Zhan Long

Chapter 1235: Star martial arts

Among the city pools, the guilds that first entered the cold dragon city have not been complete. The trials, Prague, and the military are almost destroyed by the whole army. The heroes and the ally and the vice-owners are all killed, and the mythical battle damage is also above 70%. The situation of Xiaolong is slightly better. The battle damage is 65%. As for the rest of the guilds, it is basically not much better. The tyrants such as Fengyun and Longxiang are almost killed, especially Longxiang. A pot of wine led 1000 people still in the city, the rest have been buried in the hands of the refining soul, the demon.


Mythological position, the paper on the painting charm slowly, the face with decadence and fatigue, while walking, said: "Too bad, several guilds will die..."

As the lord of the fire, the rumors of the big festival, but still not dead, carrying a long sword, said: "The next step is we going to kill it? It has been kept on the Dragon City, it is too passive, there is no win at all. Grasp, in my opinion, this dissident territory has no force to continue to attack us, it is better to kill and continue to expand the results."

Fang Geyu said: "Not necessarily."

I looked at the distance in the distance, and there is really not much movement in the direction of the demon territory. Only the sporadic small stocks are still attacking the cold dragon city. The direction of the dragon and the fortress is dissipated, and the blood cloud has disappeared a lot. Almost left the Tulong Fortress area, have they really abandoned the invasion of the Cold Dragon City?

Lin Biaoer came around with a dragon tooth blade that was still bloody, and smiled softly: "Pig, do we also go to attack the Dragon Slayer Fortress together?"

I shook my head: "No, let them attack if they want to attack, let the main force of Xiaolong be almost on the cold dragon city. If the version mission is not over, we will not leave."

"Well, well, I think so too!"

Dongcheng Yue and Lin Xiaowu are adding potions on the city pool. The firepower loss of Xiaolong is not small. Now the version task is not over yet, so everyone can't slack off.


After waiting for nearly half an hour, there was still no movement in the direction of the Dragon Slayer. Even I even wondered if Pei had already given up. If this is the case, the pursuit of the situation can still earn a lot of results, but I can't afford to lose, the existing Snapdragon players are absolutely elite, and can't afford to lose a little.

Running like a fire guild, a deep blue flag is erected. It is a self-made battle flag. It is written with two big "Tian Ce", which is actually the banner of Tiancefu. The effect of the rumors, a loud voice, loudly said: "Brothers, we were shackled, Xifu bullied and huddled in the little cold dragon city for too long, it is a man to kill with me, good Learn these evil spirits and let them know the cost of attacking the Chinese theater. Immediately start chasing them. Tianfufu members can come as far as possible to let these monsters see the bloodness of Chinese players and kill me!"

The gossip jumped down the city, the horseshoes stepped on the rock wall, and the body was as light as a mountain. Then, countless players who rushed to the fire followed.

His Majesty called the Lord to look at Wang Zecheng and asked: "Lord, are we going?"

Wang Zecheng nodded: "You can't wear it at the end of the strong battle. The fierce attack has been exhausted for so long. Now, when you don't take the opportunity to capture a version of the score, what time is it waiting?"

"it is good!"

The flag of the rising sun is also rising, and about 3,000 people rushed down the mountain.

Jianfeng looked coldly and coldly at the foot of the mountain. He said, "Isn't you afraid of being ambushed by the evil spirits? This group of people is really..."

Simply put: "If you want to enter the top ten of the points, if you want to attack, you will attack, with a small number of people, you will not lose too much when you are ambushed."

"Sister is going with me?"



So, the sharp brother and sister also went down the mountain, with the ball is not stupid, goodbye is also the tears, the Arctic Big Three, and about 2,000 people.

On the city pool, the players of the famous family, the swordsman Xuan, Shuiyue Dongtian, Celadon, and Fanjie are also anxious. Everyone wants to get a little more points in the end, so they rushed down the wall and chased them. Finally, Under the leadership of Fang Gejun and paper painting, the mythical guild also decided to attack, and dispatched about 5,000 people. In addition, many players of the mixed army system led the small NPC army, and the total force of more than 200W went. North of the Cold Dragon City, the final battle site is about the Dragon Slayer Fortress, nothing else.


The dragons are also tickle, and Li Mu holds a long sword and says, "I really want to go with them and rush again."

Wang Xiao smiled and said: "Don't be too impulsive, the price will be great."

I also nodded: "Well, although Peer is not really a child, but inherited the strategic vision of Pei, although the devil's territory failed to attack the cold dragon city, but the main force is still, hey, Pei, Xi The kings of Fu, Darren and Qinge are still alive. They give up attacking the cold dragon city and it does not mean giving up the defense. Since the dragon fortress is in their hands, it will not be easy to let go. Let’s not act rashly and wait. The news, go to the edge of the city, and there are small shares of the devil can take experience."

Lin Biaoer looked at me and said, "Dear, I bring some people with higher rankings into the blood, clean up the remaining evils on the blood, and let everyone rise."

"OK!" I smiled and said: "Then I also went to the **** place, and many of the chandeliers were still there."


Therefore, Xiaolong did not choose to attack the Dragon Slayer Fortress. Instead, he organized hundreds of people to enter the bloodstream, and cleared the monsters on the plains in the view of the Cold Dragon City. Many people have been online for more than 24 hours, but the version is If the mission is not over, they are not willing to go offline. They are hanging out on the plains and killing some of the different demons.


More than an hour later, the news came, the Tiancefu coalition quickly seized the Dragon Slayer Fortress and returned the ruins to the territory of the human empire. I was slightly surprised. I didn’t think it would be so smooth. Really already planning to give up?

In the next half hour, the new news came again. Many of the guilds in the Tianceu government were not satisfied with merely reclaiming the Dragon Slayer. Therefore, they entered the plains and forests west of the Dragon Slayer Fortress on a large scale, and pursued the squadrons. But it was also ambushed here, at least more than 300W of the magic temple ride, the barbarian wolf riding them around, and from the Shura community, the death plain also dispatched a lot of gods, thousands of monsters and other levels 9 Different demons, Xifu, drinking fire, Darren, Kateli four kings jointly attacked, many guilds of Tiancefu completely entered the encirclement of monsters.


Li Mu looked at the screenshot, and the body that couldn’t help could tremble slightly. He said, "There is a good devil, but he still knows how to lure the enemy. This time, the songs are going to be bad."

The moon squinted and blinked and said with a smile: "You are wrong. The two guilds of mythology and sharpness did not go out of the Dragon Slayer. When they took down the Dragon Slayer, the singers and swords were cold and they were alarmed. The players who stopped the party were chased out of the city, so they were surrounded by rumors and Cang Cheng, about 170W players.

Saying, the three fingers erected in the moon and smiled: "The maximum time will not exceed three hours, and this 170W will be fully reimbursed."

I asked: "What kind of attitude does Fang Gezhen have to be surrounded?"

Moonlight Pear Vortex smiles: "What attitude can it be? He said that he would not heed to advise that he must attack. Then he has no way. He said that Xifu is hovering at the West Wall of the Dragon Slayer with at least 20,000 thousand hands. In addition, any player who wants to reinforce the city must die, so Fang Ge and Jian Fenghan said that they will not reinforce. Now they have brought the two guilds to the direction of the cold dragon city."

"Don't kill the Dragon Slayer?"

"Well, it's already in ruins, so NPCs are killed, the transmission array is destroyed, it's completely useless."

On the side, Yueliang MM smiled and asked: "The lord, do we want to attack the reinforcements? Otherwise, the rumors of the villain may give us a hat to see you die!"

I can't help but smile: "The buckle is deducted. I don't want to let the tens of thousands of dragons in danger for a hat that is unneeded, and this is not a risk. It is just a death, a Xifu plus 2W thousand hands. The 30,000 people of our dragons are not opponents at all. If they can't save people, they will harm themselves and not go."

"Ah That's good."


Not long after, the people of the guilds such as myths, sharps, and celadons came back. Fang Geling and Jian Fenghan were all awkward. Obviously, Pei was far from being as simple as everyone thought. No one thought of the Peer. Putting the ambush point outside the city, at least rumors, Wang Zecheng and these people did not think that the IQ of the NPC was destined to be a loss.

Time passed by, and the 170W encircled players were also fighting fiercely. In order to score, they finally gave their lives.

In the past 4 hours, 170W people almost all died in battle. Only less than 10W people rushed out of the encirclement and entered the field of non-sea, but were killed by the Krakens who did not return to the sea. Only less than 7,000 people arrived. On the map of Tianzhu City, it is simply terrible.

At this moment, finally a ring of bells reverberated in the air, this version of the event ended up with the player's victory -


System Announcement: Congratulations to the players, the [Dragon Domain Battle] version successfully ended, and everyone defended the dignity and sovereignty of the Dragon Field. Among them, the player successfully won the first place in the standings and won the reward: Level 6, Charm value 120, [Star Shield] (Star Warrior ★ ★ ★), the player's party songs won the second place in the ranking, get the reward: level 5, charm value of 100, [烽火剑] (artifact ★ ★ ★ ★ ★), player Lin Xiaowu won the third place in the ranking, and won the reward: level 4, charm value 80, [Dark Storm Bracers] (artifact ★ ★ ★ ★), the 4-10 players are: Cang Yue, Mu Yan, Asking the Sword, Magic Mountain, Cangwu, Pursuing Love, Yanzhao Unparalleled, all the rewards of participating players will be issued at the same time!

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