Zhan Long

Chapter 1184: The sorcerer died for the confidant


I was shocked in an instant. I thought it would be good for Xue Rou to come back alive. According to the scene in front of her eyes, she has already killed Fenglin alone!

"Kill it?" I asked as I stepped forward.

Xue Luo smiled and nodded, and raised the sword in his hand, saying: "Fenglin is really hospitable, and he also said that he had given me the weapon before he died."

I have no expression: "Is it bursting out?"

Xuerou smiled and said: "When the boss is good or bad, I know that I will expose others!"

Song Handao: "I can't bear to look straight ahead. Matcha sister will quickly send out the attributes of Guiyuanjian. We haven't seen the seven-turn attribute of Guiyuanjian yet!"


Xuerou's arm shook slightly, and suddenly the property of Yuanjian jumped out. The attribute is really good. The national device is the national device. The attribute is definitely not to let the holder suffer too much.

[归元剑] (national device)

Attack: 17200-21500

Strength: 780

Physical strength: 775

Spiritual Skills: 770

Agility: 760

Additional: Increase user's 190% attack power

Additional: Increase user's attack speed by 125%

Additional: Ignore the target's 50% defense

Special effects: Sunder Armor, each attack target will weaken the opponent's 2% defense, stacking up to 15 layers.

Special effects: gravity block, increase user's 40% block, parry success rate

Special effects: bloodsucking, will convert 50% of the enemy's attack damage into their own blood

Characteristics: National Instruments?

Stunt: Five gas returns to the element, instantly restores 75% of all friendly targets within 1000 yards, consumes 120 points of anger, and cools for 2 hours.

Need charm: 700

Requires level: no level limit


The attribute of Guiyuanjian directly caused the saliva of Li Mu, Wang Hao and others to fall off quickly. Such a resurrection of the JP artifact is simply a dream lover of many melee players, who have a super 50% bloodsucker. There is also a super armor effect, and the big stunt is also a super IMBA skill. In the team battle, the sudden release of the five gas returning yuan is very likely to turn around.

Song Han smiled and said: "Congratulations to Matcha sister to get the weapon of the gods!"

I also nodded: "This is really a good match for the matcha sword, keep it, here we have three national devices!"

Xue Rou smirked: "Well, keep working hard, I always feel that the Indians will not give up, and will send some equipment to us."

Said, she licked the star, looked at me, and looked at the surrounding terrain, said: "Boss, others get the Holy Spirit treasure chest are desperately running into the heap of people, you are good, standing on the front line of the dragon On the other hand, it’s really good. If someone comes to a million arrows, you may become a hedgehog to hand over the treasure chest of the Holy Spirit."

I reached out and hugged Li Mengyao's shoulders, patted her female stone shield on her chest and smiled. "I have a small knight, I am afraid of what, say, I have a set of five-star fighter suits. They want to challenge. Come, how much to kill, I don't want my brothers to be in front of me as cannon fodder, to die and die together."

"Say well." Lin Xiaoer gently patted the white head and said: "The maximum time is no more than 5 minutes, the Russians are coming, ready to defend the formation to meet the impact!"


The treasure chest of the Holy Spirit is in my hand. It is like a toon. I don’t know how many enemies to draw. We are almost the enchantment of the Seven Mile Forests. We can’t walk away, we can only rely on you. The strength of the dragon is here for 7 hours, and at the end of 7 hours, we are the last winner.

Look at the treasure chest of the Holy Spirit in the package and the golden mark on the top of the head. I really feel that I am now a target, and I still seem to see my concern, and immediately throw the BUFF one by one on me. And refresh every few minutes, try to keep my strongest state to face.

"Be careful, they are coming soon!"

Lin Yier grasped the information on the map, and the dragon's sharp blade was slightly swayed in the hand, and ordered: "Li Xiaoyao's defense, Li Mu, Wang Wei, the left wing, matcha, and the right wing, ready to fight!"

A group of people nodded.

I held a pair of swords and rode on the back of the raspberry. The little dragon girl squirted a hot breath and squatted on the ground like a well-being dragon, but I could feel her temper and willfulness, if not I drove her. God knows how much the little guy who was born a month or two will make a lot of noise!



In the distance, it seems that the sound of the drums is heard. The drums are ornaments. The players who are lucky can get the props that support the attacking ability of the surrounding teammates. Although there are not many blessings, the maximum is only about 20%, which is closer than the current top-level players. The degree of 10 times damage is equal to the salary of the cup, but it is better than nothing.

Among the horseshoes of "笃笃笃", one of the cavalry from Zeyuan City appeared. Although the Russian Zeyuan City was in the south of the mainland, it was extremely cold, and the horses produced there were quite cold-resistant. So you will see that their horses, such as the red horses and the black horses, are covered with hair, just like the long hairs. Moreover, in the Russian mounts, there are many mounts such as long-haired bears and polar snow foxes. Their cavalry is a charge and looks like a circus rebellion.

However, their number is too large and they must be ready to wait!


The voice of the management players came from afar, and the Russians have locked my position and launched an offensive!

I immediately slashed and smiled: "Let them kill, fire!"

On the front line, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yi, Meng Yao and others almost throw their swords at the first time. The sharp-edged spins criss-crossed in the open space on the front, forming a myriad of intertwined swords, and instantly put the Russian front row. The player kills the light, hundreds of bodies are lying on the field, and the players in the back row are a glimpse. Some people stop the mount directly, very hesitant.

At this time, the voice of the "Chouxin" of the chilling guild lord came from behind the crowd: "Assault, seize the treasure chest of the Holy Spirit, don't hesitate!"

Shepherd is a standard Russian beauty, sloppy and white.

The Russians have once again charged, and the regiment-style charge has killed them! However, behind me, the Xiaolong remote team headed by Lin Xiaowu, Dongchengyue, Xueyu Qianyang, Xinglie, Liulihu, etc. is not a vegetarian. Before the other party approached, it was a round of archers who attacked and killed them. Entertain yourself directly with AOE magic before approaching.

"Shield!" Li Mengyao loudly ordered.

A group of front-line cavalry players blocked the shields in front of them, and the "嘭嘭嘭" was continuously hit, but they stayed in place, and the Russians wielded their blades, but almost all fell on the shield. Didn't cause too much substantial damage, but our spiritual masters and archers were too fierce, and with the rainstorms of the Lin Biaoer in the sky, the silver dragon breathed, I also tried my best to output the sword, less than 10 minutes. About 3,000 people attacked by the Russians have turned into corpses lying on the glade in front of us!

Bloody and full of scent in the nose, I patted the **** but roaring ancient gods, comforted it, the little guy immediately quieted down.


In the distance, the face of the animal husbandry is obviously not so good. She never imagined that the output of the dragon would be so high that such an opponent would be even more terrible than the War Blades led by Sky Rose! In fact, this is the case. Xiaolong owns two top masters, Lin Biaoer and Xuerou, and then has super-class professional leading players such as Dongchengyue, Limu, Wangye and Lin Xiaowu, and more are Meng, Mengyao, Song Han, Yueyue, Tang Xin, a second hero and other first-class players, many of them have a fairly high ranking of CBN battle nets. They really have to be ranked. It is not a big deal for a guild to provide ten top generals.

The staff in the hands of the animal husband was drooping, his face was gloomy, and he slowly said: "Don't shock, step by step, ride the battle system in front, the remote system is in the back, after the supply system, step by step to advance the past, keep the treatment effect all the time. At the moment, I don't believe that I can't break the array of dragons. Now, immediately reorganize the array and attack!"

In less than 3 minutes, the CKI of at least 5W has once again formed a dense array in front, ready to fight with us in the true sense.

But at this time, the moon is shallow and suddenly called me far away: "Happy brother, not very good, our left wing was attacked by the Americans led by Sky Rose, what should I do?"

I glanced at the map and looked through the intelligence system and said, "The hero is on our left wing. I will contact you."

"it is good!"


While preparing for the battle, I opened the friend system and directly applied for a dialogue with the sword. After the beep, the other party connected and asked the familiar voice of the sword: "Ha, what happened?"

I smiled and said: "Don't know why, the Holy Spirit treasure chest is in my hand. You should also know the coordinates of the dragon's position. The sky rose is carrying people to attack the dragon's left wing. I want to ask the hero to help me from the left wing. War Blades Guild, repelling the attack of Sky Rose, although I know this requirement is a bit too much, the hero also has the power to seize the Holy Spirit treasure chest, but..."

Asking the sword is quite refreshing, said: "Don't say it, you Li Xiaoyao really took my Beichenfeng as a friend, this busy I have to help, this time the hero is willing to sell for his friends, the left wing of the dragon position is handed over to I am fine. If the sky rose wants to break through there, I must step on my body, but there is only one sentence. Do you take my Beichenfeng as a friend?"

I feel a lot of blood, and the words are swearing: "From the moment I accepted the guidance of my father in Henan, you are already my friend!"

Asked the sword to laugh: "OK, the confidant is dead, I will send troops!"

"Well, thank you!"

"You're welcome!"


The defense of the dragon's left wing is basically not a problem. I know the strength of the hero. Although the top players do not have as many dragons, the main force of the middle and upper stream is very much, and they are well-trained and tacit, and the overall combat strength is not allowed. Xiao Yan.

In this way, there is only no one on the right side to help us defend.

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