Zhan Long

Chapter 1247: Contentment

There is no need for a trial. This is a gesture of "nothing, no words, no words". There is no such thing as God's dignity. But think about it, this world is filled with the flesh and blood, where is it? So much dignity, survival is the first place, as long as you can live, doing anything is ok.


Starting from the Black Flame City in the middle of the night, Luo Wei ordered 100 scattered heavy cavalrymen in the city to set off together. Ivy followed, and the young lady finally got a speech in Black Flame City because of my relationship. Now I also changed the set of clothes belonging to the maid, put on the scorn of the heroic, and held a long sword with a faint luster in the hand, as we marched together.

The raspberry stepped on the ground in the form of a dragon. It fluttered its wings and flew a distance. The scorpion was tied to the dragon's back. He glanced at me and said, "Why don't you summon this sacred dragon to attack me? ”

I also glanced at him and said: "But you don't need the help of the dragon, take the road!"


In fact, the Thousand Frosted Wings have the attribute bonus of riding dragons, but I don’t know the two idiots. I have no pity for such people. After I found Ivy’s father, I killed a sword. It’s just that he’s gone. In the process of becoming a god, he still doesn’t know how many people are killed and how many creatures are destroyed.

Moreover, after entering the illusion, I gradually discovered the iron-and-blood rule here. Anyone here is to survive, to continually kill and flee. Once they gain strength, everyone will become a demon. This divine is far less than the plane we are in. After all, in that plane, every empire has the existence of the law, which is the symbol of civilization.


The road away from the shackles is far away, and it took nearly two hours to walk. We also bypassed the two cities and could not pass there again. Otherwise, there will be a battle of gods, although I have the absolute grasp to defeat God. But what about it? I have been in the realm for too long, and the equipment is worn out. I don’t want to waste too much equipment and endurance in people who don’t have it.

"It's almost coming." Li said on the dragon's back, and a pair of blinds glanced at the dark jungle far away.

I sneered: "It is best not to think about running away, you can't escape my pursuit."

I also sneered at the slut: "I am born with the wind, can you catch the wind?"

What is the power of the space law he said? I smiled and said: "I can't catch the wind, but I can catch you."

As I said, when I mention the chain, I will leave it in my hand. There is already a clear lake in front. Ivy suddenly becomes excited. The petite body trembles slightly and says, "I sensed the power of the aunt, he ...he was imprisoned at the bottom of this deep pool, it must be true, God, Auntie is still not dead!"

I nodded: "Go, let's go!"

Said, carrying the shackles and rushed down the deep pool, Luo Wei, Yi Wei and other people also jumped down, a group of people drowned, the bottom of the water is very dark, had to carry a hand away from the cockroach, raised the butterfly in one hand, I used the light of the long sword to illuminate a short distance in front of me, and I can also sense the power of the old Nike. For me, there is no difference with the power of the gods.

Deep in the water, Luo Yi and other scattered spirits have been forced to be extremely uncomfortable by the pressure of water, one by one frowning.

Looking away from me, I looked at me with a frown, and looked at the depths of the water. It seemed to be thinking about how to escape.

After a few minutes, the water was deep and dark, but an iron pillar sank there, with an old man with a mustache on it, the legendary old Nike, who said: "Nike is there. You can save him by solving the ropes!"

No, there must be fraud, and the acting is too bad!

I faintly said, "Go to two people, cut off the ropes, and release Nike."

The two esoteric swiftly swam past, but just as they swam halfway, suddenly a dark shadow suddenly plunged into the darkness. It was a seabed behemoth, a gooseneck-shaped behemoth, and only a giant mouth at the tip. I couldn't see my eyes. "噗嗤" I swallowed the two scattered spirits together, and chewed vigorously, and the blood instantly dyed the bottom of the pool.

"Oh shit……"

I was so discouraged that I turned the blade into the heart of the scorpion. He had never returned blood in the case of being captured. Now he is hit again. He hangs in horror and gives me a sparkling crystal. The godhead, reaching out and throwing the gods into the parcel, I personally swam over, and raised my hand a sharp blade, cut the iron rope directly, and then a dragon must hook, the dragon cone straight through the edge of the old Nike's armor , pull it over.

At this time, the submarine beast hits again. It seems that only two people have eaten it in one bite.

Without hesitation, the right-handed sword is the shield of the stars, and the power bursts. The shield of the star of the "嗡" becomes enormous, and it has a radius of two meters. "嘭" hits the teeth of this giant beast. Broken, I swayed my arm hard, and the Star Shield hit the head of the behemoth in energy form, like a fly, and slammed it into the darkness.

At the moment of the illusion of the Star Shield, the bottom of the pool was also illuminated, and this momentum is indeed a bit like a martial art monk.

While Luo Wei and others were dumbfounded, Ivy had already rushed forward and hugged his father's body, but the old Nike was unconscious. I was worried that there were other behemoths and immediately said, "Come on, don't stay here. ""

A group of people squatted on the shore of the water. When it came to the shore, it was safe. Old Nike also woke up leisurely. He closed his breath at the bottom of the pool for at least half a year. He has always been tortured and can be swallowed up by the behemoths. It’s a big life!


On the way back, the old Nike is still in the process of waking up, but his face has slowly reddened, and finally some blood, Ivy also relieved.

"Adult, thank you... Thank you for helping me, otherwise I am afraid I will never see an aunt!"

She said gratefully.

Luo Wei smiled and said: "Would you like to dedicate yourself to adults to express gratitude?"

Yi Wei snorted and said: "If the adults are willing to accept me, Ivy is willing."

My mind is not here at all, saying: "Don't laugh, Ivy, I ask you, you said that you have a uncle in the realm, what is he doing? What status?"


Ivy couldn't help but smile and said: "Uncle is a genius, the most outstanding practitioner in the family, he is a god."

"God king?"

Luo Wei and others were shocked and said: "If Master Kreis knows that your uncle is a god, I am afraid that he will not fight with Nike."

"It's useless."

Yiwei shook his head and his face was desolate. He said: "Once entering the territory, it is equal to being isolated from us. I have never seen my uncle. He flew to the king of heaven 100 years ago and never returned to the family. I don't even care about anything in the family. Everything is done by the aunt in one hand, and it is because of this that God is ruthless."

Luo Wei said with emotion: "Yes... they are pursuing the heavens, how can they reach the limits of the Tao, how to be the strongest, and never consider the weak."

I laughed happily.

Ivy asked: "Adult, what are you laughing at?"

I said, "I laughed after you saw this uncle become a **** king. It is really ruthless, so after I enter the realm, even if the king of the gods is your uncle, I can kill the killer!"

"This..." Ivy thought for a moment and said, "Uncle's name is Nairo. If it is really him, adults should not kill him... There are so many kings in the land, there is no need to kill him. ”

I nodded: "Well, I will pay attention to it. If you recover some strength after waking up, let me go to the realm with me!"


Ivy seemed to want to say something, licked her lips, but did not say it.

"What else?" I asked.

Ivy’s face showed a dilemma, saying: “Adults, aunts can only send you into the realm, but can’t accompany you into the realm. I hope you can understand our difficulties.”


"The **** of low power enters the realm and will be hunted by the king of God. The lower **** of God, which is owned by God, is easily refining by the king of God. It can be said that God is the best tonic of the king. This is also the reason why God King often enters the human world to hunt God. If it is not because there is a **** emperor above, I am afraid that the King of God has already washed the blood of the lower kingdom."

"Oh, why is this?"

Yi Wei smiled lightly and said: "Because the superior gods who fly to the gods are beginning to establish their own order, they can't devour each other, so the gods have their own dignity and will not enter the territory to kill the king, and God. The king is also not allowed to enter the human world to kill the gods, but if the gods are in the field of the king of the gods, then if they are hunted, they will not violate any rules."

"It turned out to be so terrible..."

"Oh, the broken gods have always been like this, tens of thousands of years of rules."


Arriving in Black Flame City, after a short break, Old Nike woke up, and it was really tempered. When he woke up, he was going to fight with Kress, because he thought that Cress had taken possession of his daughter’s body until Ivy told When he was still the virgin body, he was angry, and then took his daughter to see my new city owner.

I was afraid that after I left, Luo Wei would conflict with Ivy, so I gave Nike the position of the city owner before I left, and Nike went to the land with me. Ivy is the acting city owner, Luo Wei It’s a great deal, so there’s no conflict.

Before leaving, he handed over the flames of Kress to Luo Wei, and waited for him to wait for a girl named "Dongchengyue", and she must ensure her safety and give this flame to her. So Dongcheng month can almost become the first player to fly into the gods, although it is the lower **** god, but the little girl does not disappoint.

The wise man is always happy, and Dongcheng knows this truth better than the rising people who pursue the median **** and the upper god.

Because I have to travel with my family once a year, this year has come to this point, and I can’t write a single word on the road. So, 14-17, the four-day list is even more at noon.

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