Zhan Long

Chapter 1196: Palm lamp ghoul


The burning power is filled in the canyon, and the numerous swallowing behemoths are connected end to end to form a rolling wind and cloud wheel, and the thorns hidden in the back of the body when these giant beasts are bent will extend themselves, burning everywhere, assassination, although we Already done very well, all kinds of special effects are released, but they are still suffering from heavy losses.



The butterfly sword is full of power and sweeps out, directly smashing a swallowing behemoth that is rolling, and my strength is definitely not a problem.

However, a dozen meters away from the left side, Li Mengyao carried the female scorpion and ran away. The shield and the blade repeatedly blocked the attack of the two swallowing behemoths to protect the little dance behind him, but there were too many swallowing behemoths. Tang Xin’s **** was quickly broken, and five swallowing behemoths turned on the hot wheels form and rushed to Lin Xiaowu. This is a big problem. Lin Xiaowu’s attack power is indeed extraordinary, but it is easy to be close after being close. Being stuck.

Without hesitation, I looked at the giant rock in the canyon and quickly raised my left arm. The force of the heavens was suddenly launched. Several giant rocks trembled and flew up. I tried a little knife and waved my arm. The giant rock also flew out like a cannonball, and it hit the body of 5 swallowing monsters with precision!

In the impact of "嘭嘭嘭", Lin Xiaowu’s face was a bit pale: "Fortunately, the boss shot in time..."

I am loud: "Fussed iron ride, withdraw one-third, protect the remote players!"

One second of the hero immediately waved the eight-snake spear, with a group of people galloping back, everyone raised the blade, stunned one by one, and thus stabilized the situation.


When the war lasted for 20 minutes, the surrounding area was already a mess. The dragon came to 2W, and lost at least 3,000 people in just 20 minutes. The loss of the myths, heroes, Prague and other guilds was even more. Seriously, this is a comprehensive attack. Everyone has almost come out of the nest. These big guilds come more than 斩龙, and there is no strong control ability of the sacred iron ride, and the natural damage is even more.

Fortunately, the number of swallowing behemoths is also limited, about 20W up and down in the canyon, nearly two hours of fighting, swallowing beasts are being killed less and less.

There are no swallowing behemoths around, and Li Mu and Wang Wei lead the Fushen Iron Rider to clean the battlefield. By the way, the equipment that has been fired by the players has been returned. The East gradually reveals the white belly, and it will be dawning. There are piles of bonfires in the canyon. They are all left by the swallowing behemoths, and the other is a densely packed body of the player. It is because of the relationship of the confinement. After the player died, the player could not return to the original place, and the soul went directly to the city of Tianzhu.

Asking the sword to carry a long sword, the horse is slowly moving, his face is full of dignity.

Not far away, Fang Geyu also slowly walked through the canyon under the protection of the painting on the paper, Lu Chunyang and others. The figures of Ye Lai, Mu Yan, Yan Zhao Wushuang, Hua Gun and a pot of wine also appeared one after another. Almost every piece of equipment has a large trace of fire, and it seems that no one is taking advantage of the fire giant.

I greeted and asked, "How is the situation?"

Asked the sword and smiled: "This is just the periphery of the Shura community. The 7W people who came to our heroes have lost nearly 1.9W here. This is obviously not very good."

Fang Ge阙 walked with a proud stick, with a smile on his face: "Don't be too depressed, the monster of swallowing a behemoth is special, can wear people, can't defend, the battle is invalid, otherwise we don't There will be such a big loss, continue to attack the Shura community in depth, it is difficult to say other monsters."

I nod: "OK."

In the air, a pot of wine and a jug of wine ride slowly ride down the wind dragon, saying: "It is not necessarily good to kill in the same place. I saw a winding mountain at the core of the Shura community. BOSS should be there. But the monsters along the way can't be said."

"What monster?" Yan Zhao is unparalleled.

The gun shook his head: "No, I can't see it."

The dragon smiled in the sky: "There is no best, we can go straight to Huanglong."

Yanzhao Wushuang also smiled: "Calling Huanglong? Is there greed? The old nest of the fire, you think it is a woman standing on the side of the road, you give me some money to let you go straight to Huanglong?"

"Yan and Zhao are unparalleled, you pay attention to the point." Feilong is somewhat unhappy in the sky.

Yanzhao is unparalleled, and the lord of Prague, behind him is the six princes, the bamboo shadow moon, the clouds and the sea, and other Prague singers. At the end, they did not put the dragon in the eyes, and smiled and said: "What should I pay attention to? I am talking about the truth."

The dragon is in the air, but sees that the right hand of Liuyi has been placed on the hilt of the sabre on the waist, so there is nothing to say, more than one thing is less, and the strength of Longxiang is really difficult. Challenge Prague, especially a bottle of wine and Yan Zhao Wusou can be regarded as friends, if he does not do it, with the Dragon Dragon players led by the dragon in the sky, the tiger, I am afraid that playing the first alliance in Prague is very difficult!

Fang Geyu looked at their quarrels and said nothing, just a faint smile: "There is no monster in the gun and a pot of wine, can't see, what does it mean?"

The gun smiled: "I just can't see it, I don't know if I have it."

Lv Chunyang asked: "What does this mean?"

I am on the sidelines: "It means that there may be a monster in the sneak system, such as the Shura Shura. You see, the name of the Shura community is Shura. It is normal to have a Shura Shura guard."

Fang Geyu raised the staff and smiled and said: "There is nothing to say, the wizard's night meteor clears the way, and continues to advance. Our major guilds have united one heart and attacked the Shura community. I don't believe in a king-level BOSS. Still can kill us, let's go!"

Fang Geling is the great festival of Tian Ce, and is the first person in the Chinese theater. No one has questioned his self-confidence and control. The embarrassment in my heart has also faded a lot because of Fang Xiaoying’s laughter. So the butterflies carrying the dragons and the dragons together, go killing the past anyway, this time I want to go back and can't go back, can only go all the way, use our offense to push the version update!


Crossing the gorge, over the mountains, there is a virgin forest in front. It can be regarded as a green mountain and green water from a distance. White birds fly in the air, and several small rivers traverse the jungle.

The hooves of the Fushen Iron Ride echoed in the mountains. Li Mu and Wang Hao circling in the air, playing the dual roles of command and scouting. Dongcheng Yue and Xueyu Qianyang two masters took the dragon’s magic The division players walked in front of the road, constantly releasing the night meteors to detect the invisible units, and there were dozens of large-scale guilds in the plains forest alongside us, stretching for dozens of miles, at least more than 100W people entering This jungle of Shura is out.

"Be careful!"

The moon was shallow and suddenly looked at the front with a beautiful look. The dagger pointed into the darkness of the jungle and said, "Dongcheng, give a night meteor!"

The east city has a fast speed, and the moon is shallow. Almost after the night, the meteor has already shined in the darkness. Sure enough, a total of five 225-level 8th-level sorcerers are hidden there, not to mention, oh, one second. The hero took the soldiers and rushed to kill the past. A slashing and killing of these five monks, and basically not being sneaked, it is very difficult to kill the melting iron ride.


This time is relatively smooth, the major guilds continue to advance in the jungle, due to psychological preparations, the damage of the 修月修罗 has been reduced to the lowest, especially the melting of the iron ride, almost non-destructive killing.

I rode in the midst of the little dragon girl flying in the air, looking into the distance, a blue mountain tower stands in the center of the map of Shura, it seems that there is no trace of the strangeness and gloom of the Shura community, but there is a sense of paradise, of course, This may just be my personal feeling.

Looking at the mountain and running the dead horse, Xiuluo Mountain is already in sight, but we have been killed for nearly 3 hours and have not yet reached the foot of the mountain, although it is very close.



He stepped on the chest of a monk Shura, pulled the tomahawk out of her shoulder, and snorted, saying: "This difficulty is too simple. The Shura community can only bear this ability. That day is destined to be brushed off by us."

I looked up at the sky, and the stars began to get up and took a deep breath. They said, "It’s night."

The month is shallow and strange: "What about the night brother?"

If I think about it, I smiled and said: "What is Shura, it is a ghost. It is natural that at night, the combat power is maximized. Our current advantage period has passed."

"Ah?" The moon is shallow and the mouth is wide: "Are you worried, will there be a new monster?"

"Most definitely."

It seems to be to prove my words, after the night, the jungle began to refresh new monsters!



The creeping sound of the soil came in front. I watched a piece of land a few meters away and said, "Be careful, it seems like a stranger!"

The people stopped together and looked at it with my goal. A few autumn leaves fell on the ground and slowly trembled. Suddenly, an arm smashed open the soil, followed by a ridiculous head. This is a thing like a zombie. When you climb out of the soil, you still have a stone with a handle. It is a stone lamp, but there is no candle in it.


"The palm lamp ghoul, level 8 different devil, 226." Lin said.

He held the tomahawk and rushed over. The mount passed, and the battle axe smashed on the head of the chandelier. With a black blood, you can see that the defense of the lord is not particularly high. I have already broken the defense a lot, but when I rushed back for the second time, the scorpion ghost screamed with a screaming mouth!

It is skill, stone lamp is good!

The speed of the squatting and the speed of the attack were reduced a lot. The whole person seemed to be in slow motion. The chandelier rushed forward with the stone lamp. The body circling and dancing the stone lamp launched an AOE attack. I have to retreat again and again, and I lost 7W of blood. Oh, the attack power of the chandelier is still very good.


The chandelier seems to be very angry. It is a big bang in the face. The stone lamp that he puts in his hand finally lights up slowly. Is this a candle burning?

No, no, that color is not a candle, but it is familiar!


"Old K, be careful!" I immediately warned: "His stone lamp has a problem!"

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