Zhan Long

Chapter 1238: Flying up the illusion

The next day, afternoon.

Butterfly sword turned into a flash and cut the head of BOSS, this is the last BOSS of S7, and as a madman with a brush copy, this is the third time I got through the S7, Tang Xin MM in BOSS Looking for the body, then cheering and holding a hand guard, said: "Yeah, my S7 has been assembled in three pieces, great!"

I smiled a little and found that I had already risen to 235 because of the relationship between killing BOSS. When I was raised to 235, a ringtone passed over my ear, suggesting that I could not continue to upgrade.


System Tip: Congratulations on your promotion to 235, your level has reached the limit of mortal, can not continue to upgrade, you must continue to upgrade to upgrade, because you are the third player to reach 235, successfully triggered the "flying illusion" version, Only players who enter the illusion after flying and gain a godhead can continue to upgrade!


Flying up the illusion?

In the next moment, another ringtone echoed in the air, and the system announced a new version -


System announcement: Please note that there are already three players who have reached the 235 level limit. If you want to continue the upgrade, you must fly to God. It is hereby announced that the version of "Flying Vision" will be released after system maintenance, and the server will be closed after 20 minutes. Please leave the leveling map on your own so as not to affect your game action. The server will restart after 5 hours of maintenance!


"Fantasy? What is the illusion?" Lin Xiaowu stood on the copy of the S7 hall, and asked with a confused look.

"I don't know, I went back to the city, I will know when the new version is announced."


Pulling back to the city scroll and crushing it, turning it into a flash and returning to Tianzhu City to see your level and equipment, there is really no good advancement, offline, just nothing in the afternoon, accompanying his girlfriend to do Something meaningful.

At 2 pm, off the assembly line.

Lin Yier and Dongcheng Yue have already left the game. I don’t know what to do in this leisurely afternoon. As a result, the two MMs will take me to go shopping, saying that it’s autumn, I’m going to add new clothes, and I will accompany them. Go out and walk.

Still driving by me, A4 slowly drove out of the school gate of Yuhua University.

Lin Xiaoer sat on the co-pilot and pulled the seat belt in front of her chest. I glanced at it and couldn't help but smile. The little girl's body was so good. The double peaks on her chest were straight and round, and the "shackles" in the seat belt. Naturally, it is not too comfortable, so she always hates wearing a seat belt. Instead, she sits in the back row in Dongcheng, holding a jelly lying in her hand, and two long white legs on the side of the driver's seat. On, as long as I can see it at a glance, this temptation is not small.

"I am 233, and the difference of 2 is also meeting the requirements of the flying illusion." Lin Biao squinted and said: "I don't know what this illusion means."

As I drove, I said, "If there is no accident, it should be a place similar to the heavens and the gods. Otherwise, how can the players find the godhead? Now the players who have reached the 235 level are so few. I am with Fang Ge, and there is a sky rose. I want to go in and see if the fantasy is open, and I will accumulate a little experience for everyone."

"Well, this is what it should be."

Dongcheng Yue flipped over with his mobile phone and said: "The version of the flying illusion has been released. The illusion is actually a flying up. The legendary mortal gods will enter the illusion. They call it the gods, but not The pavilion building, the kind of fairy air, is a place where the weak meat is strong. After the player enters the illusion, it is necessary to kill the god-level power to capture the godhead, and then take it away and refine it into its own."

I nod my mouth: "Unsurprisingly, the style of the destiny company is like this, the weak meat is strong, not at all the same world."

Lin Biaoer smiled and said: "Hey, you said."

Dongcheng Yue continued: "After flying into the illusion, it does not display the coordinates of the illusion, and the map of the illusion is very large, so large that the player can not form a team in the illusion, that is, to get the godhead, you must Going to find it yourself, there is no such thing as a team, and players may not be able to find each other in a fantasy."

I took a deep breath: "This model is a bit interesting. It is the one who has suffered from the hanging pot. After the hanging pot enters the illusion, it is definitely not a god-level BOSS. It is too difficult to fly."

Lin Biaoer said: "Yes, if you fail to find a godhead and you have to lose one level, it will be even more embarrassing."

I smiled: "I don't know if my Overlord suit has the effect of respawning in the illusion. If I don't have it, I will be a bit difficult. This year's single-handedness of the BOSS is not just a casual play."



In the afternoon, after shopping for a while, the two MMs bought a lot of clothes. Lin Biaoer also bought a set of autumn clothes for me. It was very spiritual and put everything in the car, but the time is still a bit early. So decided to go to the movies.

When I came to the theater, the three people stood in front of the ticket counter and hesitated. The films that appeared now seemed to look good. Two of them were made in China, one was about love, one was about spying, and finally we decided to watch the cartoon. "How to Train Your Dragon 3", Lin's bed has a nightingale doll. Since the girlfriend likes it, look at it together.

"Handsome, buy a few tickets?" asked the conductor.

"Three." I confirmed that the two MMs looked at me with hope, and said that they would also popcorn and drinks. It seems that if they don't have these, they will not watch movies.

The ticket seller is a 20-year-old brother, looking at me with horror, and looking at the two beautiful women around me. The envy is about to burst, and smiles and says: "Actually, you can come to see the night scene later."

"Why look at the night scene?" Lin Xiaoer asked.

The ticket seller looked at Lin Biaoer and said, "Because there are few people at night, it is suitable for couples to watch together, and three of you... one of them is going to be a light bulb..."

What he wants to say is about... There are few people in the night, a dark, couples watching movies together, KISS or hugs are all right? For a moment, my nephew’s pretty face was a little red. I don’t know what to say. It’s the Dongcheng Yuefei that is holding my left hand and saying, “What do you say about the little brother? We are not light bulbs, we are three people. together."

The conductor's little brother almost slammed into the computer and slammed the ticket to me. His face was even more resentful. It was about the fact that I thought that the two beautiful women who owned JP would be too violent.


After entering the movie hall, people really don't count much. Dongcheng Moon is holding a bucket of popcorn sitting on my left side, Lin Biaoer is on the right side, naturally pulling my hand, and my hand is gently placed on her snow. On the tired legs, today, my little girlfriend didn't wear stockings. The touch was very smooth and soft. For a time, I was so happy that I was going to faint. The old man often said that I practiced well, but the heart is not good, about because it is still a virgin. Relationship, but the old man is also uncomfortable with the beauty that I have around him and Dongcheng. I can’t wait to immediately abolish my cultivation and re-mature again. Unfortunately, he has no such opportunity.

Dongchengyue is just watching a movie quietly. My right hand is on my lap. I secretly look at me from time to time. In fact, I know that she also wants to hold my hand like Lin Biaoer. Unfortunately, she doesn’t. She knows that she can’t do anything, only outsiders. In front of it, in order to adjust the atmosphere will make some moves, watching her look like a lonely, it is really a little distressed.

But I can't do anything. Love is selfish and can't be shared. Otherwise, it's not really love.

Fortunately, the film time is not long, and soon after the screening, the three people simply went out to dinner, after eating dinner is already more than six o'clock, and immediately drove back, just enough to catch up with the version of the flying illusion.


Go back to your accommodation and go online!


Just entering the game at the moment the server was opened, in just a few seconds, the number of people in Tianzhu City was bursting. From the beginning, hundreds of people soared, and the new version always attracted more players to enter the game. In 10 seconds, the players in the city line are almost over 500W. The area of ​​Tianzhu City is big enough, but it is still crowded into a group.


A hint, from the system, there is also a golden word that spreads flames on the right side of my interface: You have already met the conditions for flying, please go to the "Flying Shengshi" to apply for the flight permit, the coordinates of the flying ascendant in the city of Tianzhu Located at the Ice Ridge Mountain Map (27181, 72838)!


Take a look at the map. The Ascension Stone is located on the ice ridge mountain, very close to the cold dragon city, take you!

Summon the raspberry, the beautiful dragon roared with a claw and grabbed the wall of the Great Church and hovered in the air, and I jumped and slid on the back of the dragon and patted her back: "Raspberry, walk, cold Waste Dragon City!"

The beautiful dragon screamed again, and his feet rushed to the sky, flapping his wings again and again to raise the flying height. Many players in Tianzhu City looked up at me. Almost everyone recognized me. There is no way, since After I entered the top ten of the CBN battle network, the exposure rate has been increasing. The legion system, the national war, the version war, etc., all stand in the forefront, and it is impossible to be ignored.

The raspberry flies fast. It has arrived in the cold dragon city in less than 20 minutes. I did not choose to enter the city, but flew directly to the flying stone. The beautiful dragon broke through the snow and took me along the ice ridge mountain. About two minutes later, there was a golden light shining in the far snow curtain. After flying, I discovered that a giant rock was suspended in the air, and the golden light shining through the sky was the rising stone.

Moreover, there are hundreds of dragon city guards guarding there, and there is a crystal dragon next to it.

"Green radish?" I was a little surprised.

Qingluo also looked at me with horror: "Adult, do you want to fly?"

I nodded: "Well, my level is enough."

Qinglu smiled slightly: "The direction of the gods has already transmitted the power fluctuations. This **** stone does not know when it will fall on the ice ridge mountain. The frost man is worried that the flying **** stone is surrounded by the bad guys, so I sent my shift guard here, she Also yell at me, I will tell you once I see you, the illusion of the gods is full of danger, so you must be careful!"

"Well, I know!"

"There is still." She added: "The Frost Man told me to tell you that the **** of the next **** should not be refining, it will only waste your qualifications and talents."

"Well, understand, then I am flying!"

"Okay, be careful all the way!"

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