Zhan Long

Chapter 1218: put all one's eggs in one basket

In the sound of the golden stone, the power of extinction in the hands of Xifu raged in the crowd, forming a shock wave sweeping around, the closer the impact of the impact on her, the stronger the impact of the "squeaky" impact on the eardrum, making people feel Extreme discomfort, Magic Mountain and Gaia have not been able to stop the killing of Xifu, then, is about the slaughter time!



The players in Jiuyi City did not give up, but they still attacked the army of the demon in the army of thousands of horses, and Xifu was like a statue standing in front of the army of the demon, commanding the army of the demon to step forward and let the players of Jiuyi City and NPC can't resist it.

"Well, the Magic Mountain can't beat it."

Xue Ru rides a horse and rushes into a magical temple ride. He continues: "We also slowly retreat the battle site, or we may not be able to rush out after being surrounded."

I nodded, and the sword strove to kill the magic temple ride and Shura ride. At the same time, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan and others also turned and smothered. Lin Xiaowu took the sunset bow, and the remote grid once again killed the blood. Half-blooded monsters, moving speed is getting faster and faster under the "fast-moving" effect of shooting the Japanese bow, and immediately reached the upper limit of the moving speed. It is like a wind, and it is like lightning.

Moving too fast is also a problem. Archers who can move quickly pay attention to a "walking" technique, also known as "HR" or kite flying in many games, that is, moving positions in the interval between two attacks. Let yourself be in a more advantageous attack location, shooting the Japanese bow has been added to the Lin Xiao dance many attack speeds, her attack speed interval is at most 0.2-0.3 seconds, to make a move operation during this time, then It is necessary to rely on the pre-judgment. If the prediction is too slow, the attack interval will be extended, and the output will be reduced invisibly. If the prediction is too fast, the next damage may not be possible, so this is a very high-end skill.

Lin Xiaowu is still in a good control. After a walk, she slowly retreats under the protection of Li Mengyao and Yue Yaoyan. It is not chaotic. It is because this repair has already made many archers feel ashamed. Lin Xiaowu is a Ice and snow clever girl, many skills without a teacher, and more skills are learned from the study of the world's top archers, invisibly close the distance between themselves and the top archers, and then beyond!


In the distance, the killing of the sound, the team of players from the Western Alliance Covenant and the evil spirits are inextricably ridiculous, the players emerge from the oblique valley, and the alien army is not allowed to step by step, faintly can hear the thunder The sound of the air, the purple thunder of the air, the player's crowd also burst into a purple raging light.

"What is that?" The moon looked shallow and looked at the distance.

I pulled the long sword out of the belly of a magical hall and calmly said: "Purple purple Lei Pei, she finally took it herself."

"Tai Pei attacked the position of the War Blades Guild."

I took a deep breath and didn't say anything. I don't have to gloat at this time. Once the sky rose is defeated, the next one will be our turn. Until this moment, the two kings of Shiv and Pei have appeared in the demon territory. The top ranked king, the situation of the Battle of the Dragon Slayer is definitely more severe than we imagined.


Suddenly there was a raging fire on our right side, illuminating the night sky, a sea of ​​fire spread to the crowd, and the square matrix of the Jiuyi City players responsible for guarding the city was immediately burned, and the pieces were over 20W. The number of injuries is flurry, and the next moment begins to soul the shuttle.

"What is that?" The moon was slightly cool and holding the dagger, and there was a trace of uneasiness in the beauty.

"Nothing, some people are playing with fire." The moon slammed into the sister's shoulder, smiling and comforting, but this comfort still sounded very uncomfortable.

Where is the fire, the length of the sea of ​​fire is about 200 meters wide, like a hot torrent, rolling on the plain, and above the wave, it is a fierce with a tomahawk, wearing a fire red armor, all over the body Breathing in flames, roaring in the mouth, urging the sea of ​​fire to spread to the front.

Greedy desire to drink fire, the third alien king also appeared!

Even this time, I felt a little uneasy. I carried a pair of swords across the front circle of the magic hall. The loud voice: "We are going to go back to the city, and the alien army will soon be under the city!"

"Not so fast?" Lin Biao stunned.

"It will be so fast, believe me!"

I stood up and volleyed my hand to press down. The six-pointed star formed a horizontal plane under the palm of the hand. The raspberry rushed out of the different space in the whistling sound and entered the form of riding the dragon. Lin Xiaowu, Meng Yao, etc. All the teammates took it, Li Mu, Wang Hao, and Lin Yier also carried their companions one after another, and they flew to the Dragon Fortress.


The claws of the raspberry were nailed into the bricks, and the wings were opened, so that several players on the back of the spine went on one after another, opening a huge mouth and spitting out the voice of the girl: "Brother, I feel a lot of strong power. Raspberry even feels trembling involuntarily, what should we do, let's go find a mother? I am afraid..."

The power of the demon king is obviously above the raspberry. Her trembling is also appropriate. In fact, even I feel trembling, so I immediately received the raspberry and entered the state of the thousand-winged wing. This kind of killing and killing thing can be done for men.

The players on the city pool are not very good-looking. Many of the players in Nine Miles are pale, because they saw a massacre. They thought that defending the Dragon Slayer was an activity that won the version points, but did not expect Now it has become a massacre, and it is the party that was slaughtered. Under the city, the army of the demon is divided into hundreds of attack waves, and the crowd of players outside the city is constantly being cut. The entire Tulong fortress has been reduced to the western plains. Infernal existence, there are millions of players in the city of Jiuyi, and with the players of the Western Alliance Covenant, at least the team of players over 1000W is densely distributed in the valley, but now it seems that it is still being slaughtered. Without the advantage of the NPC heavy artillery and the solid foundation of the city, the player can't compete with the current alien army!


In less than ten minutes, some of the evil spirits have come to the city, and immediately set up a ladder and a building to attack the city. These siege devices were originally human. As a result, the devils are now in control, although the work is very poor, but the effect is If there is not much difference, anyone can see the transformation that took place in the demon territory. They started to think.

"Come on!"

The NPC Wanfu, a Xia Huojun in the city, roared with a blade and said: "The heavy cavalry is ready to go out and rush to the city, and rescue the master and the temple of the **** of fire, open the gate, charge!"

"Oh," the three walls of the East Wall are opened together, and the heavy cavalry sneak out. The monsters, such as the chandelier, rushed out, not afraid of death. At the same time, an NPC on the city will raise the flag and loudly He said: "The dragon crystal cannon is ready to launch!"

There are chaos in the city, there are players in the NPC, this gun is destined to be accidentally injured.

The next command is not someone else. It is the Shaoshi Yang of the Fire Plow Army. The city is stationed at least over 2W fire plows. The number of dragon crystal cannons has reached nearly 50, and the power is not the same.

Shao Shiyang ordered, and the deputy commander of the Xia Yucheng Xia Huojun was angry. He rushed over with a spear and shouted: "The generals of the Shaoshi, our army is still under the city, can not fire, or accidentally injured our soldiers and What should I do with my family?"

Shao Shiyang’s mouth swelled, revealing a cruel smile: “Then let them ask for more blessings. The army of different devils is getting more and more dense, and it is more and more dense. If you don’t use heavy artillery, this wall does not exceed one. Time will definitely fall, you think about it, it is the vitality of your family's command, or the importance of the Dragon Slayer. Once the Dragon Slayer Fortress is broken, how much hard work of the Jiuyi Empire will be in vain!"

The deputy commander was said to be stunned, but he was speechless. Instead, a captain suddenly pulled out his waist and sabre. He sang lowly: "Less Shiyang, do you dare to launch a dragon crystal cannon? Don't think that there is no one in our Jiuyi Empire. Even if the Scorpio Empire is stronger, we are not afraid. If you don't believe it, try it!"

"A district is a squatter, actually dare to commit the following!?" Shao Shiyang sneered, watching the deputy commander, said: "General Zhao, you can really rule no way, in this case, in the next for you to discipline it! Come Man, kill him!"

The guards behind Shaoyang’s body suddenly smothered, the blade was squirted, and a few rays flashed. The captain of the Xiahuo army had already fallen to the ground and died. Shaoyang immediately turned around and raised the flag and shouted: Dragon Crystal Cannon, launch!"


A fire tongue spits out on the city pool. The next moment, a beautiful mushroom cloud explodes in the distance under the city. Whether it is an NPC or a player or a different demon, it is killing. This is less sturdy, I am in the sky. How did the city of Yucheng not find this fire plowing army leader to this extent?

Poorly many players in Jiuyi City have not been awake to see what happened and they have been killed. However, after the dragon crystal cannon is covered, it also makes the offensive of the alien army weaken a lot. However, the battle under the city is also more The more chaotic it is.

The strength of the city has been taken a lot, and even the tornado fortress is also empty. It is time. I have combined with Fang Geyu, Wen Jian, Jian Feng Han, Yan Zhao Wu Shuang and others to open the Dragon Slayer. The Dongdaemun of the fortress will allow Chinese players to constantly rush into the city to defend the city. Only by investing more troops will it be possible to hold the Dragon Slayer Fortress.

Players from the East are like tidal waves. Not only Chinese players, but also a lot of players from Jiuyi City have also come over. This Dragon Slayer is the first strategic place that Jiuyi City has set up outside. Their role is also very large, and they will never want to see the Dragon Slayer Fortress fall so badly that they are destined to be desperate to defend the city.

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