Zhan Long

Chapter 1206: Deep into the tiger's den


Breaking through the "dip film", I entered the bottom of the storm abyss with two brilliant blades. The unbearable flames and storms disappeared in the blink of an eye. Instead, the light beams projected from heaven fell into the boundless In the darkness, I looked up and saw only the big eyes that were swaying the storm and the flames. It also made me realize that this big eye is the energy source of the storm abyss, precisely because it formed such a similar The topography of the energy funnel.


Followed by the light beam all the way, flew for about 10 minutes, the sky light cast on a large hall, it is the blue stone brick paved hall, simple and solemn, standing around the hall stood a swordsman with a clear sword, a The look is dignified. If it is not the slight decay of the mouth, I will even think that these people are not dead, but living.

And I descended from the sky, my wings opened, and suddenly there was a feeling of angels coming to heaven. Of course, I would not be naive to really think that I am an angel. I am just a player. I am here to find Peer.


It seems that I have not noticed that I am in the sky, and a group of warriors on the ground are working hard to cultivate.

An old man with a cane must be white and trembled to the side of the main hall. He said in an old voice: "This is the fourth selection. Whether it can be the guard of the temple depends on today's battle. Zhao Jin You fight against Xu Yan, who can win, who can win the honor of being guarded by His Royal Highness!"

The two warriors came out and held their swords and said: "Yes, elders!"

Xu Yan?

I am trembled. Isn’t this the rule of the mad thunder army? How can it appear here in the Battle of Fanshu for the loyalty of the country? Looking at the appearance, it is indeed Xu Yan, has he been resurrected to become a Necromancer?

It seems that this is the case. Xu Yan was once a part of Pei’s group. Is it now competing with another dead person for the honor of Pei’s close guard?

The heart is getting heavier, what kind of person is this Pei, if it is really the little princess of Tianzhu City, why didn't she go to Tianzhu City to find me, why did she launch a large army to kill the players of Tianzhu City? It must not be, this person cannot be a child.

In the field, Xu Yan and Zhao Jin have been fighting together. The martial arts collided with flames and frost. The whole hall was also trembling because of the battle between the two men. I fixed my eyes and looked at it. Xu Yan’s martial arts seemed to be alive. Is it closer to the time? A closer look reveals that Xu Yan is the BOSS of the two-star god, and Zhao Jin is a star god. This is no wonder, but after Xu Yan’s death, the strength does not fall and rises. Some are difficult to recognize.

After a few rounds, Xu Yan slammed into a sniper, and suddenly Zhao Jin slowly fell down, a blood mark appeared in the neck, and then the body suddenly collapsed into a pile of rotten minced meat, Xu Yan sneered, leaned down The body licks the flesh and blood of the opponent, and also absorbs some of his power into his own use.

"Xu Yansheng!"

The elder carried the staff and continued to use the old voice to say: "Zhao Jinjing is loyal and has died. He is a respectable person. Unfortunately, he is not qualified to be the guard of His Highness! Continue, then Qin Xiong meets the king. Super, one of you who won the battle can also be the guard of the temple of Pace!"

The other two BOSS level warriors also fight together, I finally understand, here is a contest, and it is a god-level contest, everyone standing on this hall is star BOSS, terrible, purgatory Is this the way to select talents? You must know that God's level of BOSS is very rare in Tianzhu City. The entire Yulin Army does not exceed 5 people, but there are more than 20 God-level BOSS on this small hall, which is terrible!



Qin Xiong’s Tomahawk thundered and shone everything around him, but under the ingenious provocation of his opponent, his Tomahawk was blocked and flew away!


The tomahawk with thunder rushed straight to me, and I hurriedly escaped on one side, but dozens of god-level BOSS on the ground had already seen me. Xu Yan recognized me at a glance and shouted: "Yes Li Xiaoyao, the commander of the Tianlin City Yulin Army, how did he come to Purgatory? On the ground, kill him together and take his head to invite His Royal Highness!"

Xu Yan stood up and the sword ran to me with a flame.

Once I lost my hand, I will naturally not look in it, let alone he is just a two-star god!

Condescending, my double swords are raised and pressed down together. "嘭" a flame splattered, under the pressure, Xu Yan directly slammed back on the main hall, the bluestone was broken, and the guard of the temple was also quite embarrassing. And another dozen or so god-level BOSS also rushed over, I can not single-handedly so many people, it can only be sought for by the rich and dangerous, directly swooping down, went straight to the elders, thieves first smashed the king!


The butterfly and the dry screamed the sound of the sword, and immediately launched 7 times of fierce sniper, all of which fell on the elder's staff, and the elders were five-star gods, but they did not seem to be fighting with me. With the staff of the anti-seismic force, he retired tens of meters and shouted: "Li Xiaoyao, what are you doing in the storm purgatory?"

I stood in the same place, behind the ice wing slightly fanned, said: "Take me to see Peer."

"See Your Highness?"

The elders passed a trace of color and smiled. "You want to see your Highness, Peer, for what?"

"Because she is my old friend."

"Oh, is it?" The elder smiled slightly and raised his hand: "The generals will stop attacking. This person will see His Highness, and since this is the case, then the old man will take him to see His Royal Highness, and he will continue to stay here. Select the guard of the temple, Xu Yan, Wang Chao, two of you are selected to guard the temple, and with me, escorted Li Xiaoyao to the temple to see His Royal Highness."

"Yes!" Two two-star god-level BOSS respectfully clenched.


This purgatory is too dark, and I raise my arms and lift the butterfly high. The light of the five-star artifact shines nearly 10 meters, which also allows me to gain some precious vision.

Along the corridor along the main hall, I walked for nearly 10 minutes. It was a black ocean. I couldn’t help but say, "What is this?"

"The Sea of ​​Death." The elders raised their mouths and smiled and said: "Da Tangge has never been to the underworld. I have never seen this ocean before. Be careful, don't fall, or even if you have the ability to do it all the time." It!"

I frowned and looked at it. It is true that even the sea is black. The screaming faces are faintly visible in the turbulent waves. It’s like looking for the sorrow of the dead ghost. It may be really dead, but I Since I am not afraid of death, as long as I can see Peer, basically my task is completed. What I want to know most now is, is this Pei Nai’s Pei?

The elder lifted the staff, and the tip of the stick glowed blue in the night sky, and he shouted: "One-eyed, come and ferry, the guest is here!"

In the distance, a dimly lit little lamp slowly approached. It was a man who was shaking a small boat. There was only one eye, a blind eye, and the body was lying on the stern. The elders immediately boarded the ship, and I also stepped on it. On the deck, while looking up at the sky, it seems that a black shadow is passing through the air. What is it?

"Don't look at it." The elder looked at me with a grin and smiled. "Don't try to enter the sky, or you will end up being more desolate than never."


Actually threatened by the NPC, this taste is really uncomfortable, but I am glad to accept the suggestion of threatening tone, there is no need to swear the temper, in this place, smart people can live longer.


The boat slowly swayed on the sea of ​​death. The ferry was almost 20 minutes. The distant light finally came from the far side. Soon, it was finally lit up. Countless lanterns were hung on both sides of the road. The front was quite awkward. The palace is almost the same as the palace of the Scorpio City, but the guards are some dead, and far away can see some of the chandeliers swimming in the garden, for the players, these chandeliers are dead. Symbol, but for the devils, the chandelier is about the same as sending the courier, and it turns a blind eye.

"Da Tango, don't you want to see your Highness? Come with me!" The elder smiled.

I slowly followed him to disembark, followed the path, and there were snarls on both sides. The elders were very slow, and I was not in a hurry, followed by step by step.

After a few minutes, I finally entered the palace.

Along the way, there are all the magical hall rides waiting for you, but the magic hall ride here is no longer a 7-level magic, but has been upgraded to the 8th-level magic, the property has increased a lot, the skills have also been strengthened, these are Is Pei's arms trained in purgatory? Pei's life was a girl who didn't want to have an eyebrow. After death, there is still such a thing. It seems that I should have thought of it.

A group of magical temple rides glared at me, as if I was going to tear me apart.

I finally got into the road to the main hall. The first-level steps went straight to the 100-meter-high hall. When I stepped on the main hall, I actually had an illusion. Is this the palace of Tianzhu City?

Obviously, the surface is somewhat like, but the reality is too much. The two sides standing on the two sides of the main hall are not the civil and military officials, but the dead ones covered with corpse spots. Just a glance, I was secretly scared, this small In the small hall, there are 12 five-star god-level BOSS, 30 four-star god-level BOSS, all of which can definitely lead to great chaos in the world!

And, the highest is not a five-star god-level BOSS, there are two king-level BOSS!


On the throne of the commander, an exquisite figure sits there, wearing a blood-red cloak, a long sword leaning against her leg, and the woman’s chest is embroidered with a very striking golden symbol. That is... the emblem of the city of Tianzhu!

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