy?"

Xuerou smiled slightly: "The boss doesn't need to explain me. I understand that even now, our tens of thousands of people have killed the treasure chest, but they will still be the target of the public. When they are inevitable, they will have to be killed by others. The treasure chest is about to be lost."

I nodded: "Yes, Matcha is right. Li Mu, don't approach the area of ​​the Holy Spirit treasure chest. You bring everyone to the territory of our own in the south side of the Seven Mile Forest. The person carrying the treasure chest cannot leave the Seven Mile Forest. Enchantment, we will first establish our own base in the Seven Mile Forest, send elite players to the treasure chest, get the treasure chest and immediately go to the territory to defend, and hold it for 7 hours to win!"

Li Mu haha ​​smiled: "It turns out that I understand, the rest of the seven forests in the south, divided into one third, how?"

I looked at the black line: "We don't have such a big appetite. It's ok to circle 5% of the forests of the Seven Miles. Let's get together and don't distract."

"it is good!"


Just finished, suddenly there was a system ringing in the distance, Zheng Feier did not hold the Holy Spirit treasure chest, which was lost in less than 20 minutes -


System Announcement: Player [Smoke Rain] (China) was killed, lost the Holy Spirit treasure chest, the player [Xiaguo] (United States) took the treasure chest of the Holy Spirit, where he was located in the Seven Mile Forest (27161, 20921), killing the Players can 100% out of the Holy Spirit treasure chest, get the Holy Spirit treasure chest to maintain the treasures of the Holy Spirit treasure chest for 7 hours!

Xia Guo?

Inquired a bit, the leader of the Third Guild of the Iron Cranial City Association, the Americans for this Holy Spirit treasure chest can be described as elite, the first three guilds should come?

However, the people in the Chinese theater are also unambiguous. Far away, I even saw the figure of the Prague Guild. Yanzhao did not know where to get the transport ship. He arrived at the Seven Mile Forest almost at the same time as the dragon, but only the number of people. The appearance of less than 5,000 people cannot be compared with the scale of tens of thousands of people.

The battle on the ground is still very fierce. Wang Zecheng personally participated in the war, killing Xia Guo at the cost of hanging up the leisure, Su Yan, and the three generals for your cold, but Wang Zecheng was war-slashed in less than 3 minutes after receiving the Holy Spirit treasure chest. The first mad warrior hacked to an axe, and after the sacred treasure chest, the scorpion was taken away, the sky rose personally escorted, about 2000 American players rushed straight to the west of the forest, wanting to come there, there should be no Few people.


The starlight is bleak, holding a treasure chest in one hand, holding a battle axe in one hand, and riding a horse on a forest path. This is a business travel trail, a hotel on the roadside, but he can't rest, while he has to resist behind Prague and the sun. Such as blood, Long Xiang, beautiful life, the pursuit of the world and other guilds, but also to guard against the air strikes.

Sky Rose is still looking up to the sky, with fear on the face. The sky rose is actually a standard North American girl. Although the facial features are not as refined as the Orientals, they are also well-defined. The most charming thing is a blond hair. With the appearance of a bright tooth, it is full of foreign style, so that she has a lot of fans around the world, even in the Chinese theater, as a deadly enemy, there are still many male players willing to die for her.


Looking at the air again, the sky rose is still worried about the attack from me. In fact, this worry is not superfluous, I have already planned to start.

However, as I continue to move forward, I have already seen the birds swaying in the jungle, with ambushes!

Sky Rose and others are in the jungle and cannot be detected at all.



The sound of the first arrow from the string violently rises, and a sharp arrow "啪" slams into the chest of the scorpion, and then there are more and more, the arrow rains intensively, and in a blink of an eye, the gale of the war blade is shot and killed. Hundreds of people, the sky rose hurriedly stopped the war horse, looked forward with a long sword, his face full of anger: "Despicable Russian!"

Sure enough, a lot of cavalry from the Zeyuan City in the jungle rushed out, overwhelming, at least more than 5W people!


In front of the treasure chest of the Holy Spirit, there are any allies.

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